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Research On Language Disorders

3 Pages 1323 Words
Introduction There are many problems that affect people and have affected the way they speak. Of course, you must have met or heard about some people who suffer from some of these problems. There will be difficulty in understanding the message because the letter exits are wrong. Language disorders is one of the most common problems in our days. Language...

Cannabis Tolerance Break: Rediscovering Your High

3 Pages 1239 Words
Smoking cannabis might just be the best way to get a great high without all the crazy addiction. However, if you've been smoking regularly, it might be a good time to let you know that those receptors in your brain that react to the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis. The THC is the compound in cannabis that gets you high. The...

Heartbeat Sensing And Heart Attack Detection Using Heartbeat Sensor

4 Pages 1806 Words
Abstract In this project we are implementing a heart beat monitoring and heart attack detection system using the Heart Beat Sensor. Now a days we have an increased number of heart diseases including increased risk of heart attacks. The sensor is then interfaced to a arduino that allows checking heart rate readings and transmitting them over internet. The user may...

Lack Of Sleep And Its Effects

1 Page 433 Words
One of the major effects of losing sleep is the increasing rate of being easily irritated, short-tempered, and vulnerable to stress. Without sleep you and could easily have a bad day, therefore, the lack of sleep increases stress levels, effects performances, and decreases attention to detail. People who lack sleep seem to maintain the same physical state and mental state...

Vocal Based Parkinson’s Disease Detection

1 Page 665 Words
Abstract This paper explores the classification of audio signals feature dataset to diagnosis Parkinson’s disease (PD), mainly it effects the central nervous system, Parkinson’s disease patient typically have a low-volume noise with a monotone quality. Firstly, James Parkinson described Parkinson’s disease as a neurological syndrome. In this research, we build a program to find a better classifier for the corresponding...

Arthritis And Depression

2 Pages 758 Words
“It just seemed so pointless,” recalls Helen, who has lived with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for decades. “I couldn’t lift my arms above shoulder height, so it was easy to explain why I wasn’t washing my hair. Then I developed nodules on my feet, so it was a simple matter to stop taking walks. Then it was difficult to open cans,...

Soccer-Related Injuries

2 Pages 993 Words
Introduction Soccer, known globally as the beautiful game, is played and watched by millions around the world. Despite its captivating appeal, the sport is not without its physical demands and risks. Soccer players often face a range of injuries, varying in severity and impact on their careers. Understanding the most common injuries in soccer is crucial for players, coaches, and...

Literature Review: Remote Sensing And Epidemiology

5 Pages 2321 Words
Introduction Remote Sensing has brought so many advances to many different scientific disciplines, including the study of epidemiology. For as long as life has been on the Earth, disease has always been factor in the success of any species. Pandemics throughout the history of time have devastated the populations of both animals and humans. This paper looks to explore the...

Essential Oils in Kidney Stone Management

2 Pages 1039 Words
Introduction Kidney stones, often a source of intense discomfort and pain, represent a significant health challenge for millions of individuals worldwide. These hard deposits, formed from minerals and salts within the kidneys, can lead to severe health complications if not addressed promptly. Traditional medical treatments, including medications and surgical interventions, are commonly used to address kidney stones. However, there is...
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The Issue Of Skin Aging

2 Pages 740 Words
Introduction Skin aging is becoming a serious issue in this current society of strict beauty standards . It is stated that by 2010, the anti aging market was expected to account for $16.5 billion in sales(Choi and Berson, 2006). Sun-exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, chest and hands are the places most prone to skin aging....
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The Reasons For Mercy Killing Legalization

2 Pages 777 Words
The word euthanasia (greek term meaning good death) or mercy killing is the act of painless killing of suffering patients to relieve them from the pain they are experiencing. Euthanasia can be carried out either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection, or by not doing something necessary to keep the person alive. A person who undergoes euthanasia...

How The Brain Stores And Retrieve Memories

3 Pages 1349 Words
The memory is a complicated subject, and the constantly changing memory causes many different effects that can harm or hurt someone. The research regarding storing and retrieving memories of the brain’s information is valid because studies show that when remembering events from the past, the brain will take things relevant to the past memory to help you recall it. Also,...

Vaccination As The Most Effective Way To Stop Pandemics

2 Pages 685 Words
Vaccination is the Injection of a killed microbe to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system can recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Immunizations prepare the immune system to...

Understanding The First Aid Kit Use In Saudi Arabia

5 Pages 2098 Words
Introduction How can we better educate individuals on using first aid people in Saudi Arabia? How can we give these individuals a better understanding of how to use the first aid kit? How can improve their knowledge on this topic to act upon emergency situations? The usage of the first aid does show high importance in Saudi Arabia, many people...
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The Significance Of Yoga In Public Health

6 Pages 2874 Words
INTRODUCTION “Yoga is skill in events - Lord Krishna. ‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘to join, bond or yoke together’, and the essential purpose of yoga is to convey together body, mind and spirit into a pleasant whole. Physical Education may provide the right direction and desired actions to look up the health of members of any community, society,...

Spirituality's Role in Promoting Longevity and Reducing Stress

2 Pages 983 Words
Introduction In an era where stress-related ailments have become rampant, the pursuit of a stress-free and prolonged life is a universal endeavor. Spirituality, often distinct from organized religion, offers a pathway that many individuals have found invaluable in this pursuit. Spirituality encompasses a broad spectrum of practices and beliefs, centered around the connection to something greater than oneself, which may...

