Discursive Essay on Issues of Psychopaths in Our Society

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Part 1:

Psychopathy is a personality disease, that can incorporate various attributes. This may include antisocial or disruptive behavior (PowerPoint). They have the potential to harm or manipulate others to get through life guaranteeing their demands are fitted (Hare) Psychopaths lack conscience in compassion and tend to possess selfish tendencies and take their desires (Hare). They won’t alter their actions based on community expectations. Psychopaths disrupt civilization's expectations without guilt and are unable to feel emotions (Hare).

Part 2:

Discuss each of the 9 issues below. First, you will need to answer the question posed in the bullet point in a concise, yet detailed couple of paragraphs. Make sure you use APA format to cite where you obtained the information. [Note. You will feel like you are constantly citing materials such as Hare throughout this Assignment. That is fine and is what I am expecting.] Second, you will then draw from video material on Arthur Shawcross (you can also do additional research on his case) and argue whether or not you feel his behavior/affect/etc. meets the criteria discussed in the corresponding bullet point just discussed. Be very specific in making direct links between each of the bullet points and Shawcross’ particular case. For example, does Shawcross demonstrate verbal vomit during his interviews? This will also require a few paragraphs.

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For clarity, it would be helpful for you to arrange your answers in bullet format.

1. Where (in what circumstances) can we encounter a psychopath?

Psychopathy can strike everyone, and we're all exposed. Nearly all people encounter a psychopath and can be seen in the community and the criminal justice system(Hare) Various psychopaths are criminals and are often seen as serial killers. However, some can embody charismatic qualities within our civilization. Their charismatic charm has the potential to decline their chances of being convicted. That doesn’t necessarily mean that all psychopaths are murders. Several psychopaths have other ways of manipulating others without the need to kill. We have an increased chance to lose everything to a 'regular' person, then a criminal(Hare)

Through the eyes of society, Arthur Shawcross seemed like a regular guy (Video) He had a decent place, a stable job, and a wife. People within our society would never expect that he was a dangerous serial killer. For example, during the undercover work, cops would “confide” in Shawcross in the local shops and discuss the case he was associated with. He was amused that the police were so clueless as to who they were sharing the case details. While Shawcross would visit the street corner, none of the prostitutes felt scared. He seemed like a nice, old man who didn’t represent a threat.

2. How prevalent are psychopaths in our society? (give specific statistics)

There are quite a few psychopaths in our society. There are at least two million psychopaths in North America alone. This helps prove the statement that we all have encountered a psychopath. In New York alone, psychopaths represent at least 100,000 citizens (Hare) In general, there are likely 2 percent of psychopaths in the world(Hare) In the criminal population, there are at least 20 percent of males who are psychopaths (PowerPoint) At least 90 percent of serial killers are identified as psychopaths (PowerPoint)

Based on the data and information about Arthur Shawcross, I believe that he resembles a psychopath. He meets the criteria for the qualities that a psychopath would represent. Typically, males are more likely to identify as a psychopath. For the majority of the prison population, those who identify as serial killers are more likely to identify as psychopaths. Arthur Shawcross's behavior fits the criteria of killing 12 people which deems him a serial killer. He was convicted and represents psychopathic tendencies.

3. Are psychopaths mad (insane) or Bad in your opinion? Briefly state why you feel this way?

In my opinion, psychopaths are bad and not mad. Their actions are an outcome of their incapability to sympathize or consider feelings other than their own. Their actions arise from potential damage to the frontal cortex of their brain (Hare) Psychopaths are not considered insane, because they don't experience hallucinations. They are fully aware and conscious of their actions. Psychopaths are competent to manage their actions. Their behaviors are based on their needs that must be met. (Hare) They are conscious of perceived civil morality. If psychopaths were convicted, they are sent to prison rather than a psychic hospital. They consider themselves superior over other people. They often think of themselves as the center and perceive others as incompetent. Insanity means they were unaware of their actions during time the crime was committed. If they were insane, they would have no recollection of the details of the crime. They would’ve fallen into a blackout instance where they forget what happened. Psychopaths are the complete opposite.

Arthur Shawcross fits this criterion and he was fully aware of his crimes. Shawcross didn’t consider the victim’s loss or emotions. He had no remorse for his actions and justified his actions claiming he had no choice. He justified killing his victims and would call himself the real victim. He caught one of his victims stealing from him and that justified his actions. Shawcross knew his actions were not acceptable in society, but that didn’t impact his decisions. He was focused on his impulses on what needed to be done at that moment to feed his ego. He recalls his crimes and often provides detailed descriptions of his crimes. He would often discuss eating parts of his victims, or worse. Shawcross would often visit the spots where he would dump his victims. The only victims that he would not describe were the children. He admitted to raping and killing his first two victims. However, he would refuse to go into detail about these crimes. Often, he would go back to his dump spots and marvel at his work. In Watertown, he was seen eating ice cream and gazing at the bridge where he dumped the little girl. Later on, he was found parked near another dumping spot of a prostitute. He admired his work and would stick around.

