History of Asia essays

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Essay on Hiroshima and the Inheritance of Trauma

2 Pages 844 Words
Post-World War France was witness to the emergence of the ‘nouveau roman’ and the New Wave of cinema. After many years of a drought of cinema culture, enforced by Nazi occupation and its ban on the industry, its emancipation meant that it was inundated by exposure to world cinema and the progress that it had made in the meanwhile. This...

Essay on Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

5 Pages 2219 Words
On August 6, 1945, during World War 2, an American B-29 bomber aircraft dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The initial explosion and radiation wiped out almost 90 p.c of the city and 80,000 innocent people or more were killed immediately or within minutes of the impact (History1); many thousands more would later die...

Essay on Honourable Suicide

3 Pages 1370 Words
Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s “In a Grove” concerns various witnesses in a murder trial. Although each witness is testifying about the same crime, their accounts vary. They seem to remember different facts, making it difficult to convict anyone. Three of the witnesses, Tajomaru the thief, Masago, and her Samurai husband, Kanazawa no Takehiko all confess to at least one killing. It is...

Loyalty in Army Essay

5 Pages 2140 Words
Analyzing Genghis Khan’s Advocacy for Loyalty and Unity in His Leadership Genghis Khan once said, “One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.” Imagine you see one arrow coming at you, it is easily avoided. that one singular arrow on its own does not pose a threat. Now, add more arrows to the equation, and all...

Was the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified

6 Pages 2676 Words
Can it ever be morally justifiable to use ‘terror tactics’ in warfare? In this paper, I will be evaluating the morality behind the use of ‘terror tactics’ or terrorism, including traditional terrorist acts and the use of terror in circumstances such as interrogations. Throughout modern history, terror has been used in a variety of different circumstances, such as the French...

Truman's Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1163 Words
As the last World War society has ever experienced, instead of causing another war in the future, it created a notorious debate for the historical event. America’s controversial decision to drop two bombs on Japan caused one of the most discussed topics amongst people passionate about WW2 History. Whether the two bombings were justified or not has made others change...

Hiroshima John Berger Summary

5 Pages 2253 Words
“We can only approach it obliquely, from different angles that get closer to a central understanding but never quite touch it. We can only comprehend asymptotically.” Angelica Chong mentioned in her article on Hiroshima, Redux (Chong, 2016). She questions if we can ever understand atrocity and if we can never truly understand it, should we still be responsible for comprehending...

Review of the Movie ‘The Last Samurai’

2 Pages 781 Words
The movie ‘The Last Samurai’ was useful to an extent for the education about the modernization of Japan. This movie is based on a historical event that unfolded in the modernization of Japan. ‘The Last Samurai’ is a 2003 American drama action movie co-produced and directed by Edward Zwick. It is set in 1876 in Japan, which at the time...

Was the US Justified in Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan? Essay

5 Pages 2246 Words
Introduction As many as 220,000 people may have been killed in the Allied nuclear attacks upon the Japanese cities of Kiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War. With such a tremendous loss of life, it is right to question whether or not it was a necessary act, given the general success the allies were having in...

Expectations of Women in the Samurai Class: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2372 Words
Introduction The Edo period was crucial in the shaping of Japanese gender roles and expectations, creating norms that continue to influence modern-day views of femininity and masculinity. Japan was once a matriarchal society where women were head of social organizations, families, and clans, however, the influx of Chinese philosophy and Confucian ideas in the modern period led to a decrease...

Origins and Development of Bushidō: Code for Samurai

3 Pages 1189 Words
Bushido, a code of moral principles that dictate the samurai way of life, first came to the fore during the Edo period. Its origins were largely influenced by Shinto and Zen Buddhism, with many of its tenets being drawn from Neo-Confucian texts. Bushido was originally an informal code of conduct for samurai, encompassing a wide range of virtues and guides...
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Roles and Perceptions of the Samurai in Japanese Society

4 Pages 1646 Words
While it is an attractive view of these legendary warriors, it is nevertheless quite a misleading one. In this video, we shall do our best to correct this, and cover the even more fascinating roles and perceptions of the samurai in Japanese society from the earliest days all the way to the modern day. The geographical situation that spawned the...
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The Lifestyle of Samurai: Personal Impact and Legacy

2 Pages 886 Words
Introduction The samurai were more than just warriors in feudal Japan; they were a distinct class with a unique lifestyle that significantly influenced their personal lives. Rooted in the principles of Bushido, the code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai, their way of life emphasized virtues such as loyalty, discipline, and honor. This lifestyle was not merely...
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Overview of Who the Samurai Were and What Their Lives Were Like

2 Pages 1021 Words
Ancient Japan lasted for over 16,000 years and during that time a number of events have changed history and affected the people of today. Over that period of time, some people called the samurai had contributed in changing history. The samurai began in 1185 by the Japanese government in the Heian period. The very first samurai was known as Yasuke,...
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The Emergence and Significance of the Samurai

3 Pages 1407 Words
The word ‘samurai’ is most often associated with skilful warriors dressed in heavy armour and fighting their battles with the famous Katana or possibly the ultimate battle of skill between the samurai and his brother-in-arms the ninja or simply the warrior one meets in mass-media. The above-mentioned associations may be true, but one rarely thinks of how this honoured expert...
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Rising Frictions: Japanese-American Conflicts in Perspective

2 Pages 1020 Words
Introduction The historical relationship between Japan and the United States is characterized by a complex interplay of tensions and cooperation. From the early 20th century to the present day, these two nations have experienced periods of intense conflict, notably during World War II, as well as phases of strategic partnership, as seen in the post-war era. However, underlying economic, cultural,...

