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Marijuana's Dual Role in Health and Disease

2 Pages 815 Words
Introduction Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been a subject of intense debate over the past few decades. While historically stigmatized due to its psychoactive properties, recent research has highlighted its potential therapeutic benefits. This dichotomy has positioned marijuana at the center of both medical innovation and regulatory scrutiny. The plant contains over 100 cannabinoids, with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol...

The Significance Of Human Evolution

4 Pages 1340 Words
Evolution: the age-old journey that has shaped life on our planet into the vibrant mosaic we see today. Evolution has woven a mesmerizing tapestry of diversity, from ancient microbes to towering redwoods. But beyond its aesthetic charm lies a world of implications that stretch far and wide. In this exploration, we delve into the captivating repercussions of evolution, transcending mere...

Reproductive Cloning: Advantages, Disadvantages And Ethical Issues

4 Pages 1833 Words
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Cloning hit the mainstream news media when Dolly the sheep was successfully birthed in 1996, thus becoming the first ever mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. Cloning is a term used to describe a variety of processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of an entire living organism or part of a living organism. The...

Fake News In Modern Journalism: Negative Impact

1 Page 640 Words
The journalism industry is forever growing and changing as time passes, but one major development in the past five years which has altered the way journalism is performed is ‘Fake News’. Fake news has various impacts on the industry, both positive and negative. Fake news is ‘yellow journalism’ or propaganda that involves deliberate falsification of news that is spread via...

The Mass Media Impact On Body Image

6 Pages 2626 Words
Body image is a major concern affecting young women and girls. According to Grabe, Ward and Hyde (2008), body dissatisfaction for females in America accounts for about 50% of the population and this number is currently on the rise. The mass media has been responsible for distributing sexualized images and promoting the thin-ideal which influences young girls and women to...

Juvenile Delinquency: Who's To Blame

2 Pages 940 Words
Before we go full speed into this topic, we might need to take a quick look at what juvenile delinquency is. A juvenile is someone who's considered to be young and not fully developed, and delinquency simply means misconduct, when you add these two words together, it should make sense. Juvenile delinquency is when a young person, who's not yet...

The Dual Impact of Marijuana Legalization in the U.S.

2 Pages 876 Words
Introduction In recent years, the legalization of marijuana in the United States has become a topic of intense debate and analysis. As of 2023, more than half of the states in the U.S. have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, with several also permitting its recreational use. This shift in policy has been driven by changing public perceptions, potential economic benefits,...

The Ideas Of Supernatural In The Black Cat

3 Pages 1196 Words
The natural is what can be sensed on this Earth, but what do we consider the things that go bump in the night? The door that creaks when nobody is there, the footsteps you hear to turn around and find nobody behind you, the voices you hear, and more are all experiences that are considered supernatural. These encounters are widely...

Sleep Deprivation: Causes And Solutions

4 Pages 1805 Words
Sleep is very important for humans as sleep has important homeostatic functions. Sleep provides rest to a person after a tiring day (McEwen, 2006). However, there are some people who are facing the problem of not getting enough sleep, which is also known as sleep deprivation. Next, sleep deprivation will negatively affect the human’s brain and bodily systems. Sleep deprivation...

If There is No Struggle, There is No Progress Essay

2 Pages 811 Words
Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without thunder and lightning”. This quote summarizes Frederick Douglass’s trials and tribulations throughout his life. Frederick Douglass impacted American Literature tremendously throughout his life with powerful writings and speeches. He’d change many views of slavery throughout America about slavery in the 1800s. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass’s...

Does Consumerism Lead To Happiness?

4 Pages 1709 Words
Do you think God would approve of consumerism as an attempt to create happiness in life? Today in this modern day society, consumers have become bombarded and overwhelmed by the media and advertisers who try to push consumers into buying their products. There are so many endless options. Many consumers may think that they need to buy all the things...

Reasons Anthropomorphism Improves The Novel Maus

2 Pages 798 Words
Maus by Art Spiegelman is a graphic novel about a son listening to his father's experience during the holocaust. The story is a very serious subject, so drawing real looking humans can make people not want to read the book. This is why Spiegelman uses anthropomorphism. If a reader sees an animal, it won't look as bad and as serious...

Is Masculinity Always Toxic?

1 Page 591 Words
Many people today believe that all masculinity is toxic. Toxic masculinity is almost always represented in males and extremely rarely in females within books, films and plays. Not all masculinity is toxic, and it can be shown in both the play, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, and the film, ‘Gran Torino’. How does behaviour become toxic? Both toxic and non-toxic masculinity...

