Key Ethical Values In Islam

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Ethical values in Islam with particular reference with prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)’s mission “religion Plays a significant role in satisfying our physical as well as spiritual needs:Islam teaches us a code of behavior and gives us a meaning for our existence. Faith is the source and basis of Islam. The most importance feature of this faith that is reflected on the human soul is the feeling of God sees all my action hears all my utterance and knows everything that I think “prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ordered us to serve God “if we could see him “and said “God see you although you cannot see him”(Bukhari “Imam” 37,Ibn Maja “muqadima “9)

This faith installs a type of auto control mechanisms into humans and accordingly helps them gain a conscience that also demonstrates a sense of responsibility for things they do when no other humans being can see them. A human who combines this strong feelings of faith with active determination will not cause damage to the other humans or to their sorroundings. Unfortunately in this contemporary society the religious moral and ethical values have been decling. The families are failing a part divorce rate is increasing sharply substance abuse and harassment indulgence are common in adolescent and young adults. These factors lead to conflicts, resentment and loss of self respect,loniliness depression anxiety and host of phisilogical sympotom despite progress in the behavioural science these whether of question of current technique of treatment and preventional of emotions disturbance of effective in making of significant impact on psychiatric problem.

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Now a day which is reality a form of education which directs the patients to recognize in behavior to confirm with prevailing standard it helps the motivating the patient to adopt the alternate ways of behavior but Islamic principles the Quran mention several importance of believe and importance of worship and all our daily affairs. Prophet (S.A.W) departed this world in 1632 A.D but he left his over lasting teachings for all mankind.He was a man with a noble mission, which was to serve a messenger of God to unite humanity on the worship of one God to teach them way to be honest and live upright live based on the commands. The prophet Muhammad high standard of manners made him a model for all human beings to follow. The prophet used to emphasize how improve the prophet Muhammad high standard of manners made him a model for all human beings to follow. The prophet used to emphasize how important good manners are for Muslims. What are the issues that prophet cared most, will be discussed in the proposed paper and how we need most at this time when injustice is on the rises


Allah by his reeling names signifying his quality through his messenger has stressed that you adopt the ethics of Allah. This is a pointer towards the fact that these qualities have been transmitted to us through revelation and their adoption is not only the means of Allah’s providence and seeking the favor of Allah, but by following them we derive benefit ourself.

The holy prophet (P.B.U.H) “Allah has ordained me a prophet so that I may teach good morals” From this It is apparent that to adopt good morals is for benefit of every human being and it is duty of every Muslim follow them. This is the reason why ulema and researchers have dealt with ethics exhaustively and discipline. The term ethics encompasses every conscious and permitted action. For example speaking the truth or being divided into two parts.

The Aleman of Islam in the light of Quranic verses and a hadith of holy prophet (P.B.U.H) have departed these topics and have said that of the qualities inculcated by Allah in man include the contented soul called also angel strength Its talks are to invite the attention of man to knowledge wisdom and learning. The other strength and quality is the naves ammarah or the strength of passion which is the instinct which draws the attention of man towards the acquisition of useful objects. The third is naves lawwoman the task of which is to prevent man.


Among them excess or to over employ power does not bring about accomplishment or the fulfillment of duty under employ and power is also cruelty and meanness to to bring about accomplishment and fulfillment the duty They illustrate it with example

If the naves mutmainnah contended soul is employed in excess. This state is called Juab because such a person imagines his intellect to be so high that he is no prepared can never be beneficial either for himself or others, nor can be beneficial which ends in cruelty and meanness. Now on the other side of the coin, if he does not employ this faculty at all, neither ponders nor speculates nor give serious thought to any principle this sort of a man will be counted among animals and the shortage will result in the cruelty and meanness of ignorance.

The third state is moderation employ the contented soul or reasoning faculty neither in excess or shortage and as against conceit and ignorance both ponders over principles and words of wisdom and arrive at conclusion and merit which is terminology of ethics is called wisdom. This is the accomplishment which is dear to God and about which He,Himself has revealed: “To which Allah has granted wisdom.He has granred amounts of virtue and betterment” This is the quality which guides mankind on every path and every turn and in reality the science of wisdom is this.

