DNA essays

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2 Pages 1073 Words
Over 8.2 million people die of cancer each year due to the bad accessibility to detection methods and treatment. The problem is that people are finding out they have cancer too late which makes it harder to treat. Cancer is the 4th most leading cause of death between adults 20-39 years old in the United States. Nearly half of people...
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6 Pages 2772 Words
Humans have been breeding dogs for at least an estimated 14,000 years, it is said to believe that the evolution of the domestic dog evolved from the wild grey wolf (Canis Lupus.) As humans began domesticating dogs, they had begun to favour specific traits such as dogs with particular physiques and temperaments, hunting skills, intelligence, behavioural traits and even the...
2 Pages 1084 Words
Human DNA is present in every cell except RBCs and can be found in body fluids like saliva, blood, semen, vaginal fluids, bones, teeth, hair and sweat. DNA has its individuality and DNA typing methodologies are subjected to scientific and legal scrutiny. DNA has been used as unique investigation material in forensics since Alec Jeffrey introduced RFLP in 1985 for...
4 Pages 1774 Words
Abstract In this paper , we propose the technique of DNA-Genetic Encryption (D-GET) to make the technique more reliable and less predictable. In this process, any form of digital data is binarized and transformed into DNA sequencing, reshaping, encrypting, crossover, mutating and then reshaping. D-GET 's main stages are repeated three times or more. Encrypted data is transmitted in a...
2 Pages 716 Words
Quantum mechanics is a dimension of science that describes the behavior of energy, waves, subatomic particles and the uncertainty principle mathematically. It was founded by a group of scientists in the 1920’s to uncover more about the physical properties of nature. One of the founders, Erwin Schrödinger, published a book titled ‘What is Life?’ in 1944 where he claimed that...
2 Pages 735 Words
The key goals in performing this study in-lab was to determine how PCR can be used to amplify desirable segments of DNA, examine how agarose gel electrophoresis can separate DNA fragments via size, and analyze DNA fragments on agarose gels to determine our PTC diplotypes. The collection of this data was done by gathering a sample of cheek cell DNA,...
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3 Pages 1278 Words
DNA is the inheritors and carriers of the organism. DNA plays a unique role in the flow and evolution of heredity. Originally DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is composed of three types of material. These are Phosphate, Deoxyribose sugar and 4 types of Nitrogen Alkaline. The Nitrogen Alkalines are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. DNA contains our primitive generation, our previous history,...
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4 Pages 1919 Words
Abstract In conceptual view of big data, some living data is selected and that data is called medical data, this data contains a crucial piece of details that used for analysis purpose, after performing such kind of analysis methods the biologists can easily know the outcome of bioinformatics science more efficiently. This research is like an outline of the data...
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6 Pages 2616 Words
DNA which stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic unit of hereditary. DNA is a molecule that consists of the information an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. It is also known as the life instruction of the cell. These instructions are found inside every cell and are passed down from generation to generation. DNA is mainly found in...
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7 Pages 3317 Words
DNA analysis is one of the greatest technical achievements for criminal investigation since the discovery of fingerprints. Methods of DNA profiling are firmly grounded in molecular technology. – Committee on DNA forensic science, National Academy of Sciences. For this project I chose to do DNA in the criminal justice field. What is DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA for sure, is...
8 Pages 3560 Words
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis is becoming more common in criminal investigations to characterize forensic biological specimen. This paper will examine mtDNA analysis in the forensic field, the expertise and training required and its strengths and limitations. The strengths of mtDNA analysis are the following: mtDNA has a high copy number, it provides an alternative option when nuclear DNA (nucDNA) is...
3 Pages 1332 Words
The DNA of every individual is unique. Even identical twins have variations in their DNA that makes it unique. DNA can not only be used to identify a person but can also reveal medical issues and project potential health problems that may arise in the future (“DNA test company 23andMe now fueling medical research”, 2018). Law enforcement has been using...
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6 Pages 2696 Words
Abstract This paper examines the negative ethical consequences that newly developed DNA tests have on individuals and their privacy within society. Although DNA testing has beneficial uses, there are a wide variety of negative effects in using, unregulated at home testing kits known as LTDS. Many companies do not have clear privacy policies for customer’s privacy when using their services....
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3 Pages 1292 Words
Introduction Cell division is important for an organism's growth. However, DNA must be replicated before the cell divides. DNA is the hereditary molecule that stores instructions to make proteins.1 Since DNA is the hereditary material, it must be copied from a cell to its daughter cell and this is done by the process of DNA replication. DNA replication is a...
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1 Page 657 Words
New technology is being used and integrated into society in the area of forensics using DNA. A profile of an individual is created when any physical traces are left behind at a crime scene, like blood, tissues, hair, or anything else harboring DNA. All of this information gets compiled, organized, and stored on computers to be cross-checked with the profiles...