The Idea of Irrigation in Achieving Food Surplus in Ancient Civilization

5 Pages 2487 Words
In the beginning man used to be a hunter and forager. But slowly as time passed, the cultivation of food became a more preferred method of obtaining food and these hunters began to settle down. These settlements occurred around large rivers which had fertile land and abundant food resources. Man began to cultivate these lands, developing farmlands followed by the...

The Role of Architecture in Nation Building

3 Pages 1513 Words
“Architecture is the thoughtful making of space” - the simple words of Louis Kahn beautifully describes the term ‘Architecture’. From the beginning of mankind, Ancient man moved natural elements like earth and stone into geometric forms, erecting our earliest human-made structures. Primitive people began building geometric structures for houses. During those stone age, people need a place to live or...

Saigo Takamori as One of Japan’s Most Distinctive Samurai

3 Pages 1155 Words
Saigō was well known as ‘The Last Samurai’. He succeeded in the difficult task of overthrowing Tokugawa who led the Shogun’s and took control from the Emperor. Saigō returned all power to the Emperor and helped to establish the Meiji Restoration. However, being a new leader soon collided with his own values and beliefs as a firm follower of the...
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The Indus River: from the Past to the Present

5 Pages 2276 Words
The Indus river flows and start from the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayan mountains and a winding curve through the productive lands in the southern plains. Delta river boundary is one of the largest cross boundary rivers in the world with a hydrographic area of about 1km2. Pakistan, India, China, Afghanistan are four countries linked with Indus river delta (IRB)....

How Globalization Has Led To The Spread Of Sex Trafficking In Asia

1 Page 535 Words
Globalization is the interconnection of state and continental economies to facilitate the free flow of goods, capital, and services to create utility where there is a deficit or surplus accordingly. Such policies are effective due to the geopolitical and economic agreements formulated in the late 1980s resulting in trade agreements that opened up state boundaries permitting international trade . However,...

Genghis Khan: The First Distinguished Leader Of The Mongol Empire

2 Pages 949 Words
Genghis Khan is perceived as the first distinguished leader of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan (born Temujin) was born approximately 1162 on the steppes of Mongolia where he had many significant achievements like expanding and uniting the tribes into the Mongol Empire and also codifying laws that would apply to the entire Empire for years to come. With forceful military...

The Controversial Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki

3 Pages 1243 Words
At 8:15 AM on August 6th, 1945 the first-ever nuclear weapon used on a human population was released above Hiroshima, Japan. There was no scale to describe the energy and destruction of the blast, the explosion was unprecedented. Three days later a second bomb exploded over the city of Nagasaki, Japan (Fenton). Almost a month later, the Japanese surrendered. The...

History Of Hiroshima And The Effects Of The Bombings

4 Pages 1851 Words
Introduction America's decision to use two atomic bombs at the end of World War II on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been an intense subject of discussion for years after the incident. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are one of the best-known historical events in history, though at the same time provoking enduring, fervently heated reactions. The...

The Story Of Sadako Sasaki And The Hiroshima Bombing

2 Pages 962 Words
On the 6th, August 1945 an atomic bomb called ‘Little Boy’ was dropped in the center of the city Hiroshima, Japan. By the USA in World War two, it killed about 80,000 people immediately and heaps more after, it had the effect of 1,500tons of TNT. To this day, atomic bombs are known as the deadliest weapon ever invented and...

Dutch Empire Contact with Japan under Tokugawa Shogunate

3 Pages 1240 Words
The Dutch and Japanese relation dates back over 400 years ago back in 1609 when the Dutch first arrived in Japan. This occurred during the Tokugawa shogunate. A shogunate was the government of the times of Feudal Japan, at these times Japan was ruled by a shogun or the highest-ranked military leader. The Tokugawa shogunate was the last shogunate of...

The Lasting Impact of John Hersey's Hiroshima

2 Pages 872 Words
Introduction John Hersey's "Hiroshima" stands as a seminal piece of journalistic literature, shedding light on the immediate and enduring impacts of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Published in 1946 in a special edition of The New Yorker, Hersey's work was groundbreaking in its narrative approach, offering a detailed account of the experiences of six survivors....

Genghis Khan And The Making Of The Modern World

1 Page 641 Words
Weatherford’s thesis statement, “The startling true history of how one extraordinary man from a remote corner of the world created an empire that led the world into the modern age”. Weatherford’s thesis is correct because he outlawed slavery and redistributed the wealth he gained, established free trade along the silk road and created one of the first international postal systems,...

Genghis Khan And The Start Of The Mongolian Empire

1 Page 626 Words
Born around 1162 near the border of Mongolia, Ghengis Khan was given his name after becoming the first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. Originally named TemĂźjin, Genghis had a rough childhood. His mother had been kidnapped by his father and forced into marriage. At the same time, nomadic tribes on the central Asian steppe were in a persistent war...

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