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The Issue with Obesity in America

3 Pages 1488 Words
Obesity can be defined as, “a chronic, relapsing, multifactorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, biomechanical, and psychosocial health consequences” (Welcome, 2019, p. 1). The topic of obesity is a long standing one in the United States of America, and it has countless questions...

Suicide: Male VS Female

3 Pages 1199 Words
Every human life’s natural end is death. Some people choose to end their own lives for reasons that have never been fully understood. This is known as suicide. It has been investigated that each year approximately 800,000 people die in the world by taking their own life. Suicide can be regarded as the complex behaviour that has led to numerous...

What Are The Benefits Of Music Therapy?

2 Pages 973 Words
Music Therapy is a modern healing discipline that has gained a lot of popularity in the last few decades. It is quite a broad topic because, despite its recent origins (around the 1950s), it involves many different branches, methods, and approaches. Music Therapy can have a wide variety of aims, according to a patient's need. It can work on both...

Domestic Violence: Still A Big Problem Of The Society

2 Pages 1155 Words
No matter how much our world progresses, no matter how many laws are made safeguarding the rights of humans, issues such as that of domestic violence do exist and still prevail even in this modern era of the 21st century. It’s something which has been talked about so often in talk shows, in the media and where not? This happens...

The Complexity of Deception: Lying as a Double-Edged Sword

2 Pages 1024 Words
Introduction Lying, a pervasive element of human interaction, is often described as a double-edged sword due to its capacity to both protect and harm. On one hand, lies can serve as tools for self-preservation or social harmony, such as when a white lie spares someone's feelings. On the other hand, deceit can lead to a breakdown in trust and a...

Serial Killers: Nature VS Nurture

4 Pages 1654 Words
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Nature vs. Nurture, the most common question evolved around serial killers. Who could possibly be nurtured into being a serial killer. It obviously has to be someone who is born that way, just born evil. As much as I would like to agree this is a highly false statement. Serial killers are shaped through childhood events which trauma majority of...

The Importance Of Restorative Justice

2 Pages 808 Words
Research has overwhelmingly shown the harmful effects of charging and punishing youth. statistics have proven that young people who are charged are less likely to succeed in school or find stable employment and are more likely to reoffend. Restorative justice is commonly defined as an approach to justice that focuses on addressing the harm caused by crime while holding the...

How to Prevent Human Trafficking Essay

3 Pages 1242 Words
There are many issues around the globe that affect the modern world. The society today is changing rapidly, which means there are more problems that range from being economical to social, political and environmental. One of the issues that this society is dealing with is the social issue, human trafficking. Human trafficking is the trade in people, but it doesn’t...

The Typology And Patterns Of Serial Killers

5 Pages 2424 Words
Introduction: The Complexity of Serial Killers Homicide is the act of one human killing another. A homicide requires only a volitional act by another person that results in death, and thus a homicide may result from accidental, reckless, or negligent acts even if there is no intent to cause harm. Where as a serial murderer is defined as any offenders,...

Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalization in the United States

4 Pages 1817 Words
In April of this year, a poll was conducted by CBS News concerning cannabis legalization at the federal level; results stated that sixty-five percent of Americans favor nationwide legalization of cannabis (De Pinto). For the last century, the United States Federal Government has prohibited the use and possession of cannabis for any purpose, as stated by the Controlled Substances Act...

Ignorance in Fahrenheit 451

3 Pages 1577 Words
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The famous playwrighter William Shakespeare once said, “There is no darkness, but ignorance.” Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a book based on a dystopian society in the future; it is robot-like and controlled. Although Bradbury wrote it in 1953, it has some alarming similarities to the world today. Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 illustrates a society where technology is dangerous,...

Why Medea Is The Villain In The Quest For The Golden Fleece

1 Page 584 Words
The Story of the Quest for the Golden Fleece focuses on the dangers of selfishness and jealousy one may have. In the Quest for the Golden Fleece, Medea played a huge role and left a huge impact in this popular myth. This tale focuses on Jason who sets out on a quest for the fleece by order of King Pelias....

Is Society the One that Promotes Obesity?

3 Pages 1438 Words
Without a doubt, obesity has been a problem in the United States for a long time and not much has changed. Who is to blame for this problem only getting worse? Well, Druv Khullar, a medical student disputed that society was the one who brought about this lifestyle of obesity. For the most part, junk food is cheaper and easier...

Huckleberry Finn: Growth of the Main Character

3 Pages 1249 Words
Throughout “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” the main character Huck goes through a tremendous amount of challenges that cause him to grow in many aspects. These challenges affect the main character, Huck, by making him choose between right and wrong. In the novel Huck is torn by his moral influences. In the book, Huck’s ‘good side’ which makes him think...

