Educational System essays

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Key Attributes of a Successful Open Distance Learner

2 Pages 894 Words
Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, open distance learning (ODL) has emerged as a pivotal mode of acquiring knowledge, offering flexibility and accessibility to learners worldwide. As institutions increasingly embrace this mode, understanding the attributes that contribute to successful learning outcomes is essential. An excellent open distance learner is distinguished by a unique set of qualities that facilitate...

Disadvantages of Standardized Testing and Effective Alternatives to It

1 Page 435 Words
Michelle Obama, most would describe her as a very successful and intelligent individual with all of her accomplishments including graduating from Princeton University as Cum Laude with a bachelor's degree in Sociology and continuing her education at Harvard University law school. Mrs. Obama once stated “if my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn’t...

Fit Students Equals Happier and Smarter Students

3 Pages 1355 Words
Education should be brought back into grade schools. We need to implement programs that show our youth how to stay healthy and active. Recess and P.E. could be extended a bit more, while ensuring that the kids spent that time being physically active. Promote team sports so that kids are encouraged to stay physically active after school. Creating a national...

The Gap in Educational Attainment and Its Widening Forces

3 Pages 1576 Words
If there’s something we’ve learnt from the ever so long chronicles of human history, it’s that that we can’t set boundaries to the benefits of knowledge/ education. And how far humanity has come in light of this realization is irrefutable. In the UK, for example there are currently 32,418 schools; among which 3,714 are nurseries, 20,832 are primary schools, 19...

Main Disadvantages of Standardized Testing

2 Pages 1148 Words
When it comes to any assessment, there will always be a negative and a positive side to it. Most of the time one usually outweighs the other, especially when it is an assessment that isn’t entirely fair to a certain group of people. In regards to standardized testing, many negative risks and consequences arise from the use of it as...

Supporting Children with Special Needs

2 Pages 999 Words
Introduction The provision of appropriate support for children with special needs is a multifaceted endeavor that requires collaboration, understanding, and dedication from educators, parents, and caregivers. As society becomes increasingly aware of the diverse needs of children, the importance of creating inclusive educational environments has gained significant attention. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that children with disabilities...

The Arguments for Eliminating Standardized Testing

1 Page 491 Words
A study done by Spector of New York Times shows “about three quarters of psychologists from the state’s nearly seven hundred school districts said state tests are causing great stress” (Spector, 1). Many students are required to take standardized tests nationwide which results in a lot of stress. Low energy, headaches, an upset stomach, aches, pains, and tense muscles are...

Impact of Covid-19 on India's Education System

3 Pages 1630 Words
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted significantly in human life. The purpose of study is to investigate the impact of coronavirus on Indian education system. As coronavirus spread across the whole world, due to this pandemic situation and lockdown, has forced education sector to close temporarily. The education system in India has shut down, due to spreading of coronavirus among students and...

Main Benefits of Physical Education for Students

2 Pages 708 Words
Physical education is one of the most important subjects that is taught in school as it teaches us how we can benefit from regular exercise, it teaches us how to control chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Physical education develops the idea of fitness in learners. Not only does physical education lessons teach us about regular exercise, healthy food...

Critical Analysis of Major Education Reforms

5 Pages 2439 Words
Throughout time, there has been a decrease in students' grades and test scores. Unsure why, a range of school reforms were studied and tested. This report will cover a few of the many reforms that were done and thought to be done, ranging from broad reforms like changing school standards, all the way to particular reforms such as School Choice....

Importance of Physical Education Courses at University Level

2 Pages 705 Words
The brief history of physical education would start in just about 1820 when schools focused on gymnastics, hygiene training and care, and development of the human body. Physical education in college happened when college athletics received a major stimulus when a National Collegiate Athletic Association was created in the early twentieth centuries. Late in the twentieth century there was certainly...

The Issue of the Racial Wealth Gap in Chicago

4 Pages 1843 Words
Disparities in education may provide some explanation for the racial wealth gap that exists in Chicago. Specifically, the process in which resources are allocated to different neighborhoods across the city widens the gap in educational achievement that may impact economic outcomes later in life. In Peter Hancock’s article, ‘Money Matters: How School Funding Inequities Affect Students, Taxpayers’, he states that...

