Cultural Differences essays

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Essay on American Patriotism and Its Current State

3 Pages 1457 Words
How is a ‘real’ American defined? A recent study revealed that a large amount of the American population could not show the location of Iowa on a map of the United States, so how Americans define patriotism could be very equivocal. The definition of patriotism according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary reads: “a feeling of love for his or her country...

Cultural Competence in Health Care for Chinese Childbearing Families

5 Pages 2430 Words
Cultural competence involves being aware that there are differences from one’s own cultural and that of others’ culture. To be culturally competent also requires one to respect the differences, obtain knowledge and self-educate on the differences, and anticipate needs based on the differences. Cultural competence and sensitivity are imperative to provide good health care. The goal of this paper is...

Effective Manager in a Diverse Workforce

2 Pages 1118 Words
To be an effective manager means addressing the benefits and challenges of diversity in the workplace. In this essay, diversity is intergenerational and is, therefore, an important aspect of managing a workplace effectively, to boost overall productivity. This essay will aim to understand the differences in which the way several generations approach work as well as using key research to...

Impact of Diversity on the Organization

1 Page 612 Words
According to Milliken and Martins (1996) there are four types of effects of diversity on organization: affective, cognitive, symbolic and communicative. The affective effects relate to satisfaction, identification and involvement, perception of discrimination and social integration, role conflict and role ambiguity. In diverse organization all employees are working with people of a different gender or ethnicity, which can carry negative...

Comparing Utilitarianism, Relativism, Social Contract, Kantianism

4 Pages 1937 Words
Throughout history philosophers have developed ethical theories that attempt to distinguish what is morally right and wrong. Although these theories differ from one another, they all can be applied to multiple aspects of our society. Some examples of these theories include Utilitarianism, Cultural Relativism, Social Contract Theory, and Kantianism. The differences between each of these theories are as follows. Utilitarianism...

Barriers to Intercultural Communication: Australia & China

5 Pages 2176 Words
Intercultural Communication “Intercultural communication refers to an interpretive, symbolic, contextual and transactional process in which people belonging from different cultures create shared meanings” (Kolinko, 2019). However, each of the cultures has its way of interpretation of information or message. The style of communication is also different from one culture to the other. In communication, the differences between cultures are related...

Authentic Function of Intellectuals: Anti-Americanism & Anti-Capitalism

5 Pages 2354 Words
The role of the artist and intellectual in twentieth-century politically convulsed Europe was ambiguous and altogether disagreeable. The source of this dispute is deeply rooted in moral and ethical grounds and, in order to offer a more refreshing view on it, the sociological dialectics of Niklas Luhmann will be exposed. Nevertheless, first we shall consider the philosophical state of the...

American Complexity: Analyzing Freedom of Speech Benefits

2 Pages 801 Words
The definition of an American is very difficult to tackle, it’s a definition that can branch out into so many subtopics. An American cannot have a single definition, especially when America itself is like no other country where its identity consists of just one ethnicity, one religion or one language. America is a unique combination of so many cultures, ideals,...

The Idea of ‘100 Percent Americanism’: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 1097 Words
The term ‘America First’ has a dark history of extreme white nationalism and is deeply rooted in racism, anti-immigration and xenophobia. However, the origins of this phrase stems from 1915, during the Great War, where President Woodrow Wilson and Americans used this slogan to oppose any US involvement in the First World War, in order to protect their own national...

Business Case for Diversity: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1494 Words
In the past where diversity management has been viewed as merely a legal requirement, increasingly it is being adopted by organisations to play to a competitive advantage and to fully access the potential of employees. Recognition of patriarchal leadership in business has already proven valuable, and studies show closing the gender pay gap alone could add $12 trillion to global...

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

6 Pages 2708 Words
Diversity in the Workplace: Workplace diversity refers to the segmentation of the workforce into unique variable classes that have a comprehend commonality within a particular cultural or national status and that influence potentially harmful or useful employment outcomes such as job opportunities, treatment in the workplace and upgrading chance, irrespective of job related proficiencies and qualifications (Stockdale and Crosby, 2004)....

Reflection on Second Amendment: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 1129 Words
The constitution was initially established September 17, 1787 at the constitutional convention. The constitution was created to establish a government where citizens had some type of control or power. Although the constitution has many duties, the true purpose of the constitution was to provide a silhouette of rights and laws of Americans. The United States constitution is made up of...

Idea of Americanism: Descriptive Essay

5 Pages 2083 Words
America is a contradiction. It’s core constitutional values rest on prosperity, and the idea that all men are created equal, and yet was built and is thriving off of the systematic oppression and domination of people of color. It could be argued that the American culture hinges on on a widespread set of views, norms and beliefs, rather than true...

The 21st amendment of the United States Constitution: Analytical Essay

1 Page 506 Words
The 21st amendment of the United States Constitution was proposed and put into action by Congress and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was officially ratified on December 5th, 1933. There were many reasons the 21st amendment was created. In 1920, prohibition movements reached the highest because during this period Congress ratified the 18th amendment, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale...

