European Union essays

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7 Pages 3229 Words
‘A federated Europe is essential to the security and peace of the free world.’ Jean Monnet, a French political economist and a founding member of the European Union reiterated in his quote, the need for European countries to set aside their differences and envision a unified Europe. The world wars had wounded Europe and it was time for it to...
ConversationEuropean Union
like 432
5 Pages 2417 Words
Over the last 15 years, Europe has witnessed many changes. Since the establishment of the European Union in 1957, the countries of the region have tried to cooperate on various subjects such as economy, commerce, and security matters. After the fall of communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s, more countries have been entering the Union, giving the idea...
6 Pages 2582 Words
Try to imagine what historians will recall about the European Union in 100 years regarding its future - does it still exist? Were all the common goals achieved? Did a war ever threaten the safety of the member states? The first goal ever set by EU was to achieve peace among its member states after the second world war, which...
European UnionGoals
like 264
3 Pages 1457 Words
Advantages or Disadvantages The Freedom of Movement and the Schengen Agreement: According to Article 21 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (former Article 18 of the Treaty establishing the European Community), all Union citizens are entitled to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States. (Ristea, 2011) The freedom of movement has been...
European Union
like 432
2 Pages 1123 Words
The legal idea of EU citizenship was first systematized in the Maastricht Treaty. In spite of the fact that the idea was not significantly shifted in the Lisbon Treaty, Articles 20-25 TFEU made new political and electoral rights, and above all, they fortified the current privileges of movement and residence officially ensured under the umbrella of EU citizenship by associating...
CitizenshipEuropean Union
like 202
6 Pages 2874 Words
The European Union (EU) is a remarkable and world widely unique case of regional integration (Hix, 2017, p. 580). After the two world wars in the first half of the 20th century, some of the European countries decided to voluntarily yield part of their sovereignty to supranational institutions to ensure a long-lasting peace through regional integration and to enjoy the...
European UnionFederalism
like 219
5 Pages 2382 Words
Introduction to Federalism: A Mixed Government System There are many different types of government in twenty first century politics. Federalism is a mixed method of government based on democratic rules that combines a general government with regional governments in one single political system. The two methods share an equal relationship, and the powers are divided between them equally. There are...
European UnionFederalism
like 449
4 Pages 1605 Words
Over 1,200,000 refugees cross the Aegean Sea every year (EU Council on Foreign Relations), fleeing their homes and searching for a better life, yet too few find one. People leave their homes because their countries are not safe anymore, and flee thousands of miles, across continents, to reach Europe. Throughout each of those journeys, countless lives are lost, and families...
European UnionGreeceRefugee
like 217
4 Pages 1761 Words
The term “fault line” has its origin in the geological definition of a phenomenon in the formation of the Earth’s structure in different eras, from different materials, whence rifts develop and proceed to tear apart the very ground we stand on (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007). Likewise, Europe has been sedimented throughout the past centuries from a multitude of socio-cultural, economic, and...
Cultural IdentityEuropean Union
like 249
3 Pages 1147 Words
The state of Europe’s current economic recession taints all promise for its future, its excellence, and its international prestige, as manufacturing in the EU has hit its lowest point since the previous eurozone crisis in October 2012 and is expected to stay this way for the rest of 2019. Although the euro, a common currency shaping the eurozone as a...
EuroEuropean Union
like 206
4 Pages 1590 Words
As the official currency used by the 27 member states of the European Union (EU), the euro is one of the main currencies traded by market participants and has an influence on global markets. Although it was launched since January 1, 1999, physically the euro was used on January 1, 2002. Since its introduction, only 19 member of European Union...
EuroEuropean Union
like 432
3 Pages 1248 Words
This assignment was prepared with the intent to critically analyze the European development through crises that drive integration and collaboration, strongly focusing on the impacts of the Euro crisis and elements of the recent Brexit event. A further strategic examination was carried out to address regional integration theories in the context of the EU’s development as well as confidently evaluate...
European Union
like 432
3 Pages 1412 Words
On 1st of October 2018, ten years had passed since the deployment of European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in Georgia. For over a decade the EUMM has contributed to enhanced security and stability, conducting over 65,000 patrols on the ground. Over 1,700 EU nationals have served in the Mission over the years (statistics taken from EEAS’s homepage). That staff have...
European UnionGeorgia
like 449
6 Pages 2825 Words
The European Project has always been more or less ambiguous about its objective. The famous Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950, considered to be the guiding principle behind the European project, is without doubt the clearest of the founding texts. It assigned the six signatory states the objective of achieving, through the European Coal and Steel Community, “the setting up...
EuroEuropean Union
like 425
3 Pages 1464 Words
The integration of Europe has three theories that explain its evolution: federalism, neofunctionalism, and intergovernmentalism. Federalism, evolving after World War I and becoming prominent after World War II, holds a focus on avoiding future wars within Europe and containing nation-states. Functionalism has a focus on this idea, as well so when evolved into neofunctionalism, there is a focus on integrating...
European UnionTheory
like 197
4 Pages 2025 Words
The Cold War was a period of extreme tension between the US and the USSR. The presence of a bipolar system, competing ideologies, and the threat of nuclear war, coupled with the global impact it had, were definitive features of the Cold War. However, today tensions between Russia, the EU and NATO are very different; Russia is no longer a...
European UnionNATORussia
like 336
1 Page 452 Words
The action “Role of Youth in Democracy” supports youth participation in democratic life. Our goal is to encourage the active participation of young people in the life of the European community. Through the program, we will enable young people to learn about democratic processes and to become active citizens at all levels – local, regional, national and European. European Union’s...
CommunityDemocracyEuropean Union
like 209
7 Pages 3239 Words
1.0 Introduction The European Union is guided by a number of provisions that are based on diverse values that are embraced by this union. These provisions are generally categorized into seven articles. One of the most significant provisions that guide the relationships of the member states of the European Union is associated with Article 2. Article 2 provides that the...
European Union
like 164
4 Pages 1919 Words
Intersectionality, coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 19891, draws analytic attention to the fact that no social identity category exists in isolation of others. Rather, we are all simultaneously positioned within multiple social categories including gender, social class, sexuality, disability and racialisation among others. These categories reciprocally construct each other when they intersect, forming qualitatively different meanings and experiences that are...
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