English Language Essays

65 samples in this category

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2 Pages 981 Words
Introduction The teaching of English as a First Additional Language (EFAL) in multilingual contexts presents unique challenges and opportunities that demand innovative didactic approaches. As globalization continues to shrink the world, the proficiency in English has become an indispensable skill, often serving as a gateway to academic success and economic opportunity. Hence, educators are charged with the responsibility of not...
English LanguageTeacher/Teaching
like 432
3 Pages 1372 Words
Abstract Recent commercial developments in the South-eastern Sea Islands threaten the survival of African American communities known as Geechee or Gullah. Descended from slaves brought to the southeast United States between the early 17th and mid-19th centuries, the Gullah-Geechee of South Carolina and Georgia in the United States, have developed distinctive, culturally-expressive Creole communities. The African-American people who were brought...
English Language
like 432
2 Pages 695 Words
Introduction The English language has emerged as an indispensable tool for global communication, particularly in Asian and Western communities. As globalization intensifies, the need for a common linguistic platform becomes paramount to facilitate interactions across diverse cultural and geographical landscapes. English, with its rich history and widespread usage, serves this purpose effectively. Its role as a lingua franca in both...
English LanguageGlobalization
like 432
1 Page 401 Words
I highly agree that postcolonial discourse influences ideas about English as a global language. English as the language of the British colonists achieved celebrated immensity during British Imperialism. Since then, English as a language accomplished admiration in educational prospects and in governance structure all along the colonial era. The reverence of English did not stop yet it further intensified in...
English LanguageLanguage
like 432
4 Pages 1813 Words
Linguistic power comes from the ability to speak a language as well as to listen and understand it. It gives a sense of superiority to the person who possesses this characteristic. Effective communication is the key to gaining attention and dominion over the audience. Through this essay I will speak about the power English language holds over us today with...
English Language
like 432
5 Pages 2215 Words
Social media has often been portrayed as having a negative impact on language development so much that defining language is now key to measuring what is meant by language growth and development. The concept of language as a communication key has needed renewed discussion with the introduction of technology and the many methods of interaction that it has brought to...
English Language
like 432
3 Pages 1142 Words
The purpose of this document is to provide a critical summary of Boroditsky (2001) paper on linguistic relativity, as well as provide an evaluation of the impacts of the paper’s findings. The paper is part of a mass of literature in psychology looking at evidence of language influencing thought, or how the speakers’ language structure affects cognition. In existing literature,...
English Language
like 432
2 Pages 805 Words
Language has profound effects on how a person perceives and process a piece of information. For learning purpose, it is indispensable to have the proper knowledge of the language in which one is pursuing a degree. Association of International Student Assimilation (AISA report, 2014) reported that most of the international students show poor academic results and low proficiency in English...
English LanguageStudent Life
like 432
6 Pages 2744 Words
ABSTRACT Since the implementation of the decentralization policy in education management in 2001,many local governments (PEMDA) decide to teach English as' Local content' at the elementary school level (or even in kindergarten). This LG problematic because the implementation of this without coupled with special preparatory efforts English teacher to teach in elementary school. This article discusses the profiles of English...
English Language
like 432
6 Pages 2705 Words
In this section of my Extended Project Qualification, I will be discussing the potential viewpoints surrounding my question; namely whether or not the English language will ever become the only native language of the British Isles to still be in use. For clarity’s sake, I will be considering native languages to include English, and the Insular Celtic languages- except Breton.I...
English Language
like 221
6 Pages 2495 Words
Introduction The Hispanic segment is the fastest growing minority with an estimated 57.5 million living in the United States (Facts for Features, 2017). Due to a growing population and increasing purchasing power, advertisers are constantly looking at how to better appeal to this audience (Rodriguez, 2015), however Hispanics are not a homogenous group even though many advertisers take them to...
English LanguageLanguageSpanish Language
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1 Page 588 Words
Learning a second language is never easy. Learning English as a second language is even more difficult, and here's why. First of all, learning English is difficult because of the limited learning environment. In most cases, students can speak sufficient English in class only under supervision. In addition, students do not always hear enough English from those around them. Therefore,...
English LanguageSecond LanguageStudy
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1 Page 626 Words
it is important for every child to acquire listening and speaking skills before starting to attend their primary school stated darwissyah irwan d nunun indrasari 2019 there are many strategies and techniques that promote and encourage listening and speaking skills in the foundation phase in this assignment i will critically analyse the types of listening and speaking skills activities to...
English LanguageListeningSpeak
like 305
3 Pages 1323 Words
My name is Hadrien and I have been studying English for three years now at Rennes 2. In order to perfect my studies I am applying for this program. I heard about this program last year thanks to one of my professors and I immediately thought that the Fulbright FTLA program would be a perfect opportunity for me and my...
