Critical Analysis of Message Consequences and Communication Model

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Question 1. Give examples of the following types of Biases in a sentence: Gender bias, Racial bias, Age bias, and Disability bias. How can they be avoided?

Answer: We communicate most of our ideas to others through verbal messages, i.e., through spoken or written messages. However, verbal messages have some drawbacks like the message might not be properly worded, or the message could also be misunderstood, or interpreted differently from its intended meaning. for instance, even an easy statement like ‘let’s discuss this matter tomorrow’ could be interpreted by one person as ‘let’s meet tomorrow and by another as ‘let’s discuss this over the phone.

What is Bias

Imagine you're celebrating your kid’s 5th Birthday and invited all his friends. there's one friend whom he knows for the last 4 years which they both play tons together aside from cycling etc. At the birthday celebration, you celebrated and enjoyed tons together with your kid and his friends. Later, at the time of return gift, you gave the expensive gift thereto a special friend and a normal gift to others, this is often biased, which may be a lack of objectivity or an inclination to favor one thing or person over another. By counting on whom you ask, bias can have a really complicated definition, but within the simplest terms, it means you've got a one-sided point of view about something, which tends to influence decisions and opinions about other things.

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When it involves the business world, bias might be seen as simply unprofessional and will potentially have negative consequences for a business. From their reputation with clients, the final public, or staff, a corporation could suffer from not maintaining an objective non-biased presentation of knowledge. The wording in e-mails, between co-workers, memos, etc has the potential to demonstrate bad bias.

Biased language is a language that creates the use of expressions that humiliate or exclude people on the concept of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, class, or specific mental or physical characteristics. Language has the facility to arouse negative feelings if it's not used with care. this will happen when the words used seem to be objective but actually contain an intentional or unintentional bias. While communicating we should always use bias-free language and avoid words and phrases that unfairly and even unethically categorize or stigmatize people in ways associated with gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, or other personal characteristics. Contrary to what some may think to imagine, biased language isn't simply about the “labels.”

There are various sorts of biases like gender bias, racial bias, age bias, and disability bias. Now I’ll be able to explain all of them with examples.

Gender Bias

As the name suggests, there shouldn't be any bias due to the gender of a private. you ought to behave in the same manner whether you speak to a male or female. Gender bias may be a sort of prejudice and discrimination and it's no place in business.

Example: One Sales manager asked his female assistant out for lunch to debate official matters while met male assistants within the office only.

In the above sentence, gender bias is clearly there. The manager is asking his assistant to discuss official matters which he can discuss in the office also. The male assistant met him in the office but as a female assistant there, he wants to require her out.

Example: In an interview, the interviewer told one female candidate, ‘I don’t think you’re suitable for this job because it demands to figure late night in addition.”

In the above situation, the interviewer clearly told the female candidate that, as she could also be a female, she cannot get the work as she cannot work late at night. If there was an option to choose from male or female, then he would have easily chosen that male candidate. This is often a really common case of gender bias.

Racial bias

Racial biases are a sort of implicit bias, which refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect a personality’s understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases, which encompass unfavorable assessments, are often activated involuntarily and without the notice or intentional control of the individual.

Example: My nephew visited London for higher studies and at some point in a college campus, some students stopped him and asked where he came from, he said India so all made fun of him.

In the above case, there's a transparent situation of racial bias. London students aren't happy to admit that an Indian guy is studying with them in order that they made fun of him. Here, my nephew clearly experienced the case of racial bias.

Age bias

Mention the age of an individual only if it's relevant. Moreover, make sure of the context during which you employ words that ask age; such words carry a spread of positive and negative connotations. There are numerous cases within the workplace, where we discover that Age is the ultimate factor.

Example: One fine day, my boss called my father and told that the company isn't doing well and we are in process of layoffs. He told that we'll hire limited employees which too some young guys in order that company can save money.

This is also a standard case aged discrimination lately. Many companies fire old employees and hire young employees. They believe by doing this they go to avoid wasting money and young guys will get the work done faster.

Disability bias

Physical, mental, sensory, or emotional impairments should never be mentioned in business messages unless those conditions are directly relevant to the subject.

Example: At some point, our college teacher announced that we are becoming to picnic, and Anant, who was on a wheelchair, asked to not come to the picnic as he might not feel comfortable.

Here, Anant was disabled so he got this sort of order from the teacher. If he’s handicapped, then he cannot even attend a picnic together with his friends. This can be often really bad and nobody should treat disabled kids like this.