4. Should psychopaths be provided treatment or sent to Corrections? Briefly state why do you feel this way?

I believe that psychopaths should be sent to Correctional facilities. Psychopaths are fully knowledgeable of their actions and the outcomes. They fit the standards of the psychiatric and legal standards for sanity (Hare) Psychopaths cannot be treated because they are unable to process emotions. However, what they lack in emotions, they are capable of coercing people. It would be horrendous if a psychopath was sent to a treatment center because they are manipulative. If a psychopath were placed into a treatment facility, they could potentially cause harm to others by targeting their emotions (Hare)

Shawcross exemplifies a psychopath based on his tactics during his trial. During his first sentencing, Shawcross made a deal to lessen his sentence if he provided information about another case. Shawcross was sent to prison for the crimes of those two children for 25 years. However, based on his good behavior, he was given parole based on good behavior in prison. Rather than spending 25 years, he only served 15 years While Shawcross was charged for the murder of the later victims, he attempted to plea for an insanity defense. His motive was to lessen his sentence and manipulate the court deemed that he is mentally unfit and hopes to seek treatment. The prosecutor believed that Shawcross was fully aware of his actions. This was not his first nor his last crime that he would commit. They were aware of his previous crimes and his capabilities. This time, Shawcross was sentenced to 250 years in prison and was unlikely to be released from prison (video)

5. Discuss the key symptoms of a psychopath.

Psychopaths are clever and can express enthusiasm and narrate unrealistic stories. In their stories, they seem above others, and exemplify charismatic traits. Psychopaths are often perceived as narcissistic and are driven by their self-esteem. They don’t abide by any jurisdiction and aren’t bothered by others' emotions. Often, psychopaths perceive themselves as the true victims. They view others as targets to gain pleasure for their amusement. Psychopaths are known to lie and manipulate and are knowledgeable of their purposes. Often they can be perceived as aggression as a valid response (Hare)

Shawcross resembles the key symptoms of a psychopath. During his interview, Shawcross would elaborate on his encounters in the war. He would go into detail about the heinous acts against an enemy during the Vietnam War. He would go into detail about skinning and chopping their heads from the body and burning there remains. He mentioned that he received recognition for his acts and was seen as a “sick son of a bitch”. Shawcross had spent time in the Vietnam war. However, his positions were nothing more than checking supplies. He was never in the war zone, nor does anyone remember this specific encounter (Video)

6. Explain what Hare means by “verbal vomit” and “strange, flat eyes?”

Hare uses the term “verbal vomit”, which I interpreted as a person who will continually talk, and not consider the words that are coming out. They want to get there point across and are so driven by their needs. Psychopaths cannot distinguish the meaning of words and how they can impact others. They are more concerned with their ego, and the ability to have their needs met. Like Hare mentions in his book, the quote that he provided was focused on the “I” language. Rather than worrying about the other person’s needs, they are focused on their needs.

In regards to Hare using the term “strange flat eye”, he is describing an individual’s depiction of a person’s lack of emotions. My interpretation of this term is the ability to describe a person's inability to represent emotions through their eyes. Whether that be eye contact, the lack of luster in their pupils. They are strange because regular people display emotions in their eyes.

Arthur Shawcross demonstrated both “verbal vomit” and “strange, flat eyes” During his interviews, he never focused on the emotions, thoughts or concerns for the victims and their families. Shawcross was fixated on his agenda. He was focused on his perception of what had to be done and dignified his actions. There were several instances where he would often continue talking, to put his point across. This made it challenging for the interviewer to continue asking questions. For example, during the interview, Shawcross was asked about his motives for the killings of his first two victims. He would respond in rage, refuse to discuss the matter, and would continue by threating to leave if it were mentioned again. During the duration of his interview, he would often have the same look in his eye. You could see no empathy or depth in his eyes. They looked almost unlike and emotionless. He would answer questions without any morality or depth. He seemed almost like a robot, that blinked almost every time he spoke.

7. What do rules mean to a psychopath?

In regards to rules, they have absolutely no meaning to psychopaths. Psychopaths are fully aware of the rules but follow their own set of rules and don’t consider societal expectations. They are capable of articulating words but are unable to pair that with emotional depth. Psychopaths don’t have moral concerns that guide them (Hare) They will sacrifice anything to satisfy their wants and needs. If a psychopath is disinterested, they will ignore it. They are unable to consider the consequences of their egoistic behavior.

