Literary Devices essays

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2 Pages 721 Words
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“Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality,” by Emily Dickinson. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson has become one of the greatest American poets. Her unique style of writing has become iconic in the poetry world. No one can quite capture her ability to write. However, out...
5 Pages 2252 Words
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INTRODUCTION Things Fall Apart is an African novel written by famous Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. The novel chronicles the life of Okonkwo, the leader (chief) of an Igbo community. It follows the events leading up to his banishment from the community for accidentally killing a clansman, through the seven years of his exile, to his return. It also addresses problems...
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3 Pages 1533 Words
In Edgar Allan Poe’s gothic tales the use of literary devices such as setting, symbolism, and point of view are frequently used to reveal significant aspects of a central character. This can be portrayed in the short stories by Edgar Allen Poe's tell-tale heart, the black cat, the fall of the house of the usher. The gothic tales are used...
Edgar Allan PoeLiterary DevicesSymbolism
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3 Pages 1209 Words
Introduction The Yellow Wallpaper is a high literary piece written in the late 1890s by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, an active feminist writer who explored various taboo subjects through her literature. The story is primarily about a modern, upper-middle-class narrator confined to a resting cure in the upper rooms of a rental home filled with new-moneyed versions of "the common people,"...
Literary DevicesThe Yellow Wallpaper
like 363
2 Pages 911 Words
The definition of the word ‘ransom’ is the sum paid to the kidnappers for the safe return of a kidnapped person. Yet, in O. Henry’s story ‘The Ransom of Red Chief’, the opposite happens. The kidnappers are compelled to pay a fee to the abductee’s father to take the kidnapped boy off their hands. In the story, Sam and Bill...
Literary DevicesShort Story
like 433
2 Pages 709 Words
Human rights are an ongoing universal issue. They are the so-called rights inherent to all human beings regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Throughout time, when...
Literary DevicesSongSong Analysis
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2 Pages 1185 Words
Stevland Hardaway Morris (né Judkins) professionally known as Stevie Wonder was virtually born blind on May 13, 1950. This a fact worth mentioning, as this may have contributed to Stevie’s inclination towards music and multi-instrumentation from a young age. In 1954 Stevie’s family moved to Detroit where he began singing in the choir at Whitestone Baptist Church. By 1962 Stevie...
Literary DevicesSongSong Analysis
like 182
2 Pages 891 Words
The author uses the influence of storytelling to communicate religious persecution as a key concern to their audience. Wyndham uses religious persecution as the main issue to show how it caused individuals to live in fear and its cruel punishments. John Wyndham wrote the Chrysalids during the 1950s. He displayed speculative fiction to the audience by analyzing world trends and...
Literary DevicesPrejudice
like 271
2 Pages 780 Words
The novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the life of a Puritan woman named Hester Prynne who commits adultery. Hawthorne uses the repetition of various motifs throughout the novel because he wants to convey to the reader that sin should not prevent a person from living. From the very beginning of the novel, Hawthorne employs the motifs of...
FictionLiterary DevicesThe Scarlet Letter
like 316
2 Pages 783 Words
Introduction Literary allusions are a profound means through which writers enrich their narratives, embedding layers of meaning that transcend the immediate text. By invoking themes and symbols from established works, authors connect with a shared cultural and literary heritage. This essay examines allusions in notable works such as "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold, "The Tyger" by William Blake, and the...
Literary DevicesThe Tyger
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3 Pages 1177 Words
In the novel, ‘Kindred’ by Octavia Butler, and the poem ‘Harlem’ by Langston Hughes, they both use symbolism to communicate how racism destroys the dreams and ambitions of those affected by its grasp. The poem ‘Harlem’ by Langston Hughes uses symbolism to communicate how racism destroys the dreams and ambitions of those affected by its grasp. Hughes opens the poem...
KindredLangston HughesLiterary Devices
like 283
1 Page 547 Words
The story of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is narrated by Scout in an uncertain future, in the form of a flashback. That way, it is possible to monitor closely the formation of character in character during childhood. The simple narrative provides a readable to get involved quickly, where the point of view of Scout adds sweetness and a nostalgic tone...
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3 Pages 1541 Words
In order to often better connect with stories, the use of literary techniques is extremely important, as it allows the reader to personally engage with the text. Such a technique is used by the author of the novel ‘Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close’, Jonathan Safran Foer, a story about a 9-year-old New Yorker, Oskar Schell, who is seeking closure of...
3 Pages 1219 Words
The recent rise of suburbia in mainstream media has promoted the suburban lifestyle to be the most desirable and ideal way of life. However, when understood in depth, suburbia often hides a deceptive façade as a means to achieve a sense of social superiority. The short story, ‘The Swimmer’ (Cheever, 1964), explores the social and psychological repercussions of the constant...
Literary DevicesThe Swimmer
like 273
2 Pages 971 Words
Individual and social sacrifices are prevalent in A Tale of Two Cities. Charles forgoes the family legacy to hide the stigma of his family’s immoral conduct. For the sake of his eventual dignity, Dr. Manette chooses to forgo his independence. Many French lives were sacrificed in the revolution to ultimately eliminate dictatorship. All in all, sacrifice guides both ordinary people...
