George Orwell essays

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4 Pages 1716 Words
Introduction Eric Arthur Blair, more famous by his pen name George Orwell, was an enigmatic figure with an interesting background and a rich literary career. He was present and very influential during the World War I era, and most of his family was on the opposing side. Orwell was exposed to communism as he watched his friend become an active...
1984George Orwell
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1 Page 630 Words
Introduction George Orwell's "Animal Farm," published in 1945, is a seminal piece of literature that uses allegory to critique totalitarian regimes, particularly Soviet Communism. The novel portrays a group of farm animals who overthrow their human farmer in hopes of creating a society where animals can be equal, free, and happy. However, the revolution is ultimately betrayed, and a dictatorship...
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2 Pages 1138 Words
As any good audience should know, there is quite a difference between using literary devices in a work and correctly applying those devices to convey a necessary message. Books can be read, enjoyed, and then finished if strategies don’t leave a long-lasting message or provoke thought. In George Orwell’s '1984', he includes symbolism, theme, and point of view to successfully...
1984George OrwellLiterary Criticism
like 432
4 Pages 1651 Words
George Orwell's '1984' remains highly controversial to this day as one of the fundamental warnings against totalitarian regimes. This arises from the repressive regime of the 'Party', which is inspired by both the Soviet and Nazi regimes at the time of Orwell's writing the novel. Hence, Orwell's work serves as a warning against totalitarianism, but it can also relate to...
1984George OrwellTotalitarianism
like 432
2 Pages 1007 Words
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing” (Orwell). According to an overview fact sheet released in 2014 by Freedom House, out of all one-hundred ninety-five countries in the world, eighty-eight countries are free, fifty-nine countries are partly free, and unfortunately, forty-eight countries are not free. Considering that...
1984George Orwell
like 172
1 Page 556 Words
We describe propaganda as information used to promote a political cause, which is typically biased. Because the telescreens always convey propaganda, they inundate the citizens with information that confuses them. As a result, they cannot formulate anti-government thoughts. We can see its significance clearly in George Orwell's novel ‘1984’. It has a major impact on its readers and it makes...
1984Book ReviewGeorge Orwell
like 225
1 Page 411 Words
Orwell is a police officer in Burma. So a police officer's job is to preserve peace in such a place. And the elephant is wreaking havoc, so the locals in Burma expect him to do his job, so he shoots the elephant even though it is against his will. I think it's circumstantial and social motives. Circumstantial for the reason...
George OrwellShooting An Elephant
like 234
4 Pages 1135 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction George Orwell's article "A Hanging" explores the dreadful and unsettling experience of seeing a public hanging in colonial Burma during British control. His detailed account, published in 1931, illustrates the dehumanizing impacts of imperialism and the ethical problem faced by those who participate in state-sanctioned violence. The essay analyzes the tremendous effect of watching a life being taken, highlighting...
A HangingGeorge Orwell
like 436
1 Page 520 Words
In the allegorical explanation, all myths contain hidden which the narrative deliberately conceals or encodes. Writers and speakers typically use allegories to convey hidden or complex meaning through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, or events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey. One of the famous stories in literature that uses allegory is the...
5 Pages 2491 Words
Animal Farm is a novel written by way of George Orwell which was the pen title of Eric Blair, a British novelist and an essayist whose pointed reactions of political mistreatment impelled him into unmistakable satisfaction toward the center of the twentieth century. He was once born on June 25th, 1903, and died on January 21st, 1950 at the age...
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell
like 1713
2 Pages 1022 Words
One of human's biggest failures is our negligence to abuse of power and control. Manipulation of others by a person with authority for their own personal gain is a form of abusive power and control. The novel highlights the hidden faults of communist rule as well as the inevitable return of a totalitarianism-based society. Animal Farm, George Orwell (1945) uses...
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell
like 432
3 Pages 1205 Words
Investigating 1984 as an Impression of Orwell's Way of thinking George Orwell's 1984 is a book about Winston Smith, a low-positioning individual from The Gathering which rules the country of Oceania. The territory of Oceania in London is where our first and fundamental character Winston Smith lives. There are signs reminding residents that Big Brother is continually viewing. Big Brother...
1984Big BrotherGeorge Orwell
like 225
2 Pages 971 Words
The stories we tell and the stories we are told enable us to see ourselves and our surroundings through a new lens. Orwell utilizes storytelling in 1984, employing the thematic concerns of dehumanization, personal autonomy, and love to explore the dangers of conformity. Moreover, Orwell highlights the importance of resisting oppressive narratives in order to live our own human experiences...
1984George OrwellLiterary Criticism
like 432
2 Pages 837 Words
The enigmatic dynamism of power will inevitably plague the human psyche distinguishing any form of human experience. Affected by his context, George Orwell mirrors Soviet Russia’s regime through his imposed panoptic society where deliberate class systems are imposed by the ruling authority to limit political rebellion and insist on societal control. The world of 1984, consists of three classes; the...
1984George OrwellLiterary Criticism
like 193
2 Pages 725 Words
George Orwell has utilized the novel Animal Farm to convey many conceptions and denotements which connect the Russian Revolution events and power with the authenticity and society of humanity. One conception of his is fear and control. This conception withal links well with how brainwashing becomes more facile when someone is in control and withal fear is a contributing factor...
