Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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1 Page 462 Words
Modern influential leaders in the field of science and technology would arguably include Bill Gates, who founded the Microsoft organization, and Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. Both have been extremely successful in their revolutionary innovation of technology yet it is interesting to compare their respective innovations, and also their management styles. Bill Gates has earned his entrepreneurial status by...
Bill GatesCritical ThinkingSteve Jobs
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1 Page 427 Words
In Animal Farm, George Orwell attempts to lay bare the hypocrisy, brutality, and moral corruption at the heart of the Soviet Union under Stalin. At the time when Orwell wrote the book, a disturbingly high proportion of leftist intellectuals in Western Europe and the United States genuinely believed that the USSR was some kind of socialist utopia which provided an...
Animal FarmCritical ThinkingUtopia
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1 Page 511 Words
The age of enlightenment brought about a rise in intellect. The first encyclopedia was made in 1771. More people had a certain curiosity or thirst for knowledge that initially was not there. The most famous people that are associated with the enlightenment period are; John Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu. These men (along with others) set a pathway for the revolution....
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2 Pages 991 Words
America today is omnipresent, but take us back 100 years and you find much more defined straight and narrow socio-cultural boundaries. Those who came to America during the earlier immigration waves were forced to experience a much different reality than they anticipated with the American way of life including different cultural values than the rest of the world like individual...
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2 Pages 988 Words
Friendship is essential to human life, even if sometimes we don’t realize it. You just don’t notice because it’s so common to see, such as your childhood peers, your college buddies, your internet friends, and even animals, who may not even be the same species. Those that you befriend throughout your time on Earth will help you in those tough...
CharacterChristmasCritical Thinking
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2 Pages 724 Words
At the beginning of the novel, Scrooge is portrayed as a hardhearted man and very unsociable. He struggles to connect with others but out of his own choice. Scrooge is shown as selfish and as someone who doesn't care for others at the start of the novel with Marley's funeral. He shows little sympathy and only cares about the money...
A Christmas CarolCharacterCritical Thinking
like 375
3 Pages 1150 Words
Frost and Miller depict a struggle for existence through the instability and uncertainty of humanity. Within Frost's collection, both 'The Road Not Taken, and 'The Sound of Trees, depict a desire in humanity to achieve, but are clouded by the accompaniment of great uncertainty. Throughout 'The Road not Taken', Frost uses static verbs such as, 'looked' and 'stood', to emphasize...
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3 Pages 1466 Words
The evolution of sex took place about two billion years ago and has become the topic of much research interest, given its quality of being open to more than one interpretation. Besides gender differences in molecular biology, many scientists have tried to decipher how males and females diverge regarding psychology, specifically emotions, and how it can be understood and influenced...
2 Pages 801 Words
The only thing that is necessary in marriage is love; it is an aspect that joins between two people. Traditionally, marriage is unmistakably portrayed as a strict and official commitment between a man and a lady, simply as an excessive articulation of affection. Then again, same-sex marriage is a marriage between two people of the same sex. Gay connections are...
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2 Pages 700 Words
South Africa is a country with 19.6 million children, accounting for approximately 35% of its total population of 56.5 million. Of these 19.6 million children, approximately 98% have attended some type of educational institution. However, these high attendance rates do not mean high-quality education. Poor education and the lack of necessary academic resources is the main factor that leads to...
2 Pages 960 Words
The title of the play itself is reminiscent of Shakespeare who wrote; ‘All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.’.1 This sentiment is echoed throughout Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. The protagonist Nora is herself a doll in a doll house, trapped in several ways constrained by her peers. She is confined by the conventions...
A Doll’s HouseCharacterCritical Thinking
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1 Page 535 Words
Delving into the history of mankind and the nations that existed and still exist, the question arises as to what constitutes a nation. In my opinion, language is one of the strongest factors that make a nation. The role of significance embraced by the aspect of language can be traced through the growth of this or that culture throughout history....
Critical ThinkingNationPerspective
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5 Pages 2073 Words
Social Persuasion: Telling a primary school pupil that they can achieve anything that they desire often has positive outcomes on how the pupil thinks about themselves and believe that they can achieve anything. This is an example of social persuasion where positive feedback encourages positive outcomes. Social persuasion can be used to persuade others that they have the capabilities to...
Critical ThinkingPeer PressureStudy
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3 Pages 1401 Words
The source supports a positive outlook on modern liberalism. The source states that the citizens of a liberal system are exclusively responsible for holding the government responsible for the activities, and if the decisions that are made by the government do not reflect the will of the people, the government “must be removed from [control].” A democracy that follows the...
Critical ThinkingDrunk DrivingSociety
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3 Pages 1171 Words
Introduction This essay shows that students who take responsibility for their academic success enhance and identify goals that help them to self-direct their studies to give them a positive outcome. The research will argue that study habits, peer and faculty relationships, and student active learning benefit students to better understand study skills to gain academic success. This essay may encounter...
