Culture Concepts essays

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‘Auto-Ethnography’ as a Social Research Method: Analytical Overview

6 Pages 2668 Words
‘Auto-ethnography’ is a social research method, wherein the author plays the role of a researcher and a participant. As Burnard (2007) claims that in auto-ethnography the author becomes the ‘subject’ of the study. According to Smith (2005), “[b]y using auto-ethnography, researchers can use their experiences, together with those of other participants, to complement their research.” (p. 71). It permits the...

Critical Overview of Auto-Ethnography: Body, Paper, Stage

3 Pages 1395 Words
Post 1; Introduction After intensively analyzing and reading the introduction, preface and foreword of this work, I was far from having a clue of the several terminological words used. For instance, in the introduction, Spry, in “Body, Paper and Stage”, explicates the core and vital aspects of performance. She goes further in giving the details which engulf performance, “per formative-...

Youth Culture and Social Control: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2309 Words
Social control as stated by the item is a way for order to be implemented in society by setting rules and standards that harness individuals to conventional standards. Formal social control is imposed by official bodies like the police, courts, schools and other institutions. There are punishments for breaking formal written rules or laws such as fines, going to prison...

Satire transfer from literature to pop culture in society

5 Pages 2286 Words
Introduction One of the functions of literature, from thousands of years ago, has been to instruct and reform. Holy books of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are evidence of this. One can find many instances of direct orders to mankind on how to be a better person, lead a better life and find a desirable place in the afterlife in such...

Role of Culture Shock in People’s Sociocultural Life

1 Page 609 Words
Background: There is evidence that Culture Shock plays a crucial role in the development of people’s sociocultural life nowadays. This term makes reference to the set of reactions that an individual may experience when coming into contact for the first time with a culture different from their own. Such an impact usually has an affective variable and a cognitive variable....

Multiculturalism in Australia: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1627 Words
Abstract Multiculturalism is a big reality in Australian society. People live it daily either in cities, suburbs, schools, workplaces, buses or even trains. While in each of these places, Australians tend to mix up with others from different backgrounds. This acknowledgment of multiculturalism has attracted a debate though. The self-declared multiculturalism friends sometimes have become the real source of concern....

Multiculturalism As a Dangerous Ideology: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1698 Words
The notion for multiculturalism has been shifting for and against the legal and political alteration of ethnic minorities around the world. Since its first proposal during the late 1980s, there was public pressure for increased recognition and adjustment of ethnic diversity through legislation and policies. Multiculturalists viewed earlier ideas of nations as corrupt and began to introduce acceptance and better...

Issues of Culture Shock Faced by International Students

3 Pages 1220 Words
The complex changes confronting the world today, particularly those resulting from the impact of globalization and technological revolution, have radically transformed the world in every aspect, especially the higher education field. By creating new systems of knowledge, learning and education furthermore breaking the boundaries of space and time between nations, the education opportunities became wider and boundless (Van Damme, 2001)...

Essay on Socialization: Issues of Youth Culture

4 Pages 1929 Words
Sociology- socialization, and culture 1. Read the item below and answer the following questions. All social groups, whether small or large, have to find ways of ensuring their members follow norms and values. In society, different groups use social control to maintain order. Teachers, for example, use detention if students go against the norms and values of the school. Social...

Essay on Culture Shock: Phases and Ways of Overcoming

5 Pages 2414 Words
Introduction Students are usually exposed to cultural, social and intellectual experiences when they move from their home country to a foreign country. Culture shock is therefore the anxiety and emotional disturbance experienced by people when two sets of realities meet. The term was first named by Kalervo Oberg in 1960 who described culture shock as,” precipitated by the anxiety that...

Citizenship ‘Tests’ and Multicultural Approaches to Integration

5 Pages 2338 Words
Varying methods of naturalization persist in contemporary international society. Many states employ citizenship tests in order to fashion their own requirements for citizenship. However, with the rise of multiculturalism, citizenship tests have been sometimes viewed as contentious methods of integration. Those who oppose citizenship tests assert that these trajectories solely serve to assimilate migrants and do not do enough to...

Cross Cultural Shock: Case Study from a Cultural Perspective

4 Pages 1798 Words
Introduction The intention of this report is to provide an analysis of a given case study from a cultural perspective. The case study involves Paula Peters who is a woman from an African country and has recently moved to Australia with her family. However, as she encounters a culture different from her home country’s she experiences culture shock. This report...

Concept of Multiculturalism: Analytical Overview

3 Pages 1507 Words
Political concepts are intrinsically polysemous. For many of them, there is no universal definition that comes without dispute. In this essay, I will argue that political concepts are subject to contestation due to the fact that humans and societies are not static, we are subject to constant change because of environment or culture for example. Moreover, an individual’s own experiences...

Analytical Essay on Culture Shock: Problems of New Environment

2 Pages 681 Words
1. Background An issue that everybody, who has changed their environment, faced is culture shock. Unfortunately, this happens because most people choose to leave their home countries in favor of new possibilities, such as studying in a more prestigious University or working in a famous company, even people who have a vacation abroad can experience this problem. Therefore, this causes...

