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The Ways To Overcome Substance Abuse

2 Pages 949 Words
Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO) substance abuse can be defined as the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances. This definition of substance abuse not only includes the use of illegal drugs but also the dangerous use of drugs that are legal for example alcohol, tobacco, the detrimental use of prescribed medicines by exceeding the recommended prescribed...

Current Perspectives On The Ethics Of Surrogacy

2 Pages 931 Words
Surrogacy, or what many would call “womb renting”, is an increasingly apparent practice where women lend their bodies to undergo pregnancy and give birth to a baby (The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, 2017). This bodily service is usually rendered with a monetary fee. It has since then become a complex issue plagued with several controversial issues on the...
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Heroin: Epidemic In Society Especially With Young Adults

1 Page 680 Words
Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive drug made from morphine; a natural substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder that is cut with sugars, starch, and powdered milk. Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste. It originates in South America and, to...
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Dissociative Identity Disorder And Criminal Behavior

3 Pages 1369 Words
In the late 1970s, a young man named Billy Milligan, became a controversial public figure for being the first person in U.S. history, who was found not guilty of committed several crimes (including kidnapping, armed robbery, and raping three women), by reason of insanity, due to his suffering from multiple personality disorder. From the first moment Milligan was arrested and...

Blood Donation App Using Android

5 Pages 2385 Words
The main aim of our project is to save lives of people by providing blood. A Blood donation search App using Android is developed so that users can view the information of nearby Donors. Our project is developed on two perspective i.e. patient and donor. We are going to provide authentication for the user such as registration and login for...

Bipolar Disorder In Canada: Symptoms And Causes

5 Pages 2017 Words
Introduction In any given year, one in five people in Canada will experience a mental health problem or illness, and about one percent of Canadians will experience Bipolar Disorder. (Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2013) Bipolar 1 Disorder formerly known as “manic depressive” disorder is characterized by one manic episode, which is usually followed by a major depressive episode but...

Argument Against Euthanasia Based On Kant Contentions

4 Pages 2038 Words
Introduction Euthanasia, a common term used for assisted death, refers to the process where a person’s life is taken so as to end their pain and suffering. The term is derived from the Greek word meaning good death (Patil, 2013). The moral consequences attached to such an act can become quite complicated. Philosophical debates on the matter have been prevalent...

Ethical And Legal Issues Regarding Influenza Patients

4 Pages 1771 Words
Influenza, commonly known as flu, is an infectious disease of the respiratory tracts caused by influenza viruses which can be potentially life threateneing (Australian Government, Department of Health, 2014). An influenza pandemic occurs where a new subtype of the influenza virus emerges to which most people are not immune, therefore causing illnesses and deaths to large numbers of people worldwide...
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Breast Cancer: Risks and Treatment in Australia

2 Pages 762 Words
Introduction Breast cancer remains a significant public health concern in Australia, being one of the most prevalent cancers among women. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that it is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths among Australian women. Understanding the risk factors and treatment options for breast cancer is crucial, as it not only aids in...

Marijuana Should Be Illegal Again

3 Pages 1157 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Problem The legalization of Marijuana created more problems than expected. The Purpose of legalizing Marijuana was to help the ones that need it to survive. Instead, It turned into a vast usage among many in different aspects of life. The media and researchers believe that marijuana would fix many problems like lowering the incarceration rate and free up cap space...

Depression: The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness

3 Pages 1573 Words
Mental health problem, as its name implies, is a condition where someone’s emotional and mental wellbeing is affected. Mental health problems and the factors contributing to this problem vary and can affect anyone regardless of age, race, and socioeconomic status. Although the type and degree of severity varies, some of the main types of Mental health problems are depression and...

Mental And Physical Effects Of Stroke In Australia

4 Pages 1771 Words
Stroke is considered as a leading cause for acquired brain injury among Australians causing morbidity and mortality, while being a leading cause for disability among adults worldwide(AIHW, 2018). Several resources highlight(AIHW, 2018; Urden, Stacy, & Lough, 2017), although there is a decrease in number of deaths related to stroke worldwide within last few decades, more than 65% of stroke survivors...
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Skin And Breast Cancer Prevention

3 Pages 1180 Words
Cancer is a global epidemic that takes millions of lives every year. There are many types of cancers but due to variables like the environment, there are certain ones on the rise. They can be developed through factors such as unhealthy diets, UV radiation, smoking, air pollution, etc. It is formed, in result, of a mutation of cancerous cells. In...

Amino Acids And The Connection To The Nervous System

2 Pages 949 Words
The vast majority of molecules in the brain and nervous system are made from amino acids. Growth hormone from the pituitary gland, dopamine from the substantia nigra area of the brain, and the aforementioned neurotransmitters, serotonin, GABA, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glutamate are all amino acid based. If there are amino acid deficiencies in the brain, as well as cofactor deficiencies...

