Crisis of Civilization: Analysis of Environmental Catastrophe and More

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What was first initially viewed as an ideal place to live has now come confronted with a noteworthy crisis. This crisis is known as the Crisis of Civilization. This paper will investigate the five crises discussed including environmental catastrophe, energy depletion, food shortages, economic instability and lastly, terrorism as well as what things have changed and has stayed the same. Though some things have been improved overtime, I will agree that neoliberalism is causing a crisis of civilization and our general public is heading near collapse due to environmental overshoot and increasing governmental and financial instability. So as to forfend the catastrophe, it is our requirement to generate a political movement equipped for re-coordinating the direction of human advancement from collapse to sustainability. Throughout the paper, I will strive to give a general clarification of the crises and tie everything together by expressing if it is yet a legitimate issue we face today as far as neoliberalism.


“Neoliberalism sees competition as the defining characteristic of human relations. It redefines citizens as consumers, whose democratic choices are best exercised by buying and selling, a process that rewards merit and punishes inefficiency. It maintains that “the market” delivers benefits that could never be achieved by planning” (Mobiot, 2016). In this way, 'Neo-liberalism' is established financial policies. The effects of neo-liberalism are observable in countries like the united states by way of the rich becoming more extravagant and the poor becoming more unfortunate. 'Neo' signifies we are discussing a more polished version liberalism. “Liberalism' can allude to political, monetary, or even religious ideals. There are five primary concerns of neoliberalism. According to (Martinez & Garcia, 1997), this includes; the rule of the market, cutting public expenditure for social services, deregulation, privatization and eliminating the concept of “the public good” or “community”. The rule of the market is overall total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. “To convince us this is good for us, they say 'an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone.' (Martinez & Garcia, 1997).

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Cutting open consumption for social administrations such as education and medicinal services is another point which lessens the safety-net for the unfortunate. Deregulation decreases administration guidelines of all which can lessen benefits, involving shielding the environment wellbeing at work. Privatization retails government-possessed merchandise, goods and services to private financial specialists. “Privatization has mainly had the effect of concentrating wealth even more in a few hands and making the public pay even more for its needs” (Martinez & Garcia, 1997). Finally, dispensing with the idea of “public good” or “community” and substituting it with “individual responsibility” burdens the needy individuals to discover resolutions for their absence of availabilities and criticizing them by labelling them indolent.

Climate Change

Because of insane utilization of non-renewable energy sources and overproduction of greenhouse gasses the world temperature escalating as time goes by. It is not simply an issue of endowing in renewables, consuming fewer meat, and driving an electric vehicle. The natural system of our worldwide social and financial association should be changed. This will only happen when sufficient individuals perceive the damaging idea of our present standard culture and reject it for one that grasps morals which underline development in the personal satisfaction as opposed to in the utilization of goods and services. According to research of ‘Earth Overshoot Day’ by (Sutherland, 2018), as of 2017 we have used up all of earth’s resources for that year in just eight months. As of 2018, we have used up all of earth’s resources for the year in only seven months. Though consistently we should utilize the majority of our assets in a customary frame of twelve months. However, they are being used in way less time. “Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.” (Earth Overshoot Day, n.d.). According to Sutherland (2018), With 5 months to go before the end of the 2018 year, having Earth Overshoot Day on August 1 means that we're effectively consuming 1.7 Earths.” This is the outcome of not treating the environment as we should. In its place we are in a design of biological extravagance because of overpopulation, land-use, deforestation and contamination under a similar theme of environmental change.

Over-fishing is likewise another issue of natural overspending. A study done by Boris Worm (2006), states “If humans keep fishing at the current pace, there will be no more fish left in the oceans by 2048.” It is additionally said that after some time the temperature of the planet is gradually rising. “Problems such as flooding drought and disease have emerged due to such problems” (Puckett, 2012). As stated in the above definition of neoliberalism the rich becoming more extravagant and the poor becoming more unfortunate, in other words the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. We can see this in a place like Africa. In a paper done by (Douglas et al., 2008), they state poor communities often live in the most hazardous and unhealthy environments in urban areas. People suffering in these poor conditions may find their difficulties compounded by the consequences of climate change. If individuals ease up on utilization of greenhouse gasses composed, individuals end up mindful and do not go through the entirety of earth's assets before the year ends. In this way the earth would be in a vastly improved state than it is presently. In this way, Dr. Ahmed's contention is as yet substantial and this issue of climate change continues to be a crisis to civilization.

