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Path to Becoming a US Navy SEAL: Narrative Essay

5 Pages 2094 Words
By joining the military, it was a huge commitment for me to make it finally cementing myself into what is going to turn into a career and a lifestyle. I always knew that the military was going to be my choice for me, and on June 28, 2019, it became a reality. For my parents, college was always their dream...

Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System and Its Use in the US Navy and US Army

2 Pages 1050 Words
The Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System (LPWS) is part of the Air Defense Artillery (ADA) within the Department of the Army. In this paper, I will lay out a brief timeline for the LPWS from its concept in the US Navy to its employment overseas with the US Army, known as the C-RAM. I will also discuss the development of the...
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Essay on Core Values of the Army

2 Pages 1092 Words
The Army has six core values that all officers and non-commissioned officers must adhere to. These values are taught at the very beginning of a soldier’s career, whether that be officer recruit at RMAS or junior recruit at phase one training. The first value is selfless commitment. Selfless commitment is being able to put the needs of your colleagues and...

My Expectations in the Naval Staff Course (NSC): Narrative Essay

2 Pages 997 Words
My expectations in the naval staff course (NSC) One of my favorite quotes about training from an author and law professor, Michael Josephson, “Never stops learning, because life never stops teaching”. Learning through training and schooling is one of the essential ingredients for us Naval Officers on the path toward our career progression. Some may take it for granted and...
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Issuing Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants

5 Pages 2047 Words
One's ability to drive a car plays a significant role in carrying out essential day-to-day tasks, be it picking up groceries, taking and picking up kids from school, and, most importantly, reporting for work. However, driver's licenses are unobtainable by undocumented immigrants in most of the states here in the United States. In turn, most undocumented immigrants who have settled...

Was John F. Kennedy a Good President: Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1154 Words
Ever heard of the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Chances are yes. President John F. Kennedy served his short period as president well. His life before the presidency had been interesting. Unfortunately, his assassination led to the end of this great era. John F. Kennedy had grown up living a more complicated life. He was in a family with a...

Journey Through Challenges: Abdul Kalam's Critical Essay

1 Page 550 Words
After the ‘Wings of Fire’, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam wrote another autobiography and it starts where the previous book ends. We got various leadership insights from this book also. In his book, ‘Turning Points: A Journey Through Challenges’, Kalam gives us his perspective about why he chose to become the President of India in 2002, and the same motivation might have...

Health Care and Its Income Orientation as a Problem: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 783 Words
An individual's socioeconomic status, whether evaluated by income, level of education, or occupational status, has been linked to various health issues. It has been proven as one of the significant factors that determine one's perception by society and, most notably, their access to opportunities. It is unfortunate that health care, a basic human need that should be available to all,...

Why I Want to Be an Army Aviator Essay

1 Page 539 Words
Being an Army Aviator has always been my dream. The opportunity to serve my country while pursuing a career in aviation is a perfect combination of my passions. In this essay, I will discuss my motivation for wanting to become an Army Aviator, the qualities and skills that I believe are essential for success in this field, and the impact...

Why I Want to Be a Truck Driver Essay

2 Pages 876 Words
The allure of driving a big rig on the open road has captivated many, but for some, it's more than just a passing interest. For those who crave adventure and independence, truck driving can be an ideal career path. The freedom of the open road, the excitement of discovering new places, and the challenge of maneuvering a colossal machine are...

Why I Want to Be a Naval Officer Essay

1 Page 570 Words
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As a career choice, joining the Navy and becoming a naval officer is a noble and challenging path that requires dedication, discipline, and a strong sense of duty. The opportunity to serve one's country and make a positive impact on the world is an admirable goal that has motivated many individuals to pursue a career in the Navy. In this...

Essay on Veterans Day

1 Page 689 Words
As the nation pauses to remember and honor the brave individuals who have served in our country's military, Veterans Day serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by these extraordinary men and women. Veterans Day is a time to express our gratitude and appreciation for all that our veterans have done to defend our freedom and protect our...

300 Word Veterans Day Essay

1 Page 453 Words
Every year on November 11th, we come together as a nation to honor and thank our brave men and women who have served in the armed forces. Veterans Day is an opportunity for us to express our gratitude to those who have risked their lives to protect our country and our freedoms. However, beyond the parades and ceremonies, we must...