Shawcross fits this because he never considered societal rules. He was a serial killer who raped and mutilated 13 people. His first two victims were children who endured horrendous acts of crime. They were raped, mutilated, and tortured. During his interview, when he was asked about his victims, he wasn’t sympathetic. Shawcross lacked sympathy for the victims’ families. He knew his actions were illegal and wrong. However, he would justify his actions and would be unsympathetic. When asked about his thoughts on the first two murders, he would refuse to discuss details. I believe that he wasn’t ashamed of his crimes. Rather he was unwilling to discuss these crimes because he agitated by the number of questions that were focused on these cases in particular. When it came to his other victims, he was always ready and eager to discuss details. He would describe strangulation, rape, torture, and his motives. During the interview, he had mentioned his motive to kill one of the prostitutes was based on a rumor that she had AIDS. He became enraged to the point where he strangled her and began to mutilate her and ate her vagina. Shawcross only believed in his rules, and that was to dominate his victims, and punish them if they disrespected him. He found pleasure in harming others and would go above anything to ensure that his needs were met.

8. How do both nature and nurture influence the development of psychopathy?

The tendencies of a psychopath are a result of both nature and nurture. Based on research, neither side of the psychopath’s brain can process emotions. From the very beginning, psychopaths are off on the wrong start. The social environment has an impact on the development of a psychopath. Psychopaths are more likely to emerge if they come from a poor environment. Which can be a result of early damage to the brain. Psychopaths have hereditary circumstances that contribute to the functions of the brain. If the frontal cortex of the brain is damaged, it can impair the way we process a sense of control and emotions(article)If a child is abused, neglected, or deprived this could result in damage to the brain. These instances can result in violent crimes committed and affect the basics of building personality. (Hare) That doesn’t necessarily mean that all children who encounter poor environmental development will become psychopaths. These children are more prone to this instance. These influences can also impact responses, life experiences, and social conditions. Social circumstances and parenting can affect psychopath development and is exemplified through behavior.

In the video, Shawcross demonstrated the neurological damages that may have influenced his development of psychopathy. Several neurologists believed that brain damage was likely to cause damage to a person’s perception. The neurologist linked brain damage and extreme violent behaviors (video) Based on their findings, they believed that Shawcross resembled the same patterns in his brain scan that causes damage to his perception. Shawcross encountered a combination of physical, mental, and brain damage (video) Shawcross claimed to have a horrible upbringing. His mother was abusive and often performed sexual acts. Shawcross displayed clear indications that his brain was damaged. Throughout his life, he had committed petty crimes like theft. As time progressed, he began committing more severe crimes such as rape and murder. Shawcross displayed no self-control. He would often torture his victims by raping, strangulation and torture. He was unable to process others' emotions and was unsympathetic to other people. He strangled several prostitutes for petty issues. He killed one of his mistresses because she stole a few things for him. He attempted to justify his actions. He was impulsive and strangled the majority of his victims.

9. Discuss specific childhood/adolescent behavioral signs that are considered predictive of later psychopathy (not mental health diagnostic categories).

At a young age, many psychopaths express extreme behavioral problems. These may include lying, stealing, disruptiveness, destruction, and bullying. A majority of psychopaths are characterized by developing in a poor social environment. As mentioned earlier most people who have troubled childhoods, don't develop into psychopaths. Sometimes, children are raised in a stable environment. They are given the proper care that is needed to effectively develop. However, psychopaths are still capable of developing from stable families. A young psychopath who comes from a good family can be distinguished by early sexual experiences and the same traits such as lying, stealing, and destruction (Hare)

Shawcross had mentioned how he came from a broken home. Throughout his childhood, his mother and father had molested him. His mother had been inappropriately touching him for years. Shawcross ran away from home when his father raped him. During his sessions with a neurologist, Shawcross would often be put into hypnosis. In that time, he would go into detail in regards to the sexual acts his parents would perform. In the video, it was mentioned that his mother sexually assaulted him with a broom. It’s challenging to believe Shawcross because his mother and sister denied the allegations. It’s unclear if all the details of his childhood abuse are true. Psychopaths are typically good liars, and there was no clear indication that Shawcross had any medical records during that time frame to back up his story. If his stories were true, this would explain his tendencies to perform gruesome and sexualized acts of murder.

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Discursive Essay on Issues of Psychopaths in Our Society. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/discursive-essay-on-issues-of-psychopaths-in-our-society/
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