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3 Pages 1422 Words
“We must believe in free will because we have no choice.” This event was one of the most profound statements that have ever been spoken to me, and I heard it from my grandfather, Grandpa Bob, days before he passed away. The reason he uttered these words while in the hospital was because of a conversation that triggered a discussion...
AllegoryLiterary Devices
like 432
3 Pages 1356 Words
In the play ‘No Exit’, Jean-Paul Sartre implements the ideas of the philosophy of ontology and consciousness. In exploration of these philosophical ideas, like ontology, which is the ‘study of what exists’, the author works to emphasize the importance of self-awareness. Ontology, itself, categorizes the nature of existence into three states of being. These states of being include: being-in-itself, being-for-itself,...
ConsciousnessIronyLiterary Devices
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3 Pages 1455 Words
“You can't tell any quite a story while not having some kind of a subject matter, one thing to mention between the lines”(Robert Wise). a subject matter is that the message or messages Associate in Nursing author is making an attempt to convey by incorporating them into their writing. Theme plays a very necessary role in each book, serving it...
AllegoryLiterary DevicesThe Scarlet Letter
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4 Pages 1855 Words
Introduction: The crucible, By Arthur Miller, has been relevant to many different groups across the world, throughout history. The conception of corruption prevailing and the truth being disregarded are the main focuses of the text. They relate to the major human experience that shapes our responses and reactions to heavy-weight world conflicts. That in the face of conflict true human...
AllegoryLiterary DevicesThe Crucible
like 432
1 Page 561 Words
Creative writing can be defined as writing that imaginatively expresses ideas and thoughts ( Creative writing can be designated into three types which are fictional prose, non-fictional prose, and poetry. In this assignment, I will give my creative response to ‘Manjhi Moves a Mountain’ by Nancy Churnin, which is prose non-fiction, and poetry written by Shakespeare, Sonnet 18. ‘Manjhi Moves...
Literary DevicesSonnet
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1 Page 567 Words
Whilst at first glance this poem, Aboard at a ship’s Helm by Walt Whitman, is displaying the scene of a ship at sea, the closer one looks the more apparent it becomes that this is merely an overall metaphor for someone who is beginning to take control of their life, steering it in the direction that they want by making...
Literary DevicesMetaphor
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1 Page 521 Words
The Great Gatsby was written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald back in 1925. It continues to be one of the most studied novels in the modern world. It discusses themes such as the wealth of the ‘old money’ society, segregation, and the illusion of the American Dream. Gatsby was a young man who ran to accomplish astonishing wealth. Despite his more...
Literary DevicesMetaphorThe Great Gatsby
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2 Pages 983 Words
As fictionalizations of universal human experiences, fairy tales have the capacity to communicate core societal values and expectations essential to an individual’s survival within a particular context. The modification of literary fairy tales over diverse contexts enables composers to expound reflection on the cultural context. Prevalent ideologies Through the reimagining of the traditional oral tale, Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH),...
Literary DevicesMetaphor
like 444
4 Pages 1621 Words
The short stories can be comprehended as the modern-day written version of tales rendering the folktales that are mostly written with many moral insights and cultural values. Allan H. Pasco, a distinguished professor of Nineteenth-Century Literature, defines a short story as short, literary prose fiction, open to any topic or material, but the deciding factor is usually not the presence...
AllegoryLiterary DevicesShort Story
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2 Pages 833 Words
“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.” The preceding quote is an excerpt from Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” which is a novella about Gregor, a salesman, who unexpectedly turns into a huge, unidentified insect one morning. ‘The Metamorphosis” is an allegory for humankind and Gregor’s...
AllegoryLiterary DevicesMetamorphosis
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2 Pages 873 Words
Native Son opens with the ringing bell of an alarm clock—a wake-up call not only for Bigger and his family but also a warning to America as a whole about the dangerous state of race relations in the country in the 1930s. Wright sees a black population that, though freed from outright slavery, still lives under terrible conditions, is unable...
Literary DevicesMetaphorNative Son
like 304
1 Page 650 Words
In the modern context, the concept of ‘old’ and ‘new’ money is difficult for an average reader to understand. With a massive influx into the ranks of the hyper-rich by those who have gained their wealth through means like the Internet, values and perceptions of these concepts have drastically changed. Today's culture among developed nations romanticizes the concept of a...
AllegoryLiterary DevicesThe Great Gatsby
like 271
2 Pages 1146 Words
“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.” Barbara De Angelis When you hear the name Shakespeare, what comes to mind? I am sure it’s his timeless play,...
Literary DevicesMetaphorRomeo and Juliet
like 432
2 Pages 881 Words
In the allegorical novel, Lord of The Flies, author William Golding explores the essence of human nature in its purest form. From a group of stranded boys on an island to create an inner 'beast', Golding writes a story about the inevitable deterioration of order and civility when evil arises in mankind. Golding reveals harsh truths about the boys' savagery...
AllegoryLiterary DevicesLord of The Flies
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