After this we come to the Nafs Ammarah the function of which is to attract man to things or actions beneficialto him. If a man utilizes this force beyond its limit and becomes a slave to his passions becomes hedonist then too. He will be counted among animals.This is the imbridled use of his nafs ammara or animal instinct use of his nafs ammarah or animal instinct this excess result in meaness and cruelty which is called sharah in terms of ethics.This means to be always obsorbed from yhe bounties of Allah has created for himit means he has obstained from the bounties.The third option is that a man drive satisfaction and pleasure from the world but with the moderation betwixt extreme so that he drives pleasure and satisfication from God’s bounty and thanks the creater thereby strengthing his faith. This moderation in accomplishment which in the terminology of ethics is called iffat. This is the quality which we have been commonded by God to adopt. This can be illustrated by the following example. We see that hungry calf is attached to its mother but as soon as his stomatch is filled. He separates from her. If an animal has this instinct. It must be multifold in man. We see that teachings of islam has frowned upon ascetism and rejection of the world. Similarly it dislikes that people from morning till night be obsorbed in food,drink,dresses and sexual desires but enjoins moderation and attaract mankind to it.

The force is the nafs lawwama or strength of fury. Its moderate employment is disliked and mean. Forexample if some one strikes his first against a naked sword, or engages a lion in battle unnecessarily,It means that he is putting himself into the jaws of death. It is about this that the Almighty has commanded man: “O people do not put yourselves to death by your own hands.”

This aspect has been called Tahawwur in terms of ethics which is cruelty. The other aspect is that in situation a man does not act when honour or life of family members, or the faith is under attyack and man does not defend himself. The absence of this courage in the terminology of ethics is called jaban

The third condition is that man bring into use nafs lawwamah granted by Allah in moderation.This is in accomplishment and amerit. Numerious verses of the Holy quran not only draw attention to the need of defending the faith and honour but also openly command us to take a stand against enemies of the faith,and tyrants. The Holy prophet (P.B.U.H) himself was commanded. “O prophet! Exhort the believer to fight(VIII,65)

This is the accomplishment by which means peace can be achieved and is also one of its aspect. In terminology of ethics this moderation and is accomplishment is also called shuja’at

These are the basc accomplishment and vilenesses which have been defined in ethics there are many such qualities good and bad derived from them which will be discussed later

To secure these merits and to abstain from vileness, researchers and Aleman have suggested some methods to be adopted. It is apparent that in the life time of the holy prophet (P.B.U.H) his august personage was a model for the companion (R.A) and they were deriving brightness directly from the light of the prophecy. Thereafter this light travelled from the 1tabiin 2 Tab tubing and 3 ittaba Taba tabiin stage by stage that they became the living embodiment of the Quran and the sunnah. Their lives were cast in the moulds of the Islamic teaching, and their every action was the proof of the Quran and Sunnah but a time passed, the light of the prophecy(P.B.U.H) became distant, and the enemies of the islam and humanity tried to destroyed the community by implicating it ina storm raging from four sides. Some times these enemies tried to seduce the minds of muslims by mental perversions,some times they tried to snare them in the glitter and pomp of the world attached their spirituality,and giving of touch of philosophy sought to rejuvenate their minds and deaden their hearts When these efforts were made to corrupt the minds of muslims, Ulema too in order to safeguard Islamic norms stepped up their efforts.

Imam Ghazali (R.A) has defined khulq Disposition in the following words: Desposition is that way and state of soul which causes the soul to act without recourse to thought and reflection. If it is so inclined that such deeds are performed which are accordance with common sense and divine law the the pisposition will be called good or virtuous and if acts result which are dis agreeable or evil it shall be called Evil disposition or unethical behavior and in other passage Imam Ghazali(R.A) writes. Disposition does not connote good or evil or the power to choose between them.


Morality in Islam encompasses the concept of righteousness, good character, and the body of moral qualities and virtues prescribed in Islamic religious texts. The principle and fundamental purpose of Islamic morality is love: love for God’s creatures. The religious conception is that mankind will behave morally and treat each other in the best possible manner to please God.

Teaching on morality and more conduct constitute a major part Islamic literature. The Quran and Hadith the central religious texts of Islam serve as a primary source for these teachings. Both the Quran and Hadith often instruct Muslims to adopt a morally upright character. Showing kindness to people and clarity to the poor and the helpless are the most emphasized moral virtues in yhe Quran. In particular helping people their time of need, forgiving other’s offenses repecting parents and elders, fulfilling promises,being kind to people and to animals,being patient in adversity,maintaining justice,being honest and controlling one’s anger appear as major virtues in the Islamic concept morality .

The Quran,which muslims believe to the verbatim word of God,serves as the primary sources of moral teaching in Islam. The sunnah which is the teachings,deeds and sayings,silent permissions of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad,as well as various reports about Muhammad’s companions,also serves as an important source for Islamic moral teachings. Besides these,the works of Islamic scholors and phi;osophers and the moral examples set by important Islamic personalities and(such as the four rightly guided caliphs) are other sources for Islamic ethical and moral guidance. Morality in Islam encompasses the concept of righteousness, good character and the body of moral qualities and virtues prescribed in Islamic religious texts

The principle of fundamental purpose of Islamic morality is love: love for God and love for God’s creatures.

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