Islam essays

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The Relations Of Photography And Religion

5 Pages 2469 Words
In this project I am going to examine the influence of art paintings into photography, more specifically religious art (renaissance, christian art etc), whilst arguing if this modern medium of art has flipped the traditional sacramentality of these paintings on its head. This topic is particularly interesting to me because it discusses religion and christianity, which is a very wide...

Waqf Between The Past And Present

4 Pages 1659 Words
Abstract In Muslim societies, Waqf plays a very crucial role. It has been the principle origin for various public services provided to communities. It has been relegated as a mere charity, though its traditionally been productive in manufacturing financial gain that is sustainable and in improving the economic conditions in Muslim countries. Popularly, the creation of Waqf is instilled in...
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Formation of Quran & Modern Applicability in Muslim Law

6 Pages 2501 Words
ABSTRACT 'It must be recognized that in any culture the source of law is the God of the society' -R.J RUSHDOONY As India is a nation made up of various religious traditions, it follows the idea of personal laws that indicate distinct laws for different faiths. This paper mainly speaks of Al-Quran-based Muslim law that is believed to have existed...

The Beliefs Of The Quran-only Movement

3 Pages 1524 Words
Innovation has always lingered within and around the growth of Islam. This innovation has created minor and major deviations from the straight path. One of those is the Quranists. According to Salih, “These new groups are currently neither well organized nor influential and probably will never be, but their rising number is significant because it reflects the deepening cracks in...
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Drugs And Alcohol Abuse In Quran

4 Pages 1919 Words
Introduction This is the main thing which is facing by Muslims in current social challenges. Muslims are facing now many of problems but it is first and main problem around them. The Holy Quran which is the book of Allah and only Muslims read this book. According to Muslims all the things which are written in this book is all...

Enhancing Pilgrimage in Saudi: Hajj and Umrah

4 Pages 1601 Words
Abstract Saudi Arabia has taken on a popular influence globally, and all Muslims have become inseparable from accommodation and a warm welcome. Due to this, it has built a special position in the hearts of the visitors and all believers worldwide. The honor of serving the Two Holy Mosques, the explorers, and all sightseers to the favored sacred destinations has...
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Constitutional Validity Of Shariat Act In Regard To Succession

4 Pages 1835 Words
Public interest litigation not maintainable Turning to the Muslim Law of Succession, the High Court of Kerala by a recent judgment in Khuran Sannath Society v Union of India dismissed public interest litigation seeking a declaration that the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 (IND) (Act of 1937), applicable in regard to the inheritance of Muslim women, violates Arts...
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Characteristics Of Muslim Women Protection Act

3 Pages 1427 Words
Religion in India is identified by the diverse existence of religious practices and beliefs. The preamble of Indian Constitution clearly states that India is a Secular State. Citizens have Right to choose their religion. Personal Laws are used to regulate matters regarding marriage, divorce, maintenance, etc for Indian Citizen. However, these laws are criticized for Gender inequality and biased attitude....

Dynamics of Muslim Women's Status in Kashmir

2 Pages 902 Words
Introduction The status of Muslim women in Kashmir, a region marked by its complex socio-political landscape, presents a multifaceted narrative. Historically, Kashmiri women have navigated a unique socio-cultural fabric, interwoven with traditional Islamic values and the exigencies of modernity. The ongoing conflict in the region has further complicated the dynamics of their roles within society. The intricate interplay between tradition,...

How Is Anti-Muslim Prejudice Socially Constructed?

3 Pages 1474 Words
Prejudice against muslims or Islam in the West mainly emerged upon 9/11 attack in the United States. On average, there have been around 145 anti-islamic hate crimes in United States from 1996-2013 (FBI reports, 1996-2013). The aim of this essay is to explain how “anti-muslims prejudice” is socially constructed and how it has affected certain groups. This essay analyses published...

The Subjugation Of Muslim American Women

2 Pages 816 Words
If there is one group of people who tend to face extreme discrimination and social subjugation in the United States of America, it is undoubtedly religious minority groups. Muslim American Women in particular, stand out amongst the rest. The degree of orientalism that Muslim women continue to face in America has increased tenfold following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,...

Refuting The Myth: The Muslim Woman In The Era Of Feminism

3 Pages 1507 Words
Introduction Feminism today is a cause that several males and females are trying to champion. This is because they believe that the cause is indeed a noble one. Therefore, they fight for equal right for females, respect for females and above all, a pedestal with equal chances for females, just like the male. On this note, feminists have developed for...

The Ways A Foodie Can Survive Ramadan By Eating Smart

3 Pages 1495 Words
The period of Ramadan is a very important period for Muslims. It’s a 30-day period in which Adult and healthy Muslims fast from food and drinks and abstain from wrong doings from sunrise to sunset. As Mohammed Rahman, a devout Muslim from Ireland rightly puts it “Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It’s the holiest month in...
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Digital Image Authentication of Holy Quran Using Arabic OCR

6 Pages 2858 Words
ABSTRACT Data Integrity is one of the primary concepts in information security. Through this project users will be able to authenticate digital Holy Quran copies (Image based) found on the internet. Manually this could take a lot of time and the users who have not memorized the Holy Quran would not be able to detect any tempering. This software has...
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The Stereotypes About Muslims

1 Page 708 Words
After 9/11 image of Muslim stereotype in film industry things has changed a lot. Riz Ahmed an actor and a rapper from a Muslim ethnicity has mentioned about how we can stop this in one of his speech at the UK’s House of Commons. In the month of March 2017. Sadia Habib and Shaf Choudry had come up with this...

