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Solution for Childhood Obesity: Essay

1 Page 478 Words
Childhood obesity is a well-known health problem internationally. A major spike in cases of child obesity have been observed from the 1980s to the present day, and the World Health Organization has even declared that around 1 in 3 eleven-year-olds are overweight or obese. Behavioral, genetic, and environmental factors have been said to be causes of obesity in children. Lisa...

Pros and Cons of Online Learning during the Coronavirus Pandemic

2 Pages 1085 Words
The coronavirus pandemic has already ruined many people’s lives, and learning virtually has made it harder for many teachers and students. Although it may be hard for people, there are various pros and cons of online learning and they are covered in the article 'Make Schools More Human' published in the New York Times by Jal Mehta. He starts by...

The Impact of My Grandfather's Passing

2 Pages 973 Words
Introduction The death of a loved one is an intrinsic part of the human experience that profoundly impacts an individual's emotional and psychological well-being. When my grandfather passed away, it marked a pivotal moment in my life, prompting a deeper introspection into the nature of loss and resilience. This essay examines the complex emotions that accompany bereavement and explores how...

Research Essay on Diabetes

7 Pages 2978 Words
In this essay, the author will explore diabetes, from the pathophysiology to management and treatment as well as the role of glucose in homeostasis. Diabetes as a general topic will be considered, aiming to cover all of the main aspects including risk factors, long-term and acute treatment, potential acute problems, and how diabetes occurs at a cellular level. Diabetes can...

Argumentative Essay about Covid 19

3 Pages 1526 Words
COVID-19 is an emerging public health problem, which started in China at the end of 2019 and gradually affected the majority of countries including India(1). Doubtful information about this novel disorder along with the nonavailability of proper treatment has presented some ubiquitous challenges to our mental health (2). This pandemic has become a fertile ground for many mental health issues...

Process Analysis Essay on Dealing with Death

2 Pages 881 Words
Death is inevitable and may come with overwhelming emotions for those who witness it. It is known that the emotions experienced and how these are managed are individual, however, the effects of death are often overlooked by medical professionals. How doctors and medical trainees cope with death is a much-researched topic, with many studies associating these experiences with increased rates...

Informative Essay on Dementia

6 Pages 2626 Words
Dementia is a disease that causes the loss of cognitive functioning and behavioral abilities to a degree that it affects a person's day-to-day life. This syndrome affects a person’s memory, language skills, problem-solving, self-management, and the ability to focus. Dementia mainly has an effect on older people, and the risk of dementia continues to increase as age increases. Some individuals...

Exercise and Obesity: Expository Essay

5 Pages 2183 Words
On average, 2.8 million people die from the obesity epidemic every year. For most, obesity can be caused by eating too much and exercising too little. If the energy consumed from food is not burned off, it will transform into fat. Body mass index, an indicator for weight, is 18.5 to 24.9 for a healthy adult, but for an obese...

Proposal Argument Essay on Obesity

4 Pages 1826 Words
Introduction This essay will include a comprehensive analysis of the issue of childhood obesity. Since a child's early development, circumstances and experiences influence and define their long-term health and prospective health disparities. Thus, establishing a good start in life is a vital public health concern. It makes social and economic sense to establish programs focused on enhancing early childhood development...

Narrative Essay on Losing a Loved One

2 Pages 778 Words
Dealing with the loss of a loved one Dealing with loss is never easy. It’s extremely common to lose someone that you love, whether that be a family, friend, significant other, or pet. Approximately 1400 people in England and Wales alone pass away every day, and there is no way to avoid it. And although it’s well known that everyone...

Informative Essay on Obesity

4 Pages 1764 Words
Obesity numbers have tripled around the world since 1975, killing an estimated 2.8 million adults every year (World Health Organisation, 2018). Globally, it is one of the largest causes of preventable deaths and serious illness, due to many socio-economic factors, as well as the lack of individual and social responsibility. These factors contributing to obesity will continue to cause serious...

Narrative Essay on Overcoming the Loss of a Parent

2 Pages 726 Words
Death is an inevitable reality of life no one should have to experience, especially that of a five-year-old, yet everyone does. My friend's death has been by my side for seventeen years and counting, like two peas-in-a pod he sticks by my side. I was your typical five-year-old little boy who enjoyed every aspect of life, it was a great...

Suicide Thesis Statement

5 Pages 2370 Words
In 2010, the United States Department of Veteran Affairs began an intensive effort to shorten delays associated with access to the National Death Index (NDI) data. The motive is to increase understanding of suicide among all Veterans by developing data-sharing agreements with all 50 U.S. states. In 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) conducted a study stating that an...

