Literary Criticism essays

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3 Pages 1314 Words
Although there is debate on whether ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ is able to properly critique all parts of Twain’s society, it successfully analyzes the immoral practices of his society through his descriptions of mob mentality. The most blatant way Twain critiques mob mentality is through the use of the character of Colonel Sherburn and the town’s attempt to lynch...
2 Pages 825 Words
Innocence is something people want to keep, especially during or after adolescence. Holden goes through this transition because of losing his brother, Allie, and struggles to accept it. To Holden, losing Allie is a traumatic experience that affects him greatly enough to manipulate his views on adolescence. From this, he makes the effort to save his and others’ innocence. Holden...
Catcher in The RyeLiterary CriticismMaturity
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2 Pages 802 Words
The problem of mental illnesses has accompanied mankind for centuries. Many generations of thinkers, philosophers, artists, and doctors were analyzing the impact of mental illness on the mind of a human being and its various dimensions – psychological and physical – repeatedly emphasizing the relationships between them. Many authors have tried to use this subject in their works. Edgar Allan...
Edgar Allan PoeLiterary CriticismMental Illness
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2 Pages 1100 Words
Today’s society is so egocentric in a way where people’s own selfish wants can blur their vision of what is right and wrong. In Golding’s allegorical novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, a group of boys from ages six through twelve found themselves stranded on a deserted island, completely isolated from the outside world. They quickly developed a way to survive...
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1 Page 530 Words
In ‘The Black Ball’ by Ralph Ellison, the story’s themes are struggle, equality, hope, and connection, while in ‘Why, You Reckon?’ by Langston Hughes, the author uses two characters at the beginning to show peer pressure, poverty, and racism. In ‘The Black Ball’, Ellison discusses the relationship he has with his own race. For example, John’s son in the story...
Langston HughesLiterary CriticismShort Story
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3 Pages 1170 Words
A successful civilization is built off of a collaborative effort also known as teamwork. In William Golding’s classic novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, this idea is described throughout the entire story. In the novel, teamwork is always discussed from the beginning. The children needed to split up, make teams, and have a leader in order to create a successful society...
Literary CriticismLord of The FliesTeamwork
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1 Page 596 Words
In Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies’, a group of British boys are trapped on a desert island after a plane crash and must fend for themselves. In this story, many aspects of societal problems are explored. Some symbols may be interpreted as civilization versus savagery, mob mentality, the issue of government, and more. Golding uses the setting to introduce key...
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2 Pages 1149 Words
The Relevance of Romeo and Juliet in Today’s Teens The play Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare in 1597, depicts a romance between the teenage star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. The story takes multiple twists and turns as we follow the two teens through their romance and eventual downfall. The actions...
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1 Page 650 Words
Savagery does not distinguish between a man and an adolescent. This is prevalent in the microcosm that is represented by the island. The island reflects upon the actions of the adults who are participating in savagery themselves the act of war. In ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding a group of English school boys are trapped on an island...
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2 Pages 758 Words
While Ralph, Piggy, Jack, and all the other boys were on the island, Golding conveyed a significant lesson about mob mentality. Mob mentality is described by the way people can influence others to adopt certain behaviors while being part of a group, which not only makes humans commit acts that they would not together in a group, but also lose...
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2 Pages 1116 Words
Emotions are one of the biggest influences on a person’s decisions and can often alter one’s disposition. As stated in a manuscript submitted for publication in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, “Emotions are the dominant driver of most meaningful decisions”. This psychological phenomenon is apparent in various forms of media, including movies, television shows, and novels. In William Golding’s...
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2 Pages 1064 Words
Considering the topic of violence in literature, I would like to discuss ‘Lord of the Flies’ written by the British author, winner of the Nobel Prize, William Golding. The book is about a group of boys who find themselves mysteriously stranded on an island and how they try to govern themselves with no adult to influence them. Themes include the...
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2 Pages 908 Words
William Golding writes a book about a band of schoolboys who become stranded on a remote island with no adults present. As the story progresses, chaos quickly ensues as the boy's evil nature surfaces. ‘The Lord of the Flies’ was written in 1954, with the recent atrocities committed in World War II fresh in mind. Influenced by these events, Golding...
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3 Pages 1604 Words
Throughout the story 'Of Mice and Men,' Steinbeck's perception of women as the novel evolves is truly revealed. It is shown that at that time if women didn't fit into the societal view that a woman should be maternal and modest, they would be frowned upon and outcasted. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck represents women to be lower in society than...
Literary CriticismNovelOf Mice and Men
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4 Pages 1871 Words
There are always consequences to bad choices in one way or another, just as committing a crime results in imprisonment. William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet shows a pair of star-crossed lovers who make dangerous and risky choices they would not make otherwise in hopes of being with each other, ultimately leading to their deaths. This tragic story takes place...
