Genetics essays

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The Peculiarities Of Genome Engineering

3 Pages 1482 Words
Abstract Genome editing has recently emerged as an important tool for biomedical research and provides hope for correcting inherited diseases. New developments in genome editing have allowed scientists to manipulate a specific gene in a variety of species and tissues, including cells grown in vitro, and animal organs. This article describes the basic principles of genome editing, particularly the CRISPR/Cas9...

Economic Pros and Cons of Gene Cloning for Insulin

7 Pages 3071 Words
What is gene cloning and how does it work? DNA cloning is the process of creating multiple identical copies of a piece of DNA extracted from an organism. The very first step of making insulin is the synthetic creation of this human insulin gene. The human insulin gene is at the top of chromosome 11 in humans. Firstly there is...

Tardigrade Protein Dsup Rescues FANCD2 DNA Replication Defect

3 Pages 1544 Words
Abstract We investigate whether a protein found in tardigrades called Damage suppressor, or Dsup, can help cells restart stalled replication forks in human cells. Tardigrades compose a phylum of microscopic animals known for their ability to survive extreme environmental conditions, and experiments have shown that Dsup prevents damage from accumulating in DNA (Hashimoto et al. 2016). Excessive stalled replication forks...
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Gene Editing: A Road To Prosperity Or Ethical Dilemmas?

3 Pages 1482 Words
Throughout the world there are many dangers to the health of humans—war, climate change, and resource scarcity are just a few. However, one of the largest threats to the well-being of the human species is disease. Specifically, genetical diseases such as those that infants are born with. With these diseases come scientific endeavors to try and remedy the illnesses. One...

The Structure Of DNA

3 Pages 1218 Words
In the late 19th century, there was a growing curiosity about the field of molecular biology and how things in our body worked at the molecular level. This led to extensive research in the early 20th century by upcoming scientists to know how genes present in our cells helped in the regulation and functioning of the chemical processes that take...

Gene Regulation Of Hope For Despair

2 Pages 1128 Words
Cracking our codes becomes reality step by step. First the Watson-Crick DNA structure, then the whole genome project, and now CRISP-R gene editing lights the way of the human code cracking. I think the gene editing on embryos should be legalized. There were many new treatments in the medication history and at the beginning they were all controversial issues. Since...
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Ethical Concerns Of Gene Editing Technologies In The Aquaculture Industry

3 Pages 1214 Words
During the past few years, there has been a demand for fish and marine products, and this demand has led to a rapid growth of the aquaculture industry (Myhr et al. 543-544). The development of genetic engineering technologies offers the opportunity to increase marine crop diversity, add traits to meet consumer preferences and overall increase productivity (Shukla-Jones et al. 11-13)....
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Genetic Modification: For Or Against?

4 Pages 1791 Words
Initially, I was opposed to any form of genetic modification on the basis that if it did not occur naturally it should not be safe for consumption. I was not fully aware of the process and had done very little research, but it seemed unlikely that genetic modification could be a solution to the world hunger crisis. I believed that...

DNA Extraction In Examining The Relationship Between Biology And Behavior

1 Page 544 Words
Introduction Upon watching these week's videos and reading the weeks course line, I find that the most useful method in my learning about the relationship of the brain and the behavior of people is the DNA extraction method. According to (Yoshikawa, Dogruman-AI, Balaban, & Sultan, 2017), in the recent years, Microbiology labs have been given access to facilities that can...

Limitations Of DNA Microarray

1 Page 449 Words
At their core, microarrays are simple devices used for measuring the relative concentrations of many different DNA or RNA sequences. While they have been incredibly useful in a wide variety of applications but they have a number of limitations. First limitation is that arrays provide an indirect measure of relative concentration. That is the signal measured at a given position...

Genetic Engineering Of Babies

9 Pages 4347 Words
ABSTRACT Much of offspring is often affected by HIV, smallpox and cholera, this has led to a team at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen to recruit couples to allow them to genetically engineer their babies. They have planned to eliminate a gene called CCR5 (a gene involved in allowing HIV to invade cells, which is how...

The Process Of DNA Sequencing

1 Page 425 Words
The marine fisheries sector has a very important contribution to food security and economic prosperity, since fish is an important source of protein, vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Identification of the proper fish species is important for fisheries management and food product certification. Identification of marine species using traditional taxonomic methods is often a taxonomic inconsistency. To understand, evaluate,...

Foundations and Preconditions of Eugenics

2 Pages 819 Words
Introduction The eugenics movement, which gained prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, sought to improve the genetic quality of human populations through selective breeding. This movement was underpinned by various scientific, social, and political prerequisites that facilitated its rise and acceptance in different societies. The term "eugenics," coined by Francis Galton, reflects the application of Darwinian evolutionary...
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Recombinant DNA Technology & Cloning

2 Pages 861 Words
RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY Recombinant DNA Technology refers to the process by which DNA molecules of two different species are joined together and then inserted into a host for the production of new genetic combinations which are valuable to science, medicine, agriculture and industry. Steps involved in this process are: 1. Isolation of genetic material The genetic material in living organisms...
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DNA Computing For RGB Image Encryption With Genetic Algorithm

3 Pages 1170 Words
Abstract A combination of DNA computing and a genetic algorithm is announced for RGB image encryption. The model is strong based on the scrambling technique of DNA computing operations using the crossover and mutation process and establishing a dynamic key based on a genetic algorithm, including a set of parameters such as population size, number of generation and mutation probability....
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CRISPR Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1601 Words
Scientific Discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 in Gene Editing Limited scientific explorations can revolutionize a field within a short time, but experts are currently able to manipulate cells unimaginably, all due to a CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) technology. As biologists continually sharpen instruments for deleting, replacing, and modifying DNA, CRISPR strategy has evolved into a popular genome engineering method....
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DNA Purification From Kiwi Fruit

