Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay

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The covid-19 pandemic made us acknowledge the major global perplexes we are facing. Whether they are economic, political, social, or environmental issues; we are witnessing such aspects rapidly diminish and hit their lowest of low in terms of technicality, ethicality, and the pursuit of a normal day-to-day life. But most importantly, the pandemic affected students and education by many orders of magnitude. Education takes an essential segment of people's lives; depending on their future careers, either making or breaking them. Since the advancements in technicality, teaching methods, and other notable inventions that incorporate more obvious teaching strategies, education today is far more diverse and well-assorted than it was in the 1950s. Students can study from home or any other location that is most convenient for them with E-learning. They can get learning materials from the internet. Texts, audio, notes, videos, and photos may be used as study resources in online education. However, the research approach has both advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss all aspects depicting the effects of the pandemic on education, such as how it affected the learning system of students and teachers; whether the learning curve was for the best by limiting distractions on students, or for the worse by having the opposite effect. Did the pandemic affect the students’ social skills, making them less confident in presenting their work, or less excited about forming new bonds? And, did the pandemic set back students’ fluid and crystallized intelligence? Did it oblige students to become slower in picking up new subjects, or lose focus relatively faster? And finally, how did the learning system compare before and after the global pandemic?

I being a senior, and holding a student’s point of view, have noticed drastic changes to every school’s learning system. Most of the schools united on one new dominant learning system during the global lockdown, which in its essence, is online learning by using a beloved Microsoft program called Teams. Microsoft’s Teams changed the way students and teachers interact with each other to a very positive, and productive cooperating relationship. Teachers can easily assign and assess their students’ work and assignments, while students can effortlessly submit their work. That however is not what made Teams take the spotlight, it is the feature Teams provided to organizers that gave them the utility to host meeting calls. Schools used this feature to start online classes and teach their learn-hungry students. And honestly, Teams really is flexible and user-friendly; all your pending assignments, meetings, grades, and your personal direct messages with teachers and supervisors are all a click away. Teams made learning much easier, whether it's for the pandemic or not, it will still remain a useful learning tool for students and teachers. However, was Teams’ Golden Age truly as beneficial as it sounds? The short answer is yes… And it superficially improved students’ cooperation with teachers when submitting assignments and classwork (As of this section of the essay, the precise data of the proclaimed “improvement in cooperation” are yet to be researched and studied, leaving it be for another more suitably specific chapter for analyzing any obtained data through multiple systems of surveys). The reason is, specifically in my school, homework can be graded not for the next day, but on the same day of the homework announcement. Setting students an unavoidable deadline crushes any procrastinating self-desire.

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Schools are an integral aspect of a community's infrastructure. They provide kids with secure and supportive learning settings that promote social and emotional development, improve life outcomes, and provide access to crucial resources. They also provide employment opportunities for parents, guardians, and caretakers. Despite the fact that coronavirus outbreaks have occurred in schools, many studies have demonstrated that transmission rates within schools are often lower than or similar to community transmission levels when comprehensive preventative efforts are in place. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) research brief on SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in schools and Early Care and education programs present the evidence of coronavirus in children and adolescents, as well as what is known about avoiding transmission in schools and educational programs.

However, with covid-19 cases on the rise across the country (June 2021), thanks to the strain of SARS-CoV-2, school-based protection remains critical. Because of the highly contagious nature of this variant, as well as the widespread mixing of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in schools, the fact that children under the age of 12 are not currently eligible for vaccination, and low vaccination rates among youth ages 12-17, the CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all students (age 2 and up), teachers, staff, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status. As well as a fixed seating that is 1m apart from every other table.

The most important strategy for assisting schools in safely resuming sort of full operations actually is coronavirus immunization among all eligible students, teachers, staff, and household members. Vaccination is the most effective public health method for combating the coronavirus pandemic in a subtle way. People who actually have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus really have a minimal risk of developing symptoms or developing a serious infection in a major way. In comparison to unvaccinated people, a growing body of research suggests that those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are less generally likely to literally become infected and develop symptoms, and are at a significantly lower risk of severe illness and death from the coronavirus, which is fairly significant to some certain magnitude.

