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Military Discourse Community Essay

4 Pages 1754 Words
Elevated by unsurpassed boxing skills and athletic prowess, Muhammad Ali’s iconic status is decorated with an Olympic gold medal, the title of heavyweight champion, and global stardom. However, although his exploits in the boxing ring are praiseworthy, his legacy transcends sports through his civil disobedience. Ali, using his domineering persona and allure to openly criticize racism and militarism speaks to...

A Rogerian Analysis of the Charles Whitman Case

2 Pages 796 Words
The events of August 1, 1966, at the University of Texas tower represent one of the most tragic episodes in American academic history. Charles Whitman's actions that day sparked decades of discussion about mental health, violence, and societal responsibility. This analysis seeks to examine the various perspectives surrounding this case, acknowledging the valid concerns of all stakeholders while working toward...

Expository Essay about Forgiveness as a Strength

2 Pages 788 Words
The knowledge of one’s worthiness is crucial to a person’s ability to feel a sense of love and connection. In 2010, Brene Brown did a TED talk on how impactful being vulnerable is to our ability to feel belonging and connection which received over 40.5 million views. She explains that the soul of her work as a researcher is to...

The Power of Forgiveness Essay

4 Pages 1798 Words
Do you ask for forgiveness frequently? When excess affects self-esteem Do you ask for forgiveness frequently? Saying 'sorry', in principle, is one of the social 'glues' that strengthen our relationships. However, doing it constantly can weaken our self-esteem. Let us think that the act of apologizing must be punctual and meaningful, not a continuous and almost obsessive exercise where, in...

Essay on Definition of Reaping in 'The Hunger Games'

2 Pages 1127 Words
The Hunger Games is a dystopian fictional novel by Suzanne Collins. The novel depicts an unequal world within which Panem and the citizens are troubled by the oppressive Capitol regime. The power of authority overcomes any others. Inequality is heavily present throughout the novel, both, in and out of the games. The Capitol holds influence and power over the other...

Essay on Dracula Vs Vampire

5 Pages 2301 Words
Dracula is a gothic horror novel written in 1897 by Irish author Abraham “Bram” Stoker, who became well-known after the release of this masterpiece. The novel unfolds the mysterious story of Count Dracula, who tries to flee from Transylvania, a remote region, and goes to England to find new blood and attempts to spread the curse of the undead. It...

Forgiveness in Hawthorne's Masterpiece

2 Pages 878 Words
Introduction Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" is a profound narrative that delves into the intricacies of sin, guilt, and redemption within a puritanical society. It is set in 17th-century Boston, a time when religious orthodoxy and moral rectitude governed daily life. Central to the narrative is the theme of forgiveness, which is woven intricately through the experiences of the main...

Hope and Glory' Analysis Essay

1 Page 533 Words
Critique of the article “Hope and Glory: An expanded social strategy diagnosis model to incorporate corporate social responsibility within business strategy” This article was composed by a group of authors, i.e., Andreia Areal, Bryan McIntosh, and Bruce Sheppy, all are sincere and truthful professionals. Andreia Areal is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Economics at Richmond University and...

Essay on Figurative Language in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

2 Pages 869 Words
Lorraine Hansberry is a writer and activist born in May 1930, born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Hansberry is an African American woman, born in the Depression era although, because of her father's relative wealth they were considered middle class. Though their position on the economic ladder they still experienced extreme racism and segregation. She attended an overcrowded public school...

Leader That Showed Forgiveness Essay

3 Pages 1274 Words
Despite their drastically different social contexts and settings, both David Malouf’s “Ransom” – a retelling of Homer’s Illiad and Clint Eastwood’s film “Invictus”- a depiction of President Mandela’s attempts to heal his apartheid-unified South Africa. Both texts suggest the importance of leaders as they serve as a symbol for their followers to look up to so they can gain a...

Forgiveness as a Theme in Literature and Movies Essay

2 Pages 793 Words
Forgiveness and loss an important themes in everyone’s life. It helps people to endure a challenge of hardship or to overcome a fear that they must be able to face in the future. For instance, Don Hall and Chris Williams’s film produced in 2014, Big Hero 6, conveys how important forgiveness and loss are throughout out the film. As a...

Essay on Benefits of Criminalizing Homelessness

2 Pages 1086 Words
I chose the legal philosophy of Legal Realism, as I more closely identify with this fundamental form of thought. Defined, this is a legal theory that law derives from prevailing social interests and public policy. With this theory, the law considers not only abstract rules but also social interests and public policy when deciding a case. Realists hold a few...

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Characters

6 Pages 2624 Words
Explore the notion that the characters in Huxley's 'Brave New World' and Ishiguro's 'Never Let Me Go' are caught in an 'endless struggle to find identity' (Samuel Humey). Most humans, at some point in their life, strive to be an individual. That sense of singularity is for many the root of their lone identity. This development of character is inhibited...

