Literary Criticism essays

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2 Pages 939 Words
Marriage as an essential for women to gain a favorable social standing is a common Austen theme. In Jane Austen’s era women were expected to settle in their households, they were very dependent on their partner’s income and financial status. Unlike any other woman, Jane Austen was well-raised and had a comprehensive education. Through her passion for reading and writing,...
Literary CriticismSense and SensibilitySociety
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2 Pages 1134 Words
Happy endings are common in literature and they end the story with a positive resolution or outcome. I believe that happy endings are also predictable in the sense that you can make the assumption that the protagonists will have everything work out in their favor before reaching the end of the story. However, not all endings are happy or have...
Epic of GilgameshLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 933 Words
You can be oblivious to the people around you. An example of this phenomenon is shown in the movie The Ugly Truth. The main character, a woman who is looking for love, and a man who doesn’t believe in love come together and they fall for each other. The man doesn’t open up to the idea that love is real...
CharacterLiterary CriticismOedipus
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1 Page 639 Words
Oedipus submits the deplorable demonstration of slaughtering his dad and wedding his mom. The sad occasions that follow appear to be well-suited discipline for this transgression. In any case, in Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Oedipus is simply 'an offspring of Fortune' (Sophocles, 1080), not liable for his wrongdoings since his destiny was resolved before birth. In endeavoring to dodge his...
CharacterLiterary CriticismOedipus
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3 Pages 1526 Words
Written by Sophocles his Greek tragic play, Antigone, was a series of conflicting events that led to foreseeable deaths at every turn. The curse bestowed upon a royal family through generations had led to misfortune more so caused by ill-made decisions rather than fate. As such Creon’s role in this story was vital because of the way he expressed himself...
Antigone Tragic HeroLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 976 Words
Each text or literary work is interpreted differently by various readers. After reading a novel or a short story, the reader asks himself questions about the reasons why the author wrote it and what it means. Questions lead readers to interpret links to literature. People refer to what they read by connecting to their own lives, other texts, and the...
1984Literary Criticism
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2 Pages 691 Words
Today, the name Oedipus is typically first associated with inappropriate familial relations. And with a name linked so closely to such a despicable action, many unfamiliar with Sophale's Oedipus Rex imagine Oedipus must have been a man of no morals -- given that he married his mother and slaughtered his father. But the play itself reveals a more complex story...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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3 Pages 1567 Words
Sophocles’ The Three Theban Plays explores the faults in one’s character that triggers irrational and unlawful behavior. A specific fault seems to recur throughout the plays and pushes characters to commit the greatest crimes. To find this fault, it is vital to retrace the motivation of each character’s actions. The root of all their actions is pride. Oedipus, Antigone, and...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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2 Pages 830 Words
The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, defines a tragic hero as a character having valiant traits that earn the audience's sympathy but also have human flaws that ultimately lead to their own downfall. Aristotle states a tragic hero's fortune should be not from bad to good but from good to bad caused by their own doing. A tragic hero's misfortune is seen...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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4 Pages 1710 Words
Thank you, Your Honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thank you for your time as all the evidence was carefully presented. So, all the facts and evidence have been presented to you today and with that, I’d like to say the fate of Oedipus’ life now is within your hands. Oedipus has been convicted of committing an inhumane crime...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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3 Pages 1258 Words
Literature is an art that allows an author to exhibit the undesired primal aspects of humanity. The Picture of Dorian Gray written by Oscar Wilde is a prime example of this. Published in London in 1890, the gothic literature carries heavy themes of aestheticism, the superficiality of beauty, homosexual undertones, and hedonism which directly attacked Victorian society’s repressive nature for...
Literary CriticismOscar Wilde
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2 Pages 823 Words
Aristotle in his famous book 'Poetics' describes the traits needed to complete the tragedy. As in accordance to Aristotle, any tragedy is a perfect tragedy when the action has soberness, expansive, and ideal in it. Some of the important factors of a perfect tragedy are Peripeteia, Anagnorisis, and catharsis. King Oedipus of Greek mythology owns all the features of a...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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3 Pages 1167 Words
Literature is the basis of knowledge. Everything we know, or claim to know, has come from literature in one way or another. At some point, people realized, an oral presentation wasn't enough. To improve and develop as a society, people needed to keep records of ideas, experiments, and narratives. By writing down literature, people were able to transform renowned narratives...
Epic of GilgameshLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 1011 Words
“I’m not happy and bubbly, I’m dark and cloudy” claims Dr. Meredith Grey from the hit drama TV show Grey’s Anatomy. Many people are obsessed with the show and the show's main character, Meredith Grey, played by Ellen Pompeo. Pompeo has had many interviews, but two online articles seem to surprise Pompeo’s fans: Sarah Grossbart's (online author for Enews’s )...
CharacterGrey’S AnatomyLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 722 Words
When comparing whether family or authority holds a higher status to Sophocles, it becomes clear that the aspect of the family has greater value. Although many of the characters believe that a strong authority prevents chaos, the need for authority was taken too far and resulted in their downfall. Even though certain characters were facing high authority, they still attempted...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus Rex
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3 Pages 1187 Words
Brilliantly interesting and convincingly demystifying was Joseph Campbell’s revelation of the hero monomyth. This revelation is detailed in his prominent work The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which Campbell stresses the significance of the hero monomyth present in all heroic myths. And because the monomyth can be identified in any work presenting a hero, similar patterns emerge among the...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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2 Pages 903 Words
The acquisition and maintenance of power within the political landscape are shaped by an individual’s compromise between private ambition and public image. William Shakespeare’s tragedy Julius Caesar (1599), is a study of a multitude of characters and their distinctive strategies for attaining power through their understanding of the nature of politics. Shakespeare explores this idiosyncratic notion by examining the influence...
