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Essay on the Origin of HIV and AIDS

6 Pages 2489 Words
The origin of HIV and AIDS is largely veiled in obscurity, despite a large body of literature on the subject matter, several controversial theories regarding the genesis of HIV and AIDS exist. There exist spurious and valid speculations by a theorist who points to Africa as the cradle for the virus conversely, others detail the origin of the virus as...
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Essay on Social Impact of HIV and AIDS

5 Pages 2237 Words
Background The earliest known cases of human HIV infection have started in Western equatorial Africa, presumably in Southeast Cameroon where a group of the central common chimpanzee lives. Phylogenetic analysis has disclosed that all HIV-1 groups M, N and O were so closely related to just one of these SIV Cpz lineages which were found in p.t troglodytes. It is...
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Essay on Obesity: Bibliographic Review

3 Pages 1582 Words
The study of obesity is a relatively new interdisciplinary academic field. The community college library shelves should contain two types of resources. First, several kinds of reference materials, and second, a host of broader materials that place the discussion of obesity within a cultural framework. This overview is divided into two major sections, the first is reference materials, and the...

Essay on Non-Communicable Diseases of Respiratory System: Asthma

6 Pages 2462 Words
Asthma Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are long-term chronic illnesses that often develop as a result of genetic, physiological, behavioral or environmental factors (World Health Organisation 2019). Asthma—a Chronic Respiratory Disease—is one such NCD that affects the Respiratory System. Asthma can be defined as a chronic disease wherein resistant flow in the airways incites breathlessness and chest tightening as a result of...

Essay on Issues of Malnutrition in Modern Society

9 Pages 3923 Words
Abstract The issue of undernutrition in today’s world is applicable to many settings throughout society. The prevalence of this issue does not seem to be decreasing despite the many medical advances in this area in the 21st century and there does not seem to be as much significance on this issue despite its importance in clinical care. Therefore, this essay...

Analysis of Occupational Asthma in Environmental Health

8 Pages 3678 Words
Introduction: Research studies on occupational diseases have shown that mortality due to occupational diseases is higher than mortality due to accidents (1). Asthma is a chronic disease of the lower respiratory tract that is defined by its clinical and pathophysiological characteristics, where chronic inflammation is associated with the hyperresponsiveness of the airway, which generates episodes of cough, dyspnea, tightness in...
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Essay on Emerging Infectious Diseases: Causes of Outbreak

5 Pages 2097 Words
We as humans are currently at war with a pandemic, a virus known as COVID-19, an infectious disease that has devasted a large portion of our world. Covid-19 is one example of the many infectious diseases that have devasted our world throughout the past decades (Kim, 2020). As a modern society, we have endured the effects of horrid diseases including...

Essay on Child Development: Researching Cerebral Palsy in Children

3 Pages 1555 Words
Researching Cerebral Palsy and looking at the name it explains itself, Cerebral meaning “of the brain” (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011) and Palsy meaning “lack of muscle control” (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011). Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP for short, is a neurological condition that affects body movement and muscle coordination (The Ontario Federation for...

Essay on Cerebral Palsy: Annotated Bibliography

5 Pages 2116 Words
Annotated Bibliography This article discusses the issues of children with cerebral palsy and the feeding difficulties that come along with it. The study was done in Bangladesh, which is a resource-poor country, and it is a challenge to have all the proper medical equipment for children with cerebral palsy. The purpose of the study was to assess how functional a...

Emergence of the New Infectious Diseases: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 2044 Words
New Diseases Introduction A disease is a certain condition that affects an organism by weakening the body’s general functions and psyche; it is also affiliated with particular symptoms and signs. The factors that contribute to an organism having a disease may be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic factors originate within a host and could be caused by a disorder from that...

Effect of Tuberculosis on Respiratory System

6 Pages 2841 Words
The ongoing spread of tuberculosis is worldwide and still seen present day. Efforts are directed at examining the respiratory system functions of physiology patterns before pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection occurs. The respiratory system is responsible for oxygen exchange and ensuring the body excretes carbon dioxide while taking in oxygen. Tuberculosis can affect the normal homeostasis pattern and cause signs and...

Impact of COVID-19 on Respiratory Health

2 Pages 774 Words
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has had profound effects on global health, with the respiratory system being one of the most critically impacted. Initially identified in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, COVID-19 rapidly spread worldwide, primarily attacking the respiratory tract. The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes, particularly affecting the lungs, which can...

Drug Factors Affecting Asthma Medication Adherence in Egypt

5 Pages 2498 Words
Background: Optimal asthma management has been found largely due to patients’ medication adherence and correct inhaler technique. This study aimed to examine drug-related factors affecting medication adherence among Egyptian asthma patients Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 110 clinically diagnosed asthma patients attending at a university hospital, in Sohag, Egypt. Inhaler criteria and adherence were evaluated by...

Descriptive Essay on Cerebral Palsy in Children

4 Pages 1907 Words
Cerebral Palsy is an intellectual disability and neurological disorder with which professionals estimate that approximately 10,000 babies are born every year. Cerebral Palsy affects muscle movement, tone, and necessary motor skills, which overall hinders a person’s ability to move and live in a coordinated and healthy way. Since there is no cure for this disability, there are exclusive remedies to...

Definition and Essence of Obesity: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2848 Words
Defining Obesity Obesity is defined in terms of a person’s weight and height. It is calculated based on a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI). A person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters provides the BMI on a pre-determined scale provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).1 The BMI provides useful information in...

