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Nuclear Power: Environmental Risks and Realities

2 Pages 941 Words
Introduction Nuclear energy, a pivotal player in the global energy market, is heralded for its ability to produce large amounts of electricity with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. As the world grapples with climate change and the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels, nuclear power is increasingly viewed as a potential solution. However, the environmental risks associated with nuclear...

Impacts of Pesticides Use and Its Influence on Pest Management

5 Pages 2163 Words
The total Agricultural land area of Ghana as at 2012 stood at 14,038,224 hectares, out of which 7,847,300 hectares is under cultivation (MOFA/SRID, 2013). The population of the country keeps increasing at an alarming rate of 2.2% as at 2012, with its attendant increased mouths to feed. In order to continue cultivating and increasing yield, farmers are faced with the...

How Pollution Affects the Ocean and All of Us

4 Pages 1647 Words
One major issue that’s currently happening in our nation that I’m interested in how pollution is affecting the ocean. Where does all this garbage go? It’s all dumped into the ocean. It affects all the marine animals and the whole ecosystem. It also affects people because when we fish for food in the ocean, most of the fish have plastic...

The Amount of Carbon Dioxide Produced by Energy Drinks

2 Pages 690 Words
Fermentation refers to a metabolic process which consist of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+ by transferring electrons from NADH to pyruvate. Organic molecules are converted into acids, gases, or alcohol in the absence of oxygen or any electron chain (Biology Dictionary, 2019). Fermentation occurs among specific types of bacteria and fungi that are obligate anaerobes, which are organisms that...

Solutions for Environmental Pollution Essay

3 Pages 1473 Words
Introduction The past two centuries have been characterized by vast technological advances that have had a significant effect on man and his environment. One of these advances has been in the form of increased industrialization by man. Industrialization has resulted in detrimental practices such as deforestation, air and water pollution which have all threatened the fragile balance that exists between...

Global Warming Challenges Solving in General Electric

1 Page 657 Words
General Electric Company is a mega-company that seeks to expand its business and gain a larger share of the market. The issues of global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide threaten the company’s lucrative business of selling steam engines that use coals and petroleum products because environmentalists advised the United States government to limit carbon dioxide emission (Kennedy,...

Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

3 Pages 1366 Words
Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to this problem. However, it is crucial to weigh nuclear energy...

Littering in Public Places: A Significant Issue Essay

1 Page 637 Words
Introduction Littering can be defined as the incorrect disposal of trash in places it does not belong. Littering in public places is a significant issue many communities face. People’s carelessness toward the surroundings they live in causes other citizens to suffer. According to Reisch’s characteristic of an ethical issue, littering in public places upholds all standards stated (2019). Public littering...
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Consequences of Plastic Pollution Problem

2 Pages 753 Words
In your room, in your home, on the street you live in, and in your workplace, it's everywhere. Since the discovery of plastics in the early twentieth century, and has penetrated in all aspects of life in an unreasonable way, it was able to replace the natural raw materials, which were used widely in successive centuries, which began to drain...

The Concept of Fast Fashion and Elements that Impact It

2 Pages 736 Words
It should already be a red flag that there is a well-known term in the fashion/consumer industry called “fast fashion”. Similar to the concepts found in the fast food industry (and literally McDonald’s), fast fashion is there to keep up with the demand of American consumers and their ever changing tastes. As for efficiency, defined as “the minimization of time...

How Global Warming and Air Pollution Connect

2 Pages 801 Words
Scientists have recently discovered that connections between global warming and the levels of pollutants in the air have undeniably started to become more noticeable within recent years. Throughout the air, increasing temperatures caused by global warming raise the amount of aerosols. These particles along with many others, are what causes air pollution. Aerosols are microscopic droplets that sit in the...

Impact of Environmental Pollution in Society

2 Pages 1080 Words
The World Health Organization estimates that 4.6 million people die every year from the causes directly attributable to air pollution. Barack Obama (2013) suggested that the emission from car is considered as the most challenging issue in the globe. Pollution is the introduction of harmful or poisonous substance in the environment. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or...

Engineering Mistakes that Led to The Chernobyl Disaster

3 Pages 1463 Words
Mistakes are merely a part of a human’s everyday life. In the engineering profession, every single move and foolish decisions made can cause life-changing results if something does not meet the proper standards. The Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine was a prime example of standard breeches, design flaws, and incompetence by the workers to produce one of the worst incidents in...
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Nuclear Disasters: Fukushima and Chernobyl

5 Pages 2374 Words
Both Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters were nuclear crises that occurred accidentally in Japan and Ukraine respectively. The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant while the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Both disasters were rated seven, which is the highest in the scale due to its severity. The Chernobyl disaster occurred in...
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Chernobyl Accident – One of The Most Tragic Engineering Disasters

4 Pages 1833 Words
Engineering is arguably one of the most important professions in the world. Engineers create the bridges society uses everyday to get from place to place, engineers create the cars society uses to cross those bridges and engineers are even the reason why society can power those cars. These are only a few of the thing’s engineers create, the list goes...
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Cleaner Transportation Reducing Greenhouse Emissions

5 Pages 2148 Words
We see every day the use of person vehicles and how much we depend on them as a society. People in this society travel to work or school by car as it is seen as the most efficient way. We can complain about the issue of traffic, but the individual would still sit in traffic, waste fuel, and increase greenhouse...

