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Gender Portrayal and Sexism in Christopher Nolan's Film 'Inception'

4 Pages 1929 Words
‘Inception’ (2010) is praised for its originality, determination and success, and is one of Christopher Nolan’s best-known films, winning 4 Oscars. Although the concept of ‘Inception’ is extremely compelling, with astonishing performances from DiCaprio and Watanabe, the portrayal of women in this production is disappointing, and poor, objectifying its female characters and portraying prototypical female mania. In this essay I...

Exploring the Depths of 'The Matrix'

4 Pages 1763 Words
Have you ever had a dream that you were absolutely certain it was real? Envision that you weren't able to awaken. How would you know the difference between the dream and reality? This is the underlying theme to one of the most sought out transmedia executions the world has ever seen. ​The multitude of ways we communicate in today’s society...

Evolution of Spider-Man Films

1 Page 595 Words
Spider-Man as a superhero has undergone a great deal of redesign, reboots and reinvention since the early 2000s. The multitude of recreations have made the differences in values, attitudes and relevant issues in each adaptation extremely prominent. These differences will be discussed with close reference to the films ‘Spider-Man’ (2002), ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ and ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ (2018), as well...

Essentialism in the Film 'The Matrix'

2 Pages 757 Words
Essentialism is a philosophy that believes all things have a set of attributes in order for it to be recognized and to know its function. Moreover, it believes that before anything could exist, there should be a purpose unto why it is made. This philosophy has been very evident in ‘The Matrix’. The trilogy is an American sci-fi movie that...

Drugs in the Music Industry

3 Pages 1180 Words
Drugs and the music industry have a very close relationship. Drugs have been associated with the music industry for decades, dating as far back to the nineteen-twenties. Many popular songs have lyrics that mention the use of drugs. The famous street drug known as ‘Molly’ is featured in a significant amount of songs. Nowadays, it is common to see many...

Informative Essay on Disc Jockeys and Copyright

5 Pages 2187 Words
The term ‘disc jockey’, now commonly abbreviated as DJ, was coined in 1935 by the American radio commentator Walter Winchell. They were originally the operators of machines that played phonograph or gramophone records (now known as vinyl records), but, with the technological advancement in the modern era, DJs have largely shifted from vinyl discs to compact discs and now to...

Importance of Supportive Relationships in Selected Novels

1 Page 626 Words
The comparison of similar themes within varying mediums of text, in addition to each composer’s diverse individual perspectives on these issues, reveal the universality and importance of these ideas. Through the exploration of the themes of the importance of supportive relationships and the contrasting impacts that the suppression of free will can hold in differing mediums of text, Malorie Blackman’s...

Cultural Collision in the Film ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’

1 Page 603 Words
Throughout a lot of research, the conclusion that I have come to, seems that ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ surpassed ‘Yolngu Boy’ in presenting cultural collision. This was reached by showing what life was like for Aboriginal kids back in around 1930 and how white culture effected their lives. The part about this film that stood out to me was the fact...

Criticism of Social Misogyny in Georges Bizet's Opera 'Carmen'

4 Pages 1774 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction to Bizet's 'Carmen' and Its Social Context Adhering to the nature of opéra-comique, an exotic location, tragedy and depiction of the working class, Georges Bizet put a twist on this customary style of opera and created ‘Carmen’. The opera, set in Seville about the year 1830, is about Don José. He is enticed away from his duty as a...

Critical Analysis of the Film ‘Pearl Harbor’

1 Page 648 Words
‘Pearl Harbor’ is an American romantic war drama film directed by Michael Bay in 2001. The film presents a heavily fictionalized version of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, focusing on a love story that unfolds in the run-up to the attack, its aftermath, and the Doolittle Raid. Historians have found multiple inaccuracies in this film....

Copyright and Royalties in the Music Industry

3 Pages 1495 Words
I have been asked to create this essay in which I have to provide an account for how copyrights and royalties work in the music industry and to show my understanding of the importance of collections societies. I have thoroughly researched these topics and have gained full understanding on each matter. Copyright There are many issues surrounding the downloading side...

The Matrix and The Allegory of the Cave: Comparison

3 Pages 1391 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction A turtle and a salmon are swimming together. While swimming, the turtle asks the fish: "How does the water taste today." After thinking about it for a couple of seconds, the salmon responds: "What's water?". The 2001 film 'The Matrix,' directed by the Wachowski brothers, is a science fiction homage to Plato's allegory of the cave. Both stories tell...

Comparison of Italian and German Opera

3 Pages 1519 Words
By the 19th century, opera had become one of the most popular musical genres. Italy had been the birthplace of opera in the 17th century, however, other European countries such as Germany began to produce their own operas during the Classical period. For most of the 19th century, Italy and Germany were comprised of smaller states and had not yet...

Comparison of 20th and 21st Century Songwriting English

1 Page 595 Words
Music is sound that is composed in such a way that contains rhythm, song, and harmony, especially sounds that is produced by instruments and can produce rhythm. Although music is a kind of intuition, phenomenon, to create, improve and present it is an art form. The reason I chose this topic is because music is important for the balance of...

