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The Worst Serial Killer: Thesis Statement

6 Pages 2780 Words
Have you ever asked yourself, who was the most dangerous serial killer in America? The answer to that question would be Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy became a well-known serial killer during the 1970s because he used his charming personality and good looks to lure an endless number of women. Bundy had a persona where he acted like the typical gentleman...

Root Cause Analysis on Cyber Security: Analytical Essay

1 Page 484 Words
Cybercrime has become more prevalent in recent years. Discuss three different cybercrimes which were prevalent in 2018. When a crime is committed in the cyber world with the purpose to destroy, hacking the data system, or earning ransom is known as Cybercrime. For example: Network and data breach: It can be done via hacking a network system (Captures the data...

Proposal Essay on Preventing Cyber Bullying

3 Pages 1494 Words
Introduction: On 3rd May 2017, a student who studies at TARUC committed suicide because of cyberbullying. Even though his friends were successful persuade him to give up suicidal thoughts temporarily but at last, he still decided to end his life. This news astonished everyone and started to notice the problem of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying means the activity of using the internet...

Profile of a Serial Killer: Research Paper Thesis

5 Pages 2145 Words
Theodore Robert Bundy was born on November 24, 1946, to a single mother in Burlington, Vermont. At the age of three, his mother moved him to Philadelphia, where he was raised as the adoptive son of his maternal grandparents in a religious, working-class family (Kettler, 2020). As a child, Bundy struggled to fit in with his peers and was a...

Persuasive Speech on Cyber Security

2 Pages 721 Words
The internet is a no man's land. The whole world has melted into a global village as the internet permeates offices, homes, and mobiles. Cyber security is the practice of protecting networks technological systems, and programs from data breaching, digital attacks, data infringement, and unauthorized access. These attacks mainly focus on accessing, changing, or in other words perishing important information,...

My Cyber Security Profession History Essay

1 Page 586 Words
I was the first among my friends and neighbors to get a computer around the age of 10. I can recall the glee and childish exuberance surrounding every aspect of my being on that morning my mother arrived from England. I was just elated seeing the Hewlett parked logo at boot up, then the black screen with white lettering long...

Log Analysis in Cyber Security: Analytical Essay

1 Page 555 Words
Log analysis is the term used by analyzers to analyze computer-generated records to help organizations or businesses mitigate different risks. Log analysis helps network engineers to manage different applications and infrastructures. Security analysts solve security problems. This process helps companies comply with security policies, audits, or regulations, and understand service troubleshooting. System and understand the behavior of online users. Website...

Mansion Murders in Washington, DC: Informative Essay

2 Pages 982 Words
In Washington, DC, on May 13 and 14 of 2015, the Savopoulos family and their housekeeper met a terrible fate when 35-year-old Daron Wint decided to hold the house residents hostage for 19 hours in hopes of attaining a large sum of money. He held the family, excluding the two Savopoulos daughters, hostage. Evidence shows that the family was taped...

U.S. Supreme Court Case Analysis: Case Study Essay

4 Pages 1706 Words
Roper v. Simmons is a court case that managed to progress all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005. This case dealt with the issue of whether or not it is constitutional for someone to be given the death penalty when they committed a crime under the age of eighteen. Christopher Simmons brought this dilemma to light when...

Fuel of International Adoption Corruption: Critical Essay

5 Pages 2410 Words
Imagine a picturesque American couple who just arrived home from their trip across the world. Unlike their departure from their home a month earlier, they are carrying a baby, and they both have smiles stretched across their faces. They just adopted a child from a poverty and crime-riddled country. Little did they know across the world there is a similar...

Cain and Abel in Cybersecurity

2 Pages 839 Words
Introduction The field of cybersecurity has seen a continuous evolution, with tools such as Cain and Abel playing pivotal roles in both system protection and potential exploitation. Developed by Massimiliano Montoro, Cain and Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft operating systems, primarily used for network security testing and password recovery. This tool is capable of performing a wide...

Psychology of Stoneman Douglas Shooting

5 Pages 2116 Words
On the afternoon of February 14th, 2018, Nikolas Cruz took an Uber to his old high school. After entering the school, he removed an automatic weapon from his bag and began shooting both students and teachers, leaving 17 dead. When his gun stopped working Nikolas ran with the other students out of the school and headed to the local Subway...

School Shootings and the Arming Teachers: Problem-Solution Essay

3 Pages 1343 Words
In these last couple years many tragic shooting events have been occurring in many elementary and high schools in the United States. Every day parents and teachers worry about their students’ safety and try their hardest to keep a safe environment for them. Even as time goes by, these incidents are increasing day by day, giving the rising probability of...

Problem-Solution Essay about School Shooting

2 Pages 1081 Words
In our society today, alongside with our advanced technology and social aspects, individuals expect a security of comfort and safety. However, that security feeling may not be there for long, because of the outbreaks of school shootings nationwide. At this point in our time, it is not unusual to hear about local K-12 school shootings on the radio or television...

