Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

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Diversity in the Workplace:

Workplace diversity refers to the segmentation of the workforce into unique variable classes that have a comprehend commonality within a particular cultural or national status and that influence potentially harmful or useful employment outcomes such as job opportunities, treatment in the workplace and upgrading chance, irrespective of job related proficiencies and qualifications (Stockdale and Crosby, 2004).

Different organisations and cultures can define diversity in different ways. The human resource literatures, business and organisation viewed three types of diversity definitions: conceptual rule definition that focused on differences in conceptions, perspectives and conductance; Narrow class-based definition (e.g. sex, venous or ethnic variations) and broad class-based definition (e.g. a long list of categories including such variables as marital status and education) (Thiederman, 2008).

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Negative or positive effects on the job and employment potential in different countries may be resulted from some of these categories (Albrecht, 2001). It was a great challenge to generate an applicable and relevant definition of workplace in different cultures that will face backdrops of broad and narrow definitions. Workplace diversity concerned with the differences and similarities of the people that they bring to an organization.

It is preferable to broadly define the workplace diversity to cover all aspects which affect the views and identities that employees have such as geographical location, occupation and education. The workplace environment and organizational culture are created by diversity initiatives through making differences in work. Diversity is considered to be self-inclusive to everyone (Albrecht, 2001). It is about the acceptance of learning and teaching from others who are different, it is about respect for all and about creating practices and workplace environments that promote learning from others and take the benefits of diverse. It is agreed that diversity in workplace helps to utilize the skills of employees to the maximum and participate in the overall growth of the organization. It is based on that the idea identities should be valued and maintained instead of being ignored or discarded (Henderson, 2001).

Managing Diversity:

Expanding cultural diversity is driving associations to learn and persuade individuals with a more extensive scope of significant worth frameworks. To prevail with regards to overseeing workforce that is progressively various and global, chiefs need information about social contrasts and likenesses among individuals from various foundations (Golembiewski, 2000). They likewise should be delicate to these distinctions that can add to their adequacy in culturally diverse correspondence. In the present global business world, an administrator needs to comprehend social contrasts and their implications in business relations. The administrator who manages assorted variety ought to comprehend that decent variety incorporates each employee. It is a test to effectively apply abilities, vitality, and responsibility of workers to improve an association.

It is of essential significance that the manager comprehends the cultural convictions and values of the association for viably overseeing decent variety (Golembiewski, 2000). These convictions and qualities bunch together to make a domain that worker see as strong or not steady of decent variety. Inside all associations there are socially steady and non supportive individuals, policies, and casual structures. Directors ought to deliberately plan and execute authoritative frameworks and practices to oversee employees with the goal so that the potential points of interest of assorted variety are boosted and disservices are limited (Jackson, 1999). It ought to be the policy of the organization not to take part in oppression or badgering of any individual based on race, colour, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disabilty, parentage, marital status, age, sexual direction or citizenship. This strategy is applied to all work practices, including enrollment, choice, advancement, move, merit increment, salary, training and improvement, demotion, and detachment (Henderson, 2001).

The organisations need to comprehend and accept social and correspondence contrasts, show regard, empathise and be adaptable to correspondence issues in the workforce condition. It ought to be proficient about moral issues and get values, communicate decisions in regards to these issues to workers and keep correspondence channels open for all workers to input data without dread and vengeance. Association should adjust the arrangements that straightforwardly or by implication influence the diversity issues (Griffin and Hirsch, 1998). It is significant how the association delivers and reacts to issues that emerge from assorted variety. It must mirror its position on decent variety in its statement of purpose. If the mission statement verbalizes a reasonable and direct duty to decent variety, everybody who comes into contact with that statement of purpose will develop to comprehend and accept the significance of assorted variety. Associations can likewise oversee diversity through an assortment of continuous practices (Jackson, 1999).

Impacts of diversity on workplace environment:

Working environment diversity gives qualities just as offer challenges to the association. Cultural decent variety is important. It encourages workers to gain knowledge from one another, to see each other's disparities (Griffin and Hirsch, 1998). Social assorted variety influences the businesses from numerous points of view including the staff enlistment/maintenance, the executive’s styles and decision-making procedures, and connections inside associations.

Cultural diversity regularly improves and creates working environment by aiding as learning experiences for managers just as employees. At the point when an association grasp diversity and understand its advantages, it can succeed and contend all more viably (Henderson, 2001). When it effectively survey the treatment of work environment diversity issues, create and actualize assorted variety plans, it can expand its versatility. Various workers bring individual abilities and encounters and recommend proposing adaptable ideas in adjusting to regularly evolving markets.

