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Essay on Obesity in America

4 Pages 1921 Words
Obesity among African-Americans in the Appalachia (USA) Epidemiology: The Appalachia describes a region of the continental United States that includes 420 counties in 13 states and is home to over 25 million people (ARC, 2017). This region is generally considered to be disadvantaged due to the dearth of human, financial and technical resources that impact social determinants of health in...

Analysis of Media in Response to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

3 Pages 1607 Words
COVID 19 has become a threat to the entire world. It is proved to be deadly and has become a catalyst in creating challenges for the national and the state governments all around the world. Every government has adopted autocratic decisions to get over the nationwide health emergency. Amidst this situation, media has played a major role in the democracy...

Trauma, Gender, and Repression in Nappily Ever After

2 Pages 921 Words
Image is everything? It may. Clothes are everything. They may. What about our hair? These are the questions that were raised while I was watching the romantic comedy on Netflix, 'Nappily ever after. Nappily, not happy because the main character discovers true happiness only after a nap; an eyes-opening sleep that changed her view on life and perfection. The main...

Overview of Osteoporosis, Melanoma, & Multiple Sclerosis

6 Pages 2685 Words
Diseases of the Skeletal, Integumentary, and Nervous Systems The human body is made up of nine systems at the organ system level. These nine systems are made up of organs that have certain structures that promote functioning together, and similar functions and the systems working together constitute an organism. Diseases that affect three of these nine systems, the skeletal system,...

Medical Testing for Allergy Responses: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1963 Words
Having an allergy to peanuts is characterized by serious anaphylactic reactions, which usually has lifelong persistence. In the United States of America, tree nuts and peanuts are among some of the most common food allergens that produce an anaphylactic reaction in humans. This fact is concerning because seemingly harmless substances like dust, gluten, milk, and shellfish should not be of...
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Chronic Pain & Prescription Opioids

8 Pages 3531 Words
Medicalization is the process in which a non-medical problem becomes defined and treated as a medical problem (Conrad, 1992). There are copious amounts of evidence suggesting that medicalization has increased and changed over the past couple decades with the emergence of new diagnoses, one being chronic pain (Møller & Gormsen, 2010). Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for...

Nurses' Knowledge and Practices on Streptokinase in MI Emergency Room

4 Pages 1834 Words
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the number one cause of death globally. An estimated 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular diseases in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Pakistan is there in the list of developing countries of the world and the contribution cardiovascular disease (CVD) of developing countries to the global weight of CVD is more than 80 %....

Swine Flu Mortality at Udaipur Tertiary Care: Analysis

4 Pages 1670 Words
Swine flu is an acute respiratory tract infection caused by influenza A H1N1 which is characterized by chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness/fatigue, and general discomfort. In more serious cases, influenza causes pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in the elderly and patients with pre-existing illnesses [1]. Influenza spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, resulting...
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Metabolism of S Epidermidis and E Coli on Various Agars

7 Pages 3130 Words
Abstract: Escherichia coli is a gram-negative bacterium that is found in the human digestive system. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a gram-positive coccus-shaped bacterium commonly found on the human skin. In this study, we looked at the metabolism and physiology of both organisms on differential and selective media. Bacteria were grown and observed on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA), Phenylethyl Agar (PEA), Mannitol...

Detection of Beta-Lactamases in Multi-Drug Resistant Uropathogens

5 Pages 2212 Words
Abstract Multidrug-resistant-ESBL-producing E. coli are on high emergence in UTIs and other infections. Such E. coli are big challenge and responsible for serious threats to healthcare professionals, treatment failures, increased morbidity and mortality, and render beta-lactam antibiotics ineffective. A total of 9391 uropathogenic E. coli (non-repetitive) were isolated and identified on the basis of standard biochemical reactions. The antibiotic susceptibility...
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Effectiveness of Multivitamin on Malaria Child Nutrition: Analysis

7 Pages 2982 Words
Background: Children are the group age malaria which affects lymphocyte levels and decreases in hemoglobin as measured by the erythrocyte index. Objective: To find out the effectiveness of multivitamins on the biochemical nutritional status of malaria sufferers in Sanggeng Health Center, Manokwari Regency. Research Methods: The experiment with two group case-control. The population was 61 children with malaria and a...

Detection of EBV and HSV-1 in Tonsils by Multiplex PCR

8 Pages 3643 Words
Abstract: Tonsillitis is a very widespread condition in young children. Recurrent tonsillitis has been the subject of frequent investigations. Mechanisms by which some patients develop recurring tonsillitis is still unclear. Some studies showed that tonsils and adenoids may act as a reservoir for some herpes viruses including EBV and HSV-1. The aim of this study is to verify whether tonsils...
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An Analytical Study of Pollen Allergies

2 Pages 1076 Words
Introduction Pollen allergies, commonly referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, represent a significant public health challenge due to their widespread prevalence and impact on quality of life. These allergic reactions are triggered by the immune system's response to pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds, causing symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal congestion. According to the World Health...

Analytical Essay on Atherosclerosis: Review of Literature

5 Pages 2122 Words
List of abbreviations Cardiovascular disease (CVD) transient ischemic attack (TIA) low-density lipoprotein (LDL) very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), World Health Organization (WHO) World Heart Federation (WHF) Background Why did I take this up for a detailed study? First of all, atherosclerosis is one of my favourite topics in cardiovascular system that we learned. It is one of the topics that I am...