Importance of Diversity within an Organization: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1138 Words
In past times many businesses thought it to be beneficial to the company to have a homogenous workforce, as everyone thinks, responds and acts the same, however, in modern times title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for organizations to engage in employment practices that discriminate against employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,...

Culture and Communication in Global Organization

6 Pages 2585 Words
Executive Summary In this report we want our readers to first understand what are the key ingredients that go into the making of a global organization. For us to understand the, we delve into the nuances and issues that may arise due to cultural diversity, different principles of working in different countries and how we can tackle each of these...

Gilded Age Industrialization's Impact on American Lifestyle: Analysis

2 Pages 808 Words
Following the devastation of the Civil War period and the unrest of the Reconstruction era, the United States saw a span of societal prosperity and monumental economic progress called “The Gilded Age”. Specifically, the Gilded Age offered a solution to the prevalent issue faced during the Reconstruction era; the nation needed a new labor system to replace the horrific slavery...

Concepts of Diversity and Culture in Richard Rodriguez's Ideas

1 Page 504 Words
In his essay, Richard Rodriguez takes a look at diversity and culture, specifically the American culture and how it affects the culture of others. He also takes into consideration how the term of diversity forces us to look at others differently, furthering separation between one another. After white Americans label someone as “diverse”, as in, nonwhite, they force American ideals...

Intercultural Identity and Cultural Resilience through Art

1 Page 580 Words
Globalisation, development, international migration, and the creation and mobilization of innovative expressions of identity have impacted the world in far reaching ways. In consequence of the cultural change, which underpins these processes, conceptualizations such as ‘identity’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘freedom of expression’, ‘religion’, ‘ideology’, ‘human rights’ etc. have come under considerable scrutiny in popular, policy, and intellectual circles. This has precipitated the...

The Concept of Censorship in Society

5 Pages 2254 Words
The burning of books, cover ups of tragedies, and the muting of other points of view. These actions are frequent, oppressive and yet sometimes necessary. Censorship- the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security- is very prevalent in society and affects a big portion of...

Censorship in American Textbooks

1 Page 499 Words
Democracy is founded within the principles of liberty of the individual and faith within the ability and essential rational nature of all human beings. Using these principles as the major premises of my argument, I will seek to present that censorship and book banning are impermissible because they violate the freedoms vital for preserving democracy and the liberty that accompanies...

The Dichotomy of Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation

3 Pages 1337 Words
Introduction A series of discriminatory events have brought attention to cultural appropriation in fashion. Many major fashion houses (Gucci, Prada, Dior and more) have been accused at being at the forefront of such appropriation. Cultural appropriation as defined by Cambridge Dictionary states that it is “the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own,...

The Nuances of African Cultural Identity

2 Pages 1041 Words
Introduction African cultural identity is a vibrant tapestry woven with diverse threads of tradition, language, art, and social norms. Spanning over 54 countries and housing hundreds of ethnic groups, Africa presents a rich mosaic of cultural expressions. Understanding the peculiarities of African cultural identity requires delving into its historical context, examining the influence of colonialism, and appreciating the resilience of...

Intercultural Conflict Management Between Pakistan And China Working Teams

8 Pages 3797 Words
1.1 Introduction As the fastest growing economy in the world, China has achieved tremendous success in attracting foreign investment during the past two decades. Although multinational organizations continue to establish businesses in China, many of them have not achieved the success they expected. In fact, foreign managers ‘‘have often reported frustration and confusion’’ (Zhao, 2000, p. 209) when doing business...

Intercultural Communication: Strategies and Preconditions

2 Pages 760 Words
Introduction In an increasingly globalized world, the significance of effective intercultural communication cannot be overstated. As individuals and organizations traverse cultural boundaries, the ability to communicate effectively across diverse cultural contexts becomes imperative. Intercultural communication refers to the exchange of information between individuals from different cultural backgrounds, which can be fraught with challenges such as language barriers, differing communication styles,...

Essay on Intercultural Communication in International Relations

5 Pages 2486 Words
The move from generalization to specialization abounds in all academic fields. Generally this transition leads to a better understanding of one or more phenomenon by granting us the ability to focus on specific features in a more analytical manner. This is but one advantage of specialization. The liability of limiting our focus to specific points of interest via specialization, however,...

The Essence of American Identity

2 Pages 1129 Words
Introduction The concept of what it takes to be an American is both complex and multifaceted, deeply rooted in the historical, cultural, and ideological fabric of the United States. It is a notion that transcends mere citizenship and encompasses a broader spectrum of values, beliefs, and responsibilities. The American identity is often characterized by a commitment to the principles enshrined...

Ethnocentrism Versus Cultural Relativism: Comparative Essay

4 Pages 1837 Words
Both ethnocentrism and cultural relativism contradict one another due to having their own set of beliefs and , therefore, they share no common ground. Both types of culture are different from one another and have different strengths and weaknesses. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at other cultures and judge it by the standard of one’s very own culture. Basically,...

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