Comparing the Heroic Qualities of Beowulf and Oprah Winfrey

2 Pages 922 Words
The Anglo-Saxon epic poem ‘Beowulf’ deals with good and evil. Beowulf was a responsible, brave, and a strong person. Beowulf was loyal to all his people and kept his word with the people such as willing to risk his life for them which that’s something many people wouldn’t do. Oprah Winfrey was also a responsible, brave, and a strong person....

Coach Carter's Inspirational Character

3 Pages 1218 Words
'Coach Carter' is an American biographical teen sports drama film directed by Thomas Carter. In this paper I'm going to discuss how the main character of this fascinating movie, Ken Carter, demonstrates demonstrates his inspirational character. The Mississippi business, writer, coach and family man, Ken Carter’s motivation and inspiring work ethic has been seen to become a world-known person on...

Coach Carter's Effective Leadership Style in the Movie ‘Coach Carter’

4 Pages 1859 Words
The movie ‘Coach Carter’ is a veritable story reliant on Coach Ken Carter who was a basketball mentor at a Richmond’s optional school. ‘Coach Carter’ is extraordinarily moving and charming motion picture which was facilitated by Thomas Carter, and this motion picture was released by Central Pictures in 2005. It is certified story of a man who pushed his understudies...

Close Analysis Essay: ‘Babies’ and ‘Kony 2012’

2 Pages 1009 Words
Childhood experiences are defined through the environments in which they are raised in. Regardless of their environment, a child will thrive through natural survival instincts, coping skills, and will exhibit resiliency characteristics throughout their childhood. Throughout the films ‘Kony 2012’ and ‘Babies’, it displays childhood from two very different views, and how childhood can manifest differently according to geographical habitus....

Christopher Nolan's ‘Inception’: Film Report

2 Pages 1134 Words
‘Inception’ is considered the most unique motion picture of its time. Released in 2010 when executive Christopher Nolan was falling off the statures of ‘The Dark Knight’, ‘Inception’ demonstrated there was as a reasonable place, unique studio tentpole. The science fiction film acquired $828.3 million at the overall film industry and was even a player on the honors circuit. Among...

Essay about Chris Kyle: American Sniper Who Will Never Be Forgotten

4 Pages 1952 Words
Chris Kyle’s most notable accomplishments-2 silver stars, 5 bronze stars, and 160 confirmed kills as an American sniper-demonstrate his hard work and dedication to the United States Military and Armed Forces. All of these achievements stood possible for Chris through many years of tireless hard work and dedication. He was denied entry into the United States Marines due to medical...

Character Analysis of Neil Perry from 'Dead Poets Society'

3 Pages 1281 Words
Disobedience often deems an individual as an aggressive revolutionist, an independent leader, or a rebellious outsider. The context of one’s obedience—or lack thereof—determines how the majority will see them. Whether acting out and defying expectations can be defined as audacious and reckless behavior or valiant and courageous, is in the eye of the beholder. Impulsively disobeying and blindly obeying are...

Artificial Intelligence in Hollywood

4 Pages 1706 Words
Production time on massive-scale films varies, and the level of detail varies because of scene precedence, film precedence, last-minute changes, and plenty of different elements. Time is the primary factor in the difference among stunning 4k digital pix that appear like filmed scenes (James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’) and things that don’t look all that first-rate, like the fight scene in ‘Black...

Analysis of the Musical Work of the Movie 'Blade Runner'

4 Pages 1731 Words
Music surrounds us, no matter where we travel or what we do it is impossible to not be exposed to two notes that create a musical tone. People use music to sometimes cope with emotions, relive certain moments where they felt euphoric either by relating to the lyrics or even just through hearing certain sounds of music. In ‘Blade Runner’,...

Analysis of the Movie 'The Blind Side'

5 Pages 2558 Words
Introduction to Michael Oher's Journey Based on a book ‘The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game’, the movie I am going to talk about in this paper is based on a true story. Michael Oher, lonely boy, left away to the streets has now entered school, no money, no family, started sleeping at the school’s gym during winter as it...

Babies' Movie: Piaget & Bowlby Theories

6 Pages 2585 Words
The movie ‘Babies’ by Thomas Balmès takes us on a trip around the world to observe four newborn babies for the first two years of their lives. The movie looks at the relationship infants have with their parents and compares their development through a series of vignettes when each child accomplishes certain milestones. Throughout this paper I will discuss two...

Analysis of the Film '12 Years a Slave'

2 Pages 738 Words
‘12 Years a Slave’, directed by Steve McQueen, is a film about a free black man, Solomon, being kidnapped in to slavery, separated from his family, dehumanized, but eventually, finding his way into freedom again. The depravity of slavery stripped away his humanity and identity, stretching his hope further away as each portion of his life becomes harder to overcome,...

Analysis of Leadership Style of Coach Carter from the Movie 'Coach Carter'

1 Page 491 Words
This paper is based on the 2005 American biographical sports drama film 'Coach Carter', directed by Thomas Carter. This review is centered on Coach Carter's leadership style; the primary motivation for watching this film is to learn about solid leadership tactics for reaching goals confidently and the ideas and ethics that the coach employs. Coach Carter began his coaching career...

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