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Analytical Essay on Eastern Theater Traditions

2 Pages 860 Words
Before Eastern Theatre was established there was a beginning. The Origin of theatre, to our knowledge, began in Africa. To be specific, “The first known dramatic presentations occurred in northern Africa, alongside the Nile River in ancient Egypt, as much as five thousand years ago, possibly as early as 3300 B.C” (Cohen, 188). This is such an important calculation because...

Analytical Study of Tea Culture in China and Sri Lanka

7 Pages 3370 Words
An Analytical Study on the Tea Culture of China and Sri Lanka An Analytical Study on the Tea Culture of China and Sri Lanka 143 Introduction China is the homeland of tea, the Chinese started to use tea as medicine and food 4,000 years ago (Emperor Shennon’s Herbal Classics cited in Li, 1993). In Han Dynasty, tea has become the...
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Silko’s Ceremony as the Plot of Tayo: Critical Analysis

4 Pages 1801 Words
Throughout Silko’s Ceremony, the plot of Tayo is one which comes to portray a multitude of ideas. Coming from a white father and a Laguna mother Tayo has spent most of his life being seen as an outsider, even amongst his own family, with one exception being Rocky. After these two men head to war, with only Tayo coming back,...
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Reflective Essay on Traditions of Celebrating Eid

3 Pages 1345 Words
Salat/Salah Salat is a ritual prayer that is part of the ordinary routine of Muslim. It is part of the 5 pillars of Islam, which is basically the main acts/rules that are expected from all Muslims. Approximately 1400 years old, this prayer not only allows you to speak with Allah, it is also seen as a way to connect with...

The Evolution and Significance of Valentine's Day

2 Pages 896 Words
Introduction Valentine's Day, observed on February 14th, is a global celebration distinguished by its focus on love and romance. Its origins are rooted in both historical and legendary narratives that have evolved significantly over the centuries. Initially, the day was a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. However, it has transformed into a commercial and...

Representation of Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead in Coco by Disney

5 Pages 2214 Words
Due to the media’s prevalence and the role it plays in informing the people and shaping their views, the call for diversity has become important for many. With people realizing the lack of representation of other races, ethnicities, sexualities, and gender in the media they consume, those in charge of what is being created and released are now given the...

Family Holiday Traditions: Celebrating Christmas and New Year

1 Page 537 Words
In my family we celebrate different holidays. It’s Christmas, Victory Day, Independence Day, and more. I have two favorites: New Year and Christmas. These holidays are very popular in my family and throughout the country. Moreover, they are observed almost at the same time but are still different. However, they are more different than similar, and I will try to...

Traditions of Celebrating Eid in Malaysia: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1555 Words
Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country with people of multiple ethnicities and diverse cultures thrive peacefully. The country recognizes Islam to be it’s official religion; while Malaysian is the national language of the country. As per the population demographics, Malaysia comprises of more than 65% Malays who are Muslims and the Islamic festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Three of...

Descriptive Essay on Mardi Gras Celebration

1 Page 515 Words
Considered one of the Gulf Coast’s intellectual achievements, Mobile, Alabama, has been making a name for itself since its inception. Mobile was founded in 1702 by the French as the first capital of Louisiana. Since then, it has become a cultural melting pot of traditions, communities and enterprises. This great city is home to many flavorful restaurants, enlightening museums, historical...

Reducing HIV in Chinese MSM: Key Strategies

9 Pages 3861 Words
Issue China has made a substantial progress in tackling its HIV epidemic. The HIV epidemic in China is largely characterized by low national prevalence at 0.037% with certain regions having higher and more severe HIV prevalence rates [1]. The country has also made substantial progress with regards to funding its HIV response as 99% of funding came from domestic sources...

Impact of Affirmative Action on University Diversity

5 Pages 2211 Words
Abstract Notably, the debating of multiculturalism is still a hot topic in the United States, and different people has different understanding towards multiculturalism, during 1960s, an policy is established and meant to enhance the equality of the working environment which make sure that every race has the same opportunities of getting the job, this is the affirmative action policy, lately...

The Attributes of Cultural Identity

4 Pages 1962 Words
The attributes related with an implied application of an empirical idea of flat global space for cultural encounter and its relationship to the dominant Universalist view of cultural supremacy as a kind of pre-ordained right in multiculturalism. Resulting suffering egoism of this notion through recent developments of cultural ideological wars must thus, be shifted towards an acceptance of the rationality...

Impact of Hip Hop on Chinese Adolescents

2 Pages 897 Words
Introduction In recent years, the global influence of hip hop culture has expanded beyond its American roots, permeating various societies and cultures around the world. One such significant cultural shift is its burgeoning presence among Chinese youth. Traditionally, Chinese culture has been viewed as conservative and rooted in ancient traditions, yet the dynamic and expressive nature of hip hop has...

The Aspects of An American Childhood

1 Page 679 Words
Dillard’s essay An American Childhood relives a moment in the author’s past which she could not forget as the particular event stirs a certain kind of awareness within her; something that she still carries and that continues to affect her even as an adult. It is the idea of carrying through a challenge or task that she is facing at...