14 Leadership Traits USMC Essay

2 Pages 1114 Words
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The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is one of the most respected and revered branches of the US military, known for its discipline, dedication, and leadership. The Marine Corps has identified 14 key leadership traits that are essential for its officers and enlisted personnel to possess. These traits are not only important in military service but also in civilian life....

100 years of JROTC Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Essay

1 Page 658 Words
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) is a program designed to teach high school students the importance of citizenship, leadership, and service to the community. The program was first established in 1916, making this year the 100th anniversary of JROTC. Over the past century, JROTC has undergone significant changes, adapting to the needs of each new generation. Yesterday: The Origins...

School Lunches Need to Be Revamped in Public Schools: Persuasive Essay

5 Pages 2080 Words
Numerous students from all ethics and grades enjoy a lunch program at their respective educational institutions daily. Notably, students need to recover from the lost energy in the process of learning by having a meal that will keep them more dynamic and attentive in their education. This situation is achievable through public schools having school lunch programs, where all the...

HR Sergeant's Role in the Profession of Arms

2 Pages 958 Words
“I am an expert and I am a professional”. “No one is more professional than I”. Learning, knowing, and understanding these two sentences enhance soldiers to see the Army as a profession of arms and motivate them to be and stay professional. The uniqueness of the Army derives from its ability to create professionals identified through characteristics such as trust,...
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Synthesis of Terrorism Impact in the U.S.

2 Pages 886 Words
Introduction Terrorism has been a persistent threat to the United States, shaping its domestic and foreign policies. The term 'terrorism' encompasses a wide range of violent acts aimed at achieving political, religious, or ideological objectives. In recent decades, America has faced numerous terrorist attacks, both homegrown and international. This essay synthesizes the multifaceted impact of terrorism in America, examining its...

Synthesis Essay on Global Terrorism and Its Effect

4 Pages 1608 Words
It often seems like the world is in a constant state of panic. Technology has facilitated many everyday activities and has provided immediate information to those seeking it. People are informed about major events in seconds and this, inevitably, causes people to persistently feel alarmed and anxious. Terrorism, or “ the threat or use of violence to change an existing...

Problem Solution Essay on Terrorism

2 Pages 803 Words
Terrorism is a difficult threat to tackle as it comes in different forms and for various reasons. For the most part, it is politically motivated and its purpose is to disturb the peace by installing fear into populations so that they can achieve what they want more easily. Using military power as a deterrent for terrorism can be seen to...

The Global Challenge of Terrorism: Exemplifying the Crisis

2 Pages 1094 Words
Introduction Terrorism, a formidable global menace, has profoundly impacted societies worldwide, transcending geographical, ethnic, and political boundaries. Defined as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, terrorism aims to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives. The threat it poses is not confined to any single nation or region, but rather represents a pervasive and insidious danger to...

Analytical Essay on Terrorism in Mumbai

5 Pages 2148 Words
In November 2008, A series of terrorist attacks took place in Mumbai. A terrorist organization, based in Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out eight attacks that lasted for 4 days across Mumbai. Eight of the attacks occurred on prestigious and historic locations in which there was an estimation of 174 people died including 9 attackers and more than 300 were wounded. This...

Analytical Essay on Counter Terrorism

5 Pages 2119 Words
Terrorism has existed in one form or another and has been an issue within society throughout history. One of the first attempts at a terrorist attack in Britain was Guy Fawkes' gunpowder plot of 1605, terrorism existed throughout Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia during the twentieth century and the definition of terrorism is derived from the French, 'reign of terror'...

Essay on Abraham Lincoln's Honesty

1 Page 490 Words
Honest Abe, as many of us call him, got elected on November 6, 1860. The guy who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, the guy who fought for the rights of slaves to be free, who thought secession illegal, and who was willing to use force to defend Federal law and the union (1). All of this was part of Abraham Lincoln's...

Essay on Abraham Lincoln Vs Whig Party

2 Pages 948 Words
When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven slave states seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America, with four more joinings when the North and South went to war. The nation was soon engulfed in a violent civil war, with Lincoln vowing to protect the Union, uphold the laws of the United States, and put...

Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address Summary

4 Pages 1686 Words
On March 4, 1865, Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office for the second time. The setting itself reflected how much had changed in the past four years. When Lincoln delivered his First Inaugural Address, the new Capitol dome, which replaced the original wooden one, was only half-complete. Now the Statue of Freedom crowned the finished edifice, symbolizing the reconstitution...

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