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2 Pages 1014 Words
Romantic love stories always end up with a happy ending, but sometimes they probably wind up in a tragedy such as the loss of a loved one. These horrific tragedies like the loss of a loved one can be caused by a person’s actions. The tragic love story, ‘’Romeo and Juliet’’ by William Shakespeare explains how rushed ‘’love’’ can turn...
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1 Page 568 Words
The American dream is a goal that is attainable with time, hard work, and perseverance. Four percent of people who are born into a lower class rise to the top to become the top one percent of America’s earners. It is called the American dream because it seems that it is impossible to reach but if someone strives for it...
American DreamLiterary CriticismPerspective
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2 Pages 1137 Words
“Yellow skin, black lips, and a shriveled complexion” are all gruesome descriptions of the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The monster’s ugly appearance is frightening to society, and the people see him as something less than human, or as an “other.” Victor Frankenstein, a well-known scientist in society, becomes isolated and decides to create a companion for himself that has...
FrankensteinLiterary CriticismRevenge
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2 Pages 1035 Words
In the novel Balzac and the Little Seamstress, Dai Sijie vividly presents the theme of the power of story-telling by exploiting the development of relationships between friends or lovers and the development of individual characters throughout the book. To begin, Dai Sijie conveys the power of storytelling by showing the development of Mai’s storytelling abilities. The two main characters Luo...
ChineseLiterary CriticismNovel
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3 Pages 1501 Words
Pride and Prejudice is a novel on manners, social customs, and etiquette based in early 19th century England. One of the most notable themes in this novel is, of course, reputation and impressions. Austen originally titled this novel as First Impressions. While Austen does make numerous references to the importance of first impressions, this essay will primarily focus on the...
Jane AustenLegacyLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 952 Words
Introduction In Homer’s epic poem, "The Odyssey," the episode involving the Cicones serves as a pivotal moment that foreshadows the challenges Odysseus and his crew will face on their journey home. The encounter with the Cicones, occurring shortly after the Greeks depart from Troy, illustrates themes of hubris, retribution, and the complexities of human conflict. This event is not only...
Critical ReflectionLiterary CriticismThe Odyssey
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2 Pages 1057 Words
In Book XI of The Odyssey, in the underworld, Tiresias describes to Odysseus a final journey he must take to 'have a gentle, painless death... with all [his] people there in blessed peace around [him]” (Homer, XI. 155,157). Tiresias says that Odysseus must walk inland with an oar until he gets to a place where people mistake it for a...
Critical ThinkingLiterary CriticismThe Odyssey
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3 Pages 1178 Words
The concept of “a new beginning” is a recurrent theme that prevails in African American literature, predominantly, in the geographical form of The South. Used as a literary terrain, The South is more than a characterization of the savagery that African Americans endured during the period of slavery. It is within this landscape that African Americans advanced society and culture...
3 Pages 1499 Words
Antigone as a character within Jean Anouilh’s modern re-creation of Sophocles’s Greek classic, ‘Antigone’, is surrounded by ambiguity. Within Sophocles’s version, Antigone is presented with clear, rational, and understandable motives for defying Creon and the oppressive state in which he struggles to uphold. However, unlike Sophocles, Anouilh teaches us nothing of Antigone’s motivations and instead creates a depiction of an...
AntigoneCharacterLiterary Criticism
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3 Pages 1626 Words
In Sophocles’ Antigone, the two characters of Creon and Antigone represent unreflective and polarising moments of Greek life, highlighting the conflict and divide between male and female, and “polis” and “Oikos”. Throughout the drama, Creon displays a near-existential fear of female transgression. He first introduces the theme of a male-female conflict when he says. Indeed, now I am no man,...
AntigoneCharacterLiterary Criticism
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5 Pages 2347 Words
The idea of conflict between the state and individuals and the theme of civil disobedience remains prevalent throughout society today. Despite 'Antigone' and 'Fahrenheit 451' being written nearly two thousand years apart, both texts share the same societal issues of conflict between the state and the individual but in different contexts. Both Sophocles and Bradbury are influenced by the political...
AntigoneConflictLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 1106 Words
The upper class is responsible for creating friendships, initiating invitations, and more importantly, being charitable to those in a lesser position. When someone violates these social norms, they are met with indignation as evidence of Mrs. Elton not understanding entirely her social position in society. Mrs. Elton is insufferably conceited about new money and only has money because of her...
EmmaJane AustenLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 1003 Words
In the science fiction book, The Giver by Lois Lowry, the protagonist, Jonas, lives in a community that is excruciatingly controlled. The members of the community could not even make most of their own choices. Almost everyone who lived within the confines of the community never had to experience anything gruesome like pain or hunger, nor did they understand the...
Critical ReflectionLiterary CriticismThe Giver
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