Cultural Traditions in Latin-American Biblical Society

3 Pages 1245 Words
Throughout Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel Garcia Marquez symbolizes Santiago Nasar as a Christlike figure by utilizing numerous parallels with the physical and moral characteristics of Jesus Christ. While the shared themes of fate, sin, and honor are chronicled within both Marquez’s novel and The Bible, Marquez underlies his narrative with subliminal allusions between Santiago and Jesus Christ to...

How is UK Youth Culture Affected by Grime Culture

4 Pages 1873 Words
Within this essay I will be exploring how youth culture in the UK, and particularly London has been affected by Grime culture and music. I have become more interested in the effect of grime in today's youth culture, I am particularly interested in the music, fashion, media portrayal and politics behind the grime genre. Grime is defined as a genre...

Youth Culture Invasion in the Fashion Industry

3 Pages 1386 Words
Subculture can be defined as a group with a strong sense of their cultures such as the variation of their music and fashion tastes. Most of those cultures usually despise and do not follow the mainstream of the majority because they need to strengthen the need of the people they just belong to the identity nothing greater than themselves which...

Freedom of Dress: the Aspect of Chinese Traditions

6 Pages 2616 Words
It all started when Kazakh actress Reyizha Alimjan arrived in Shanghai in July 2019, wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a low-cut yellow camisole that highlighted her figure. This choice of clothing led to Alimajan being cyber-bullied, with some netizens accusing her of seeking attention with her breasts rather than her work, and others criticizing her for showing...

The Aspects of Cultural Identity

3 Pages 1422 Words
How can one define a person’s identity? Is it their personality traits, where they live, or the history of their family? Someone’s background can directly correlate with they are as a person. Each of these factors contribute to an understanding of the concept of identity, yet, in a globalized world, they cannot determine identity. Identity can be categorized in so...

How Does Pop Culture Effect The Youth

5 Pages 2280 Words
When most of the people think about popular culture, their minds quickly gravitate to current tv shows and music and this can be intelligible. Popular culture centers on the aspects of diversion phones, Sports, YouTube, Netflix and sports that are in style at once or in recent history. However, popular culture consumes most over that popular culture conjointly refers to...

High Culture/Popular Culture Debate In Relation To Romantic Gothic

9 Pages 4209 Words
High and Popular Gothic were classed as poisonous novels which were read in secret. Beattie criticises the reading of sensationalist gothic novels as a dangerous past time because “Romances are a dangerous recreation… and tend to corrupt the heart and simulate the passions” (Beattie, J, (1970), pp. 309-327). In this assignment, I will argue that the relationship between the two...

Is Denmark A Multicultural Society?

4 Pages 2012 Words
Introduction Multicultural societies are characterized in the same community by people of various races, ethnicity, and nationalities alike. Multiculturalism can occur on a national scale, or within the communities of a nation. People retain, pass, celebrate, and share their unique cultural ways of life, languages, art, traditions, and behaviours in multicultural communities. The society maintains, respects, and even promotes culture....

Conjunction of Descriptive and Normative Ethics

7 Pages 3245 Words
In Greeko-Roman societies of the past, it was collectively agreed upon that slavery was a necessary and justifiable economic endeavor. Similarly in early America, it slavery was considered ethical and essential to the economy. A hundred years later, American culture changed their views on slaveries acceptability and ruled it immoral and unconstitutional. The acceptance of slavery in different cultures, as...

Chinese Immigration: An Immigration Of Indifferences

6 Pages 2510 Words
Pope Francis once said during a visit to the island of Lampedusa “We are a society which has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion – ‘suffering with’ others: the globalisation of indifference has taken from us the ability to weep!” (Liaugminas). Pope Francis was bringing to light the issues surrounding the topic of immigration and indifferences and such...

Marginalised Group Youth Culture: Disrespectful or Disrespected?

3 Pages 1412 Words
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you picture a teenager? Is it a well-mannered and behaved or is it a disrespectful and immature teenager? The media is a powerful, mass communication source with the ability to broadcast their views to millions. However, there reaches a point at which the media unethically abuses and takes advantage of...

Mass media shaping youth culture as social problem?

2 Pages 995 Words
In todays society with a wide-ranging mix of complex issues, there are multiple cultures all developing with dominant values. This system is never homogenous; Instead, entails constant modifications and adaptions of dominant ideas and values (Brake 1985:6). The introduction to social media to the young has both a positive and negative effect on the growing culture. The convenience of enhanced...

Interplay of Youth Identity and Musical Trends

2 Pages 956 Words
Introduction The profound connection between youth culture and music has been a subject of extensive academic scrutiny and discourse. Music not only reflects societal shifts but also acts as a catalyst for cultural evolution among young people. As a medium of expression, music has the unique ability to influence and mirror the beliefs, fashion, language, and behavior of youth. This...

Should Thanksgiving be Celebrated?

1 Page 453 Words
Every year on the fourth Thursday of November, millions of families in the United States reunite to celebrate Thanksgiving and reflect on the good things in life. On this day, people usually have a big feast with turkey as the star-meal, besides other foods such as mashed potatoes and pumpkin pies. And, besides spending some time with their relatives and...

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