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2 Pages 830 Words
Introduction William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is a timeless narrative, renowned for its portrayal of passionate love and the tragic fate of its titular characters. This tale, often considered a quintessential love story, is deeply rooted in the concept of courtly love, a prominent theme in the literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Courtly love is characterized by...
Courtly LoveLiterary CriticismRomeo and Juliet
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2 Pages 911 Words
Quote: ‘just because everything's different doesn't mean anything has changed’ - Irene Peters Young people often make irrational decisions that determine the outcome of their lives. William Shakespeare’s Dramatic Tragedy Romeo and Juliet (1895) explores love and how characters can hold more responsibility than fortune does. Irene Peter’s quote, ‘Just because everything is different doesn’t mean that anything has changed’,...
Literary CriticismRomeo and JulietTragedy
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2 Pages 1058 Words
Apart from the overarching theme of marriage deals, social status, and interpersonal relationships, Austen interweaves characters and community into liminality and personal growth journeys. Consequently, this personal self-reflection and rectification will result in the heroines instilling social change. Austen places the Dashwood sisters in a position where their personal growth is urgent, setting them amidst a social world that is...
CharacterLiterary CriticismSense and Sensibility
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1 Page 416 Words
The Journey Towards Greater Insight and Death The Babylonian Epic of the valiant hero Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, consists of a series of episodes, which all primarily center on one theme, human attitudes towards death. By focusing on one person’s struggle to accept death as one of the fundamental conditions of life. The epic stresses the journey to greater existential...
Epic of GilgameshLiterary Criticism
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1 Page 501 Words
Wilde was actually looking to ridicule the rigid aristocratic lifestyle by observing their snob-ism through a tale of romantic webs and dual identities. Being an aristocrat himself, Wilde had other feelings as to what an aristocrat should really be: not superficial or materialistic, but more intelligent, well-educated, and passionate about true life morality, and ethics. Wilde had the right idea...
Literary CriticismOscar Wilde
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2 Pages 1106 Words
Jack creates an alternate identity in order to take a break from sides of his life that become straining. To further explain, when he is bored he leaves the country and goes to the city to help his pretend brother who he has named Ernest, this is the man Gwendolyn thinks she is marrying. Society is so structured and pulls...
Literary CriticismOscar Wilde
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4 Pages 1287 Words
The Lottery, a chilling short story written by Shirley Jackson, has long captivated readers with its haunting portrayal of a seemingly idyllic small town. This essay delves into the key elements that make The Lottery a thought-provoking literary piece. Exploring the significance of the setting, the tragic fate of Tessie Hutchinson, and its contribution to cultural awareness, we will unravel...
Literary CriticismThe Lottery
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2 Pages 823 Words
Reality is filled with an uneven balance of fate and free will, with free will being a stronger force. A person may have his or her life planned to the last second, but a random force may intervene and can affect the person’s future instantly. Some belief in destiny, claiming that our lives are predetermined at birth. Others believe that...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus the King
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3 Pages 1380 Words
A single protagonist or antagonist is difficult to identify throughout the play Antigone. The author, Sophocles, allows the audience to see all sides of the same story by relying on the neutrality of the Elders who narrate the plot. Considering the time period of the writing, it is surprising that two characters who compete for the spotlight are women. Antigone...
AntigoneLiterary CriticismProtagonist
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1 Page 427 Words
Nobel prize-winning author, Pearl S. Buck, reflects societal systems through the symbolism of characters and their values in the book, The Good Earth. As the story progresses, the context builds up mostly through dialogue and the thoughts of the protagonist, Wang-Lung and The season of spring is the time of the year that flowers bloom and trees grow. The southern...
Literary CriticismStreet Beggars
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5 Pages 2329 Words
Inside the debate on cinema and literature, particularly on cinematographic adaptations of literary works, the name Pier Paolo Pasolini inevitably has great relevance. Eclectic artist, critic, poet, and distinguished expert of classical languages he was, in fact, among the very few post-war artists capable of producing both arts (cinema and literature) obtaining results of great international impact. In regard to...
Literary CriticismOedipusOedipus Rex
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2 Pages 735 Words
Everyone loves a happy ending, and it can be argued that the average reader or viewer of work expects everything to work out fine by the end of a story. When an author of a work of literature chooses to leave the reader with an unhappy ending, it leaves an immense impact on the unexpecting reader. For instance, after a...
Epic of GilgameshLiterary Criticism
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2 Pages 880 Words
Antigone by Sophocles Antigone is convinced that she will be obeying the law of the gods by burying her brother, Polyneices, in honor, although against the command of King Creon. Antigone decides to disobey the King’s decree of leaving her brother’s body to rot, after he is killed by his own brother, Eteocles. Antigone argues that doing so would be...
AntigoneLiterary CriticismTragedy
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