Because in-person learning basically is so essential, schools should without a doubt use physical distancing as much as feasible within their structures while not excluding students from in-person learning to meet the utmost minimum distance needed, contrary to popular belief. Persons who are not completely vaccinated should keep a physical distance of at least 2m from other people who specifically are not in their household, according to the CDC. Several studies from the 2020-2021 school year, however, essentially demonstrate minimal COVID-19 transmission levels among kids in schools with less than 2m of physical distance when other preventative techniques, like mask use, generally were applied and layered.

Based on research from the 2020-2021 school year, the CDC recommends that schools maintain a minimum of 3 feet of physical distance between kids within classrooms, along with the use of indoor masks, to limit the risk of transmission. When a distance of at minimum 3 feet cannot be maintained, such as when schools cannot fully reopen while maintaining these distances, it is especially important to layer multiple other prevention strategies, such as screening testing, improved ventilation, handwashing, and covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when sick with symptoms of infectious illness.

It's fair that schools and universities want to know how much the COVID-19 pandemic has damaged college-level learning, not least so that they can address any potential impediments students have experienced as many seek to return to more 'regular' learning environments this fall. More scientists will likely follow the economist’s lead from Auburn University, the University of Southern Mississippi, and American University, who published a working paper in the National Bureau of Economic Research this week comparing how studying in person versus online affected students' course completion rates and grades before and after the pandemic. When specific variations in student and teacher characteristics are taken into consideration, they find that students in face-to-face classes 'perform better than their online counterparts in terms of their grades, inclination to withdraw from the course, and the chance of getting a passing grade.' The findings, according to the researchers, are consistent both before and after the pandemic, which is expected to hit in spring 2020. Despite the fact students that who take online community college courses are more prepared and highly motivated than their peers, a study by Columbia University's Di Xu and Shanna Smith Jaggars found that online learning has a negative impact on students' persistence in sticking with courses and their course grades. Taking a course online rather than in person can reduce the chance of course persistence by 7 percentage points, and lower the final mark by 0.3 points on a 4-point scale if the student continues to the end of the course. National Center for Education Statistics reports that nearly one-third of college students in the U.S. take courses online, and over three million are enrolled in exclusively online programs. However, new research titled 'Does Online Education Deliver on Its Promise?' claims that it does. Students enrolling in online classrooms get poorer marks and fail classes in greater proportions than students enrolled in traditional face-to-face courses, according to “A Look at the Evidence and Implications for Federal Policy.” According to the report, which was co-authored by George Mason University professor Spiros Protopsaltis and Urban Institute scholar Sandy Baum, online courses may be less advantageous to students than traditional courses, especially those with inferior academic backgrounds. The authors analyzed the academic success rates of online students across several sectors of higher education, including community colleges and four-year, for-profit online programs, using multiple national surveys. Students enrolling in online courses were less likely to finish a degree than those who took fewer online courses, according to research conducted by the Washington State Community College System, which looked at data from over 51,000 students at 34 community colleges and technical schools. According to the report, male students and black students had the most difficulty in online courses. According to a 2017 report published in the American Economic Review and highlighted in this study, taking an online course lowered the likelihood of a student obtaining an A in the class by over 12 percent at four-year, for-profit universities. Students who took online courses were also more likely to drop out of college than those who took in-person programs.

The lack of face-to-face connection between students and professors, according to Baum and Protopsaltis, is a possible drawback of online education. According to the report, in-person communication is essential for encouraging and assisting students in understanding course material.