The Approaches To Overcome Inequality

2 Pages 974 Words
Inequality can be described as the uneven distribution of opportunities, prizes, and power between individuals, households, and groups (Turner, 2006). This division, based on differences between people, is the fundament of every modern and class-divided society. Inequality has risen across the world for several decades; some countries have decreased the numbers of extremely poor people, but economic differences have increased...

Students And Teachers Views On Homework

1 Page 574 Words
I have always wondered about homework and why it is necessary. I chose homework as my research project and read a book, a website, created a poll and survey, as well as conducted a personal interview with a fellow student at my school. Throughout my search I learned that it is not only teachers who do not understand the circumstances...

The Role And Significance Of Growth Mindset

2 Pages 1099 Words
Trying hard in life leads to success, the inheritance of knowledge, and the expansion of self-esteem. A great man by the name of Mahatma Gandhi once said “Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty; It is its own reward. Everything else is in God's hands”. The definition of strive in the oxford dictionary is “to try very hard...

School Violence: How Can We Keep Students Safe?

2 Pages 991 Words
The World Health Organization defines violence as ‘’The intentional use of physical power or force, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group of people or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, psychological harm, deprivation, maldevelopment or death’’. School violence In the perspective of above mentioned definition, school violence...

The Strategies Of Problem Solving

3 Pages 1391 Words
When faced with a problem, humans often use strategies in order to solve them. There are a number of strategies used but for the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the main ones. Each strategy is perfect to use for a specific problem but may not transfer to another in the same way it was used before, whether...

Cloning: Pros And Cons

2 Pages 917 Words
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What is cloning? There are 3 main types of cloning (Genetics Generation, n.d), Reproductive, Gene and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning is when a copy of DNA is inserted into a vector which is then able to be copied by the host, therapeutic cloning is when stem cells are cloned to treat disease and for research and Reproductive cloning which is...

Physical, Cognitive And Psychological Development Of Adolescence

2 Pages 817 Words
Physical development Physical development contributes a major part in overall adolescent development. During this development there are many different milestones adolescents will reach which can greatly impact (them). All adolescents develop differently and accordingly to their own body’s timetable which can be a source of discomfort and difficulty that can lead to self-consciousness regarding personal maturity (American Addiction Centers, 2015)....

History And Evolution Of The Instagram

2 Pages 770 Words
Social networks have changed our ways of life, many think that for better and others for worse, but the fact is that it has been a revolution, and Instagram has been a determined actor in all this. Learn more about this social network below. Instagram is a mobile application that allows users to upload content and share their lives through...

How Medical Marijuana Works And Which Conditions It Treats

3 Pages 1494 Words
Marijuana is a plant that when ingested has psychoactive and physical effects on the body. In recent years, many people have become aware of the medicinal benefits of marijuana such as pain relief, nausea reduction, appetite stimulation, and many others. It has been used for thousands of years by humans for its medicinal benefits, with records showing its use for...

Is Childhood Development Invariant Across Cultures?

3 Pages 1498 Words
Abstract Culture has a major role in childhood development. Whilst all cultures teach more or less the same skills to children, certain skills are specific to some cultures. Within this literature review, the theories discussed illustrate the differences and similarities between cultures shown through cross-cultural studies, and how they can influence a child’s development. Thus, it is seen that childhood...

Struggles of African Americans in the 1950s

3 Pages 1454 Words
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry interprets a meaningful story that describes and recreates the struggles of African Americans in the 1950s. African Americans have been treated unfairly for the past several decades and their history and struggles are yet unknown to many people living today. This play indicates a sad truth on how dreams are torn apart...

Child Observation: Transition Stage from 11 to 12

3 Pages 1343 Words
Children are complex, and the way a child develops differs from individual to individual. In this paper, I will explain the physical, cognitive, social, and personality naturalistic observations of my little brother, Johnny Pascual. He is in the transition stage of middle childhood (ages 6-11) to the beginning of adolescence (ages 11 to 12). My research will come from personal...

The Functions Of Contemporary Library

3 Pages 1232 Words
INTRODUCTION The term library was derived from the Latin word “liber” which means a book. In the pre-industrial era, books were seen as prized possessions; Items which could be seen and accessed only by the select few. Later with the invention of the printing press and information explosion, special places were created to house these possessions. These initial public libraries...

Culture Shock And Adaptation While Moving To American Samoa

5 Pages 2405 Words
Moving to American Samoa created a significant culture shock because of the major culture differences between the Samoan and the Chinese culture. This paper evaluates my thought processes comparing and contrasting two different culture, my own and the Samoan culture. This paper researches the psychological reasoning of the progress I have made and making in adapting to a new country....

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