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Teen Juvenile Crime: Rash Decisions Lead to Trouble

1 Page 621 Words
A problem that has traversed its way through our society, multiple times reaching the Supreme Court. A court that hears around 100 cases a year has chosen to hear multiple cases regarding this matter. The matter of whether or not children should be tried in court as a child or as an adult. Many cases have ended up trying kids...

Economic & White-Collar Crime Impact on Business & People

7 Pages 3025 Words
In all of American history as far back as we have recorded, crime has been prevalent. It has taken place nearly everywhere. There are no exceptions. As technology advances and corporations grow, new crimes begin to surface that not only impact people, but businesses and the economy as well. Economic crimes as well as white collar crime and blue collar...

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Analysis

7 Pages 3102 Words
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Introduction to Connie's Character and Family Dynamics In the short story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie, a 15 years old who is protagonist, is constantly worried about her appearance. Her mother and aunts scolds her for simply admiring herself in the mirror and her looks, however Connie disregards her family's critiques. She...

The Biological Causes For Serial Killers

2 Pages 821 Words
Introducing a new factor that is not really known, biological reasoning could be the main reason behind someone becoming a serial killer. Even though it is reiterated throughout life and things like religion and punishment, why would someone still kill multiple times? This is because this is how they were born and wired into life. Using the use of genetic...

Riverdale’s Gang: Structure, Members And Crimes

6 Pages 2647 Words
This paper will examine how a popular television show depicts gangs and criminal activity, and how it compares to reality. Most people depend on media for information as it pertains to their perception of crime, however often these media depictions are inaccurate (Rhineberger-Dunn, Briggs & Rader, 2015). Perceptions of crime are based in personal experience, though because such experience is...

From Childhood Trauma to Serial Offender

2 Pages 799 Words
Introduction The transition from a victim of childhood abuse to a serial killer is a disturbing phenomenon that has captivated both academics and the public. The link between early trauma and violent criminal behavior is often nuanced and multifaceted, involving a complex interplay of psychological, biological, and environmental factors. Children who experience severe abuse often suffer from long-term psychological damage,...

The Issue Of Drug Trafficking In The United States

2 Pages 1160 Words
The drug menace in the United States is a transnational organized crime (TOC) that can be solved only through concerted efforts. Drug abuse in the United States is so prevalent that it affects most households even in the instances where members of a family are not directly involved in peddling or using. Every year, theThe government incursuses a substantial amount...

Ted Bundy: The Most Notorious Killers In American History

3 Pages 1526 Words
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The 1970s was one of the most terrifying decades for America, the most notorious and dangerous serial killers ran wild during this decade. One gripping serial killer that made everyone's stomach twist at the call of his name was Theodore Bundy. Bundy was very different from everyone else in a strange and dark way. The man with the world at...

Capital Punishment For Drug Trafficking: For And Against

6 Pages 2560 Words
Introduction Drugs are a kind of chemical substance which can change people's mind and body work such as tobacco, alcohol, heroine, Marijuana and etc (Medlineplus, 2020). Drugs have two sides. Some of the legal drugs are widely used in medicine. However there are a lot of people misuse of drugs. Ex-Health Minister Dzulkefly Ahmad tried to remove the criminal penalty...

It Is Not A Joke: The Normalization Of Rape Culture

2 Pages 745 Words
Rape is a very sensitive topic that has a lot of meaning behind it. The definition of rape online is “ unlawful sexual activity and usually, sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental...

Juvenile Crime In South Africa, The United States And China

7 Pages 2988 Words
Abstract “Crime and bad lives are the measures of a State’s failure, all crime, in the end, is the crime of the community”, H.G. Wells. In today’s society, juvenile delinquency is at an all-time high. Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial and criminal behavior committed by a person under the age of 18. A juvenile is an underage person who commits...

The Effects Of Parenting Styles On Juvenile Delinquency

6 Pages 2744 Words
Juvenile Delinquency is a major problem in the United States. Many of our youth are participating in illicit activities to gain something, whether it is money, popularity, etc. Parenting styles have a major effect on a child’s decision to participate in delinquent behaviors. A sense of family is most important for the development of socialization for children, teenagers, and young...

The Psychopath And The Serial Killer Personality

3 Pages 1265 Words
When it comes to Serial Killers almost all of them admit that they started out by acting out their fantasies on small animals. They then moved to humans and later admitted that animal torture brought them a great source of pleasure. Because of this, both elementary and high school teachers are required to report the abuse of animals either in...

Fairness And Justice For Victims Of Rape Culture

1 Page 534 Words
Picture a society that doesn’t believe in rape culture, they don’t joke about serious issues such as sexual assault, they don’t use misogynistic language and objectify a women’s body, they don’t glamorize the idea of sexual violence, they don’t disregard a women’s rights and their safety, they don’t refuse to acknowledge the harm caused by sexual violence and they don’t...

Homicide, Investigations & Forensic Science: Factors For Child Murder

4 Pages 1961 Words
Introduction The death of a child under any circumstances is tragic and provokes strong emotions. Children are at the highest risk of homicide in their first year of life, four times higher than other age groups. The notion of child homicide will be explored covering the nature of violence committed and the prevalence of this phenomenon. Risk factors including age,...