Physician Assisted Suicide: Definition Essay

4 Pages 1729 Words
Introduction Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has been around for many years and has always been hotly debated. As a Christian-based hospice organization, we have vowed to treat each patient with love, care, and dignity. Our staff all have the same beliefs and feel that “life is a gift from God and is to be regarded as a sacred trust. God is...

Life before and after Coronavirus: Critical Essay

5 Pages 2435 Words
A few months ago, people were presented and or told about a sickness that could be developing in China. With many people traveling to China from the US, this brought up many concerns. People who did travel to China had a very high risk of having coronavirus when they came back to the US and infecting others without even knowing....

Impact of Covid-19: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1450 Words
Covid-19 is a new disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that has proven to be a life-threatening worldwide pandemic causing millions of infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths. When concerns were raised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) of the alarming spread and severity of the disease it was then declared that Covid-19 was a global pandemic...

Impact of COVID-19: Unfavorable Consequences on Society

2 Pages 948 Words
Introduction The onset of the coronavirus pandemic marked a profound turning point in modern history, reshaping everyday life across the globe. COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has led to significant disruptions in social, economic, and healthcare systems. While the pandemic has spurred advancements in medical science and technology, it has also unveiled numerous disadvantages that continue to affect global...

Critical Essay on Social Impact of Covid 19

4 Pages 1951 Words
Introduction The Covid 19 pandemic was a global health crisis that the world faced unlike any other in the last 75 years of the United Nations. It killed people, made them lose their livelihoods, and took a toll on their not only physical but also their mental health. It upended the public`s lives and became the prime reason for their...

Coronavirus Vaccines: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 838 Words
Thousands of people around the globe are dying every day due to Covid-19. Superpowers like the United States are seeing their economies shrinking rapidly and whereas a full lockdown is effective, it cannot last forever. We all know that the world can only return to normal if a vaccine is found. World-leading research laboratories are competing with each other to...

Black Death Vs Covid-19: Critical Essay on Pandemic

2 Pages 929 Words
Pandemics are huge outbreaks of communicable diseases that can significantly upsurge morbidity and death over diverse geographical regions and cause substantial economic, social, and political disruption. Evidence suggests that the likelihood of pandemics has increased over the past century because of increased global travel and integration, urbanization, changes in land use, and greater exploitation of the natural environment (Jones and...

Benefits of Covid-19 Vaccine: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 801 Words
A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious or communicable disease. ( A vaccine generally contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is regularly made from weakened or dead forms of the microbe, its toxin, or one of its ground proteins. ( Many diseases are prevented through the use of vaccines....

Assisted Suicide: Persuasive Speech

3 Pages 1479 Words
I will provide some suggestions for the UK government to take into account in respect of legalizing assisted dying law. In the future, this might will help the UK government to change the current law of assisted dying under section 2(1) of the Suicide Act. Perhaps the UK government may follow Switzerland’s current law of assisted dying model and may...

Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized: Persuasive Speech

4 Pages 1660 Words
Assisted suicide, unlike euthanasia, consists of actively assisting someone who wishes to terminate his or her own life, and is unable to do so themselves (Sartori, 2018). At present, assisted suicide, in some form, is legal in four European countries, Canada, and some states of America and Australia. However, assisting suicide is prohibited by the 1961 Suicide Act. This essay...

Assisted Suicide Research Paper

4 Pages 2010 Words
Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide have been the subjects of religious, ethical, and legal debate for over 3,000 years. The word “euthanasia” is of Greek origin, and translates to “good death”. In this paper, I will be exploring both traditional and modern arguments about the permissibility of physician-assisted suicide, and our individual autonomy to decide when, and under what circumstances, our...

Pandemic and Its Key Features: Short Essay

1 Page 568 Words
Throughout history, there have been several pandemics, including the 2009 H1N1 virus, the 1918 Spanish flu, and most recently COVID-19. In each occurrence, these pandemics have been linked to similar features, causes, and severe effects. As a result, based on the past, it can aid in determining what exactly defines a pandemic. The characteristics of global spread and little or...

Beautiful Boy' and America's Drug Epidemic

3 Pages 1174 Words
The book 'Beautiful Boy' is a father's journey through his son's addiction. David Sheff’s book is about his own son, who became addicted to meth and threw his life away. This story expressed his feelings along his journey throughout his son's addiction, steps to recovery, and early life. He was inspired to write this book so others with the same...

The Rabies Theory of Edgar Allan Poe's Mysterious Death

1 Page 404 Words
Edgar Allan Poe, a well-known poet, mysteriously died one day with merely no evidence to prove how he passed. Is there still hope to find the cause of death? There are many theories as to what happened, one popular theory of the death of Poe is rabies. As mentioned above, Poe is explained to have died from a case of...

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