Definition Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Definition Essay about Marriage

2 Pages 999 Words
A ten-year-old girl asks her grandma, “Why did the marriage last longer in the past?’ Her grandma answers, “In the past, people would try to fix the broken things instead of buying or replacing a new one like what people nowadays do.” Although it might sound very reasonable, there must be a misconceived concept and reason behind it. Today, many...

Definition Essay about Heroism

1 Page 475 Words
Guided by what was stated in the previous pages (the definition of nationalism, heroism, and humanity) it is indeed both Trinidad Tecson and Apolinario Dela Cruz made acts that fall to humanity, heroism, or nationalism. After analyzing the data gathered, the researchers were able to find that the acts of Trinidad Tecson fall mostly into the category of Heroism. As...

Defining Generational Identity: A Complex Analysis

2 Pages 900 Words
Introduction The concept of a "generation" is often evoked in sociological and cultural discussions to delineate groups of people born and living around the same time. However, the definition of a generation extends beyond mere chronological boundaries; it encapsulates shared experiences, values, and social contexts that shape collective identities. In an era where generational labels like Baby Boomers, Generation X,...

The Essence of Friendship

2 Pages 859 Words
Introduction Friendship, a seemingly simple yet profoundly complex concept, plays a critical role in the social fabric of human existence. Defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a "state of mutual trust and support between allied nations or people," friendship transcends mere acquaintance to embody a deep-seated bond grounded in empathy, trust, and loyalty. As Aristotle posited, "Friendship is a...

Definition Essay about Courage

2 Pages 1092 Words
Is courage about living fearlessly or living wholeheartedly? When exploring the word courage, you’ll find that it has evolved from its original meaning and has developed into a few different forms. There is physical courage, emotional courage, and moral courage. For many, the life of Sir Ranulph Fiennes would exemplify the word courage. The courage of this man, I would...

Definition Essay about Companionship

2 Pages 1049 Words
Not having human companionship can have huge repercussions. It can lead to sadness and being miserable in others. In his novel Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck introduces us to some minor characters who suffer from no human companionship daily. Whether it is due to their ethnicity, their gender, their age, or their mental capacity, these characters are left alone and...

Definition Essay about Ambition

2 Pages 660 Words
“Women’s ambition is not a vertical ambition, it’s this intrinsic, circular ambition to be happy,” Kevin Roberts executive chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, 2016. Roberts's quote suggests and reflects a widely held view that women don’t reach top positions as they lack ambition (“ILM,” n.d.). Women make up roughly half of the workforce in the UK, however, fewer women than...

Respect Definition Essay

1 Page 686 Words
After researching cognitive and affective empathy, I realized that I need to develop empathy that comprises both. There is a need to balance between getting emotionally involved with a patient and needing to maintain an emotional distance from them (Australian Medical Association, 2013). This is to avoid scenarios where emotions cloud the doctor’s judgment and to avoid scenarios where the...

Business Integrity: Definition Essay

2 Pages 1006 Words
The purpose of this discussion post is to evaluate The Power of Business Integrity and discuss God’s perspective on business integrity utilizing Keller’s Every Good Endeavor. This discussion will also describe what key decision models are currently being used, how they have changed, and why. The Power of Business Integrity Business integrity is very powerful, because it keeps people honest...

Gun Violence Definition Essay

4 Pages 1927 Words
In the United States, Violence has a big impact in today's society due to the control that we have as a country on our gun laws. Gun violence is a global issue for contemporary human rights. Gun-related violence, violates our universal right to life, the most fundamental human right. For many years now, this has become a big problem with...

Definition Essay Example on Medical Marijuana

2 Pages 1103 Words
Brenda Villatoro Ms. Van Den Heede English 10 8 March 2019 Marijuana Legalization. Marijuana is a controversial topic. The federal government classifies marijuana as a drug, a Schedule 1 substance, while the state's opinion is that marijuana could be used for medical purposes such as treatments, relief of pain, and even cures. In fact, many people have had positive effects...

Art Definition Essay

2 Pages 731 Words
To what extent are artists driven by monetary gain when they produce their art? This essay will explore the motivations of artists when they produce their work. It will try to answer questions such as: do artists merely produce work for financial reasons? Do artists know the value of their artworks before doing them and how does this influence them?...

Plagiarism: Definition Essay

1 Page 480 Words
The Cambridge English Dictionary defines plagiarism as “the practice of taking someone else's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own” (Cambridge Online Dictionary, 2022). The word derives from the Latin ‘plagiarius’ meaning ‘kidnapping’. To further clarify plagiarism, Diane Pecorari (2015) attests that there are three main forms: ‘textual’, which describes the use of words/ideas without correct attribution,...

Definition Essay for 'The Glass Castle'

1 Page 499 Words
In Jeannette Walls's memoir the glass castle she is able to convey a theme of lost dreams through the constant letdown caused by their father, Rex, and mother, Rosemary. Rex Walls always dreamed of the day when they would have enough money to build a glass castle. The Glass Castle is symbolic of a dream that everyone knows will never...

Domestic Terrorism: Definition Essay

4 Pages 2007 Words
Domestic terrorism and international terrorism are the two main types of terrorism we deal with in the United States. Domestic terrorism is defined by the FBI as, “violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature” (FBI, 2016). The FBI defines...