Question 2. Amazin. in has put up billboards across the main, arterial roads of Mumbai. The billboards advertise the Mega Independence Day Sale coming up. They hope their billboards can grab the attention of drivers and pedestrians on these busy roads. List the 8-steps in the Basic Communication Model and apply the model to Amazin. in’s billboard ad.

Answer: Advertising is indeed a crucial component of the fashionable economy, and it's an integral part of any commercial transaction. The loud and shrill voice of the road hawker, the temple priest announcing the subsequent festival, and the village matchmaker visiting houses to present the eligible young boys’ and girls’ profiles are all samples of how they're selling their products and services; these are as effective because of the highly captivating television commercials of today. It is a posh mechanism to understand advertising in its totality, but probably not difficult to search out how it works. In simple terms, advertising is also a persuasive communication that aims to vary or reinforce one’s prior attitudes that are predictive of future behavior. We aren't born with the attitudes we hold towards various objects in our surroundings. Rather, we acquire our attitudes and notions in our infancy from our parents and environment. We then change our feelings of likes or dislikes about the objects through information about the objects (e.g. advertising), direct experience with them (e.g. tasting a replacement brand of beer), or a mix of the two.

Communication model

Irrespective of the setting during which communication takes place or the number of people that are involved, all communication consists of certain key elements. The communication model is explained below:

The idea of the message: Before conveying any message, you ought to have a clear idea about what you've got to tell you along with your message. Whether a communication effort will ultimately be effective starts right here and depends on the character of the thought and thus the motivation for sending it. as an example, if your motivation is to provide a solution to drag, you've got a far better chance of crafting a meaningful message than if your motivation is simply to complain a few problems. Within the given case, Amazin. has thought of a National holiday sale which they’ll execute this idea with communicating about this sale to the overall public via billboard advertisement. So; the first point is getting an idea that is extremely clear here.

The sender of the message: The one that starts the communication process is mostly mentioned because of the sender. he's the one that transmits, spreads, or communicates a message with the aim of informing, persuading, influencing, or changing the attitude, opinion, or behavior of the receiver. for instance, a manager writing a letter to a consultant after a gathering or a sales manager making a presentation to the sales team. Here the manager is the sender. Here is the sales team of the Amazin. is that the sender who is sending its Independence Day sale message to the general public?

Drafting the message: The message is that the encoded idea transmitted by the sender making the formulation of the message extremely important, for an incorrect patterning can turn the receiver hostile, making him lose interest altogether. this is often any signal that triggers the response of a receiver. Messages could even be intentional (as within the instance of the sales presentation by a manager to the sales team) or unintentional (nonverbal signals like yawns that convey the message of boredom). Here message should be drafted wisely as billboard ads must catch the attention of the overall public on busy roads. Some catchy lines could also be used like Discount ki Azaadi or be independent and shop whatever you’d like.

Selecting the medium/channel: Now once you have got a clear idea about the message and everything is prepared, you've to pick the medium or channel you'll be using to send your message. A medium helps the sender to convey the message to the receiver. To update your boss on the status of a project, for instance, you would possibly have a dozen or more media choices, from a call to a moment message to a slideshow presentation. As mentioned within the question, Amazin. in will advertise about its sale via billboard ad so medium or channel is already chosen. If your campaign is one among awareness and branding, billboard advertising may be a great option.

Receiving the message: A receiver is the targeted audience of the message who will receive the message and translate (decode) it to understand the important meaning and sends back the feedback (response) to the sender. within the given case, the general public will receive the message about the National holiday sale of Amazin. once they see the billboard ad.

Decoding the message: during this step, a receiver of the message will decode it and understand about the motive behind that message. After a message is received, the receiver must extract the thought from the message, a step named to as decoding. Here the public will understand that Amazin. in is arising with National holiday sale.

Response to the message: The audience responds to the message. By crafting messages in ways during which show the benefits of responding, senders can increase the probabilities that recipients will respond in positive ways. Amazin. in may track the traffic on its website and mobile application and assess the positive or negative response they're getting due to its billboard ad.

Feedback to the sender: Most communication is two-way. Receivers generally answer messages. for instance, students may ask questions during a lecture session and an employer may tell an employee that he has possesses to believe his proposal. This response to a sender’s message is named feedback. this type of feedback is oral. Sometimes feedback also can tend during a written form. for instance, a manager can send a written response to a customer’s letter of complaint. will get the feedback only after the National holiday sale is over. Then only they’ll decide about the response of the purchasers.

