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Romantic Traditions: Dating and Marriage in Brazil

2 Pages 899 Words
Introduction Brazil, a country renowned for its vibrant culture and diverse traditions, presents a unique landscape when it comes to dating and marriage. The complex interplay of historical influences, regional diversity, and modern trends shapes the dynamics of romantic relationships in Brazil today. From the passionate rhythms of samba to the deep-rooted family values, Brazilian culture offers a rich tapestry...

Essay on Trauma Therapy

5 Pages 2337 Words
Complex trauma in children and adolescents can interfere with the capacity to integrate sensory, emotional, and cognitive information into a cohesive whole and sets the stage for unfocused and irrelevant responses to subsequent stress. Fisher &Van Der Kolk (2000) The immediate and long-term consequences of children exposed to maltreatment and other traumatic experiences are multifaceted. Emotional abuse and neglect, sexual...

Essay on How Trauma Affects the Brain

4 Pages 1784 Words
Childhood is a time for innocence, play, learning, and imagination. Safety and security are craved by every child and generally aren’t questioned in the child's life. However, this isn’t the case for all children around the world. At an alarming rate, children in the United States, and other countries around the world, are exposed to violence or trauma in their...

Essay on Cloning Dogs

3 Pages 1150 Words
The Ethical Dilemma of Pet Cloning There are few things harder than saying goodbye to a beloved pet. It can be utterly heartbreaking, but what if you didn’t have to say goodbye? What if you had the technology to bring your furry friend back, would you? Should you? The ability to clone animals, specifically mammals, has been considered feasible for...

Compare and Contrast: Difference between Orphanage and Foster Care

1 Page 536 Words
Introduction: When children are unable to live with their biological parents, alternative care options such as orphanages and foster care provide support and stability. While both serve the purpose of providing a safe environment for children in need, there are distinct differences between orphanages and foster care. This essay aims to compare and contrast these two care systems, focusing on...

The Namesake' Character Essay

1 Page 450 Words
In The Namesake, different characters have different definitions of home. For Ashima, it’s clear that her definition of home is India, where the rest of her family lives. She never considers Massachusetts or any of the apartments and houses that her family lives in as her home. Unlike Ashima, Gogol does not have one distinct definition of home, and readers...

Postpartum Depression: Signs and Solutions

2 Pages 862 Words
Introduction Postpartum depression (PPD) is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition that affects numerous women worldwide following childbirth. While the arrival of a new baby is typically associated with joy and fulfillment, it is essential to acknowledge that a significant number of new mothers experience profound feelings of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion. According to the American Psychological Association,...

Essay on Relationship Vs Marriage

3 Pages 1273 Words
The historical and social developments experienced by young adults over recent decades have been extensive, with changes affecting cultures on both a micro and macro level; however, the shift in the social norms of young adulthood is one of the greatest. The external factors this generation of young adults is subjected to have affected how our lives are constructed. In...

Sibling Rivalry in 'Everyday Use' Essay

1 Page 622 Words
In Alice Walker's Everyday Use sisters Dee and Maggie can no longer be at odds. Although their slight differences and similarities are obvious to the reader, they become clearer when the mother sees them. More features can be seen for him when his mother shows this to him. Mother is very good at noticing the different qualities among her daughters,...

Maggie in 'Everyday Use': Character Analysis Essay

1 Page 619 Words
Each parent has a limited measure of time, vitality, and cash to provide for every one of their youngsters. The mother in Walker's 'Regular-Use' is no special case to this standard. The mother, a dedicated single parent, satisfied both the man's and the lady's duties in the family unit. She did her best to think about her two little girls,...

Essay on Marriage in the 1950s Compared to Today

2 Pages 752 Words
A typical child in the post-World War 2 period was more likely to be born into a more traditional or nuclear family setting consisting of two parents who were married. It was unlikely that their mother worked outside the family home and their father, who was considered the head of the household, would have worked to provide an income for...

Essay on Marriage in the 1950s

2 Pages 1047 Words
The 1950s were an inauspicious time for women. It was an era that birthed the ideology of living the post-war suburban dream, in which a woman’s place was to serve and obey their husband, often suppressing their needs and desires to marry, bear children, and run a household. Women’s social standing at the time was that they were submissive and...

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Essay on Change

1 Page 495 Words
Gender equality is the longest war that ladies have been battling and still are for an extended time. Women in Afghanistan have been experiencing gender equality issues in its extreme frame for ages caused by traditions and cultures along with caste and religion. Khaled Hosseini’s, A Thousand Splendid Suns clearly illustrates the predicament of women behind the dividers of Afghanistan...

Essay on Gregory Corso 'Marriage'

3 Pages 1350 Words
Gregory Corso was one of the many poets during the Beat Generation alongside Allen Ginsberg. He was born to an immigrant couple then the mom sadly died when Gregory was a child (Hoover). Unlike Allen Ginsberg, Gregory was not the most educational poet in the world because of his past with his family. He was put into an orphanage and...