Child Abuse: Definition Essay

4 Pages 1660 Words
Child abuse is not a new phenomenon in the history of man. Child abuse is not a new thing in the world. Child abuse has become an alarming issue in Nigeria. Recent reports have proven that child abuse varies from one region to another. Child abuse can be found in almost every work activity and organization worldwide. In the context...

Affirmative Action: Definition Paper

3 Pages 1185 Words
Affirmative action laws began when in the early 1960s judicial rulings believed it to be a duty of local school boards to desegregate areas that were formerly in dual school systems under the Jim Crow laws and to eliminate the remnants of institutional racism in schools. The next step in the process came a few years later when the legislative...

Affirmative Action Definition Essay

1 Page 619 Words
Anti-discrimination law is a highly debated topic in today’s society. With non-governmental organizations lobbying for equality and the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by most nations, there has been a concerted effort to eliminate all forms of discrimination. However, this eradication of discrimination does not come without a cost. In recent years, the polarising concept of ‘affirmative...

Definition Essay on Happiness

1 Page 441 Words
Happiness is determined by who we are as a person and our perspective on life. In this essay, I am going to argue my point of view with reference to the famous novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ by Ray Bradbury and the author's main ideas expressed in it. “I don't know what it is. I'm so damned unhappy. I'm so mad and...

Definition Essay on Determination and Its Importance in Teaching

1 Page 516 Words
Peter Sinclaire once wrote: “Determination, patience and courage are the only things needed to improve any situation”. Determination is something people are driven by without realizing it. It is to strive to do something to make a positive difference in someone’s life. In the book ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Teachers: 101 Stories about How You Make a...

Professional Ethics: Definition Essay

1 Page 573 Words
Being a part of the field of education, I am tasked with making decisions based on my ethical beliefs daily. I have always thought about my ethical framework and how it is comprised. Until I received this assignment, I had never considered taking the time to compose my thoughts in writing as a way of defining the diverse components that...

Definition Essay on Dedication

1 Page 514 Words
Introduction Dedication is a term often associated with commitment, perseverance, and wholehearted devotion to a particular goal or cause. It is a quality that sets individuals apart in their pursuit of excellence and serves as a driving force behind their accomplishments. This definition essay explores the concept of dedication, examining its key characteristics, its significance in personal and professional spheres,...

Tree Plantation: Definition Essay

1 Page 480 Words
Tree plantation, the transplanting of trees in a schematic way, is considered one of the most elegant and eco-friendly activities that every single man can take part in. It is momentous for the environment in a very serious way. The environment is being polluted each second and the world is already under the threat of the Green House effect. In...

The Word 'Renaissance' Means: Definition Essay

1 Page 455 Words
The Renaissance era was an era of revival and rebirth of classical culture. It originated in Florence in the early 15th century and spread throughout Europe, replacing the medieval Gothic style. Renewal and innovation were one of the main driving aspects and factors of this era. Appreciation was given to different arts from literature to art and architecture. Knowledge was...

Redefining Personal Success: A Comprehensive Analysis

2 Pages 1019 Words
Introduction Personal success is a concept that has intrigued philosophers, scholars, and laypeople alike for centuries. While the notion of success is often synonymous with wealth, power, or fame in contemporary society, a deeper exploration reveals a multiplicity of interpretations that transcend mere material accumulation. This essay seeks to provide a nuanced definition of personal success, considering various perspectives and...

Madisonian Democracy: Definition Essay

1 Page 270 Words
What did Madison see as the primary threat to democracy? How did Madison propose to keep this threat in check? Madison’s argument in Federalist #10 is that we need a republic over a direct democracy due to a group of people having varying interests and desires (factions) that would then be controlled by the majority. Madison stated that in order...

What Is Life: Definition Essay

4 Pages 1888 Words
What differentiates a strand test or a mechanized system from something that is living biologically? How about when considered from the Aristotelian point of view what differentiates something living from dead, can the definition of life be defined then? Is there a correct way to define what is living versus what is not? What would be the best agreed-upon answer?...

Trust Definition Essay

1 Page 474 Words
Trust encompasses many elements and generates many definitions relating to the behaviors and intentions of others. In a healthcare environment, Llewellyn, S., Brookes, S. and Mahon, A. 2018 observed how the context of circumstances reflects in individuals differing perspectives of trust. This definition is more fitting to a healthcare setting where the individual will have different vulnerabilities and dependencies. The...

Colonial Imposition Meaning: Definition Essay

6 Pages 2608 Words
There are very few practices that have had the widespread effects we see today on global development than the scourge of colonialism. Since its advent in the 15th Century, the imposition of colonialism has, “altered history forever” (Settles 1996, p. 2). The effects of colonialism have been both far-reaching and insidiously devastating: notably a loss of culture, language, and land;...

Cat in the Hat Meaning: Definition Essay

2 Pages 703 Words
Although The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss is recognized as a children’s book, a more in-depth analysis of the story reveals it also relates to certain ideas of psychology. One of the ideas from psychology expressed through the story comes from Sigmund Freud. Freud was a psychologist who believed a person’s personality had three parts: the Id, the...
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