E Coli: Pathogenic Strains and Regulators

8 Pages 3666 Words
E. coli Commensal Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium of the genus Escherichia (Tenaillon et al. 2010).. It is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (Secher T 2016). E. coli is an extremely diverse bacterial species which forms part of the gut microbiome, a term which describes the ecological community of commensal,...
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Black Deaf Culture: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2711 Words
Abstract This study looks to gain a better understanding of the Black Deaf community by examining their history, culture, and social experiences. Black Deaf history has been neglected for decades and it still is to this day. While there have been a diverse number of books, research studies, films, and articles on Deaf life, hardly any have focused on the...
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Rivers in New Zealand: E Coli Contamination Analysis

5 Pages 2254 Words
New Zealand rivers – not so clean after all Background Tourism plays a big part in New Zealand’s export being a crucial part of the New Zealand economy. It is important for New Zealand to maintain a “100% pure” image as the Tourism New Zealand advert suggests. This is because countries are likely to purchase NZ exports if they think...
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Enhancing Thinking Skills in Disabled Children

9 Pages 3893 Words
Abstract Development of higher order thinking skills in inclusive classroom through Socratic method Developing higher-order thinking skills in any classroom is crucial to the success of the students in that classroom. Students need to learn these skills at an early age to be academically and professionally successful in the future. In an inclusion classroom, these skills are even more important...

Insights into Herpes Simplex Virus Fusion Protein

8 Pages 3746 Words
Abstract Herpes Simplex Viruses is a model Herpesvirus, of which eight afflict humans. Herpes Simplex Virus enters the host cell by the sequential conformation changes and activations in gD, gH and gL, culminating with gB, the fusion protein. While there are several structures for HSV gB in post fusion conformation up until recently there has been no high-resolution structures of...
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Osteoprotegerin Gene Polymorphism in Egyptian RA Patients

8 Pages 3425 Words
Introduction Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder that affects 0.5-1% of the population and is associated with significant morbidity, disability, and costs for society(1). Atherosclerotic disease in both its subclinical and clinically established phases is widely prevalent throughout the world. Disease progression can eventually lead to the occurrence of acute cardiovascular events (CVE), such as myocardial infarction, unstable angina...

Potential Therapies for Promoting Plaque Regression and Atherosclerosis

4 Pages 2014 Words
Potential therapies for promoting plaque regression Various targets have been proposed to induce plaque regression or slow down the atherosclerosis process. Some potential therapeutic targets are discussed in the following paragraphs within the idea of plaque regression (Table 2). Evidence of plaque regression The plaque regression concept was evidenced earlier from animal studies 101 and from patients undergoing medical therapy...

Psychological Interventions in Chronic Pain Management: Analysis

5 Pages 2200 Words
Discuss the relevance of psychological interventions in pain management. In this essay, I am hoping to discuss the relevance of psychological interventions in pain management and how these interventions work and help in the management and treatment of chronic pain if they do at all. I will investigate the various types of psychological interventions and how they contribute to a...

Older People in Scottish Highlands: Chronic Pain Management

3 Pages 1400 Words
Abstract Introduction: The research understudy aspires to examine and explore the behaviours, views, and experiences of older people in the Scottish Highlands in the management of chronic pain. Precisely, the researcher intends to explore the severity and type of chronic pain as well as its management regimens, evident safety and efficacy, identify issues relating to regimens of chronic pain management...

Essay on Swine Flu: History, Symptoms and Treatment

2 Pages 1010 Words
History And Definition: H1N1 influenza is otherwise called swine influenza. It's called swine influenza in light of the fact that previously, the individuals who got it had direct contact with pigs. That changed quite a long while prior when another infection raised that spread among individuals who hadn't been close to pigs. The capacity to follow episodes of swine influenza...
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Living with Food Allergy: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1792 Words
The human body has an intricate system of mechanisms that protect and defend the body from germs and disease. As a whole, this system is known as the immune system. Although the whole body is involved in this intricate system, the white blood cells play an extremely important role. There are many different types of white blood cells and they...
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General Overview of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 584 Words
More often, senior citizens are viewed as asexual beings who no longer possess the desire to engage in intimate relationships. Contrary to this belief, this age group is actually very much sexually active and does, in fact, engage in sexual activity quite frequently. Senior citizen beliefs regarding the proclivities of sexual activity stem from an era of sexual revolution where...

Periodontal Disease and Atherosclerosis Risk

6 Pages 2614 Words
Through which mechanisms might periodontal disease lead to an increased risk of atherosclerosis? Introduction Periodontal disease is the irreversible chronic inflammation of surrounding and supporting structures of teeth (periodontal ligament) and it affects around 20-25% of the global population (Nazir. MA, 2017), it’s caused due to the infection from various gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, mainly; Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola. They...

Deaf Child Development: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1948 Words
Child Growth and Development Since Thanksgiving has just passed you think of all the things you are grateful for or things you have taken for granted. One important thing we take for granted is hearing. We are blessed to be able to hear the beauty of the world’s melodies. Some are not so lucky. Deaf or hearing-impaired have an everyday...
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Inaccessible Playgrounds for Disabled Kids in Toronto

1 Page 552 Words
My name is Ruby Luong, I am a second-year undergraduate student at Ryerson University enrolled in the Early Childhood Studies program. I am writing you this letter to advocate the issue of inaccessible playgrounds for children with disabilities in the city of Toronto. This issue is often brushed off from the people that aren’t in relation or affected by this....

What Is Nursing: Case Study of Myocardial Infarction

3 Pages 1566 Words
What is nursing Myocardial Infarction (MI) is a medical condition also referred to as a heart attack that occurs when the blood flow stops or decreases to a part of the heart resulting in damage to the heart muscle. As a nursing practitioner, it is important to be alert to some of the symptoms and conditions that are likely to...

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