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4 Pages 1937 Words
Abstract DNA origami nanostructures can be utilized as functional materials depending upon their arrangement into higher orders using molecular lithography process. DNA origami triangles and DNA origami 6-helix bundles (6HB) are synthesized under sodium and magnesium rich buffer solutions, adsorbed and desorbed on the negatively charged mica surface. The adsorption of origami depends upon Mg2+ that forms a salt bridge...
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2 Pages 894 Words
Introduction The field of forensic science has seen remarkable advancements over the past few decades, with DNA technology serving as a pivotal tool in criminal investigations. DNA profiling, developed in the mid-1980s, has revolutionized the way law enforcement agencies solve crimes, identifying perpetrators with unparalleled accuracy. The technique involves analyzing an individual's DNA sequence to produce a profile that is...
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3 Pages 1544 Words
Abstract We investigate whether a protein found in tardigrades called Damage suppressor, or Dsup, can help cells restart stalled replication forks in human cells. Tardigrades compose a phylum of microscopic animals known for their ability to survive extreme environmental conditions, and experiments have shown that Dsup prevents damage from accumulating in DNA (Hashimoto et al. 2016). Excessive stalled replication forks...
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3 Pages 1218 Words
In the late 19th century, there was a growing curiosity about the field of molecular biology and how things in our body worked at the molecular level. This led to extensive research in the early 20th century by upcoming scientists to know how genes present in our cells helped in the regulation and functioning of the chemical processes that take...
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1 Page 544 Words
Introduction Upon watching these week's videos and reading the weeks course line, I find that the most useful method in my learning about the relationship of the brain and the behavior of people is the DNA extraction method. According to (Yoshikawa, Dogruman-AI, Balaban, & Sultan, 2017), in the recent years, Microbiology labs have been given access to facilities that can...
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1 Page 449 Words
At their core, microarrays are simple devices used for measuring the relative concentrations of many different DNA or RNA sequences. While they have been incredibly useful in a wide variety of applications but they have a number of limitations. First limitation is that arrays provide an indirect measure of relative concentration. That is the signal measured at a given position...
1 Page 425 Words
The marine fisheries sector has a very important contribution to food security and economic prosperity, since fish is an important source of protein, vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Identification of the proper fish species is important for fisheries management and food product certification. Identification of marine species using traditional taxonomic methods is often a taxonomic inconsistency. To understand, evaluate,...
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2 Pages 861 Words
RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY Recombinant DNA Technology refers to the process by which DNA molecules of two different species are joined together and then inserted into a host for the production of new genetic combinations which are valuable to science, medicine, agriculture and industry. Steps involved in this process are: 1. Isolation of genetic material The genetic material in living organisms...
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3 Pages 1170 Words
Abstract A combination of DNA computing and a genetic algorithm is announced for RGB image encryption. The model is strong based on the scrambling technique of DNA computing operations using the crossover and mutation process and establishing a dynamic key based on a genetic algorithm, including a set of parameters such as population size, number of generation and mutation probability....
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3 Pages 1372 Words
Abstract DNA purification is a process that can be done by different methods to extract a DNA from any living organism. The aim of this experiment was to purify a DNA from kiwi fruit, and once it’s extracted it can be used for molecular analyses, sequencing and fingerprinting. The main concept of purification a DNA is to isolate it from...
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6 Pages 2876 Words
Introduction Food adulteration can be defined as adding removing or replacing any substance which will eventually exaggerate the natural quality of any food product. Producing food with high quality and safety should be the main focus of food industry. But as in for today food manufacturers are more tend to manufacture food with adulterants (Mi et al., 2015). These food...
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5 Pages 2365 Words
Introduction Humans have tens of thousands of genes, and the development of DNA microarrays by Patrick O. Brown, Joseph DeRisi, David Botstein, and colleagues in the mid-1990s made it possible to examine the expression of thousands of genes at once. Initial experiments using microarrays focused on determining which genes were expressed differently between normal cells and cancerous cells. Over time,...
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2 Pages 853 Words
Abstract The goal of this experiment was to isolate and sequence the GAPDH gene from Lilac. To extract, amplify, and transform the genomic DNA, we used PCR and nested PCR. This data was observed with gel electrophoresis and plating, which allows us to analyze the effectiveness of the ligation. pJET1.2 provided an essential restriction site that included eco47IR that killed...
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5 Pages 2231 Words
DNA chemical reactions have found a couple of industrial applications. Targeting protein bound to DNA for manipulation of disease prognosis is gaining a lot of interest among scientists. Due to advancement of in silico technology, thousands of molecules can be search for protein interaction. Molecules with the best docking properties to target proteins can then be synthesized in the lab...
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