Ted Bundy And His Noticeable Victims

2 Pages 837 Words
He was known as a serial murderer, rapist, psychopath, and necrophiliac. Bundy confessed to kidnapping, raping, and murdering 30 women throughout six states (Washington, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, and Florida) during the 1970s. Theodore Robert Bundy was born on November 24th, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont. He was one of the most notorious serial killers in U.S. history. Although, the actual...

Laws Of Child Prostitution In India – Sritical Evaluation

6 Pages 2733 Words
MEANING OF CHILD PROSTITUTION Child prostitution is a form of sexual abuse involving the commercial sexual exploitation of children in which a child performs sexual acts in exchange for some form of payment. Most countries have strict laws surrounding the sexual exploitation of children and so many customers engage in what is known as child sex tourism, travelling to foreign...

Key Factors In The Recidivism Amongst Gang Members

4 Pages 1859 Words
Recidivism plays a major role in the correctional system. The increasing rate of offenders returning to prison is partially due to the lack or loss of connection with society. Many individuals find themselves struggling to find employment or trying to redeem themselves with a community that isolates them due to the effects of their crimes. When released, many offenders resort...

Development Of Ted Bundy As A Serial Killer

2 Pages 819 Words
Theodore Robert Bundy most commonly referred to as Ted Bundy was one of the most infamous American serial killers in history. His known active killing spree was between 1973 and 1978. Before his execution Ted confessed to over 30 murders, although police suspect the actual number is estimated to be 35 or more. His technique was to entice young women...

The Effects Of Drug Trafficking On Our Lives

2 Pages 697 Words
Drug trafficking affects many parts of our lives. Drug trafficking is an illegal trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, and distribution. It has caused many problems for others. The international conflict is being fought daily. It affects our social, mental, and academic life. Counter Argument There are pros to drug trafficking. “Internalization of targeted therapeutics is often needed for efficacy, but...

The Definition Of Hate Crimes And Hate Crime Laws

4 Pages 2032 Words
Introduction The use of hate and violence can often result in unfortunate events for those involved, leading to strong emotions, uncontrollable behavior, and other actions motivated by negativity. Hate speech can also lead to violent and criminal acts, as discussed by the following articles in this paper. However, the restrictions that are often imposed on hateful rhetoric or actions can...

Ineffectiveness of Criminal Law in Addressing Juvenile Crime

3 Pages 1549 Words
Introduction This essay will present and analyze a variety of academic sources to oppose the statement that criminal law is fair and effective in addressing crime, punishing offenders, and maintaining social cohesion. The focus group of this essay will be juvenile offenders, which in Queensland means an offender between the ages of 10 and 16 (Richards, 2011). According to the...

Causes And Effects Of Gang Violence In Toronto

4 Pages 1599 Words
The City of Toronto claims it’s safety and security, ensuring those who live there how little they need to worry. But, for those who have lived through the shocking violence that isn’t shown on TV, Toronto is not the city it claims to be. Toronto is a dangerous place for so many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Gun...

School Shooting Effects On Students Mental Health

2 Pages 1067 Words
'Attention please. Lockdown. Locks, lights, out of sight.” (Tasneem Nashrulla, 2019). This alarm is repeated for a long 20 minutes as high school students, of a STEM school in Colorado, do their best to hide as silent as possible and pray for themselves, and their classmates, to live for another day. School was created to teach children. School was created...

Stealing: Ethical Dilemma And Moral Development

3 Pages 1463 Words
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Decisions between what is right and wrong are presented to all of us in some shape or form. For example, an ethical dilemma is a decision in which we challenge our own beliefs to decide between right and wrong. Ethical dilemmas only occur when two or more ethical standards apply but conflict with each other. These moral dilemmas appear when...
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The Importance Of Sexual Assault Kits

3 Pages 1439 Words
Throughout the United States there has been thousands of untested rape kits that have not been submitted by the police for forensic DNA testing. And although to some it might sound alarming to others the police wich are the people that should be in charge and the ones people believe in to do their job they are consciously aware of...
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The Ways To Combat Juvenile Delinquency

4 Pages 1643 Words
Abstract To combat juvenile delinquency, we must look at the people who are deeply affected by it the worst. The reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in high-income areas are different from the reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in low-income areas. The ways family, police and school handle those situations vary as well. So, if the reasons why re different and...

Common Types Of White Collar Crimes

2 Pages 831 Words
The term “white collar crime” evokes an image of a well-dressed businessman involved in espionage or insider trading. But in reality, white collar crimes can include everything from tax evasion to forgery. If you have been charged with any type of white collar crime, it is in your best interest to contact a defense attorney with extensive experience in this...

Types Of White Collar Crime In The United States

4 Pages 2010 Words
White collar crimes are generally committed by businesses and government professionals. There are a lot of examples of white collar crime dealing with high status officials. For example, Felicity Huffman was apart of a college admission scandal where she illegally used money as a motivator to allow her daughter to get into USC. Felicity Huffman is a well known actress...

The Psychological and Physical Effects of Prostitution

8 Pages 3537 Words
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Introduction Many prostitutes extinguish their emotions while they are with customers. At least that is the case for Roberta Victor, a prostitute who was interviewed in Working by Studs Terkel. At the outset of her interview, Victor claims, "The role one plays when hustling has nothing to do with who you are” (57). However, by the end of the interview,...

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