The Significant Role of Physical Education in the Curriculum

6 Pages 2660 Words
Physical Education (PE) is described by the Association for Physical Education (AfPE, 2015) as being a subject within the school curriculum which provides all pupils with planned, progressive learning. The purpose of PE as a subject has adapted and changed over the years. Although, there has always been one underlining outcome which is to provide the learners with the knowledge...

Inclusion, Achievement, and Attainment in Scottish Education

5 Pages 2184 Words
This essay aims to critically analyse the relationship between inclusion, achievement, and attainment in Scottish education, by discussing the three concepts to determine their importance within the educational standards. It will be argued that the three concepts work in partnership and thus, follow the Scottish Governments hopes to provide high educational standards. Educational settings are becoming increasingly diverse and development...

Excellence Curriculum & GIRFEC Approach for Every Child

5 Pages 2252 Words
The World Health Organization (1948) defines Health “as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This meaning suggests that the health of an individual incorporates much more than just the absence of an illness and includes several aspects of a person’s wellbeing. The World Health Organization (2004) describes the...

Descriptive Essay: General Overview of American Education System

2 Pages 691 Words
When looking at the American education system, the multitude of flaws in it can effortlessly be determined by examining the popular belief that “if you don’t go to college, you have no worth,” a concept brought to light by Joshua Katz in his Toxic Culture of Education TED talk. The American education system does not adequately provide students with the...

Philosophy of Education: A Critical View of a Researcher

7 Pages 3284 Words
Introduction Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of values and reality of chiefly speculative rather than observational means. It signifies a natural and necessary urge in human beings to know themselves and the world in which they live and move and have their being. Western philosophy remained more or less true to the etymological meaning of philosophy in...

Critique of Standardized Testing in CBRNE Community

2 Pages 731 Words
The United States has on numerous occasions had to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. However, the absence of standardized testing methods has affected its ability to respond to hazards that are natural and manmade. For instance, the absence of standardized fire hose couplings has negatively impacted on the ability of firefighters to effectively respond to fires,...

Achievement Gap in Schools across America: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1889 Words
A. Advantages of Using PLC’s Professional Learning Communities “are not a program or an organized curriculum, but it is a way of working together so that everyone involved in a child’s educational experience is focused on improving that child’s and all children’s learning” (Hord, 1997, p.2). According to Dr. Wanda Shelton, Superintendent of Lincoln County Schools of Fayetteville, TN, teachers...

Impact of Standardized Tests on US Education System

5 Pages 2361 Words
Abstract This paper explores the effect standardized tests have on the American education system. As the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 (NCLB) has greatly increased the amount of standardized test in the United States, most prominently the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), this paper analyzes the effectiveness of those tests. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has revealed...

Physical Education Students' Olympics Knowledge: An Analytical Essay

4 Pages 2040 Words
Olympic Games and its values were the most influential sporting phenomenon in western civilization, impacting in the development of democracy and health. The cult of physical effort in harmony is one of the numerous ideas inherent to olympic education. The purpose of this work was to investigate the basic knowledge of university students of physical education from one university of...

Problems in Indian Education System

5 Pages 2253 Words
Abstract The success of an economy is greatly determined by the education systems in practise. Education is the back bone of every nation and civilized society in today’s world. A developed country is also an educated country, keeping in mind the significance of a good education system. Indian higher education system is the third largest in the world. Right from...

The Role of Higher Education in Personal and Societal Advancement

2 Pages 917 Words
Introduction The pursuit of university education is often regarded as a pivotal step toward personal and professional development. It serves as more than a mere acquisition of knowledge; it is a transformative journey that equips individuals with critical thinking skills, adaptability, and a deep understanding of their chosen fields. As society evolves, the role of university education becomes increasingly significant...

Flaws in Standardized Testing: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 1039 Words
Should Exams be outlawed in favor of another assignment? Exams often do little more than measure a person’s ability to take exams. A test or examination is an assignment intended to measure a test-takes knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness or classification in many other subjects. Imagine if failing a test was considered to be a failure for your whole life....

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