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Complexities of Chinese Migration to Australia

2 Pages 817 Words
Introduction Chinese migration to Australia is a topic of considerable historical and contemporary significance, reflecting broader trends in global migration patterns. Since the mid-19th century, Chinese immigrants have played a pivotal role in shaping Australian society, economy, and culture. However, the journey and settlement experiences of these migrants are marred by multifaceted challenges that range from policy restrictions to socio-cultural...

The Principle of Non-refoulement under International Refugee Law

5 Pages 2338 Words
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the major problem of refugees and analyses the Principle of Non-refoulement in this regard. The paper focuses on the nature, scope and history of this principle. It also indulges into whether non-refoulement can be treated as a jus cogens norm by going through the criteria that have been laid down by the International Law Commission’s...

Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Crimes in Rohingya Camps

2 Pages 1121 Words
Introduction An increase in internal conflicts between Rohingyas at the Ukhiya and Teknaf camps in Cox’s Bazar has caused crime rates in the area to skyrocket. In the last 14 months, 22 Rohingyas have been murdered by their fellow refugees, and certain groups within them are involved in kidnapping for ransom, extortion, rape, forced disappearances, robberies, gunrunning, drug dealing, and...
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East African Refugee Crisis

3 Pages 1531 Words
No one really ever knew about six-year-old Mawi Asgedom, a refugee of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, until he came to the U.S. Not many ever really seemed to care and sympathize with Mawi and other refugees while they lived in harsh refugee camps in Sudan. The government of their homeland certainly didn’t care about them, as rather than providing its citizens...

Difference between Germany and UK’s Refugee Policy

1 Page 568 Words
Germany and UK both are European countries, but when it comes to the refugees, Germany is way more generous than the Uk. The three main differences between the refugee policies of the two countries are the number of asylum applications, financial support, and license to work. Beside these differences, the two countries have two similarities that are public involvement and...

Immigration During The Holocaust

3 Pages 1178 Words
In attempting to acquit the American Press of being one of the leading agencies accountable for shaping public attitudes and the subsequent inaction on the American government’s part, one must consider the pre-existing American attitudes towards immigrants at the time. The question of immigration becomes central to this evaluation since the citizens’ notions regarding the immigrants are bound to have...

Objective and Subjective Participation of Migrant and Refugee Children

6 Pages 2689 Words
Migration is an aspect that not just had a great impact on Germany as a country but also on Germany as a society. In 2017, 23,6% of the population in Germany had a migrant background (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung 2018). This number is expected to rise since 39,1% of all children younger than five years old had a migrant background...

Ethical care for migrant workers: Justice & Care

6 Pages 2671 Words
Increased women’s participation in the workforce in recent years has seen a rise in demand for low-paid migrant care workers (MCWs) as surrogate caregivers. Home-based MCWs in Singapore perform a dual role as both a care worker and a domestic worker “as they provide child care/eldercare within home-space… [and] other household responsibilities.” (Yeoh, 2009, pg 75) Datta theorises that other...

Unjust Criminalization of Mexican Immigrants

3 Pages 1530 Words
Drop in opium prices cause poor poppy farmers in Mexico to migrate to the U.S., raising tensions between Mexico and the Trump administration. President Trump uses the stereotype of Mexicans being criminals, violent individuals and drug syndicates to further his anti-immigrant campaign. However, studies prove these stereotypes are false. There are better ways to solve issues surrounding illegal immigration and...

Migrant & Refugee Crisis Issue

2 Pages 745 Words
It has been stated that 24 immigrants have died in ICE custody in Trump’s administration, 6 of them being children. This doesn’t include migrants and previous years. The issue concerning asylum seekers has been around for years, yet there seems to be little progress regarding the issue. According to the United Nations, every two seconds a person is forced to...

Economic Drivers Behind Human Trafficking

2 Pages 1017 Words
Introduction Human trafficking is a complex global issue that involves the recruitment, transportation, and exploitation of individuals through coercion, deception, or force. While it is often perceived as a problem of crime and human rights, the economic underpinnings cannot be overlooked. Various economic factors contribute significantly to the prevalence of human trafficking, creating a fertile ground for its persistence. These...

Struggle and Survival: Life of a Refugee

3 Pages 1462 Words
“Only the dead have seen the end of war” but in the midst of wars the surviving doesn’t necessarily reap the benefits (Plato). Escaping death to arrive in countries where people hate you instead of sympathizing is what you get as a refugee. As per oxford dictionary refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their county in...
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Refugee Women's Access to PPH in Australia: Barriers & Facilitators

4 Pages 1960 Words
Legislative factors were shown to potentially operate as both facilitators and barriers to refugee women’s access to PPH in Australia, and were evident in 31.5% of studies. At times, policies put in place with the intention of helping refugees, instead created barriers to their access of PPH. For instance, the requirement for all healthcare appointments with non-English speaking patients to...

Chinese Immigration: An Immigration Of Indifferences

6 Pages 2510 Words
Pope Francis once said during a visit to the island of Lampedusa “We are a society which has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion – ‘suffering with’ others: the globalisation of indifference has taken from us the ability to weep!” (Liaugminas). Pope Francis was bringing to light the issues surrounding the topic of immigration and indifferences and such...