The Covid 19 pandemic has affected many aspects of school life, all in order to prevent any further spread of the disease. Our school is working hard to go back to the normal school life we used to have before the global pandemic. Yet, parents are still worried about their kids, and teachers about their students. In school, students now must at all times wear a mask and stay 1 m apart from other classmates and teachers. Such mandatory rules should have educational side effects. So, do they? Shooting a documentary will clearly represent to worried parents how students are learning back to school again. There have been worries that face masks can restrict oxygen intake, resulting in hypoxemia (low blood oxygen levels). Masks, on the other hand, are composed of permeable materials that won't prevent your infant from getting enough oxygen. Your child's ability to focus and study in school will not be harmed by wearing a mask. Face masks can be worn for extended periods of time by the vast majority of children aged 2 and above, such as during the school day or at childcare. This includes children with a variety of medical issues. Do masks capture the carbon dioxide we regularly exhale? No. False allegations have circulated that wearing a face mask might cause carbon dioxide poisoning (hypercapnia) by re-inhaling the air we typically exhale. However, this is not the case. CO2 molecules are extremely small, even smaller than respiratory droplets. Breathable materials, such as fabric or disposable masks, cannot keep them trapped. Surgeons, in fact, wear tight-fitting masks all day as part of their professions, with no ill effects. Face masks offer a barrier that decreases the spray of a person's spit and respiratory droplets when worn correctly. Because these droplets can convey SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, they serve an important role in its propagation. Masks can also protect you from those who may have coronavirus but aren't showing symptoms and may come within 6 feet of you when people sneeze, cough, or raise their voices since respiratory droplets can move up to 6 feet when people sneeze, cough, or raise their voices. In recent weeks, the number of pediatric cases of COVID-19 has risen in the United States. Pediatric cases have also grown as a percentage of all cases discovered, accounting for 22.4 percent of all cumulative cases for the week ending Aug. 19. (up from 14.6 percent a week earlier). This is happening, however, in a setting where community transmission is high and vaccination coverage is low. Even if the overall risk is minor, when more children become infected, there is a greater potential for children to become unwell and more severely ill, both with acute infection and MIS-C. COVID-19 has a mortality rate of fewer than three fatalities per 10,000 cases in children under the age of 17. The authors also suggest that the findings of many research imply that tighter regulation of online education and online institutions is required. To decrease bad student results that come with a large price tag, online courses will need to involve more inventive face-to-face engagement between instructors and students. There is a story of a student named Christopher. Christopher Lamar didn't realize he was failing most of his classes until a few weeks ago. Lamar, a senior at Lake Nona High School in Orlando, Florida, had always liked school. He was a homecoming runner and the founder of a spirit club. Things changed this year when lessons were moved to the Internet. Lamar was responsible for watching and cooking for his siblings, as well as cleaning and managing the household. He had pushed the school to the bottom of his priority list. When Lamar's guidance counselor informed him that his mid-semester progress report was littered with Fs, it hit him: not only was he failing science, a subject in which he had previously excelled, but he was also in danger of losing his graduation in the spring.

We are gradually witnessing an increase in the number of students returning to school. Due to national school cancellations, more than 1 billion pupils are still out of school. However, 105 out of a total of 134 nations that have shuttered schools (78%) have set a timetable for reopening them. 59 of the 105 nations have already reopened or intend to restart schools in the near future. Given the complexities of the situation and regional differences, governments are at various stages of determining how and when to reopen schools. National or state governments will often make these choices, generally after consulting with local governments. Authorities should examine the advantages and hazards of reopening schools in the local context, taking into account education, public health, and socioeconomic considerations. Every child's best interests should be at the forefront of these choices, which should be based on the best available data, but how this will be implemented will differ from school to school. Returning to school will most likely be different from what you and your child are used to. Depending on the local environment, schools may reopen for a period of time before being closed again briefly. Because of the changing scenario, authorities will need to be adaptable and flexible in order to keep all children safe. Water and sanitation facilities will be critical for schools to reopen safely. Handwashing, respiratory etiquette (i.e. coughing and sneezing into the elbow), physical distancing measures, facility cleaning processes, and safe food preparation methods are all things that administrators should consider. Physical distancing and school hygiene standards should also be taught to administrative personnel and instructors.

Works Cited-

  1. Education: From disruption to recovery. UNESCO. (2021, November 7). Retrieved November 14, 2021, from https:en.unesco.orgcovid19educationresponse.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Guidance for covid-19 prevention in K-12 Schools. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from https:www.cdc.govcoronavirus2019-ncovcommunityschools-childcarek-12-guidance.html.
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Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay. (2023, July 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/going-back-to-school-after-covid-19-narrative-essay/
“Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 20 Jul. 2023, hub.edubirdie.com/examples/going-back-to-school-after-covid-19-narrative-essay/
Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/going-back-to-school-after-covid-19-narrative-essay/> [Accessed 4 Mar. 2025].
Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jul 20 [cited 2025 Mar 4]. Available from: https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/going-back-to-school-after-covid-19-narrative-essay/

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