Fashion essays

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2 Pages 1110 Words
What is most responsible for the death of sweatshop workers in Rana Plaza and chromium pollution in the river near to Kanpur? You will never consider the latest H&M shirt in the store is made by one oppressed worker who was stitching the shirt with their lives. And you would not think the environmental cost of that shirt as well....
8 Pages 3709 Words
This paper will discuss the different body types of woman and the way in which this is presented in the fashion industry. Throughout this paper both ends of the spectrum of the female form will be investigated, from the slender body to female obesity, with consideration to factors such as the male gaze, and how this influences how we approach...
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1 Page 519 Words
During the Aztec period in the country of Mexico, the clothes that women wore were an important symbol of their marital status. The typical tradition was for the boy’s mother to put’s brand new blouse on the bride to show that she was about to get married. Another piece of clothing that was symbolic for showing marital status was a...
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1 Page 531 Words
For most of fashion history, fashion has been seen as feminine and an interest for women and was for some point dismissed as unserious and inferior. Yet both femininity and masculinity are still defined and valued through appearance. Clear gender characteristics and strong opposing definitions of the sexes should belong in the past. The lines of segregation is blurrier than...
4 Pages 1933 Words
Should the use of cultural codes and garments within the Western fashion industry be regarded as a legitimate source of inspiration or a blunt theft of cultural richness for the commercial use? Should culture be legally protected? Should Western designer limit their inspiration sources to the West? INTRODUCTION Style is an outlet for inventive articulation and an impression of individual...
5 Pages 2235 Words
There is a fine line that separates cultural appropriation from appreciation. In the fashion industry, this has been a controversial issue for a while now between models and the message that they are sending, on the runway and on magazines, by wearing cultural symbols as fashion items. The media has brought this issue into the light and shown a wide...
3 Pages 1302 Words
Cultural appropriation is a crime in the fashion industry that many fashion designers can be considered guilty of. It is defined as “the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing an understanding or respect the culture” by the Cambridge dictionary. One of the perpetrators of this act being Valentino through...
5 Pages 2434 Words
Fashion, throughout history, has been and still is ever-changing and evolving however periods clearly separated in chronology and that are distinguishably different can have similarities as well. Throughout this essay, both the periods of World War I and World War 2 will be compared and contrasted to that of the era of Dior’s ‘New Look’. Specifically, in relation to these...
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6 Pages 2627 Words
Many people in the U.S. have gotten used to our consumerist society and endlessly partake in it. We can declare to being constantly bombarded by visual stimuli, bear witness to the long lines for limited-edition collaborations between brands, splurging on clothes in-stores or online, and of course, seeing the crowds of people in stores during Black Friday trying to land...
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3 Pages 1467 Words
The Victorian fashion era began with Queen Victoria’s reign started in 1837 and ended in 1901 upon her death. It marked a critical time in Britain’s history and around the world. The period saw many changes in fashion, including changes in styles, fashion technology, and the methods of circulation. Various movements in architecture, literature, and the decorative/visual arts as well...
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7 Pages 3421 Words
Early Life and Beginnings of Coco Chanel Coco Chanel was born in 1883 in France. After her mother’s death, Coco Chanel was put in an orphanage by her father at the age of 12. In the orphanage, Chanel was raised by nuns who thought her skills which is the reason she became a famous designer, they thought her how to...
20th CenturyFashion
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4 Pages 1767 Words
Understanding Monopolistic Competition in Fashion Monopolistic competition, by definition, is when an industry has many firms that offer similar products and services but not completely identical or the perfect substitute. In monopolistic competition, there are not many barriers to exit or enter— making it easy for many firms to sweep into the market and offer similar products. The perfect example...
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3 Pages 1252 Words
Talking about clothing and ethical issues within the fashion industry. Evidence of clothing can be found and dated back all the way to prehistoric time periods. Some of the first humans to have ever walked the earth used animal skins as clothing with the purpose of protection from weather conditions. Whether it be because of “​the influence of climate, fashion,...
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2 Pages 727 Words
Think back to life in primary school. Running around the school oval with your friends, chanting rhymes and skipping or maybe you were reading a book with a large tree shading the harsh sun from you. What you were not doing was standing in a sweatshop for over 10 hours straight, cutting thread or feeding buttons through fabric. 170 million...
1 Page 474 Words
For many people, their wedding day is a long-awaited day, with many days of planning set aside for the signature, life-altering event. One major piece of a wedding is a wedding gown. In this essay, I will be talking about the evolution of the European wedding gown between the 1950s to the 2000s. I will also discuss the unique colors...
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3 Pages 1192 Words
Clothing is a basic need for all humans. We wear clothes every day. As it is so important why isn’t shopping for clothes as easy as walking into a shop, buying some clothes and leaving in a matter of seconds? One main factor of this is because of sizing. It is near to impossible for someone to be the same...
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3 Pages 1297 Words
Introduction After having a close look at the case and after a thorough research into the company, I learnt that ZARA has been performing exponentially well financially and has created a unique consumer base that is loyal and keeps coming back for more. The company has a very smooth Supply Chain and Production system coupled with unique style of design...
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2 Pages 834 Words
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Marketing research is a crucial management tool for helping businesses to discover whether or not the product or service that they are providing is actually desired by their customer base. It is a critical component when launching a product, trying to improve the existing service or just looking to be a step ahead of competitors. It provides them with all...
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