Human Impact essays

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Deforestation is Necessary for Development Essay

1 Page 491 Words
Deforestation has always happened, humans have cut trees down to build houses, or grow crops, however the relatively recent industrialisation of our society has led to mass deforestation all over the world, including important ecological sites and habitats. Companies clear large areas for many reasons including crops like rice, and for keeping cattle. However is deforestation a bad thing? Many...

Deforestation in Cambodia Essay

4 Pages 1661 Words
A drone camera soars over a timber yard where thousands of tons of logs are strewn across the ground. In one clip, a bulldozer scoops up a heap of wood while black smoke billows out of its exhaust pipe. In another, workers load wood onto the back of several truck beds. The wood is not being prepared for sale, but...

Deforestation Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 852 Words
Have you ever thought about how important forests are in life? The trees in your surrounding seem unimportant as you go about daily life, acknowledging them only as the scenery and background in your life. But if you think about it, trees are everywhere in life. Your furniture, paper you write on, fruit you eat, even the air you breathe...

Deforestation and Climate Change Essay

4 Pages 1925 Words
Urbanisation has been considered a long-standing enemy of forests. The population is growing at a rapid pace and the boundary of the cities are expanding and this is the reason why the requirement of land is increasing at a rapid pace leading to the clearing of forests. Urban population growth and industrialisation have been crucial in this regard. This discussion...

Controlling Water Pollution Essay

1 Page 602 Words
Science provides many practical solutions to minimize the present levels at which pollut­ants are introduced into the environment and for remediating (cleaning up) past problems. All of these solutions come with some cost (both societal and monetary). In our everyday lives, a great deal can be done to minimize pollution if we take care to recycle materials whose production creates...

Conservation of Endangered Species Essay

4 Pages 1926 Words
Humans have contributed to a higher rate of species extinction today for several reasons. Those reasons include housing limitations, overfishing, worsening climate change, pollution, and increasing the number of invasive species worldwide (Gramling, 2019). Humans have transformed 75 percent of land on Earth into urban areas, leaving the rest for all species. Over time wetlands were lost and so did...

Climate Change: Myth or Reality? Essay

3 Pages 1273 Words
Today it is argued whether global warming is the cause of human activities and this has been proven without doubts, scientist all over the world are confirmed that human beings, although insignificant on this mighty planet are causing global warming. Humans are living on this planet as if they have another one to go to, once it is destroyed or...

Cause and Solution of Air Pollution Essay

1 Page 503 Words
The air pollution solution I will be talking about today is the Paris Agreement. As Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the director of WHO said: “The Paris Agreement is potentially the strongest health agreement of this century”. The goal of the Paris Agreement is to make our “response to climate change stronger”. They will do this by “keeping a global temperature...

Cause and Effect Air Pollution Essay

4 Pages 1693 Words
Robert Orben once said, “There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.” Air pollution comes from many places. The smokestack in a factory, car exhaust, gas from paint, and producing plastic are only a few of the many ways air pollution can be caused. There...

Bottled Water Should Not be Banned Essay

3 Pages 1166 Words
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Evo Morales once said: “Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth has rights too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.” Pollution is defined as the presence in our introduction into the environment of a substance that has harmful...

Biodiversity and Deforestation Connections

2 Pages 704 Words
Plants and trees are the lungs of the earth. They provide oxygen and shelter for the ecosystems that thrive within the forest. The UN sustainability goal #15, life on land, was aimed at increasing biodiversity and decreasing deforestation around the world. This is done by using target indicators. And while many countries agree that protecting nature is a noble initiative,...

Arctic Wolf: Endangered Species

2 Pages 1024 Words
A Chinese pet-cloning company has announced the birth of the world's first cloned Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos), which was carried to term by an unlikely surrogate mother – a beagle. The cloned female wolf pup, named Maya, and her beagle mother were unveiled to the world in a brief video at a press conference held September 19 by the...

Afforestation and Deforestation Essay

2 Pages 935 Words
Deforestation is an environmental problem which can damage the habitats and the soil through erosion (Locatelli et al., 340). It is the cutting of trees which leads to the decline of forests. It is also a permanent destruction forest as a way of making land available for other uses such as settlements and farming. FAO notes that human activities have...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation Essay

2 Pages 764 Words
Our planet is covered by more than 10 billion acres of forests, which is approximately 30% of its total surface coverage. Now, about 15 million acres of those forests are being cut down per year so there is room for infrastructure and human assimilation. The Pros of Deforestation For one, our population is growing and it is expected that our...

Pollution and Recycling Essay

5 Pages 2220 Words
The sustainability of global economies and the survival of all living species primarily depends on how clean their surrounding environments are. Clean ecosystems ensure that all living organisms thrive well within their ecosystems, something rare in present times due to increased environmental pollution and degradation. When comparing the past and present world, it is not wrong for one to argue...