Critical ThinkingPerspectiveTime Management
like 247
3 Pages 1148 Words
We live in an Anglo-male-dominated society. The marginalization of women of color has resulted in a skewed understanding of history, as seen specifically in the Chicano Movement. El Movimiento was a realization and reclamation of culture, but it catered to what it meant to be Chicano, not Chicana. All Chicanas have been largely underrepresented and are only recently being examined...
2 Pages 692 Words
On April 27th, 2018, Marvel Studios released one of the most anticipated films of the year: Avengers Infinity War. Marvel enthusiasts were shocked and devastated that movie villain, Thanos, obliterated several iconic Avengers along with half of the world population and existing life. With just one snap of his fingers, Thanos was able to make all of it disappear. Although...
Critical ThinkingOverpopulationPerspective
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2 Pages 980 Words
Easter morning 20**, I woke up and ran downstairs buzzing like a bee, excited to go and get the chocolate the Easter bunny had left me. As I got down the stairs something white on the floor caught my eye. Below me were none only than Easter bunny footprints! I followed them, so excited to have a bit of the...
Critical ThinkingLyingPerspective
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3 Pages 1450 Words
Marginalization is defined as the act of segregating a person or intellect into an inferior position of importance, influence, or power. It can be recognized in society through the exclusion of a minority when a disparity in race, gender, age, or religion is present. Literature has a very significant role in educating young adult audiences about marginalization and its representation...
Critical ThinkingHidden FiguresPerspective
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1 Page 562 Words
I want you all to take a look at these two pictures right here, while you do that I also want you to think about what you see. Now, I want you to do the same but with these two pictures instead. Now, what if I told you that all of these fruits have been undergoing centuries of selective gene...
Critical ThinkingGMOPerspective
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2 Pages 1128 Words
Agriculture is an important part of the framework for the United States society. The plants that are grown and produced are essential in everyday life due to their prevalence in the diets of human beings. Recent advancements in agriculture have led to the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which has sparked furious debate. As you have informed me, you...
Critical ThinkingGMOPerspective
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5 Pages 2137 Words
The issue of emergency powers has come into recent discussion with the Federal Government having the belief that they should be responsible and have the ability to declare a national emergency to deal with disasters to combat the problem in a streamlined manner. Legislative Authority over Emergency Powers Currently, the States have legislative authority and power to enact State of...
Critical ThinkingFederalismPerspective
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2 Pages 1016 Words
Introduction Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House," published in 1879, is a revolutionary play that dissects the inner workings of a 19th-century marriage and challenges the societal norms surrounding gender roles. Within the narrative, Christine Linde emerges as a pivotal character whose interactions with the protagonist, Nora Helmer, provide critical insight into the themes of sacrifice, independence, and societal expectations. Christine,...
A Doll’s HouseCharacterCritical Thinking
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2 Pages 945 Words
Culture of discipline is a phrase used by Jim Collins (Good to Great) in his study of great companies. All of the great companies, those that far outperform others, have a culture of discipline. This does not mean that they spend their time disciplining people. When you have a culture of discipline you rarely need to discipline people. A culture...
Critical ThinkingDisciplinePerspective
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2 Pages 772 Words
Introduction Communication and decision-making are two pivotal components that significantly influence the functionality and success of any organization or individual endeavor. While communication serves as the bridge for exchanging information and ideas, decision-making represents the outcome of that exchange, culminating in choices that shape future actions. Both elements are inexorably linked; effective communication can enhance decision-making processes, while poor communication...
5 Pages 2345 Words
Abstract This paper discusses topics in managerial decision-making. Some of the topics that are discussed in the paper are bounded awareness and rationality, overconfidence in business, effects of emotion in decision-making, handling emotional team members, escalation of commitment, and revamping the failed process and tools for value creation. The paper provides real-life examples for the different topics. Topics of Managerial...
1 Page 479 Words
Erich Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front is a profound proclamation against war, highlighting its significance in the annihilating impacts on humans. The people of war gave hints of romanticized ideas of being in the front throughout the story for its benefits of obtaining rations of food, and that the conditions were “... excellent”(Remarque, 167). The novel portrays the...
2 Pages 856 Words
Mahatma Gandhi was a great philosopher, sociologist, educationist, and moral revolutionary, who exercised the most powerful influence on the modern world. He inspired movements for non-violence, freedom, and civil rights across the world. He contributed immensely to India’s freedom. His ideas of non-violence are very important in every aspect of Indian people. Though he was not a so-called teacher, but...
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4 Pages 1974 Words
India offers great diversity in almost every aspect of social life. Diversity of race, language, region, economy, religion, class, and caste group is pervasive in Indian society, which is also riddled with vast urban, rural, and gender differences. The differences between North and South India are very important, especially in the systems of kinship and marriage. Indian society is so...
Critical ThinkingFamily ValuesIndia
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