Persuasive Essay on School Shooting as a Significant Social Issue

3 Pages 1195 Words
School shooting is an attack at an educational institution, such as a school or university, involving the use of firearms. School shooting is something that has happened for years, or even decades, and will always happen unless we do something about it. The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac’s Rebellion school massacre on...

Cyber Libel Awareness among Adolescents

1 Page 410 Words
The 21st century shapes the modern face on how people communicate. The use of Internet information and communications technology hastily arises over the past years. These technologies are widely used by adolescents since it becomes a medium for getting excellent sources of news and information, yet they are the most ignorant about the risks of sharing information online. Adolescent’s level...

Your Life in 'The Outsiders': Critical Review Essay

2 Pages 973 Words
Violent, wacky, and powerful! Those are the three words that would describe the movie, The Outsiders. This movie is based on the book The Outsiders, which was written by S.E Hinton. In 1983, Francis Ford Coppola Film Productions brought this spectacular story to life by bringing together a talented cast and crew. This book talks about the lives of curiously,...

Critical Essay on Juveniles Being Tried as Adults

4 Pages 1854 Words
Age is just a number. This is a saying that has transpired through time, taking on new meanings every time it is used. It has gone from describing an age difference in a relationship to justifying actions where age is involved. But for some things, age is not just a number. In fact, age may be the biggest ally someone...

How Can a Criminal Record Affect Your Future: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1896 Words
When people commit a criminal offense, many don't know the never-ending implications of that offense. Once people become offenders, it seems impossible to get rid of that label. After release, ex-offenders have many challenges ahead. Unfortunately, once someone has a criminal record, they have to live with the burden of expectations associated with it (Quinn, 2017, cited in Moore, 2017)....

Orwell's Book: Allegory for Power Abuse & Corruption

2 Pages 878 Words
George Orwell uses the character of Boxer to explore the idea of abuse of power and corruption in ‘Animal Farm’. He does this through Boxer’s lack of education, strong loyalty and trust, and use of emotive imagery. Orwell uses Boxer to represent the proletariat in Russia whose work pay was exploited, meaning they could not afford food or housing. Therefore,...

Essay on Serial Killer

3 Pages 1291 Words
In the world of psychology, there are numerous controversies on the debate of whether serial killers are nature or nurture. Nature refers to all genes and hereditary factors, meaning they are natural-born serial killers (Cherry 1). Nurture refers to all environmental variables, meaning they are impacted by their surrounding culture (Cherry 1). Many think that serial killers are driven by...

Essay on School Shooting

4 Pages 1598 Words
Introduction School shootings in the United States and a few other countries such as Canada and Germany have continued to elicit debates among stakeholders. While there is considerable optimism about the possibility of eliminating institutional violence such as school shootings, the diversity of the assumed causes of school shootings complicates the positivity. In response to a series of school shootings...

Essay on Army Sharp

1 Page 482 Words
The purpose of this essay is to further educate soldiers on the importance of SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention). Sexual harassment can come in many forms two, for example, 'quid pro quo' also known as 'this for that' and 'hostile environment.' Two of these are very serious, A soldier has many options when it comes to what he/she should...

Decriminalizing Sex Work Essay

2 Pages 795 Words
Sex work, also known as prostitution, is a controversial topic that has been debated for decades. While some argue that it is a form of exploitation, others contend that it is a legitimate profession that should be decriminalized. In this essay, I will argue in favor of decriminalizing sex work and explain why criminalizing it does more harm than good....

Pretty Woman' Movie & Prostitution in the Western World

5 Pages 2191 Words
In alone there are 80,000 female prostitutes alone. It can be seen that the origins of prostitution come from males who were unable to be bound by stipulations and their appetites created a demand for illegitimate pleasures of which the female weakness supplies them with. This exhibits the patriarchal society that has always been current in society as the male...

Freebooting as Copyright Infringement

5 Pages 2260 Words
Today here, in our modern era world lies technology. According to, technology is an advanced set of tools used to make things easier and/or to resolve problems. An example of technology is computers, laptops, phone, tablet, TV, and many more. Another word for technology is ICT which stands for information and communications technology, this term mostly focuses for education...

Copyright Is Becoming Obsolete: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1430 Words
While we used to pay for certain media products such as songs, films or newspapers. Nowadays, it is available to us for free thanks to the work of the Internet ‘pirates’. In today's Internet age, sharing content is one of the most favorable parts of the World Wide Web. The computer-aided communication technologies such as e-mail and Internet have added...

Unexpected Danger in Elementary School: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1065 Words
Mass Murder and What Drives Someone to Take Another Person’s Life Mass murder is defined as the “anti-social non-state-sponsored killing of multiple victims during a single episode at one or more closely related locations” (Levin, & Madfis, 2009). It is mind-blowing how someone can take another person’s life, how they can just walk into a school or a building and...

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