Essay on Inuit Marriage

1 Page 414 Words
The division of labor also played a role in the marriage of a man and woman. Martial roles were characterized primarily in terms of the work spouses performed for each other and married couples had to complement each other to survive the harsh conditions in the Arctic. (Guemple 1986) Sometimes marriages were arranged at birth, seen as a necessity to...

Gay Adoption Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 2621 Words
Homosexuality was a foreign topic until 1900’s; to the majority of people, eventually, due to an expanding number of individuals openly declaring their sexuality, people started to become familiar with the existence of such. Along with this rise in number, questions and controversial viewpoints regarding this subject also increased. According to, the ‘Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender,’ Homosexuality is simply...

Essay on Interracial Adoption Debate

1 Page 927 Words
Many people think that one child will not change the world, however, the world can change that one child. No matter how the child ends up in a loving family, that child will forever be grateful for that opportunity. It can sometimes be problematic for a child who is growing up in a family where there are racial differences, however,...

Pros and Cons of Adoption Essay

1 Page 683 Words
Adopting a dog can be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your life. Not only do dogs provide companionship, but they also offer unwavering love and loyalty. However, at the same time, dogs are a lot of work and you should be prepared for a 10+ year commitment. If you’re not ready for all that, it’s probably...

Argumentative Essay on Adoption of Animals

2 Pages 1708 Words
Why You Should Adopt & Not Shop Specific Purpose: My goal is to persuade my audience to adopt their next/new pet(s) from a local shelter rather than purchasing from a breeder/puppy mill or pet store. Thesis Statement: By adopting a pet from a shelter rather than purchasing one from a store/breeder you not only help stop puppy mills but you...

Adoption Problem Solution Essay

1 Page 1009 Words
Introduction The reason I picked this question is because of my cousin. She was adopted by my aunt and uncle when she was about 7 years old. A few years in she started to show signs of a mental disorder. After a few doctor's appointments, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Ever since then, I have always wondered if being...

My Childhood Experience Essay

2 Pages 1147 Words
The subject of the case study is me, 19 years old and an undergraduate student. I spent the first 6 years of my life in Sri Lanka and then moved to the United Kingdom. By unraveling my childhood and the youth period of my life course I will be able to analyze my experiences. Gender, place, culture, and ethnicity will...

Stress Management and Prevention Essay

3 Pages 1980 Words
The target population in this stress management and prevention program will be parents who have children with disability. Notably, when children are undergoing a difficult time or facing a challenging problem, their prospective parents become more stressed. However, the parents of children with disability endure a level of stress that is overwhelming. What makes these parents feel overwhelmed and worried...

Unforgettable Experience in Childhood: Essay

1 Page 654 Words
Humans are born with the ability to identify five types of tastes sweet, bitter, salty, sour, and umami (Romm, 2016). But each person in this world has unique taste buds, therefore, every human being has a different taste preference based upon the daily foods we eat. We develop these taste buds that could differ based on genetics, culture, and variety...

Essay on Relative Placement Vs Foster Care

2 Pages 1748 Words
The goal of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin-GAP) was to establish permanency for foster children who have been living with a relative caregiver by offering guardianship through juvenile court when their dependency is dismissed. It sought to lower the number of children in the foster care system while still providing equivalent subsidies. For this paper, it is important...

Essay about Life Changing Decisions

2 Pages 1201 Words
To go to another country and vacation for a few days creates unforgettable memories. However, to study abroad in another country different from your own is a life changing experience. Not many people are ambition enough or willing to take that chance to leave the comfort of their own home, and some hesitate because of the different barriers. Studying abroad...

Informative Essay on Adoption

1 Page 616 Words
Since forever, 'nature vs. nurture' has been a battle between whether the environment of an individual or their genetic makeup shapes their personality and social development more. While nature refers to genetics and biology, nurture refers to external factors that influence a person's behavior after pregnancy, such as life experiences and parental influences. Psychological researchers are exploring the various ways...

Essay on LGBT Adoption Advantages and Disadvantages

2 Pages 1189 Words
Children are being placed in foster care all over the world. The reasons can vary some kids are left to fend for themselves because their parents don't want them or something tragic happens and there is no one left to care for the child or children. LGBT youth are extremely over-represented in the foster care world. The LGBT youth community...

Essay on Adoption Controversial Issue

4 Pages 2698 Words
Introduction The Cambridge Dictionary defines adoption as 'the act of legally taking a child to be taken care of as your own.' (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d.). It is something that can give children a better life when their parents are not there or are not fit to take care of them. Even though certain guidelines say that every child has the...

Essay on Movies about Foster Care: 'The Instant Family'

2 Pages 1173 Words
The movie 'The Instant Family' is a marvelous attempt by the author when it is evaluated in terms of the concept. The movie was co-authored by Sean Anders and John Morris; Anders was also the director of this movie, whereas Morris was one of the producers. The movie was released on November 16, 2018, in the USA, whereas its DVD was released...

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