Vaping is just another method for smoking, and in order to reduce the number of users, laws should restrict all advertising for vaping products. This would be very complicated, and it would take time for the government to enforce laws that would make this happen. The truth is, vaping is way more dangerous than most people realize - it can damage your lungs, heart, and even brain. Scientific studies have shown that vaping can cause serious breathing problems and heart issues and might even affect how teenagers' brains develop. We need to stop our youth from vaping so that they don't get into worse things, and then they will have to live with the lifelong health problems that come with it.
People say all the time that vaping is not as bad as smoking cigarettes, but that's completely wrong because vaping causes many serious health problems. One of the scariest problems is popcorn lungs, which happens because of a chemical called diacetyl in vaping products. Once someone gets popcorn lungs, it never goes away and can even lead to death - there's no cure for it at all. But popcorn lungs aren't the only problem. Doctors have found that vaping can also cause really bad chest pain, make it hard to breathe, and even damage blood vessels in your body. The chemicals in vapes can also cause terrible headaches, make people dizzy, and some people even throw up from vaping. The worst part is that these health problems might not show up right away, but they can cause permanent damage that stays forever.
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Today, we have kids vaping in junior high and high school, and they do it daily without hesitation, not knowing why vaping is bad for their developing bodies. These young adults have learned about vapes and other electronic cigarettes from different advertisements and from their friends, but they don't learn about the real dangers. When they vape, they breathe in harmful metal particles from the heating coils that can get stuck in their lungs forever. Also, the nicotine in vapes can mess up how their brains develop and make it harder for them to focus in school. They see it as cool and harmless, but it is, in fact, hurting them in ways they can't even see yet. They may not think that vaping is bad, but if they vape long enough, their lungs can get so damaged that they can't even play sports or run without getting out of breath. Plus, if they keep vaping, they might get bored and want to move on to different things that are even more dangerous.
Vaping is just a gateway for young adults, leading them to more harmful substances, and that's another reason why vaping is bad - it can be the first step toward more dangerous addictions. It is way too easy for these teenagers to get vapes and other electronic cigarettes nowadays, which makes the health risks even scarier. There are many advertisements on the internet and on TV, and there are plenty of vape shops around that people can walk into and buy vapes. The worst part is that vape companies make their products look like candy or soda, with sweet flavors that hide how dangerous the chemicals inside really are. The flavoring chemicals themselves can cause serious lung problems, but companies don't tell you that in their ads. Even if teens aren't of age, it is easy for them to find someone who would be willing to buy it for them, and if they can't get it at a store, it is easy to order one online. These advertisements are everywhere, making it seem like vaping is safe when it's actually causing serious health problems, and we need to put them to an end.
The best way to protect teenagers from the health risks of vaping and get these dangerous products out of their hands is to limit marketing, raise prices, and restrict easy access. Understanding why vaping is bad for health should be part of school education, too. The government and law enforcement would make a big difference in putting this plan in place, especially since many teens don't realize that vaping can permanently damage their lungs and hearts. If the government would make stricter laws about vapes and other electronic cigarettes, then that would drop the percentage of vapers dramatically and protect more people from health problems. It would also help if the government wouldn't be so lenient on teenagers when they are caught with these electronic cigarettes. I'm not talking about long jail time, but things such as higher fines, mandatory health education classes, and harder community service. It would make teenagers think twice about vaping when they learn about all the chemicals they're breathing in and the damage it does to their bodies. Also, it would make a big difference if the government would change the minimum legal sale age to at least twenty-one, like with alcohol. It would make buying these harmful products a whole lot harder, and without advertisements, it would make it harder for teenagers to even know where to get these products, which can ruin their health.
I have a friend whose name is Marin, and his story really shows how dangerous vaping can be. He thinks that vaping isn't harmful because he hasn't gotten seriously sick yet, but I've noticed changes in him that he doesn't want to admit. He used to play basketball with us every weekend, but now he gets out of breath really quickly and has to sit out. He also coughs a lot in the morning and complains about chest pain, but he still won't admit it's from vaping. Last week, he even had to skip school because he had such bad chest pains, and the doctor warned him it was probably from vaping. He says that vaping doesn't make him want to try any new substances and that he won't get any diseases from it, but he's already showing early signs of health problems. I don't think Marin has been vaping long enough to see the worst effects yet, but I worry that if he continues, he'll learn his lesson the hard way when serious health problems show up. I hate seeing this happen to my friend, but sometimes, people have to learn from their own mistakes. On top of the health problems, Marin is also wasting all his money on vaping. He's been working for a while and should have savings, but instead, he spends everything on coils, batteries, different mods, and liquids. Not only is vaping harming his body, but it's also completely draining his bank account. His story shows exactly why we need to take the dangers of vaping more seriously.
Vaping is not good, and I don't think that it will ever be. The health risks are just too serious to ignore - from damaged lungs and breathing problems to heart issues and brain effects on teenagers. Just looking at what happened to my friend Marin shows how vaping can change someone's life for the worse, affecting both their health and their future. It has caused a lot of problems already, and medical research keeps finding more health risks that nobody knew about before. If the government and people don't start to make a real stand against vaping and try to change what is happening, then more young people will suffer from these health problems. Some of these health issues, like popcorn lungs, can't be cured and stay with people forever. We need to do more than just get rid of advertisements - we need to educate people about the real dangers of vaping, make it harder for teenagers to get these products, and help those who are already addicted to quit. Only then can we stop vaping for good and protect people's health.
Works Cited
- Breland, Alison, et al. “Electronic Cigarettes: What Are They and What Do They Do?” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1394, no. 1, 2016, pp.530.,doi:10.1111/nyas.12977.
- “E-Cigarettes: The Health Risks of Vaping.”, NBCUniversal News Group,
- “Is Vaping Bad for You? Learn the Truth about the Side Effects Here.” Best Vape Deals - Cheap Vape Mods, Tanks & EJuice | Vaping Cheap, 10 Oct. 2018,
- Palazzolo, and Dominic L. “Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping: A New Challenge in Clinical Medicine and Public Health. A Literature Review.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 1 Nov. 2013,
- “The Different Types of Vapes You Need to Know.” Vaping360,
- “10 Shocking Dangers of Vaping | Health Risks Of Vaping And E-Cigarettes.” The Authentic Gay, 30 Jan. 2019,