Jackson Pollock essays
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Material and conceptual agencies of the art world sustain a significant relationship which reflects the final outcome and concept of the artwork. Art has incessantly served to reveal the inextricable link between the artist, audience and the world through the material practice and techniques utilized in the artmaking process. In contemporary society and specifically, artists cultivate and communicate their social,...

Paul Jackson Pollock was a famous abstract expressionist artist who helped change the landscape of modern art. He was born January 28th 1912 in Cody Wyoming, the youngest of 5 sons. Through his early life he and his family moved often till settling in Los Angeles. A trouble maker, he was kicked out of multiple high schools. During this same...

The embodiment of modernity through literature as well as artwork was extremely prevalent during this modern era. It represents the foundations of the way we live our lives today and shows the rapid shift in capitalism, innovation and overall ways of thinking. Modernity forged the nation forward for the better and reordered the way Americans lived their day to day...