An association can all around offer support with an assorted assortment of abilities and experiences. Organisations that support workplace diversity in inspire all of their employees to perform to their most noteworthy capacity. Various procedures are then executed; resulting in higher efficiency, benefit, and rate of profitability (Konard et al., 2006).

Benefits of cultural diversity in multinational work environment:

Diverse cultural perspectives can inspire creativity and drive innovation

Our culture impacts the manner by which we see the world. A variety of perspectives alongside the wide-ranging individual and expert experience of a worldwide group can offer new viewpoints that motivate associates to see the work environment and the world in an unexpected way.

Diversity of thought appeared to raise inventiveness and drive advancement, assisting with tackling issues and address client issues in new and energizing manners. For instance, cosmetic giant L'Oréal traits much if its noteworthy accomplishment in developing markets to its multicultural product development groups.

Various voices, viewpoints, and characters bobbing off each other can offer ascent to out of the box thinking. By offering a stage for the open trade of thoughts, organizations can receive the greatest rewards of assorted variety in the working environment. A recent study from Forbes resounded this notion, reasoning that 'the most ideal approach to guarantee the advancement of new thoughts is through a diverse and comprehensive workforce.'

Local market knowledge and insight makes a business more competitive and profitable

A multicultural workforce can give an association a significant edge while expanding into new markets. Frequently, a product or administration should be adjusted to succeed abroad. Understanding local laws, guidelines, and customs, just as the serious scene, can assist a business to thrive. Besides, local associations, native language aptitudes, and social comprehension can support universal business advancement exponentially.

And being progressively serious means being increasingly productive. DiversityInc every year perceives the main 50 most diverse companies and measures their prosperity against the more extensive market. Recent research from McKinsey underscores the way that decent variety is useful for a business's main concern. Truth be told, ethnically assorted organizations were demonstrated to be 35% more likely to have money related returns over the national business median.

Benefit: Cultural sensitivity, insight, and local knowledge means higher quality, targeted marketing

Local market information, alongside, Culturally diverse comprehension loans itself the creation of progressively powerful promoting technique and materials. For instance, high caliber and socially touchy interpretations of pamphlets, websites, and different resources are fundamental. These can be disregarded without the contribution of a native speaker.

Poor interpretation can result in loss of brand slogans. A frequently cited example is from KFC in China, whose chicken was marketed as so tasty, you’ll “eat your fingers off!” (A poor translation of their brand tagline, “Finger lickin’ good.”)

Market-explicit information and knowledge is priceless with regards to for symbolism and design, too. What may function admirably on an announcement for a British organization could come up short or insult somewhere else. A significant McDonalds print advertisement in Finland may have been viewed as shrewd locally, however it was viewed as befuddling and even peculiar by remote crowd.

The peril of making a genuine promoting fault, which can make hopeless harm to a brand or business abroad, can be relieved by utilizing a various workforce with indigenous showcasing shrewd.

Benefit: Greater opportunity for personal and professional growth

Basically, a comprehensive and socially various business will draw in gifted experts who will value the open door for professional and individual development.

Working across societies can be a genuinely improving encountering, permitting others to find out about points of view and conventions from around the globe. An assorted arrangement of partners can be expertly improving as well—presenting you to new aptitudes and ways to deal with work, and building up a universal system that can take your profession in energizing new ways or abroad.

Benefit: Diverse teams are more productive and perform better

The scope of experience, skill, and working strategies that a different working environment offers can support critical thinking limit and lead to more noteworthy efficiency. Truth be told, contemplates have demonstrated associations with a culture of assorted variety and consideration are both more joyful and increasingly beneficial.

Where working in homogeneous groups can appear to be simpler. Assorted variety, can raise solid rivalry, extending a group in a positive method to accomplish their best. This climate of healthy rivalry can prompt the improvement of organization forms for more prominent effectiveness.

Benefit: A diverse skills base allows an organization to offer a broader and more adaptable range of products and services

Organizations take advantage of employing experts with a wide scope of aptitudes that are frequently not open while recruiting locally. Organized organizations can add to their service extend by utilizing the experience and aptitudes their global employees bring to the table. A more extensive aptitudes base and different contribution of items and administrations can assist your business with having the competitive advantage of adaptability.

Adaptability implies quicker and increasingly powerful arranging, improvement, and execution. An organization with social and intellectual assorted variety can be speedier to detect a hole in the market.

Challenges of cultural diversity in multinational work environment:

Colleagues from some cultures may be less likely to let their voices be heard

It's necessary to make an open and comprehensive working environment condition, so all colleagues feel engaged to contribute as the presence of assorted intellectual competence alone isn't enough.

