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War on Drugs of the Current Administration: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3151 Words
“I will do just as I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because, I’d kill you.” — this is the statement of Rodrigo Duterte during his campaign period for presidency last 2016. This serves as a threat for those who continue to practice their illegal activities. This is addressed to all regardless...

Issues of Marijuana Legalization in Canada

2 Pages 832 Words
Imagine you’re a cancer patient in Wisconsin. You’re terminally ill, in the last stages of your lung cancer, in great pain, and the only drugs available to you are highly addictive painkillers. A natural painkiller is illegal in your state, and if you want this drug, you are forced to buy it on the black market where it could be...

Impact of Neoliberalism and Globalization on the War on Drugs

3 Pages 1393 Words
Neoliberalism is a policy model that tends to bridge politics, economics and social studies. The ideology of Neo-liberalism emphasizes on free market competition and capitalism that moves away from government regulation, spending or public ownership. This ideology was identified in 1980’s during the conservative governments of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margret Thatcher in the UK (Harp 2010). It...

Essay on War on Drugs: Literature Review

5 Pages 2115 Words
Kennedy (2011) concluded the War on Drugs had blackened prison populations for a number of years. Diiulio (1995) based on the above evidence, was right to state that government policies can destroy families but it cannot create one. Alexander (2010) accused the War on Drugs for its inequality focus but also blamed the indifference of the White community for this...

Critical Analysis of the Effectiveness of the War on Drugs

5 Pages 2411 Words
The War on Drugs, which is a term that was coined by the media, began on June 18, 1971 after President Nixon gave a speech about domestic and international drug reform to Congress. Which was once considered to be a drug reform movement went on to become a segway to mass incarceration that ultimately increased incarceration rates in black and...

The Importantce of War On Drugs

3 Pages 1523 Words
On June 17th of 1971, President Nixon began America’s longest and costliest war, a blemish in the history of America; the war on drugs. Nixon convinced America’s citizens that “America’s public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive” (Sharp). This...

The Case for Legalizing Cannabis: A Contemporary Analysis

2 Pages 901 Words
Introduction The debate surrounding the legalization of cannabis has been a persistent issue within socio-political discourse, evoking myriad opinions from policymakers, medical professionals, and the general public. While some view cannabis as a gateway drug with potential to exacerbate social issues, others argue for its therapeutic benefits and economic potential. This essay advocates for the legalization of cannabis, grounded in...

War against Drugs Launched by President Nixon: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1149 Words
The United States of America makes roughly 5 percent of the world population, yet funny enough it houses more than 25 percent of all people incarcerated throughout the world (Coates). The hardest hit communities are by far those of color in urban areas. This paper will focus on how America used the War on Drugs to wage war against its...

Failure of First Opium War: Smoking Ban in China Analysis

5 Pages 2394 Words
In the 18th year of Daoguang, the Daoguang Emperor sent Lin Zexu to Guangdong to bring the opium use to an end. After Lin Zexu had arrived, more than 20,000 boxes of opium were confiscated and destroyed in Humen, Haikou. This move completely annoyed the British merchants, considering it as an invasion against Britain which destroyed the Sino-British trade and...

Socioeconomic Impact of Smoking Ban Regulations: Analysis

8 Pages 3654 Words
1. Introduction The tobacco use epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats across the world, killing around 6 million people a year (600.000 of them are among non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke). 22% of the world’s adults are smokers and nearly 80% of the world’s smokers live in low and middle-income countries. As it is well known, smoking...

Analysis of Smoking Ban Implementation for a Smoke-Free Environment

5 Pages 2132 Words
This study focuses improving the establishment of a smoke-free environment in public and enclosed places. In today’s generation, many temptations may arise, taking drugs, prostitution, gambling, drinking alcohol, and smoking, but smoking is considered as the first vice that you can try, it is natural to the community but its effects may be so harming. Smoking is a practice in...

Analyzing Public Bans on Smoking Products

5 Pages 2405 Words
Smoking is known for its health risks and toxicity. Many people across the united states and further are being diagnosed with diseases caused by tobacco smoke even if they have never smoked a cigarette. The leading culprit is secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke (SHS) poses major health risks, especially the risk of lung cancer. A person could die from lung cancer...

Should Marijuanas Be Legalized Essay

6 Pages 2765 Words
“What goes around… comes all the way back around” –Justin Timberlake. What a fitting lyric from one of today’s biggest pop stars and one that fits the X Generation perfectly. Already, we have brought “back around” old styles of fashion and music. Now, as more of our generation begins to enter the political world we are seeing a change in...