Coming of Age in Samoa Sparknotes

5 Pages 2275 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction to Margaret Mead's Ethnographic Study Coming of Age in Samoa by Margaret Mead is perhaps one of the most famous ethnographies ever written. In it, Margaret Mead discusses the lifestyle of adolescents in Samoa in order to determine which behaviors are caused by physiology and which behaviors are caused by the culture or environment the person grows up in....

An Anthropological View of Hawaiian Culture: An Essay

4 Pages 1655 Words
In their anthropological review of Hawaii, Anahulu, Marshall Sahlins and Patrick V. Kirch combine the anthropological subdisciplines of social anthropology and archaeology in a project with an intent to understand how the cultural constructs and processes of Hawaiian history have been couched into the land of the Anahulu Valley in northwestern Oahu. The project was accomplished through the synthetization of...

Punk Subculture in Colombia and England

2 Pages 980 Words
In general, most cultures in countries have their own subcultures. These ones, are considered as a group of people which share affiliations, behaviors, beliefs, and are mainly characterized by being very different from the dominant culture of a given country. A great reference for this concept, is the punk subculture, this tribe was created in response to a feeling of...

Canada Is a Multicultural Country: An Essay

2 Pages 979 Words
Multicultural does not only refer to the different skin tones we see on an everyday basis, but it is a vision of society, where people with different nationalities, languages, religions and ethnicities can live together. Over the years, Canada's multiculturalism has evolved greater and become a part of their national recognition. In Canada, we have over 250 ethnic origins, and...

Anthropology Essay

3 Pages 1293 Words
Political anthropology is a specialized field of anthropology that focuses on the study of primitive society and its organizations. It studies the different sociopolitical organizations in pre societies such as peasants, pre-industrial and modern societies to gain the important highlights of political organizations as integral parts of the social-cultural system. It illustrates the evolution of human beings. It seems to...

Innovations and Revitalization in Pop Culture

2 Pages 873 Words
Introduction In the contemporary digital age, pop culture is both a reflection and a driver of societal norms and values. Defined by its ability to resonate widely across diverse audiences, pop culture is a dynamic entity that continually evolves, recycles, and revitalizes itself. This evolution is influenced by technological advancements, globalization, and the shifting tides of public sentiment. As such,...

The Revolution of the Ah Lian Subculture

5 Pages 2064 Words
Respective countries fathom through individual series of subcultures. In consonant to David Muggleton (Muggleton 2005, p. 1), 'Subculture often create their distinctiveness by defining themselves in opposition to the “mainstream”’. As for our motherland, Singapore, the distinct youth subculture would be the “Ah Lian” and “Ah Beng”. Undoubtedly, the “Ah Lian” subculture is one that locals would cross paths in...

Pop Culture Impact on Young HR in India

9 Pages 4189 Words
Abstract The human resources are the most essential and readily available resources. The most important part of progress of any organisation and eventually, any country, depends upon the people involved in the development of the economy. Day by day, globalisation covers new areas of life and calls for the continuous learning and adjusting to new cultural dimensions, also known as,...

Analyzing "To Be or not to Be" in Multicultural Society

2 Pages 1088 Words
To be or not to be The multicultural society denotes all the different ethnic groups that coexist in one society. Individuals in a multicultural society can often come across an overwhelming challenge, which is finding their own identity and personal individuality. Finding yourself among millions of different identities may give you superpower. Therefore, self-acceptance and self-recognition are both universal issues...

Barriers to Intercultural Communication: Australia & China

5 Pages 2176 Words
Intercultural Communication “Intercultural communication refers to an interpretive, symbolic, contextual and transactional process in which people belonging from different cultures create shared meanings” (Kolinko, 2019). However, each of the cultures has its way of interpretation of information or message. The style of communication is also different from one culture to the other. In communication, the differences between cultures are related...

Impact of Affirmative Action on University Diversity

5 Pages 2211 Words
Abstract Notably, the debating of multiculturalism is still a hot topic in the United States, and different people has different understanding towards multiculturalism, during 1960s, an policy is established and meant to enhance the equality of the working environment which make sure that every race has the same opportunities of getting the job, this is the affirmative action policy, lately...

The Attributes of Cultural Identity

4 Pages 1962 Words
The attributes related with an implied application of an empirical idea of flat global space for cultural encounter and its relationship to the dominant Universalist view of cultural supremacy as a kind of pre-ordained right in multiculturalism. Resulting suffering egoism of this notion through recent developments of cultural ideological wars must thus, be shifted towards an acceptance of the rationality...

Impact of Hip Hop on Chinese Adolescents

2 Pages 897 Words
Introduction In recent years, the global influence of hip hop culture has expanded beyond its American roots, permeating various societies and cultures around the world. One such significant cultural shift is its burgeoning presence among Chinese youth. Traditionally, Chinese culture has been viewed as conservative and rooted in ancient traditions, yet the dynamic and expressive nature of hip hop has...
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