Critical Review of Obesity, Physical Activity, and Exercise

6 Pages 2745 Words
Introduction Obesity is now being recognized by the world obesity federation as chronic relapsing, and progressive disease. The emphasis on the need for immediate intervention to prevent and manage this global epidemic has been widely recognized across the literature. The recognition of obesity as a disease encourages practitioners to research and review approaches with the most effective strategies. Thus, highlighting...

Critical Analysis of the Main Theme in Hamlet

3 Pages 1500 Words
Death has always been a part of life but is a mystery nobody experiences to tell. In Hamlet, Shakespeare uses loss as a theme, which permeates throughout the play. There are several ways this theme develops throughout, from where the ghost introduces the idea of death and its consequences, to Hamlet’s preoccupation of death, to the idea of suicide. To...

Critical Analysis of the Articles on the Issues of Malnutrition

4 Pages 1731 Words
When living on a college campus where there’s an abundance of dining centers, restaurants, and grocery stores in every direction, it’s easy to ignore the problems that so much of the world faces when it comes to malnutrition and hunger. While hunger in some form is a problem in all countries, the Global South and especially regions in Africa are...

Bulls, Bullfighters, and Death in The Sun Also Rises: Analysis

1 Page 577 Words
Fiesta de San Fermin, a historically rooted, a week-long festival celebrated annually in Spain, includes encierro or bull running and corrida or bullfighting. Hemingway systematically explores the art of bullfighting, developed a passion for it, and is described by aficionados as a master on the subject. He praised the lives of the bullfighters during his lifetime as full of adventures...

Case Study on Asthma: Pathology and Symptoms

4 Pages 1616 Words
Background Asthma is a respiratory and genetic condition characterized by the inflammation and narrowing of airways in the lungs. The inflammation forces airways to swell, contributing to difficulties in breathing (Rubner et al., 2017). During asthma attacks, individuals experience periods of intense coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. Individuals with asthma may experience mild to severe symptoms, and...

Asthma, the Inside Attack: Opinion Essay

3 Pages 1360 Words
Asthma is no joke, it kills, literally. People are always suffering in one way or another form asthma. But it does have to be like that for you, there are many resources, and lifestyle choices that can limit your chance of developing this life-changing disease. Asthma hits hard, take some time, read this article and protect yourself. Jesse, a 5-year-old...
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Analytical Essay on Malnutrition: Nutritional Status of Children

6 Pages 2548 Words
Literature review 1 Nutritional status and its indicators The concept of nutritional status has been referred to as the condition of the body with respect to each nutrient and to the entire state of the body's weight and condition (UNAP, 2011). This nutritional status equilibrium is antagonized by three processes namely, reduced intake of food; changes in utilization of food...

Analytical Essay on Factors Causing Infectious Diseases

4 Pages 2001 Words
For the vast majority of our history as a species, groups of humans have always interacted with other groups thereof. This has led to the spread of communicable diseases that have brought about illness and death. The carnage wrought by the bubonic plague in Eurasia in the 14th century and by smallpox and strains of influenza in North and South...

Analytical Essay on Causes and Treatment of Malaria

8 Pages 3617 Words
Abstract Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) resolve the smallest degree of genetic difference between individuals and in the post-genomic era are increasingly being used to identify genetic markers for complex disease traits (Cargill M et al). SNPs at the TNF can be identified to be associated with the pathogenesis of Plasmodium falciparum. A large body of clinical and epidemiological evidence has...

Analysis of Tragic Death and the Theme of Loss in Hamlet

3 Pages 1471 Words
It is not unusual for Shakespeare’s plays to have a recurring, main theme spread throughout and reflected in the characters, the incidents and situations they experience, and detailed suggestions made in the plays. One of such main themes in the play Hamlet is the theme of loss, be it loss of family, loss of possession, loss of love or loss...

Analysis of the Themes of Revenge and Death in Hamlet

2 Pages 875 Words
Hamlet's character in the movie ‘Hamlet’ is very distinct from the other, more masculine characters. This is primarily due to the fact that he analyses situations rather than jumping into action without considering the consequences. Hamlet is described as a ‘floater’ and has a delay in seeking revenge. Throughout the play, Hamlet is put into certain situations where he can...

Essay about My Life During Pandemic

2 Pages 881 Words
The world has slowed down, but tensions are starting to rise. In my early forties, when the world slowed down, I was finally able to take some time to relax, watch a few shows, learn to be a better chef and baker, and be more active in my activities. in foreign languages. I have something to be thankful for. I...

Impact of Covid-19 on Youth: Essay

1 Page 488 Words
The coronavirus pandemic, like a thief in the night, came unannounced exposing the vulnerabilities of a country like Nigeria, and crippling her promising and future-driven economy. For young people, the Covid-19 disaster poses considerable risks in the fields of employment, education, and mental health through implemented social isolation, closure of places of worship, and a total smackdown of all economic...

Impact of Covid-19 on Business: Essay

3 Pages 1218 Words
Introduction: Through this reflective Journal, I would be illustrating how the current covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the hospitality industry and how industries had implemented strategies to recover or survive from the covid19 pandemic, I would also be talking about how covid-19 has impacted me personally, how I have coped with the current situation and how I prepared myself for...

How the Pandemic Changed Our Lives? Essay

2 Pages 926 Words
COVID-19 has struck humanity like a lightning, fast and aggressive. No one expected a murderous pandemic to occur out of nowhere and then spread like a wildfire. Such a pandemic isn’t usual in modern times and by the existence of humanity (not unusual like once in a millennium, but you know). The massive casualties of war, the slow but deadly...

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