This can be considered as a challenge for partners from deferential or polite societies. For example, experts from Asian nations, for example, Vietnam or Japan may grope less open to talking or sharing thoughts, especially in case of that they are new to the group or in a junior job.

On the other hand, emphatic partners from the U.S. or Western Europe, or those from Scandinavian nations who underscore level hierarchical chain of command, might be increasingly disposed to speak up negotiations or meetings when others don't.

Challenge: Integration across multicultural teams can be difficult in the face of prejudice or negative cultural stereotypes

It's essential to encourage joining among groups to stay away from associates from various nations working in separation and restricting information move. This can be a challenge to survive, especially if there are basic partialities between societies, making them less slanted to cooperate. Negative social stereotypes can be truly impeding to organization resolve and influence profitability.

Challenge: Professional communication can be misinterpreted or difficult to understand across languages and cultures

While quality interpretations are key for successful promoting, there can be a genuine danger of correspondence becoming mixed up in interpretation among multicultural colleagues. Language obstructions are only one challenge. Indeed, even in an office where everybody communicates in English, grasping a scope of accents, or understanding a local speaker's utilization of phrases, can be troublesome.

The Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory

The Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory, created by Geert Hofstede, is a structure used to comprehend the distinctions in culture across nations and to observe the manners in which that business is done across various societies. As it were, the structure is utilized to recognize distinctive national societies, the components of culture, and their effect on a business setting.

Figure 1: Hofstede’s six culture dimensions

Power Distance

The degree to which the society’s less influential members believe and agree that the power is distributed unequally is reflected in this dimension. The way by which the society deals with these inequalities is the key issue here. Individuals with enormous level of power distance in society have to accept that everyone has a power distance in hierarchical order.


The relative significance of group for individual interests is expressed in a dimension called Individualism/Collectivism. Individualism which is the high aspect of this measurement can be characterized as an inclination for a social system that is freely weaved. In this type of social frameworks, people are projected to deal with just their close families and themselves. One of the most individualistic nations in the world is USA. In contrary to individualism, collectivism or cooperation, represents the inclination for a closely knit structure in the society wherein people can anticipate their family members or individuals from a specific group to take care of them in return for unquestioning dependability. The mental self-view of Individuals in terms of ‘’We’’ or ‘’I’’ reflects society’s position in this measurement.


The Masculinity/Femininity measurement is about what esteems are viewed as progressively significant in a general public. The inclination in the community towards chivalry, accomplishment, motivation for progress and decisiveness is represented in the Masculine aspect of this measurement. At large, Society is progressively serious. In contrary to Masculinity, Femininity represents an inclination for participation, humility, thinking about the powerless and personal satisfaction. At large, Society is more directed. In the business context Femininity versus Masculinity is sometimes also related to as “tender versus tough” societies. Japan is viewed as a manly nation, while Scandinavian nations, for example, Norway and Sweden are viewed as exceptionally feminine.

Uncertainty Avoidance

The Uncertainty Avoidance measurement shows to what extent the individuals in certain community feel dissatisfaction with vagueness and unreliability. The crucial matter here is how a general public contend with the fact that the future can never be known: would it be a good idea for us to attempt to control the future or simply let it occur? Nations displaying a high Uncertainty Avoidance retain static codes of conviction and conduct and are prejudiced of unconventional conduct and thoughts. These nations frequently need numerous principles to restrict vulnerability. Nations with a low Uncertainty Avoidance retain an increasingly loosened attitude in which practice checks more than standards, the requirement for rules to compel vulnerability is negligible and resistance for equivocalness is acknowledged. South American nations, for example, Chile, Peru and Argentina considered as highest countries to avoid uncertainty.

Time Orientation

It is important for each community to keep up certain connections with its own past while managing the difficulties of the present and what's to come. In a various way, Societies organize these two existential objectives. Nations that score low on this measurement, for instance, like to keep up time-regarded conventions and standards while displaying cultural change with uncertainty. These nations value esteem conventions and are organized. Nations with societies that scores high on this measurement, empower frugality and are future directed and endeavors in current education as an approach to get ready for the future. Asian nations, for example, China and Japan are known for their long-term direction. Morocco is a momentary situated nation.


The Indulgence measurement is considered to be a new measurement to the model. The degree to which individuals attempt to control their wants and motivations, in light of the manner in which they were raised is characterized in this measurement. Generally solid control is called Restraint and moderately frail control is called Indulgence. In this way, societies can, be depicted as Indulgent or Restrained. Restraint represents a society that repress satisfaction of requirements and controls it by methods for rigid social standards. Indulgence represents a society that permits moderately free satisfaction of essential and normal human drives related to having some good times.

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Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from
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