According to (Calloway, 2018), George Washington was the firstborn of Mr. Augustine and his mother, Mary Ball Washington, who lived in Virginia County in America. He had six siblings, and he was brought up in a very adverse background since his dad left him at a significantly younger age, eleven years, where he left most of his wealth to George’s brothers-in-law. George Washington inherited ten enslaved people at the age of eleven years. He spent most of his time at Ferry Farm, and he assisted his mother with the plantation.
During the time of George Washington, only the children from the royal families were in a position to get the best education. However, typical families like his were typically taught at home, where they had to be taught by private tutors or join private schools. He never attended college; however, from 7 to 15 years, he attended the school irregularly at a church-sponsored school. He became more interested in elementary measurements and mathematics while studying. He embarked on short-time farming at the age of seventeen. He was lucky to explore as a surveyor after culminating in school. This happened after his mother denied him from joining the navy. He got a survey job with the county surveyor for the created Culpeper (The Library of Congress, n.d). While working, he was also able to earn some cash, where he worked hard and purchased his land.
Furthermore, in the times of the Indian and the French war in 1753, George joined the forces where his nine-hundred-mile hike via snow caused the Virginia governor, Dwindle, to choose him to lead the troop to the war as a major. Two years later, he was appointed as the general commander of Virginia forces in 1755. While working at Culpeper county as a surveyor, that experience made him resourceful, experienced, and toughened-minded. The work made him spike his interest in holding western land and a solid belief that the nation’s future would be colonized in the west. The brother of George Washington, Lawrence, died of tuberculosis in 1752, and he was made the successor of the Washington lands (Henry, 2020). Lawrence’s daughter Sarah died a few years later, and George Washington was appointed to the helm of one of Virginia’s most prominent estates, Mount Vernon. Washington increased his land to almost eight thousand acres at Mount Vernon because he loved farming.
George Washington in the American Revolution
According to (Grinin, 2022), the American Revolution occurred when the American colonists rebelled against the rule of Great Britain. They were also fighting for independence to ensure that they gained their freedom. The tax was overcast against the American colonists in the 1760s, and George Washington experienced the same. In 1774, George was the first Continental Congress delegate in Philadelphia. In June 1775, Congress appointed him to order the Continental Army that would besiege the British in Boston. Washington informed his mother about his hope to return home safely. He was barred from visiting Mount Vernon for another eight years. It was an order for which his military background, while more than any other candidate’s, had not prepared him. The knowledge that he had only laid him in frontier warfare that incorporated fewer soldiers.
George had no practical experience that could maneuver extensive formations, dealing with cavalry or artillery, or ensuring enough line supply to aid more men in the field. He learned about the job even though his army was reeling from diverse adversities. George had the courage, mental agility, and determination to ensure that the American move one step ahead of total disintegration until he investigated how to win the team he was leading, an unprecedented revolutionary struggle. Georgeâs troops were poorly trained, and they had less ammunition, food, and other critical materials (American Battlefied, 2021). During that eight-year war, very few battles were won by the colonial forces. However, more battles were being won by the British.
In June 1776, a new British army led by Sir William Howe arrived in the colonies with permission to attack New York City. William also led the most potent invading army Britain had ever sent overseas. They were nearly incapable of defending New York. New York is an island surrounded by a maze of waterways, giving naval supremacy a significant advantage. His army was better equipped, larger, and more trained than George Washington’s. In August, they conquered George’s army at Long Island and then routed the Americans a few days later at Kip’s Bay, resulting in the city’s destruction. The continental forces and a few French captured the British troops in Yorktown in October 1781 under General Charles Cornwallis. It was this capture that effectively culminated the Revolutionary war hence declaring Washington a national hero.
Surprisingly, George had defeated the better-equipped, more prominent, and better British army because he was more capable of adapting than his adversaries. On December 23, 1783, he resigned his commission and appeared before the Congress in Annapolis. Like Cincinnatus, the traditional antiquity hero he most applauded, he had the foresight to relinquish power in a situation where he could have been crowned king (Watson, 2021). Washington left Annapolis and decided to return to Mount Vernon, vowing never to serve in public again. In the absence of precedent in modern history, George was given the status of an international warrior.
George Washington, the President of the United States
George acted as president for only two terms. As the first president, he served from 1789- to 1793 during his regime, which was majorly about coordinating the executive branch of the current leadership and coming up with administrative procedures that would facilitate the government to work with efficiency and energy, which he trusted that the two were critical to the future of the republic (Gruber, 2022). Furthermore, George being an astute judge of talent, ensured that he was surrounded by the able men in the current nation. Also, he appointed principal advisors and other officials to help me execute his duties. During his first inaugural address, George said that he was unfamiliar with civil administration duties; however, he was the best and most competent administrator ever to work as president of the United States. He further assured Americans that the president could be in power even without practicing corruption. Additionally, George administered the government with integrity and fairness. He executed duties with more restraints, formulating precedents for the broad-ranging authority of the president.
George Washington’s second term occurred between 1793 to 1797, and he focused on foreign affairs and was marred by broadening partisanship in his own administration. He resumed the presidency during the tremendous international crisis. on the eve of the French Revolution (Ingraham, 2020). There were many crises following the invasion of the European war in 1793, which made the pandemic the center of American politics. George also trusted neutrality dictated by the United States national interest. War could cause many distractions for businesses and stop the nation’s finances since the country’s future depends on the rise of the opportunity and the wealth that would come westward and through commerce expansion.
Washington ensured that he kept the country out of war hence proving the brand nation a chance to develop strength. He established the neutrality principle that played a significant role in shaping American foreign policies for more than a century. Even though George Washington was disappointed by the partisanship increase rise, his final years of rule were marked by unmatched achievements. They include the following; the long Indian war on the northwest frontier was wonâadditionally, the surrender of northwest forts by Britain. Also, the Mississippi was opened by Spain to American commerce.
The Impact and Legacy of George Washington
According to Rakove (2020), George Washington has been acknowledged by the American people as one of the best presidents in American history since he announced his retirement. The name of the Washington Monument, the Capital City, his involvement on Mount Rushmore, and his regular location near presidential polling places all attest to the strength of his legacy. The confidence and trust George inspired made the creation of the presidency possible and established the executive branch. While in the office, he was always mindful of the principles of the republic virtues that constitute decorum, self-sacrifice, leadership, the self-improvement. Furthermore, an inveterate imprint on the political process was left by George, mainly through the establishment of his cabinet, which has been used by the presidents that succeeded him.
Additionally, his decision to step away from power firmly solidified his legacy and had a significant impact on the future of the American presidency. All George Washington’s successors followed his example of retiring from power after two terms of being in power. The most important thing is that George recognized the benefits of stepping away willingly from power. Besides, he believed that Americans needed to know and learn how to elect, transition, and inaugurate the current president. George had a strong belief that the act of slavery on its own in the long run would die and be substituted with the industrial revolution, which was starting to emerge in the northern states. Before the American Revolution, he did not show any animosity towards slavery until the time the egalitarian belief influenced him that men have natural rights by birth.
Besides, Washington is often referred to as the ‘Father of His Country. This is because he played a vital role while in office as the president of America. He not only worked as the first president of America, but he also gave orders to Continental Army, especially during American Revolution, which occurred from 1775 to 1783 (Tschachler, 2020). George Washington also presided over various conventions that drafted the United States constitution.