Finance essays

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Effective Strategies for Saving Money

2 Pages 956 Words
Introduction In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, the necessity of financial literacy and prudent money management cannot be overstated. As individuals and families strive to secure stable financial futures, adopting effective money-saving strategies becomes an integral part of achieving financial stability and independence. Saving money is not merely about putting aside a portion of one's income; it encompasses a broad...
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The Silk Road as Past and Future for China

4 Pages 1620 Words
More than 2,000 years ago, traders opened the transcontinental passage that connects Asia, Europe and Africa, nowadays known as the Silk Road. Trading ships created sea routes connecting the East with the West, forming the maritime Silk Road. These ancient silk routes opened windows of dialogue between peoples and nations. The modern China of the beginning second millennium A.D. under...

Bernie Madoff: The Scam of America

3 Pages 1530 Words
Would anyone assume that a young man who grew up from humble beginnings in a small Jewish middle-class family be responsible for the largest Ponzi schemes in American history? A young Hofstra graduate with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and hopes and aspirations to work on Wall Street. Bernie Lawrence Madoff was born on April 29, 1938, in Queens,...

Basic Capital Budgeting Strategies

1 Page 458 Words
The greater aspect of utilizing capital budgeting models are limited income models. These models center around task's money inflow are outpourings while contemplating periodic estimation of money. Most significant and well known capital planning strategy has been Net Present Value (NPV). The NPV strategy registers the present estimation of all normal future incomes relying upon adequate pace of return. The...
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Rise of a Nation of Billionaires

3 Pages 1491 Words
Money is a little bit different for a billionaire. Compared to an average american, a trip on a yacht is like a subway ride. A sports car is like a toy car. And a private island is like buying a home (Business Insider). Billionaires aren't the 1%, they're the .0001%. They can make a call and meet with a world...

The Critical Evaluation of Costco's Financial Statements

2 Pages 809 Words
Costco Wholesale Corporation has performed well over the last five fiscal years (2015 through 2019). Net sales have increased by 30 per cent over the last 5 years. Comparable sales growth is accomplished by increasing the frequency of shopping from both new and existing members. Comparable sales growth is accomplished by increasing the frequency of shopping from both new and...

Marketing Pakistani Banking Services

2 Pages 837 Words
Introduction The Pakistani banking sector has witnessed a paradigm shift in marketing strategies over recent years. This transformation is driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behavior, and increased competition. Banks in Pakistan are adopting innovative approaches to reach and engage their customers more effectively. From digital marketing campaigns to personalized services, the industry is evolving to meet the demands of...

Bernie Madoff and the Biggest National Investment Fraud

6 Pages 2607 Words
One man about escaped from one of the biggest bank schemes in the world totaling a cash amount of $13.375 billion dollars (SIPA). The name, Bernie Madoff, was one of the most talked about person during 2008 to 2009. He was arrested in late 2008 just on, “a criminal complaint alleging one count of securities fraud” (The United States Department...

Types of Investors Based on 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki

2 Pages 999 Words
Different investment avenues are to be had to buyers. Mutual budget also offers correct investment opportunities to the investors.Like all investments, they also bring positive dangers. The traders must compare the dangers and predicted yields after adjustment of tax on numerous units at the same time as taking investment choices. The investors might also are seeking for advice from professionals...

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Banking

3 Pages 1533 Words
With digital upheaval rippling across the world rapidly, transforming industries and revolutionizing businesses with its power, no sector can afford to get marooned to the sidelines. As every industry engages in designing and developing approaches and methods to remain relevant in a world steered by technology, the banking sector is no exception. Customers, now familiarizing themselves with advanced technologies and...

What Is Money? Essay

2 Pages 1078 Words
As used in everyday conversation, the word money can mean many things, but to economists it has a very specific meaning. To avoid confusion, we must clarify how economists’ use of the word money differs from conventional usage. Economists define money (also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods or services...

Impact of Cognitive Capabilities on Strategic Fit at Kenyan Banks

9 Pages 3900 Words
Chapter one. Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Competitive advantage ensures that the firm survives and is placed in a prominent position in the market (Allan 2019). Thus, it is important for firms in an industry to develop competitive advantage over its competitors. According to De wit and Meyer (2010), a firm has a competitive advantage when it has the...

Problems in Getting Funding for Scientist’s Research: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 2015 Words
Introduction Funding for scientist’s research can be attained in many different ways through internal or external grants. External grants may include financial support from local organizations, state and central government organizations, international organizations, corporate sectors and non-government organizations (Parija et al, 2012). Depending on where this financial support may come from, for example if the funding comes from a source...

Budgeting for Student Achievement: Analysis of Resources

2 Pages 963 Words
In a school, the students and district needs almost always overshadow the available resources required to meet the school’s needs. Budgeting is all about forming priorities. This includes budgeting fiscal, human, and physical resources. Decision making regarding priorities has to be driven by student achievement. A lot of times, it is obvious that the student needs are much more than...
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Enron Scandal: The Lessons To Be Learnt

3 Pages 1597 Words
The main perpetrators in Enron’s fraud scheme were Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andy Fastow, Louis Borget, Thomas Mastroeni, Lou Pai, and Tim Belden. In addition, the accounting firm Arthur Anderson, the law firm Vinson and Elkins, and various banks were also involved. Kenneth Lay was the founder, chairman, and CEO of Enron. He convinced shareholders to invest in the company...

The Enron Scandal: Was It Right?