Aging and Vaccination: Impact and Efficacy

2 Pages 1001 Words
Introduction Aging is an inevitable biological process characterized by progressive physiological decline, impacting various bodily systems. One critical aspect of aging is its effect on the immune system, often referred to as immunosenescence. This natural deterioration of the immune function poses significant challenges for the effectiveness of vaccinations, which are crucial in preventing infectious diseases. As the global population ages,...

Mantle Cell Lymphoma: An Epidemiological Review Of Hong Kong Patients

6 Pages 2603 Words
Introduction Mantle cell lymphoma, previously known as diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma and centrocytic lymphoma , is a low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is a mature B cell neoplasm, consisting of mature B cells which have exited the bone marrow. Traditionally, MCL is known to be a very aggressive NHL despite its low-grade nature, and is considered to be incurable with...

Linguistic Study Of Doctor-Patient Interaction

2 Pages 694 Words
To almost all of us, good health is a priceless asset; and the prominent role that communication plays has pushed effective medical interaction to a new level of importance. Subsequently, Fairclough (1992) stated “The main arena for medical interaction can be most comprehensively viewed in terms of the doctor-patient relationship (p. 143). The relationship between patients and doctors provides the...

Can Yoga Calm Anxiety?

3 Pages 1361 Words
INDRODUCTION Yoga refer to a scientific scheme of physiological or intellectual practices that arised in India approximately 3000 years ago. The aims of yoga are , development of the following via strong and flexible body free of pain, a balanced autonomic neural system with all physiological systems like digestion, endocrine, functioning optimally and a calm and clear mind. Studies have...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Approaches

4 Pages 2010 Words
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a syndrome that begins in young adulthood, characterized by excessive impulsivity, imbalance in affect and interpersonal relationships, inability to perceive self and hypersensitivity to abandonment (APA, 2013) Borderline personality disorder is a complex and serious mental disorder due to severe dysfunction and high risk of suicide. Although Stern (1938) used the term borderline among psychiatrists...

The Interplay of Yoga, Coffee, and Sleep

2 Pages 833 Words
Introduction The modern lifestyle often necessitates a complex balance of activities, each influencing human physiology and psychology. Yoga, coffee, and sleep are three seemingly disparate practices that significantly impact daily life. Yoga is renowned for its holistic approach to improving mental and physical well-being, while coffee is ubiquitously consumed for its stimulating effects. Sleep, on the other hand, is a...

Impact of Anabolic Steroids on Athletes' Reproductive Systems

6 Pages 2576 Words
Less than a decade after Lance Armstrong’s heroic win of the 7th consecutive Tour de France races, his name became synonymous with cheating as he was stripped of his titles after evidence surfaced that he had been using performance-enhancing drugs. Yet Armstrong is not an anomaly. For more than three decades now, the use of steroids by professional athletes has...

Stem Cell Therapy For Cerebral Palsy

1 Page 627 Words
In his brilliant and award-winning, yet slightly disturbing and controversial novel “Stuck in Neutral”, Terry Trueman narrates the fictional story of Shawn McDaniel, a fourteen-year-old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Shawn, self-portrayed as happy and more intelligent than most, is robbed of his ability to control his muscles, suffers from frequent seizures, and is viewed by others as retarded. This leaves...

Novel Control Of Cell Migration In Cancer

3 Pages 1400 Words
Popeye domain-containing (POPDC) proteins are effector proteins that bind to cAMP to create a second messenger response that can influence the behaviour of cancer cells (Amunjela & Tucker, 2016). There are three different genes POPDC1, POPDC2 and POPDC3 that encode these proteins, however only POPDC1 and POPDC3 have been related to cancer cell behaviour. POPDC1 and POPDC3 are organised in...

Cell Therapy For The Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases

6 Pages 2508 Words
Summary Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide with myocardial infarction being the frontrunner for morbidity and mortality. Although medical and surgical treatments currently can significantly improve patient outcomes there exists no treatment that can generate new cardiac tissue or reverse the damage caused by cardiovascular disease. With new research being available that challenges the idea that myocytes...

The Complexities of the Covid-19 Crisis

2 Pages 807 Words
Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges across the globe, impacting various facets of life, from healthcare systems to economic stability and social dynamics. The rapid spread of the virus necessitated swift action, revealing vulnerabilities in global preparedness and response mechanisms. This essay examines the multifaceted challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting the strains on healthcare systems, the...

The Peculiarities Of Crush Injury

3 Pages 1485 Words
Crush injury is the damage of muscles, blood vessels, and other internal structures resulting from excessive pressure to an area causing local ischemia. Vehicular collisions, industrial incidents, natural disasters, particularly earthquakes or where buildings have collapsed due to bombing are among some of the typical cases in crush injuries. Crush syndrome, also known as traumatic rhabdomyolysis is a systemic manifestation...
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Causes Of Stress And Lack Of Sleep Among College Students

1 Page 457 Words
Health Issue High levels of stress and insufficient sleep can affect a student's physical health, emotional well-being, and academic success. Stress and inadequate sleep are major obstacles to academic success for undergraduate students (Hales & Hales 2016). Short-term effects of sleep deprivation include decreased cognitive function, memory, performance, and attention (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). Minimizing stressors and supporting healthy coping...

The Reasoning For Midwife Compassion

1 Page 484 Words
In this short essay I will explain the reasoning for why compassion is the most important attribute for any new student midwife to display. Compassion is a feeling of pity and distress of someone less fortunate or suffering, this will include the desire to help and alleviate it (Collins Online Dictionary, 2020). The foundation for all care guidelines for a...

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