Social media is a pool comprising all virtual engagement platforms which are focused towards enhancing public based contribution, sharing of content, as well as association. These mediums continues to play a key role in our everyday living as they are depended upon by a huge number of people in the...
Social media is a pool comprising all virtual engagement platforms which are focused towards enhancing public based contribution, sharing of content, as well as association. These mediums continues to play a key role in our everyday living as they are depended upon by a huge number of people in the world especially in the 21st century to perform different roles in their life. All these podiums are internet based that ends up giving quick and reliable message to end users. Some of these platforms include but are not limited to; Facebook, LinkedIn, Snap chat, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Skype just but to mention a few of them. The following are some effects that can be associated with the different channels: facilitating trade, communication platforms, eradicating communication barriers, plays a unifying role between the users, reliable source of information, addiction, impersonation, unrealistic expectations and cyber bullying. This research will focus on effects of social media.
Social media plays vital critical role when it comes to trade by lowering the business promoting costs. Traditional advertising mediums for example television adverts, prints in addition to even radio advertisement have always demanded for huge payments unlike social platforms where businesses can automatically associate to their anticipated clients freely. Many companies continue to utilize platforms such as Facebook to run adverts for their different products and services as they get to reach a huge potential clientele base resulting to low costs as compared to traditional media channels.
Twitter network for instance provides a stage where all bloggers and free lancers can connect with their users for them to share their researches and articles on their respective accounts. This enhances the followerâs network of the freelancers together with eradication of the bloggers. In most instances this leads to interactive sessions between the bloggers and their followers. Followers themselves deliberate more of the content shared and as well come up with new ideas and proposals that can lead to another blog.
Skype has continuously continued to eradicate all dealings and communication obstacles and as a result one can openly expresses their perception, thoughts over a wide perspective of issues occurring around them. Experts and students are able to network, share and come to a common agreement with ease as far they have access to laptop and internet. This ends up facilitating an interactive session where a student can pose a question and be answered on the spot.
Social media has continued to play a unifying role towards uniting masses on a huge podium to enhance achievement of some laid down common goal. It is very crucial especially in enhancing that there is positive change in society. Population around the globe are utilizing platforms like whatsapp by creating whatsapp groups for personnel intending to achieve a common achievement. These groups are able to propel their actions and deeds towards realizing the set out objective.
LinkedIn, Twitter as well as Facebook have continuously continued to gain dominance of the most viable in addition reliable choice for content creators, bloggers and article writers. Recruiters at some point of their recruitment process tend to rely on these platforms to fetch for genuine and reliable information with regards to their candidates. The platforms are as well able to depict the true characters of individuals thus enhancing effective and efficient selection process.
Addiction to teenagers and students where they tend to spend most of their time on the networks thus diverting their attention from allocated tasks thus lowering their motivational levels. These teenagers and students tend to mostly rely on technology and internet instead of getting to learn and understand the practical knowledge and expertise of the everyday life. The addiction tends to affect their full potential in the activities and exercises they engage in.
Kids tend to be hugely affected by these social sites especially if in a situation whereby people share recorded videos and personal images through huge contents of sex plus violence. These ends up affecting the kids conduct in a negative manner. As a result putting a negative impact on overall society as these kids get to involve themselves in criminal acts plus such related activities. The wave continues amongst the peers thus spreading the habit to even those who had no idea of the same.
Impersonation has continued to emerge as a big challenge where users have a tendency to share too much personal information which puts them at a risk. This information may pose as a threat to them despite the adverse security settings personal information may leak out on sites. Automatically downloading pictures, recorded videos and copying oneâs status in an easy simplified way.
Cyber bullying unlike in the past where bullying could only occur on a face to face interaction basis these days one can easily bully others online. These enables new persons to easily make contacts but as well it enables cruel mean individuals to as well to tear into other personnel with little effort .As a result terrorizing them in front of their friends and followers thus betraying and embarrassing them online. All these happenings tend to leave people with deep mental worries and in extreme cases leading others to end up committing suicide.
Fear of tending to miss out which is a form of anxiety that one gets when they are scared of missing out on a great exposure that others are experiencing. One may end up losing the experience especially if you are not socially connected with others. This has continued to be triggered by platforms such as instagram where people tend to express what they get to experience on a daily basis.
Unhealthy sleep patterns exist as another effect especially for individuals whom tend to spend most of their time on online social platforms. These unhealthy patterns mostly affect people who tend to even use their mobile phones in bed at night causing irregular sleep patterns. With continues usage to the behavior this leads to a drop in their productivity in their daily life routines. As a result this tends to form an addictive pattern that ends up complex to break free from.
In conclusion it is clear that social media has both affirmative and adverse effects in the universe, it all depends on how the platforms are used. If properly used the mediums can benefit the universe in a huge manner like in business they facilitate in the profits turnover. Without any doubt brand awareness is experienced, communication has really been enhanced despite the distance the content is origination from. However we cannot rule out some people get to experience harassment on the same platforms due to the mean nature of those who violate terms .Other users tend to get addicted to this channels hindering their main purpose and ends up losing focus. This gives the end user an opportunity to which side of the effects they would choose to belong being aware that there are both positive and negative effects.