3 Pages 1372 Words
Abstract DNA purification is a process that can be done by different methods to extract a DNA from any living organism. The aim of this experiment was to purify a DNA from kiwi fruit, and once it’s extracted it can be used for molecular analyses, sequencing and fingerprinting. The main concept of purification a DNA is to isolate it from...
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Investigating The Mutation Of Human Î’-globin Gene By PCR

2 Pages 773 Words
Abstract Haemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cell (RBC), which consists of 4 protein components in which 2 of the components are called alpha-globin and the other 2 are called beta-globin. This protein helps to carry oxygen around the body’s tissues and organs. This investigation focuses on beta-globin. The purpose of this investigation is to find out...
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Detection Of Chicken DNA In Ready To Eat Vegetarian Food

6 Pages 2876 Words
Introduction Food adulteration can be defined as adding removing or replacing any substance which will eventually exaggerate the natural quality of any food product. Producing food with high quality and safety should be the main focus of food industry. But as in for today food manufacturers are more tend to manufacture food with adulterants (Mi et al., 2015). These food...

The Characteristics Of DNA Microarray Technology

5 Pages 2365 Words
Introduction Humans have tens of thousands of genes, and the development of DNA microarrays by Patrick O. Brown, Joseph DeRisi, David Botstein, and colleagues in the mid-1990s made it possible to examine the expression of thousands of genes at once. Initial experiments using microarrays focused on determining which genes were expressed differently between normal cells and cancerous cells. Over time,...
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The Sterilization Of Mexican-American Women

4 Pages 1935 Words
There has been a long history of forced sterilization in the United States. Many of these coerced sterilizations were targeted towards poor people, minorities and those who were disabled. According to a peer reviewed journal, Mexican American and Eugenic Sterilization, one of the root cases of sterilization, is Buck v. Bell. Carrie Buck was a woman who had been taken...
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Forced Sterilization And The Reproductive Rights Movement

3 Pages 1396 Words
The fight for reproductive rights has been a long and continuous one that has been prominent for centuries. A woman’s right to have control and power over her own body and its abilities has been historically difficult to achieve, due to the patriarchal structure of our society, and is a battle that women are still fighting globally. However, there was...

CRISPR/Cas9-HDR Gene Therapy To Treat OCA1 Albinism

3 Pages 1492 Words
Abstract Gene therapy has gained large interest in the scientific field for potential therapeutic applications since the development of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing techniques. The effectiveness of CRISPR/Cas9 to treat disease has been demonstrated in studies regarding HIV, liver disease, and triple negative breast cancer, but little is known about its ability to treat oculocutaneous (OCA1) albinism. OCA1 albinism is associated...
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The Features Of Eugenics Movement

4 Pages 1863 Words
In the 20th century, there was a period of murder and brutality that was brought on by the eugenics movement. This cruelty mainly occurred in Nazi controlled Germany during World War II, but the eugenics movement was quite strong in the United States of America as well. Eugenics is the controlled sexual or asexual reproduction of people to encourage people...
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Gene Mutation-related Disease And How The Mutation Leads To The Symptoms

2 Pages 857 Words
Gene mutation is defined as a permanent alternation in the DNA sequence which makes up a gene that makes the DNA sequence differs from that of most people. Gene mutation could be further divided into two types which are hereditary mutations and acquired mutations. The difference between hereditary mutations and acquired mutations is that hereditary mutations are inherited from a...
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The Modification Of Human Gene

3 Pages 1509 Words
As Valle (n.d) pointed out “In editing the human genome, scientists must worry about unintended consequences, changes to other parts of the genome that are called off-target effect. Fix one thing, we have broken something else. (as cited in Hopkins, 2017)”. In other words, by developing technologies, scientists have tried out all possible ways of modifying the genes of animals,...
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Gene Therapy And Human Genome Project

1 Page 640 Words
Introduction The Human Genome Project was the start of an era of exploration into what makes people tick. The Project helped to identify and map all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and a functional standpoint. The fulfillment of the Human Genome Project allowed researchers to pinpoint what genes were mutated and liable for certain...

Cry1Ac Gene In Soybean Plants

4 Pages 1662 Words
SUMMARY The Cry1Ac gene found in our modification comes from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, and thus is the gene placed in soybean plants. This gene produces delta endotoxin proteins, which form crystals that exert a specific toxin against some species of larvae. The crystal toxins then act as an insecticide against some species of feeding larvae, killing the larvae, and...
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Amplification Of GAPDH In Syringa Vulgaris DNA

2 Pages 853 Words
Abstract The goal of this experiment was to isolate and sequence the GAPDH gene from Lilac. To extract, amplify, and transform the genomic DNA, we used PCR and nested PCR. This data was observed with gel electrophoresis and plating, which allows us to analyze the effectiveness of the ligation. pJET1.2 provided an essential restriction site that included eco47IR that killed...

Genetically Modified Organisms In Genetic Engineering

3 Pages 1590 Words
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and advanced biotechnologies have a very large impact on the environment, agriculture and human medicine. Many people including scientists believe this is the way of the future. These people see all of the benefits of being able to produce solutions to worldwide problems. With all of the supporters, come the skeptics. There are a lot of...
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