Question 3:

  • a. You have just finished drafting a proposal for a coveted project. You want to make sure that you haven’t overlooked anything. What are the different proofreading techniques? you’d employ to make sure your proposal is error-free?
  • b. You’ve been shortlisted for an interview at your dream company. What are the different common types of Interviews you should mentally prepare yourself for?

Answer: (a)

Proofreading is the method of carefully reviewing a text for errors, especially surface errors like spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting, and typing errors. If you don’t proofread your work, you might write “ham” rather than “harm” and confuse your reader. By the time you proofread a piece of writing, it should be almost done. It’s the very closing step of the writing process after drafting, editing, and revising.

Different techniques of proofreading :

  • Double-check high-priority items: Double-check the spelling of names and also the accuracy of dates, addresses, and any number that could cause grief if incorrect (such as telling a potential employer that you’d be happy to work for $5,000 a year when you meant to say $50,000). This stuff are very vital naturally and even a small mistake can impact any organization badly. If you’re checking anything twice then the chances of possible errors are almost eliminated.
  • Give yourself some distance: If possible, don’t proofread immediately after finishing a document; let your mind stray to new topics and then come fresh later. If your mind is fresh, your concentration level is high and you’ll easily find errors if any.
  • Be vigilant: Avoid reading large amounts of material in one sitting and take a look at to not proofreading when you’re tired because it’s very vital that you just stay alert while reading any vital document.
  • Stay focused: Consider on what you’re doing. Attempt to block out distractions and focus as completely as possible on your proofreading task.
  • Review complex digital documents on paper. Some people have trouble proofreading web pages, online reports, and other digital documents on screen. If you’ve got trouble, print the materials so you’ll review them on paper. By doing that, you’ll have easy accessibility of the documents and errors may be found easily.
  • Take your time: Quick proofreading isn’t careful proofreading. Make multiple passes. Go through the document several times, that specialize in a special aspect whenever. As an example, hunt for content errors the first time and layout errors the second time.
  • Use perceptual tricks: You’ve probably experienced the frustration of reading over something a dozen times and still missing a clear error. This happens because your brain has developed an exquisite skill of subconsciously supplying missing pieces and correcting mistakes when it knows what's purported to get on the page. To stay your brain from tricking you, you wish to trick it by changing the way you process the visual information.


A job interview is the logical outcome of an efficient resume and canopy letter, also nearly as good performance during a GD. It has the precise purpose of determining how well the applicant will meet the work requirements and perform on the work. It is structured, since the time, venue, duration, the number of participants and matters to be discussed are all determined beforehand. It’s generally conducted during a formal manner, with the interviewer following a pre-determined agenda, like a list of inquiries to be asked.

Common types of interviews are:

  1. Campus interview: This process is incredibly common for the recruiter if the recruitment is to be done in bulk for a variety of posts. They typically visit colleges to interview students passing out of college. In this, there are three rounds of the evaluation process. The first round is referred to as the preliminary round, the candidates are screened on their educational performance and also the ineligible ones are eliminated.
  2. Face-to-face interview: During this process, the applications are received either through advertisements, references, or consultants. After this, the identical process of the interview takes place by calling the candidates over the phone and intimating them about the venue and time. During this type, the interviewer prefers to speak with the candidate directly without going through the number of tests or GD process, and then select the foremost suitable candidate once he fills his requirement.
  3. Telephonic interview: As the name suggests, the interview is conducted over the telephone if the candidate is living in a far of city, away from the place where the interviewer would conduct the interview. Generally if’s within the national boundary of one’s country, then the preliminary round of interviews is on the telephone to search out the suitability of the candidate consistent with the resume he has sent to the interviewer and also the position advertised.
  4. Behavioral interview: During this interview, the interviewer doesn’t ask any hypothetical questions to the candidate. He specifically asks what role the candidate played during things or how he reacted or what was the result. He actually tries to search out the behavior of the candidate during a given situation and might he try this in the future.
  5. Case interview: This interview is completed to work out the problem-solving skills of the candidates. A live situation is given and also the candidate is asked about his views regarding the case. It’s actually to search out that the candidate is applying his thoughts, skills, and experience to truly solve the matter. Here, the answer does not have to be right or wrong nor is the candidate required to give an ultimate solution to the problem, but to work out that he can tackle this real-life situation.
  6. Stress interview: This can be a pressure interview where the candidate is judged on how he can handle pressure jobs. It may be argumentative, controversial, or unfriendly. A candidate should not take it personally; rather he should be calm in answering the questions. If required, the candidate may raise for clarification or may answer, which he deemed slot in that situation.
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Critical Analysis of Message Consequences and Communication Model. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from
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