Why Marijuanas Should not Be Legal Essay

5 Pages 2463 Words
Should Recreational Use of Marijuana Be Legalized in All 50 States? Introduction Passing from various phases of its use in hem, ropes, and medicines, marijuana now has reached the point of discussions where its legality and illegality have stirred debates across the country. In America, the use of recreational use of marijuana is legal now in many states and in...

Why Medical Marijuanas Should Be Legal Essay

6 Pages 2868 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Executive Summary Our team’s purpose in writing this report is to educate others on the topic of Marijuana; specifically the history, the medical and financial benefits, and laws regarding state and federal jurisdiction of the drug. The information used for our research came from reliable sources such as news articles from U.S. News and CNBC, Harvard Medical School Dr. Peter...

Negative Effects of Marijuanas Essay

2 Pages 862 Words
Marijuana Should not be Legalized “For every deed, you do there is a consequence…” a quote from Sadhguru This is just like marijuana consumption because it has many benefits yet a lot of negative impacts on our bodies. Marijuana is a pulverized mix of dead leaves, twig, and floret of the plant Cannabis Sativa. There is also an alternative form...

The Morality of Drug Legalization

5 Pages 2271 Words
Abstract Ethical and moral theories aim to evaluate and explain the complexities of one’s life. Decisions that individuals face on a daily basis, or once in a lifetime are affected by the morality behind the making of the decision as well as the repercussions that come as a result. Controversial decisions such as drug legalization must extend beyond financial and...

Ban on Smoking in Public Places

3 Pages 1276 Words
If there was a way you could prevent some illness, diseases and even death, wouldn’t you do it? Smoke is a proven killer, whether inhaled directly or second hand, and attempts should be made to reduce it in public places. Many would argue limiting places in which people can smoke is a violation of their rights to enjoy a legal...

Why Legal Marijuana is Likely to Do More Harm than Good Recreationally

8 Pages 3759 Words
Addiction, it’s an ugly word, but unfortunately a very common one. It is wifely stated that the first step to overcoming an addiction is to admit that there is a problem. But many who smoke marijuana insist there is no problem. Take “Clay” for example, he smokes marijuana daily but says he’s not addicted. But when Clay doesn’t smoke he...

The Global Shift: Decriminalization and Regulation of Marijuana

2 Pages 878 Words
Introduction The decriminalization and sanctioning of marijuana have emerged as significant policy issues worldwide, reflecting broader shifts in societal attitudes towards this historically contentious substance. While marijuana was once universally condemned and criminalized, an increasing number of countries have begun to re-evaluate their legal frameworks, considering the socio-economic and health-related implications of its prohibition. This essay examines the global trends...

Should Marijuana be Legalized on the Federal Government Level?

7 Pages 3132 Words
Abstract Weed is ending up progressively mainstream and acknowledged inside our general public; to such an extent that specific states have sanctioned it for medicinal or recreational use, in spite of weed staying unlawful with respect to the government. This has lead, and will keep on leading, to entangled and unverifiable duty situations for the organizations that deliver and offer...

The Peculiarities of Legalization of Cannabis

3 Pages 1162 Words
Several generations have argued about the legalization of cannabis at the global level. In modern world people are getting addicted to drugs more and more every day even in spite of the well-known fact that all types of drugs are forbidden and regulated by government. Meanwhile, the World faces issue related to making drugs legal. Such type of drug as...

Cannabis Legalization in Canada

3 Pages 1280 Words
Introduction There are two major uses of marijuana as relates to its legalization. One of them is the medical use of cannabis and the recreational use of the same. The benefits of marijuana in medicine have been studied and proved to manage mainly pain and the side effects of cancer treatment options such as chemotherapy. The recreational use involves the...

The Impact of Canada's Cannabis Act

2 Pages 1150 Words
Introduction The legalization of marijuana in Canada, marked by the enactment of the Cannabis Act in October 2018, represents a significant shift in the country's approach to drug policy. This legislation, officially known as Bill C-45, was a landmark decision aimed at regulating and controlling the production, distribution, sale, and possession of cannabis across Canada. The move was driven by...

Why The Philippines should Legalize Medical Marijuana

3 Pages 1383 Words
Abstract Marijuana, also known as cannabis are dried leaves of the pistil hemp plant that give off THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and are smoked in cigarette for their intoxicating effect. Since 2700BC, it is being used for medical purposes by Greeks and Egyptians. Efforts to legalize marijuana as medicine in the United States have grown significantly in recent years however, in the...

Should Marijuana be Legalized in Nepal?

2 Pages 933 Words
Marijuana also known as cannabis is a herb of greenish-gray mixture of dried flowers of Cannabis sativa. Some people smoke marijuana like cigarettes. Marijuana is used in various things like brewing tea, medicinal purposes, sometimes mixed into foods which are edibles such as brownies, cookies, or candies whereas strong form of marijuana is used in ingredients like honeylike hash oil,...
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