Energy Depletion

Peak oil is another crisis expressed in the documentary which is the possibility that sooner or later the world will come up short of cheap oil. Climate change as of now is a solemn risk, the genuine degree of the unfurling awfulness can only be captured in the event that you combine it with the influx of Peak Oil. As Ahmed explains, although most players in the global oil market continue to dismiss fears that the age of cheap oil has reached its “peak” period, the end of cheap oil means the rise of more expensive, harder to extract alternatives, including tar sands, possibly the most environmentally destructive energy resource today, with grave consequences for the climate and the global ecology (Puckett, 2012). With the innovation of vehicles, computer machinery and different virtuoso things developed, we have a civilization. Nonetheless, the main reason we have this is on the grounds that we have discovered the most dominant type of vitality at any point found by society. With the burning of oil electricity is obtained. This thought is what moves civilization. As per the film, we are coming up short on this oil which implies there will be no more civilization. In spite of the fact that in fact we are coming up short on oil since we are utilizing it quicker than the earth can renew it, the earth is as yet still creating oil from antiquated carbon-based substance and will remain to do it. There is oil that has been discovered and we have alternatives for oil such as gas, for example so actually we will never come up short on oil, at least not in a while.

According to research in a weblog post by (McQueeney, 2016), based on BP’s prediction made on World Energy Day in 2014; based on reserve estimates of 1,687.9 billion barrels, BP claimed the earth has enough oil left for about 53 more years at current production levels however, we may even have way more than that if drilling technologies can improve to the point that recovering the more difficult to reach oil becomes economically feasible. Therefore, this crisis of “peak oil” is in fact invalid. We will not run out of oil any time soon. “We actually have a lot of oil left.” (Clemente, 2015). However, “while the prospects for gas are better, 50% of global reserves must remain unburned.” (Carrington, 2015). Thus, we can consume 10% of it without founding to calamitous environmental change. “The main reason for 'being so wrong' about oil's future availability is the over-reliance on analytical techniques that fail to appreciate petroleum as an economic commodity powered by the constant advance of technology.” (Clemente, 2015). The actuality is that all energy frameworks are advancing. Because of this, “technologies must be allowed to compete in our goal to: 1) grow our economy, 2) increase our energy security, and 3) reduce GHG emissions” (Clemente, 2015). In conclusion the possibility that we would come up short on oil has been the conviction for some time however at this point it is turned out to be premature as significantly more oil has been found therefore Dr. Ahmed’s argument is invalid in terms of this crisis.

Food Shortage

Food security is at the crossing point of numerous disciplines, and the variables sustaining the crisis are to a great extent miscellaneous. Food shortages is a difficult issue we face today. The amount of food wasted is unbelievable. Sustenance security is at the crossing point of numerous controls, and the variables sustaining the emergency are to a great extent different. Sustenance deficiencies is a difficult issue we face today. According to the documentary, “as a result of global warming the earth has been experiencing water shortages” (Puckett, 2012). Over centuries of cultivation, people have chosen plants for specific attributes, typically their crop. Excessive yield is vital for nourishing a developing population however it implies that our food crops are extremely standardized. More than a huge number of long periods of agribusiness, people have chosen plants for specific attributes, regularly their yield. However, “with no water there is no possible way to provide for the crops which are being grown for food (Puckett, 2012). “Food shortages and famines occur more frequently in Asia and Africa. In the 18th and 19th centuries, droughts and famines occurred frequently in India” (Prasad, 2013). In addition to food shortages, “sharp increases in international food prices in recent years have understandably raised serious concerns about potential impacts on the poor” (Headey, 2018). For richer countries, there has been an expansion in food costs as well. There have likewise been numerous sustenance revolts because of this major food crisis springing up because of this concern.

Food deficiency continues to be an issue to this present day. With each year that goes by this issue deteriorates. There is a huge utilization of sustenance everywhere throughout the world where the measure of nourishment accessible severely diminishes for various individuals. “Global food production, already under the credit crunch, must double by 2050 to level off hunger. Thus in the next 40 years or so, the world will need to produce as much food as in the last 8000 years.” (Prasad, 2013). Endeavoring to unravel matters encompassing world malnutrition is not a mission that is straightforward or simple. Despite the fact that we have made numerous enhancements in delivering enough sustenance to nourish everyone on earth, we should now start to coordinate our consideration on making greater justice and sovereignty for individuals inside the food framework. In view of this, Dr. Ahmed's contention demonstrates to be legitimate as there are still issues we continue to face.