Approach to Better Air Quality in the US

3 Pages 1339 Words
SA long journey starts with a single step. What started four years ago as a journey to prosperity has achieved its mark? How did it go that fast? It appears to me like it was just yesterday when the high school journey was starting. You’ve had to wake up at six in the morning. You are now upperclassmen willing and...

Water Pollution due to Plastic

2 Pages 780 Words
Imagine a time when our drinking water will be entirely polluted and unsafe to drink. A time when humans will be at war with one another for the last drops of sterile water. A time when our civilization is so desperate to survive that they will have to put their health at stake and drink contaminated water. A time when...

Advanced Nuclear Energy Options

5 Pages 2454 Words
Background The need to cut carbon emissions has become a global priority to mitigate climate change effects. Unstable global oil prices, unreliable supply due to political instability in oil-exporting countries, and more importantly, the growing fossil fuel-related carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint are the factors driving the shift to renewable energy (Said and Omri 2). As a result, concerted efforts to...

The Truth About Global Warming

2 Pages 901 Words
Climate change isn’t just bad for the planet’s health, it's bad for people’s too. Since many people don't believe that there is no such thing as global warming, they don't know the effects of what could happen to them and what is really going on. Recently there has been a lot of things going on in the planet that overshadows...

The BP Oil Spill and the Importance of Oil on Global Economy Essay

2 Pages 813 Words
Introduction The eve of April 20th, 2010 was just like any other in the Gulf of Mexico where the various oil rigs were busy in their extraction of oil from the sea bed. This, however, was not the case with Deepwater Horizon, one of the ultra-deepwater rigs located around 50 miles off the southeast coast of Louisiana, which was involved...
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Why We Should Stop Plastic Use and Littering

3 Pages 1139 Words
If you take a quick look around you, plastic is everywhere. Plastic could be in your room, bathroom, kitchen, outside, etc. Some of the plastic items people make are supposed to be used over and over again but unfortunately, the plastic we use is only used for a short amount of time before we throw it out. In fact, experts...
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Nuclear Waste Management

2 Pages 805 Words
Introduction Nuclear energy plays a pivotal role in the global energy landscape, providing a reliable and efficient energy source with low carbon emissions. Despite its advantages, the management of nuclear waste remains a critical challenge that requires innovative solutions. Nuclear waste, composed of radioactive materials, poses significant risks to human health and the environment if not properly handled. Over the...

Overview of Climate Change Effects and Strategies to Control It

2 Pages 718 Words
Climate change is a growing problem that affects thousands of lives through the form of high temperatures which further results in record heat waves, droughts, rising sea levels, greater intensity of storms, wildfires, and floods. Although Climate change is not the direct cause of hurricanes, the destruction caused by hurricane harvey was intensified by high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which...

The Issues and Importance of Clean Water Access

5 Pages 2127 Words
Clean water is imperative to live. From our drinking water to sanitization, to modern technology such as fracking it is vital. Humans and animals alike require water daily for survival and comfort. Just three days without water and we would all suffer greatly. Clean water should be equally accessible to all humans. Water legislations are personal to humans as it...

A Bright Future Without Global Warming

2 Pages 810 Words
Imagine if this world ended because of natural disasters, and your family became one of the victims. There will be much sadness experienced by the people who lose their loved ones. 'Global warming is not a prediction; it is happening,' according to James Hensen. Global warming is the process of the increasing average temperatures in the atmosphere and the Earth's...

The Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

4 Pages 1826 Words
Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking has been a hot environmental topic in our society today. Fracking is the process of drilling into the layers of the Earth’s crust using a high pressurized mixture of water, sand, and chemicals. This process is used to release natural gas that is buried in underground shale rocks. In today’s society, the need for...

Waving Goodbye to Plastic Pollution

4 Pages 1605 Words
“In a cringe-inducing video that's gone viral, a team of scientists spent nearly ten minutes pulling a plastic straw from the nostril of an Olive Ripley sea turtle” (Lee [2]). In this horrifying video, many have realized how bad plastic pollution has become in the oceans. The future needs clean oceans. As more and more industries use plastic, there will...

Soon to be an Artificial Ocean? Essay

4 Pages 2006 Words
Today, society is experiencing, first hand, one of the most unprecedented and ongoing environmental crisis’; ocean pollution. This worldwide catastrophe is caused greatly by the production of plastic products and the need for oil or petroleum. Although these issues affect many variables, oceans are seeing the worst of it. Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the ocean, enough...

Persuasive Essay on Hydraulic Fracturing

2 Pages 837 Words
Oil and natural gas are crucial to the twenty-first-century. They are used for fuel, tires, household appliances, and even heart valves. Without oil and natural gas, the modern way of life would be almost entirely different. However, the cost of obtaining these products using a process called hydraulic fracturing can be fatal. Hydraulic fracturing is the method by which oil...

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