The Muslims Struggle In Media

3 Pages 1237 Words
The image and portrayal of Muslims through the media and the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, has dramatically affected the Muslim community. Subsequent to the terrorist attack of September 11th, the Muslim community became victimized by the media and portrayed as terrorists. As a result, Muslims are victims of bullying in schools, hate crimes, and prejudice in...

The Peculiarities Of Ramadan Holy Month

1 Page 667 Words
As the Holy Month of Ramadan is here, and I’m here to throw some light on what RAMADAN is all about. It is believed that Ramadan is month of QURAN. Quran was sent to Prophet Muhammad, May peace be up on Him during this month, it is the book of ALLAH and guidance for humanity. In this month Quran is...
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Islamism on the Muslim World

2 Pages 873 Words
Introduction In recent decades, Islamism has emerged as a significant socio-political force within the Muslim world, influencing diverse aspects of life across various regions. Often misunderstood, Islamism refers to the advocacy of political Islam, where the tenets and principles of Islam are positioned as the foundation of political governance. This movement has manifested in various forms, ranging from moderate political...
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The Impact of Triple Talaq on Muslim Women

2 Pages 783 Words
Introduction Triple Talaq, also known as Talaq-e-Biddat, is a form of Islamic divorce that allows a Muslim man to legally divorce his wife by pronouncing the word "talaq" three times in succession. This practice, though historically entrenched in certain Islamic communities, has been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. Critics argue that it undermines the rights of Muslim women,...

The Ethics For Muslim Counsellors

3 Pages 1210 Words
Abstract Ethical guidelines shall be put in practice by Muslim counsellors in their counselling processes. It is not only a professional obligation for the Muslim counsellors but also a religious moral adherence. These are guidelines, which put the client’s interests on top of the counsellor. It is also protects the client’s rights and aids abundantly is establishing a collaborative relationship...

Attributes Prophet Possess As A Teacher

2 Pages 1104 Words
Introduction A teacher is someone who helps, his/her students gain knowledge. An impact of a good teacher will leave an everlasting impression on anybody’s life. Almost every student regards their teacher as a role model in some point of their life. A good teacher should possess a great amount of knowledge and qualities such as kindness, flexibility, leadership, personality, a...

Lessons From The Fall Of Muslim In Spain

3 Pages 1482 Words
Introduction The Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan is remembered in the annals of Islamic history as one of the most influential and successful leaders of Islamic History. In a time of great upheaval, his most remarkable achievement was being able to unite the Islamic world and establish a strong center around Damascus, that gave the entire Muslim Ummah strength...
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Attributes Of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam As Teacher

3 Pages 1143 Words
Introduction All praise is for Allah, May the peace and blessings of Allah, be upon Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, upon his family, upon his companions and upon on all those who follow his way until last day of Resurrection. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam was rightly guided by Allah Subhanahu Watala. He (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is a guide for whole...

Personal And Teaching Traits Of Prophet Muhammad

4 Pages 1859 Words
Introduction to Prophet Muhammad's Teaching and Personal Traits Surely Allah conferred a great favor on the believers when He raised from among them a Messenger to recite to them His signs, and to purify them, and to teach them the Book and Wisdom. For before that they were in manifest error. Al-Imraan 3:164 Indisputably, the prophet Muhammad (SAAWS) was the...
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Muslims Doctor And Patient Relationships

3 Pages 1167 Words
Being a Muslim is actually one of the best gifts and nikmah that a person got from his Creator. As a Muslim physician who are practicing Islamic basis in the daily life, we are basically practicing the same practice and share the same knowledge with the other doctor or physician in this field. The only thing that makes us differ...

Attributes The Prophet Possess As A Teacher

2 Pages 1092 Words
INTRODUCTION IN the Name of Allah, the most gracious the most merciful. Muhammad (S.A.W) was a very noble prophet whose outstanding character is beyond questionable. He possesses distinguishing characters in all areas of life. This writing will mostly be focused on the attributes the prophet had as a teacher or his life in general hence all prophets were teachers, irrespective...

The Impact Of Technology On The Muslim Family

2 Pages 1085 Words
INTRODUCTION The spread of Islamic messages throughout the Muslim family, was very limited in the past because communication tools, such as televisions, mobile phones, computers, etc. where lacking. The most widely used, medium of communication in the past was books. The written text of the, Quranic translation, Hadith, and Fiqh among others were available in hard copies. An atmosphere, whereby...
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The Significance Of Prophet Muhammad's Lessons

4 Pages 1608 Words
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the role model of Muslims and therefore Muslims should in the best of their ability study and reflect on his life. Studying the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) should not be limited to acquiring factual information. Besides being aware of factual information, as Muslims, we are also obliged to take lessons from his life. For example,...
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Attributes Of Prophet Muhammad As A Teacher

3 Pages 1261 Words
Introduction Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) was an ordinary human being who served as a great example to mankind. He was sent as a mercy to all mankind, not to a specific group or race. Muhammad, epitomized good moral character and behavior. He was chosen by Allah to teach people about morality, righteousness, and to worship Allah alone....
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Five Attributes Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) Possess As A Teacher

3 Pages 1185 Words
Introduction Praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and may peace be upon his Prophet Muhammad. One of the great attributes of giving Dawah is to be able to teach with proper etiquettes and no better model than the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Below are five among the countless noble characters which made him the greatest teacher...
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