2 Pages 1108 Words
At its least advanced, the Enron outrage is regarding falsity, the complexities of release and a framework that prizes organizations for what they give the impression of being like on paper. Obviously, it goes much more profound than that, since it's in addition a tale regarding however an oversized variety of people lost their assets by buying stock in a...

Enron’s Scandal And Laws Passed By Us Congress To Deal With Such Failures

3 Pages 1227 Words
HISTORY OF ENRON Enron was one of the largest US-based companies formed by Kenneth Lay in the year 1985. It has become an interstate and intrastate natural gas pipeline company. It offered its services to thousands of customers around the world. Enron had three main business units ranging wholesale service, retail energy service, broadband service and transportation. The wholesale service...

Emotional Intelligence and Gender Equity

1 Page 489 Words
Gender Equity, as previously discussed, is ensuring equal opportunities, obligations and rights. This term was first tossed at the Beijing platform for Action by Islamic fundamentalists in 1995. Also Vatican followers joined hands who sought to divide their property to their kids according to their needs not equally, in their gender specific roles. According to our study, emotional intelligence plays...

The Accounting Scandal Of Enron

1 Page 539 Words
What the heck is Enron? Let me tell you. Enron formed through a merger in 1985 between two energy companies, yeah that’s what it was by the way, an energy company. It was founded by a man named Kenneth Lay, you might want to remember that name. Enron was a fantastic company and very attractive for investors. In 2000 they...

The Meaning of Justice as Equity

3 Pages 1591 Words
The word justice is associated with many aspects of society today; social justice, criminal justice and environmental justice just to name a few. However, all of these subsections have one thing in common, a societal outlook past individual gratification or concern. All of these groups or movements seek changes within their communities to reach a state of justice from a...

The Prerequisites, Reasons And Consequences For Enron Scandal

10 Pages 4628 Words
Overview Energy corporation Enron was one of the largest players in corporate America. The company grew at a rapid state and was highly favoured by analysts and investors. Although Enron’s forecasts and financial reports for the late 1990s and early 2000s guaranteed stakeholders of continuous growth, this was not the case and it eventually played out to be the biggest...

Corporation and Ethics: Banks and other Financial Institutions

5 Pages 2167 Words
Introduction On 11th of February 2019 the Royal Banking commission presented its final report on the misconduct of banking and financial sector, revealing sickening behaviour of the financial industry. The investigation was on going since Dec 2017, highlighting unethical behaviour of banking, superannuation, mortgage and other financial industries and spotlighted some shocking facts about the big corporations. The need for...
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Satyam Scandal: India’s Enron

4 Pages 2106 Words
ABSTRACT From Enron scandal to Satyam scandal, many ‘false creative accounting practices’ have been created. Corporate frauds are now becoming a center of attention like Tyco, Worldcom, Freedie Mac. According to researchers, these frauds are hindering public confidence by producing fake reports. This report analyzes the India’s major corporate fraud-‘Satyam Scandal’ and what auditing issues arose in that scandal. The...

The Usage Of Artificial Intelligence In Banking

5 Pages 2309 Words
Artificial Intelligence and Banking As global technology has evolved over the years, we have moved from Landline phone to Mobile, Television to Internet and Branch Banking to Mobile Banking and today we are smoothly and gradually adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI). It was John McCarthy who introduced the word AI to the world in 1956. It involves process automation of robotics...

Major Players Of Enron Scandal

3 Pages 1369 Words
Enron corporation was a very successful American energy, commodities and services company. Founded in 1985 and Headquartered in Houston, Texas. It was a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, which were both small regional companies. The company used to sell and trade in more than 30 different products, but when it first got started it mainly produced natural gas...

Ethical Lessons from the Enron Debacle

2 Pages 871 Words
Introduction In the annals of corporate history, the Enron scandal stands as a stark reminder of the catastrophic consequences of unethical business practices. Once a darling of Wall Street, Enron Corporation's dramatic collapse in 2001 not only led to bankruptcy but also unraveled a web of deceit that involved accounting fraud, insider trading, and corporate malfeasance. This scandal serves as...

The Relation of Equity and Social Justice

1 Page 438 Words
Social justice has been part of the discussion within Scottish Parliament since it was established in 1999 with one of the first policy programmes focusing on social justice (‘Social Justice: A Scotland Where Everyone Matters -Scottish Executive, 1999). Social justice is concerned with socially marginalised groups and how society responds to this. Inclusion is education’s response to social justice and...

Competition Laws in Zambia's Banking Sector

6 Pages 2788 Words
1.1 Introduction The liberal policies in 1991 under the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) provided a platform for a competitive economy for Zambia which runs on a market economy. This type of economy thrives on the principle of demand and supply with respect to the market. The market is a factor instrument in the determination inter alia prices of goods...

Enron Scandal: Analysis Of Principles of Accounting

3 Pages 1339 Words
Assignment Question: In spite of a robust accounting system, we have seen lapses, leading to many famous corporates collapsing overnight. With reference to the Enron scandal, point out the entire case leading to the scandal and subsequent laws passed by The US congress to deal with such failures. Attempt Count: 1 Introduction: Enron`s collapse was one of the biggest collapses...

Enron Scandal: Inauthentic Leadership

2 Pages 802 Words
One of the biggest American companies, Enron, fell bankrupt due to a major accounting scheme resulting in the loss of revenue, employee 401(k) plans, and loss of funds from the shareholders (Semple, 2002). Enron was a popular energy company that did business with many other companies needing their expertise and information. At the peak of Enron’s success, their shares were...

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