Global Challenges in Refugee Resettlement

2 Pages 866 Words
Introduction In the contemporary geopolitical landscape, refugee resettlement and the plight of asylum seekers have emerged as pivotal humanitarian concerns. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) records over 26 million refugees worldwide, a testament to the scale of displacement in the 21st century. This essay explores the complexities surrounding refugee resettlement, examining the socio-political and economic factors that...

The Aspects of Australia's Refugee Crisis

4 Pages 1780 Words
Refugees and asylum seekers attempting to get into Australia are confronted with a challenge. Prior to arriving they have faced persecution, disease and violence, and yet many of the people whom control their apparent destiny strongly oppose letting them in. This inhumane approach to the issue must be addressed. Initially, the process for the application for a protection visa will...

The Right to Refugee Asylum and Eventual Repatriation

6 Pages 2679 Words
Introduction Background In the recent decades the subsistence of refugee crisis has been on the rise. The problem of asylum seekers has become a major global humanitarian issue. This in turn has led to the issue of refugee asylum and repatriation becoming an issue of public interest and also of major political significance. This has led to major criticism made...

Ethnic Discrimination In Labour Markets For Different

4 Pages 1628 Words
Introduction In 1991 Greece experienced the first waves of immigrants which consisted of a majority Albanians. The flows of albanian immigration were responded by a negative bias and a fear in personal security from the greek people due to the history between the countries. Despite of that the Greek labour market was open for low-paid labour which led to a...

The Necessity and Importance of Ethics

1 Page 710 Words
Ethics are the moral guidelines that recommend people’s behaviors on the concepts of good and bad conduct. It is based on the guidelines of safeguarding the interest of promoting justice and honesty among people (The Law Society n.d.). They help people respond in the correct manner to the moral questions they face. In this case, ethic supports the law because...

The Contemporary Challenges of Refugee Protection

2 Pages 883 Words
The refugee regime has encountered areas of considerable challenge in the modern sphere. The most striking of these challenges is the terminology used to specify what constitutes a refugee in the 1951 Convention of Status of Refugees; ‘a well-founded fear of persecution’ was undoubtedly fitting following World War II when the convention was drafted, when ‘indeed, refugees were primarily the...
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Domestic And Supranational European Responses To The Syrian Refugee Crisis

5 Pages 2369 Words
Introduction On June 20th, 2016, World Refugee Day, the United Nations Refugee Agency released its annual report on global trends in 2015. Since 2014, the European “migration or refugee crisis' is at the centre of attention, becoming a priority on the political agenda. The Eurocentrist focus of the debate has masked the real impact of migration at the European level,...

The Immigration Issue From Justice Theory Perspective

3 Pages 1343 Words
Outline: Introduction of current statutes of the immigration issue in Europe Different perspectives of justice on the immigration problem Conclusion with personal review and opinion on the immigration issue The immigration issue is a recent issue that brings complicated situations to European countries. Although the EU and European countries are committed to improving European the immigration issue, the future situation...

The International Failure to Help the Syrian Refugee Crisis

4 Pages 1748 Words
An unsafe boat ride through the rough and stormy waters of the Mediterranean with the risk of being lost to the sea, a march lasting hundreds of kilometers in Turkey’s scorching heat with the possibility of starvation, or spending life savings on a smuggler to get out the of country. All of these are journeys that are undertaken by Syrian...

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Policy Analysis Paper

4 Pages 1923 Words
The social condition that I chose to write my paper on is immigration, specifically Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA. DACA was created under President Obama, however the Trump administration has worked to modify it. Under the new administration new policies for DACA have been created. The current policy under the Trump Administration is that no new DACA applicants...

Public Library Services for Immigrants

3 Pages 1508 Words
Restatement of the Problem and Research Questions The United States of America is a country where every year lots of people migrate from all over the world for better employment, to meet up with family and overall to have a better life. In order to settle in a new country and new environment, immigrants need various information such as information...

Importance Of DREAM Act For DACA Recipients

5 Pages 2390 Words
Can you think of a time where you worked hard for something and then suddenly it was ripped away from you. This is what DACA recipients worry about and constantly have on the back of their minds. Just a background, DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals and it is for individuals who came to America at a young...

The Maltreatment Of Immigrants In U.S. Immigration Custody

3 Pages 1465 Words
The United States of America was founded on the idea that anyone from around the world could come searching for a new life and freedom, but they cannot reach it when they are stuck in American Immigration Custody. Families are being split up in cramped cells, cold facilities, and with not enough medical attention to go around. Everything that the...

Challenges for Migrant Workers in Covid-19

5 Pages 2273 Words
ABSTRACT COVID-19 pandemic collapses the health, economic and the social structure of the entire world. The government of every country is trying to control the pandemic by imposing actions like lockdown, discipline of social distancing, ensure to wear mask, etc. The lockdown affected the daily wage earners as well as migrant workers badly. During lockdown, their handful savings were exhausted...

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