English LanguageFailurePersonal Experience
like 381
3 Pages 1510 Words
Is it necessary to ignore one’s identity while learning to speak English? In Amy Tan’s essay, “Mother Tongue” the author talks about her love for languages. The author highlights more about her life experience with her mother in America because of her mother's barrier to the English language. Tan also talks about her mother's humiliation due to broken English and...
3 Pages 1219 Words
If you’re reading this, I hope it finds you well. You may have taken English 101. According to the University of Arizona’s English language department, English 101 “ is to introduce you to the conventions of academic writing and critical thinking (English 101: Introduction to College Writing).” Looking forward, in English 102 you can expect to build “upon the critical...
2 Pages 930 Words
In the global economy, research, innovation, and a variety of other disciplines, English is the dominant language. Prior to English, French has been frequently regarded as the most important international language. From the seventeenth century through the mid-twentieth century, French was the language of diplomacy, and it is still used by several international organizations. The Treaty of Versailles, which was...
English LanguagePerspective
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1 Page 665 Words
Since the world we are living in has been a global village, therefore, it is a requirement of the current scenario that people should be able to communicate around the globe, specifically for students in their academic careers. English language not only helps us to build our careers but also enhances confidence level that enables a person to talk and...
English LanguageKnowledgeStudy
like 125
2 Pages 772 Words
There is a lot of evidence pointing to the benefits of children's learning English as a second language. However, choosing to raise a bilingual child is something it takes a lot of thought, preparation, and time. It is, therefore, a very personal decision that will affect the life of the child for years to come. This essay will explain the...
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2 Pages 768 Words
In the essay ‘Mother Tongue’, the author, Amy Tan, offers a different, extra upbeat standpoint on the exclusive types of English that immigrants talk about adapting to American culture. Using easy language to increase her argument, she communicates casually to the target market rather than informs it in a way that helps the audience apprehend what is being presented more...
English LanguageLiterature Review
like 241
1 Page 594 Words
In today's world, language plays a fundamental role in portraying the ideas of specific cultures over time. Some of the earliest forms have been around since the Common Era, Old English being one of the most developed languages. In the essay ‘Mother Tongue’ by Amy Tan, readers are engaged in her unique writing style as Tan expresses her childhood growing...
English LanguageLiterature Review
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1 Page 595 Words
Music is sound that is composed in such a way that contains rhythm, song, and harmony, especially sounds that is produced by instruments and can produce rhythm. Although music is a kind of intuition, phenomenon, to create, improve and present it is an art form. The reason I chose this topic is because music is important for the balance of...
21st CenturyEnglish LanguageSong
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3 Pages 1457 Words
Have you ever wondered where the English language came from? How it was developed and how it became what we know today? It is common to suggest that there are three main categories concerning the evolution and history of the English language. First, we have Old English. It started from 450 to 1066 and it begins with the coming of...
American CultureEnglish Language
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2 Pages 902 Words
When I first started this English class, I was not sure how well I would do. When I met my professor, Rebecca Samberg, I gained more confidence because she explained the materials in such a way that helped stimulate my interest. I feared I would struggle through the course but being under the supervision of professor Samberg, it got easier...
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3 Pages 1548 Words
1. Introduction Not many people use English as a language to be spoken the most, but it’s the official language in many countries. 2 Billion people in the world use English as their communication language! That’s why English is the main language in influential countries. It is also used as a dominant language for business matters and it has become...
English Language
like 433
2 Pages 803 Words
Introduction The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) plays a pivotal role in evaluating the English proficiency of non-native speakers. Originally designed as a tool for assessing students' readiness for education in English-speaking countries, IELTS has increasingly been used as a criterion for employment, especially in the English Language Teaching (ELT) field. The requirement for a high IELTS score as...
English Language
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6 Pages 2565 Words
Have you heard of the phrase “same-same, but different”? It is usually used to describe people, situations, or things that are similar in one aspect but different in another. The unique thing about this phrase is that it contains words that contradict themselves but perfectly explain our life experiences. For example, if I was comparing myself against my fellow Chinese-Malay...
Amy TanEnglish Language
like 386
2 Pages 905 Words
First lecture Our first lecture of Global Business Communication started with the definition of BELF (Business English as a lingua franca). BELF has three contextual features which are important to communicate efficiently in a business environment: “its domain of use, the role of its users, and the overall goal of the interactions” – in other words, global businesses, business professionals...
Discourse CommunityEnglish Language
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1 Page 517 Words
Studying English and other subjects via English is a consequence of inforce around the universe. According to Kachru’s circles, English has different positions. English is taught in different academic levels. English is learned by non-native speakers and refers as (TESOL). This essay discusses English language in academic environments. It goes through reasons and outcomes of English for academic purposes. It...
English Language
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