Essay on Walter Younger in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

4 Pages 1806 Words
Personal growth and personal struggles in the black family are the primary topics covered in Lorraine Hansberry’s 1957 play A Raisin in the Sun, inspired by Langston Hughes’s poem, published in 1951 titled “Harlem (A Dream Deferred).” The story follows the Younger family, living in “Chicago’s Southside, sometime between World War II and the present” (Hansberry 1437). The Younger family...

Essay on Gun Violence in Canada

1 Page 491 Words
The element of globalization, supported by high-level technological growth, has made it possible for different societies or nations to determine and compare various similarities and differences with one another. One of such elements that many societies tend to compare is the crime rate of the respective areas so that the right decision-making process can be made to establish the required...

Essay on Why Is Solar Energy a Viable Alternative Energy Resource

3 Pages 1208 Words
Introduction The usage of non-renewable energy has affected the world greatly over the past 20 years and the prospect of solar energy has risen to great heights hence the question of 'Can it replace non-renewable energy sources' is posed. 'Global temperature has risen six-tenths of a degree in those 20 years. Population has increased by 1.7 billion people. Sea levels...

Essay on Teacher Observation Reflection

4 Pages 1774 Words
Three toddlers are observed in the video along with an adult caregiver. It looks like the children were in a classroom in a childcare setting. Even though the majority of the film was focused on two toddlers and their caregivers, I could hear other children in the background. The caregiver was comforting a little girl who was crying. The child...

Library Environment Observation Essay

2 Pages 725 Words
Individuals in different parts of the world have different understandings and attachments to the spaces where they visit for different reasons. This relates to the ethnographic study of the people along with culture. This is essential for observing the space from different points of view (Love 2017). This is because the countries after globalization are becoming more diverse with people...

Essay on Child Labour Case Study

3 Pages 1337 Words
Introduction: Unacceptable forms of exploitation of girls and boys at work exist and persist, but they are particularly difficult to research due to their hidden, sometimes illegal, or even criminal nature (Frans Röselaers 2003). Child protection is an international condition for respect for their personality and is a prerequisite for ethics in its development (Article 19 of the Convention on...

Essay on Casual Racism

2 Pages 953 Words
The late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said, 'We are not a Malay nation, we are not a Chinese nation, we are not an Indian nation. This is a country for all Singaporeans.' (Ng, 2019). This idea of a harmonious multiracial Singapore was one that I have always been taught and thus, to a huge extent, believed. Yet,...

Essay on Nestle and Child Labour

4 Pages 1873 Words
What is the challenge? Child labor has been occurring for many years, especially in cocoa harvesting in the Ivory Coast, where according to a report commissioned by the US Department of Labor in 2015, over two million child workers were found in the Ivory Coast and Ghana (Revesz, 2016). Child labor is defined by the International Labour Organization as 'work...

Essay on Invasive Species Management

2 Pages 825 Words
Background: Invasive species is the second letter in the acronym HIPPO. HIPPO stands for Habitat destruction, Invasive species, Pollution, human overpopulation, and Overharvesting by hunting and fishing. According to The National Wildlife Federation, invasive species are defined as “any kind of living organism—an amphibian, plant, insect, fish, fungus, bacteria, or even an organism’s seeds or eggs—that is not native to...

Essay on Virgin Australia Case Study

5 Pages 2135 Words
1 Executive Summary Virgin Australia is an airline company established in November 1999.Before it was named as “Virgin Blue”,and its central office was in Brisbane.It was renamed as “Virgin Australia”,in 2011.It is the second largest airline company after Qantas having around 10,000 staffs.The total revenue of the company in 2017 was around A$5 billion,by purchasing around 100 aeroplanes and carried...

Essay on How Does Cloning Affect the Environment

4 Pages 1913 Words
Dr. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist and futurist and is one of the greatest minds to live in the 20th and the 21st centuries, his works criticizing the anthropogenic activities that caused environmental destruction made him one of the most prominent and well-known people to stand for environmental protection. In his book entitled “Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize...

Essay on Physical Education Teacher

4 Pages 1746 Words
Practices of physical activity among South African school learners are reported to be insufficient to promote health and prevent chronic diseases. South Africa’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth indicates that less than 50% of learners (6 - 18 years) meet the recommended amount of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) a day. Low physical...

Essay on Cultural Appropriation Today

5 Pages 2074 Words
Methodology I was interested in finding out people’s perspectives on cultural appropriation and if they recognized it. Using Perry’s (2002) and Rodriquez's (2006) methods as an example, I observed as a participant and jotted down field notes of their expressions. Qualitative methods were used to conduct this semi-structured in-depth interview with 4 heterogeneous candidates all aged heterogeneously, ranging from thirty...

Essay on Physical Education Equipment

2 Pages 910 Words
Case Study This study that was conducted is about the conditions the equipment and facilities in athletics, intramural programs, and physical education are in. From the study that was conducted, four trends emerged. The four trends are as follows: 1. In comparison with the 14 equipment cases, the larger number of 60 facility cases is significant, 2. The number of...

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