Animal FarmControlGeorge Orwell
like 180
2 Pages 856 Words
In the book 1984 by George Orwell, a place where all people who are apart or live in Oceania are surveilled by the administration at every moment and hold absolutely zero freedom. In today’s times, citizens of the United States and other nations are both similar but in different ways. Different technology has their individual ways with watching their country...
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2 Pages 696 Words
In George Orwell’s book 1984, we are taken to the year 1984 in a futuristic totalitarian state. We experience this ‘new’ society through the main character, Winston Smith. Winston is portrayed in the story as an average man living in Oceania and working for the government in the Ministry of Truth. Even his surname, Smith, which is the most common...
1984George OrwellIndividualism
like 268
3 Pages 1290 Words
Introduction Even seven decades after it was written, 1984 remains one of the most impactful novels in literary history. Published in 1949, it was George Orwell's most important work. A major figure in both anti-Stalinist and anticommunist circles, the English writer and journalist had seen both sides—who had fought for republican Spain and publicized the Soviet Union—and he knew where...
1984George Orwell
like 294
2 Pages 1101 Words
1984 is a dystopian novel by English novelist George Orwell. George Orwell was known to be against totalitarianism and democratic socialism, throughout 1984 he would constantly warn readers about the extreme effects of a government with unlimited authority, who would strive to regulate every aspect of society. An obvious and collective human experience resident in Oceania share is oppression and...
1984George Orwell
like 358
4 Pages 2007 Words
Technology continues to shape our lives and influence our society. Mankind has become so dependent on technology that one cannot imagine living without his or her smartphone or laptop. No one will debate that this digital renaissance has not created a more productive, mobile, and efficient culture, but at what price? In the novel 1984, George Orwell uses technology to...
1984George Orwell
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2 Pages 869 Words
In his dystopian novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', Orwell describes a pessimistic world that lacks freedom, emotions, and the human spirit. The solitary protagonist, Winston Smith's awareness of the doings of the oppressive government figure, 'The Inner Party' acts as a catalyst for his fight for freedom. Winston uses his knowledge to actively plan a revolt against the Party, but he unavoidably...
1984George Orwell
like 432
2 Pages 878 Words
George Orwell uses the character of Boxer to explore the idea of abuse of power and corruption in ‘Animal Farm’. He does this through Boxer’s lack of education, strong loyalty and trust, and use of emotive imagery. Orwell uses Boxer to represent the proletariat in Russia whose work pay was exploited, meaning they could not afford food or housing. Therefore,...
AllegoryCorruptionGeorge Orwell
like 152
2 Pages 691 Words
The story engages the reader through Orwell's first-hand experience as a police officer in Burma, presenting complex ideas about humanity's indifference of death and 'what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man.”. The story entails the execution of a Hindu prisoner by hanging through the point of view of a guard and the desensitization of the prison workers afterward....
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1 Page 573 Words
‘1984’, a novel by George Orwell, represents a dystopian society in which the people of Oceania are watched by the government almost 24/7 and have no freedom which is a society we could never imagine real. But, today citizens of North Korea can be considered the same way as the novel. Though different technological and personal ways of keeping watch,...
1984George OrwellNorth Korea
like 251
2 Pages 718 Words
When reading the two sources it is clear that the writers have contrasting perspectives and views on elephants and how they behave due to their diverse circumstances. George Orwell (in his ‘Shooting An Elephant’) is given the responsibility to go and find a peaceful tame elephant but has been followed by a sea of people who pressure him into shooting...
George OrwellShooting An Elephant
like 432
2 Pages 887 Words
Introduction George Orwell's Animal Farm, first published in 1945, stands as a seminal work in the realm of political literature. Not merely a tale about anthropomorphized farm animals, this novella is a profound allegory of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of Stalinism. Orwell's skillful use of satire and allegory serves as a critique of totalitarian regimes, making Animal...
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell
like 394
2 Pages 984 Words
The novel 1984 is a book that everybody must have read at least once in their lifetime. It is about a world in which everything is owned and controlled by the government. Culture, the economy, physical activities, and even their thoughts are being controlled by the Party. The Party has totalitarian control over its citizens. In the real world, North...
1984George Orwell
like 211
3 Pages 1145 Words
George Orwell’s novel ‘1984' and '2001: A space odyssey', a film by Stanley Kubrick, clearly communicates the connections of alienation as protagonists in both texts are monitored by higher authorities. Based on a time where civilization is monitored and the freedom to think differently is punishable. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is a novel based in a society that lacks personal freedom,...
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1 Page 661 Words
Animal Farm is an allegorical story with a very powerful underlying message but it does not rely entirely on historical context for narrative power, I read Animal Farm without any knowledge of the Russian Revolution and although it was confusing at first, I was still able to understand there was underlying meaning as well as many lessons to be learnt....
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2 Pages 871 Words
Mr Jones is the first character we are introduced to who represents the Tsar, Nicholas II (1868-1918), the last Russian emperor. During Nicholas II reign of 1894-1917, the people of Russian encountered terrible poverty and upheaval. This was marked when unarmed protesters demanding social reforms were shot down by the army near Nicholas' palace known as the Bloody Sunday massacre...
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell
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