Alleviating Traffic Congestion in Vietnam: Challenges and Strategies

2 Pages 900 Words
Introduction Vietnam, a rapidly developing nation, faces multifaceted challenges as it negotiates its path toward modernization. Among these challenges, traffic congestion stands out as a persistent and pervasive issue, particularly in urban centers like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The burgeoning population, coupled with rapid urbanization, has led to an exponential increase in the number of vehicles on the...

Future Trends of Fast Fashion in Third World Countries

3 Pages 1360 Words
In order to meet the hectic demands of textiles to keep up with the modern trends in the fast fashion industry, rural countries in the developing world are suffering the most strain both socially and economically. Specifically, third world countries that are part of the lower economic spectrum of the globe are targeted to manufacture and produce garments due to...

Kenya's Environmental Pollution: Causes and Government Response

4 Pages 2007 Words
Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects (Oxford Dictionary). My essay will cover the main causes of pollution in Kenya, specifically air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. These causes will be sourced from governmental research as well as independent academic research. It will then review how effective...

Air Pollution Problem in Los Angeles

2 Pages 858 Words
There is a major air pollution problem in California, especially in major cities such as Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Bakersfield. Los Angeles has the worst smog by far, affecting millions with over 600,000 of them being children. The smog is so awful that it is destroying the ozone layer, which is the only thing that saves us from the...

Los Angeles Air Pollution Dilemma and Mitigation Programs

4 Pages 1695 Words
Los Angeles, California air pollution dilemma stems from the 1940’s, specifically on October 14, 1947, when the first air pollution control program was established, the Los Angeles County Air Pollution District (AQMD, 2019). Beginning in the early 1940’s, numerous gas attacks descended on Los Angeles, California streets. Several gas companies shut down due to the detrimental effects of the smog...

Belgium's Efforts to Address Environmental Issues

1 Page 538 Words
Belgium is a country found in the North Western Europe, where It borders with France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. It has a surface area of 11,849 square miles. The estimated population is 11.54 million in 2019. Belgium is ranked as one of the safest and peaceful country. However, like all the other countries facing environmental crisis, Belgium is facing...

Adam Smith's View on Fast Fashion Today

3 Pages 1354 Words
Remember when like a year ago when ‘Toms’ were a must-have wardrobe staple? Well, where is that pair now? Where is that flared purse charm you wore just once to that music festival? We live in a world where fast fashion is momentary, and consumer behavior and trends change faster than manufacturers can keep up. Let’s traceback that one funny...

Endangered Species Essay

4 Pages 1625 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Abstract Endangered means to be under threat or near extinction. When a species or an animal is endangered, it means that they are disappearing fast or a very small population, is not large enough to survive. The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) has compiled a Red List. This red list is a guide to...

Climate Change Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 782 Words
The Last Generation able to Fight Global Crisis Intro We need to change. Today alone [enter statistic here] has happened as a result of the ecological crisis we have caused, do you want these numbers to increase? Do you want to die from old age or global warming? All life known to man exists on this planet, we have overexploited...

Causes of Air Pollution Essay

5 Pages 2229 Words
1. Introduction Pollution is when a harmful substance is introduced to the environment causing damage to living beings. Pollution can be found in many aspects of life such as marine, air, and soil pollution; with air pollution posing a great health risk to humans (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Air pollution has numerous causes and effects. According to Kampa and Castanas...

Causes of Climate Change Essay

5 Pages 2210 Words
I believe that climate change is a real issue today. There are numerous pieces of evidence and facts to support this statement. Since 1880, the annual temperature has been steadily rising. There are at least five different science agencies that concur with this statement including the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The ten warmest...

Cause and Effect Essay on Pollution

5 Pages 2430 Words
Introduction Water pollution is a sustainability issue that has been present for decades (Schwarzenbach, R. P. et al. 2010). It is important to understand more about this issue as it has both direct and indirect impacts on human health (Vallance, S., Perkins, H. C. and Dixon, J. E. 2011). For example, people drink freshwater, feed on seafood that is caught...

Effects of Pollution Essay

5 Pages 2257 Words
Introduction China has the largest population of any country currently, at a figure of 1.418 billion. As the country with the world’s largest population, China has been the world’s largest emitter of CO2 annually since 2006. Annual CO2 emissions were 10.15 billion tonnes in 2016, with the next largest emitters being the United States and India. China’s energy consumption in...

Solving Environmental Plastic Pollution

2 Pages 1095 Words
Introduction Among the many tentative social issues that impact societies globally, the most pertinent are those related to the environment. Irreversible natural processes that occur across the planet are out of human control, and the scope of their advancement in force and frequency demands an immediate and qualitative change in the ways people interact with nature. Industrial societies have produced...

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