The fourth crisis explained is economic instability. It has become evident that worldwide economy has become gradually unstable it even nearly almost collapsed. Correlating with growing food expenses, the economy is in a horrible situation. The food shortage massively effects the economy currently. “Due to a low amount of food, the cost of food is increasing yet the overall wages are not” (Puckett, 2012). Because of prices escalating, this became a tipping point for many individuals. This is likewise the motive for why the system nearly collapsed just as how low-income persons end up confronting significant issues, for example relative and absolute poverty. Almost certainly, there will not be many employments accessible in various years from now. According to Torrent and Ficpal (as cited in Diaz-Chao et al,. 2014) “In a global economy, where knowledge, technology and innovation are key to developing firm competitiveness and to overcoming the economic crisis, new value generation processes and co-innovative sources of productivity inevitably call for quality jobs.” Individuals need to work harder and have advanced education to acquire a career. “In the global economy, employment creation depends to a large extent on job quality, of its ability to generate jobs with trained, autonomous, committed and satisfied workers, who are able to innovate and improve the creation of added value in firms.” (Diaz-Chao et al., 2014). Shortly enough humans will not have sufficient occupations which will generate a new economy which depends on machines and calculations to fabricate items rather than people.

Furthermore, there is additionally a monetary disparity between the rich and poor people. In 2015 (Oxfam, 2015) released a study that found the richest 10 percent of people produce half of the planet’s individual-consumption-based fossil fuel emissions, while the poorest 50 percent — about 3.5 billion people — contribute only 10 percent. In 2018 another study stated “eighty-two percent of the wealth generated last year went to the richest one percent of the global population, while the 3.7 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world saw no increase in their wealth” (Oxfam, 2018). In light of this data it is seen that this issue does not transform over time. Those with greater income inequality make more disputes to our planet which is what that prompts expanded environmental change, expanded vitality usage and expanded sustenance utilization. That being said, economic instability still remains an issue.


It is as of now 2019 and there are still no methods for halting terrorism. Indeed, the newest terrorists wish to execute whatever number individuals as imaginable, as commonly as imaginable, as terrifyingly as imaginable, personally, self-destructively, with the most available weapons, in the most open spaces. Although newer terrorists select spectacular lethality in arranged hijackings or bombings of mass transportation, bureaus or hotels, the terrorists nowadays energize dynamic brutality, hostage-takings and abductions. They look to execute in the most astonishing ways. Terrorism is surprisingly uncommon compared to different violations and catastrophic events. In any case, the danger of terrorism is more noteworthy, as a result of the colossal social and financial expenses. According to (START, 2018), in 2017, there were 10,900 terrorist attacks around the world, which killed more than 26,400 people, including 8,075 perpetrators and 18,488 victims. That was a decrease since 2016, which was thus a decrease from 2015. With every year that passes by it appears as though terrorist attacks still exist and are horrible however they do relatively decline.

According to (START, 2018), the number of terrorist attacks in the Middle East and North Africa dropped by 38 percent year on year. The number of victims had declined by 44%. According to (Holgersen, 2014), Crises resolve themselves through devaluation or destruction of value, so the “solutions” always come at someone’s cost. Along these lines, this suggests that terrorism will deteriorate before it improves and Dr. Ahmed's hypothesis is as yet substantial but not as legitimate as it once seemed to be.


In conclusion, though some things have been improved overtime, I will agree that neoliberalism is causing a crisis of civilization and our society is heading toward collapse due to ecological overshoot and growing political and economic instability. This paper explored the five crises talked about including ecological disaster, financial meltdown, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism and food shortages are converging symptoms of a single, failed global system. Throughout the paper, I gave a general explanation of the crises and tied it all together by stating if it is still a valid problem we face today in terms of neoliberalism. All in all, The inherent structure of our worldwide social and economic association will possibly change when individuals perceive the damaging idea of our present standard culture and reject it for one that highlight progress which underscores development in personal satisfaction as opposed to in the utilization of products and enterprises.

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Crisis of Civilization: Analysis of Environmental Catastrophe and More. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 3, 2025, from
“Crisis of Civilization: Analysis of Environmental Catastrophe and More.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,
Crisis of Civilization: Analysis of Environmental Catastrophe and More. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 Mar. 2025].
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