Mental Illness Depiction In Flowers For Algernon

3 Pages 1462 Words
The short story Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys follows the journey of mentally disabled, thirty seven year old factory janitor Charlie Gordon and his quest for intelligence through his diary entries. When Charlie’s adult night school teacher recommends him for a scientific study designed to triple human intelligence, Charlie is finally given the chance to become the person he’s...

Teenage Pregnancy Around The World

2 Pages 979 Words
Many experts suggested that a multitude of factors are taking part in the increase, but a majority of them are pointing to the socio-economic problems in the provinces where the rates have skyrocketed. One of the problems is that teenage girls are more likely to get pregnant sooner when they have fewer job and education opportunities provided to them, to...

Perception Of Pain In The Chinese Culture

5 Pages 2066 Words
Since time immemorial, the nature of science fears the idea of subjective data due to its capricious and unpredictable characteristics. Wherein science is ultimately based on empirical evidence of cause and effect relationships, the nature of pain is highly dependent on physical, psychological and environmental factors. A pioneer in pain management once said, “pain is whatever the person experiencing it...

The Right To Die And Euthanasia

3 Pages 1315 Words
Imagine, you have just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. The doctor tells you that you have less than six months to live and that your time remaining will be extremely painful and you will likely encounter severe seizures and horrific bouts of daily vomiting in the months before your body finally surrenders to death. Would you wonder if...

Zika Virus And The Drivers Of Emerging Infectious Diseases

2 Pages 861 Words
Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) are referred to as diseases that are newly recognized or diseases whose incidence has increased over time. It may be a disease that we know of and that still persists. When some of these diseases do not directly affect us, these diseases are not given attention and are ignored. The significance of the Environment, Vector, and...

The Second Immune System

4 Pages 1782 Words
Circulating around the planet is a variety of viruses that are constantly evolving and infecting individuals everyday. The most well known virus that is adamant about coming each and every winter is influenza, or also called flu for short. It is advised every year, by every physician, that individuals receive their flu shot between the months of August and September...

The Ketogenic Diet And Its Effect On Epilepsy

4 Pages 1853 Words
Imagine if a brain can primarily run on fatty foods such as bacon and cheese, well believe it or not a brain can most definitely only run on foods such as that nature. It may be hard to believe but the ketogenic diet is one of many diets that aren't well known by the average human. Due to the fact...
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Euthanasia Extreme Question Of Moral Judgment

4 Pages 1721 Words
Imagine you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness with excruciating side effects. You are unable to eat, sleep, or walk without overwhelming pain. The doctors say you have under six months left to live and you know that you will spend that time suffering. You no longer have the desire to live and begin considering euthanasia. But what actually...

Recognition Techniques For Plastic Surgery Faces

4 Pages 1857 Words
Abstract Face recognition is one of the challenging problems which suffer from practical issues like pose, expression, and illumination changes, and/or aging. Plastic surgery is one among the issues that poses great difficulty in recognizing the faces. The literature has been reported with traditional features and classifiers for recognizing the faces after plastic surgery. In order to reduce the computational...

Wearing Headgear Is An Effective Method Of Preventing Concussion In Boxing

2 Pages 884 Words
Rationale Boxing is a very physical intense sport, the risks of serious injury is very high due to the aggressive physical damage that can happen to your brain if not wearing headgear, the most common injury that occurs to the brain is concussion. Concussion is when a wave through brain tissue causes discharge of damaging chemicals, the nerve cells can...

Consequences Of Child Abuse And Effective Prevention Strategies

4 Pages 1981 Words
Child abuse refers to the maltreatment of a child by the parent or caregiver. It could also include neglect and might be physical, psychological, or sexual. Here, the parent or caregiver might fail to act causing actual and perceived harm to the kid. Abuse can occur at home, schools, or neighborhoods. Understanding the causes and effects of child abuse will...

Mass Hysteria Throughout History

4 Pages 1950 Words
Different mass hysteria events throughout history have displayed similar characteristics regarding their structure and characteristics. They each had a variation on the different components of a hysteria event, but can be vividly compared and contrasted. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the Red Scare/McCarthyism era, and the Chupacabra sightings each exhibit the irrational social behaviours and unique psychological states that instigate mass...

Eating Disorders In The Fashion Industry

2 Pages 802 Words
In the fashion industry, models are constantly being put in the spotlight. So being thin is part of their job this can lead to serious health issues. Not just in models, but also in the women and men that see the models all over the media. Fashion is all over the world, but there's one place that almost all of...

The Right to Assisted Suicide in the USA

2 Pages 901 Words
Introduction Assisted suicide, often referred to as physician-assisted death, has been a contentious issue within the United States, sparking debates across ethical, legal, and medical domains. It involves a healthcare professional facilitating a patient’s death by providing the means or information necessary for the individual to end their own life. As of recent years, a handful of states have legalized...

Is Birth Control Ethically Justifiable?

4 Pages 1716 Words
Birth control, also known as contraception, is ‘is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy.’ (WomensHealth. 2015) As there are conflicting views regarding our moral obligation to allow birth control it is related to ethics. As ethics falls under one of the six main branches of philosophy, the questioning of the ethical justifiability of the use of birth...

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