The Catcher In The Rye: Holden's Struggle With Mental Illness

2 Pages 846 Words
Some adolescents have trouble coping with struggles they have faced because they are more vulnerable to being traumatized than adults. In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye written by J.D Salinger, at just eleven years old, Holden Caulfield endured the loss of his brother. This devastating event unknowingly sent him down a path of turmoil. Holden struggled to connect...

The Reasons against Capital Punishment

3 Pages 1431 Words
The death penalty is barbaric and profound, defined through killing being a more economically and socially understandable ruling to those who commit heinous crimes. “The application of the death penalty is so arbitrary that it violates the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment (Cornell Law)”. The judicial system should not have the right to hand these sentences to...

The Trend of Obesity in America

1 Page 492 Words
“Obesity is a complex and often intractable problem, and America’s obesity epidemic continues to have serious health and cost consequences for individuals, their families and out nation,” said Trust for America’s Health CEO John Auerbach. The obesity rate continues to rise over the years as it has been for decades. It is defined as an excessive fat accumulation that leads...

Civic Engagement Project: American Foundation For Suicide Prevention

3 Pages 1392 Words
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the third leading cause of death among young people aged 15-24. In 2017 alone, an estimated 1.4 million people attempted suicide, and on average, there are 129 suicides committed every day (“An Introduction to Suicide Prevention, 2019”). The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, through research, advocacy, education,...

Possible Limits Of Intelligence

3 Pages 1546 Words
Is there a limit to what we as humans are capable of understanding? Is our capacity for complex thought limitless? Are our brains well-enough equipped to understand all the truths of the universe? Good morning, my name is Madeline Briddell and today I’ll be sharing with you my thoughts about the limits of human intelligence. We live in an age...

How Serious Is The Suicide Problem In South Korea?

2 Pages 790 Words
In this essay, I am going to talk about the suicide problem, which is very common and serious problem in South Korea. According to the First WHO report on suicide prevention, suicide in South Korea is the country with the third-highest estimated suicide rate for 2012 globally. The rates of suicide in South Korea increase steadily, especially with the highest...

The Role Of Dreams In The Book Mice Of Men

1 Page 582 Words
For the characters in Of Mice and Men, dreams are useful because they map out the possibilities of human happiness. Just as a map helps a traveler locate himself on the road, dreams help Lennie, George, and the others understand where they are and where they’re going. Many dreams in the work have a physical dimension: Not just wishes to...

The Laws for Marijuana Legalization

2 Pages 972 Words
Much Debate has been conducted on Marjuana legalization, with an unusual amount of contradicting research. There is constant dispute on whether it should be legalized or not, and if legalized, how would the government make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account everyday. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter from...

Marijuana: to Ban or to Legalize?

2 Pages 764 Words
There is no denying that there are many debates globally about marijuana. By now, you should already have some knowledge about this common plant that people are always talking about. There is arguably no industry that is growing at a faster and more consistent pace than legal marijuana in the U.S. In the Marijuana Business Daily's latest report, 'Marijuana Business...

Does Facebook Need a Dislike Reacting Button?

1 Page 551 Words
Social Medias are made to give enjoyment to the people especially to the youth. One popular example for that is Facebook. It allows an individual to connect and communicate with different people around the globe. Also, it serves as a way for people to gather and disseminate information, express what they feel and their opinions, and share their experiences on...

The Truth Hurts, But So Does Lying

2 Pages 741 Words
From telling a friend that their dish is delicious, to falsely blaming absences on a busy schedule, lying has always been a natural response during uncomfortable situations. In “Learning to Lie” by Po Bronson and “Is Lying Bad for Us?” by Richard Gunderman, the authors delve into some of the reasons behind lying and how lying impacts people. Both articles...

The Impact of Obesity on Human Body

2 Pages 727 Words
In the debate on whether obesity is a disease or simply a body type that increases the risk for other health conditions, its classification as a disease is gaining more support. Medical professionals and organizations increasingly identify obesity as a disease on its own, separate from the conditions it leads to (Liu, et al., 2019, p. 322). Obesity is defined...

Can Intelligence Be Measured?

2 Pages 1027 Words
The ever-evolving intelligence of mankind has assisted the human race in segregating themselves from other species by allowing us to make our environment adapt to us instead of vice versa. The article, What is Intelligence? What Do IQ Tests Really Measure? (Part 1) written by Futurism, claims that Dr. C. George Boeree described the general definition of intelligence as “a...

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