Literature Review essays

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2 Pages 1036 Words
Media and Politics: Has the media positively or negatively affected the Trudeau government? Introduction Has the media positively or negatively affected the Trudeau government? Social media use during the past decade has become prevalent in Canada, and its purpose has been more and more politicized. Globally, Canada possesses one of the best media sectors. The growth of social medias political...
ImpactLiterature ReviewMedia Bias
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3 Pages 1190 Words
The story of “Antigone” begins after the death of Eteocles and Polynices, Antigone’s two brothers. Their father, Oedipus, had left the throne to Polynices, but Eteocles took the throne for himself and exiled his brother which resulted in a war that killed them both. Because Eteocles died as King of Thebes, Creon, their uncle and now the king, ordered for...
AntigoneLiterature ReviewValues
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2 Pages 1087 Words
Linda Rodriguez McRobbie address in her article ‘Should We Stop Keeping Pets? Why More and More's Ethicists Say Yes’, right of animal’s self-determination. Dr. Hal Herzog, cited by McRobbie, claimed we give our pets the characteristics of a family but restrain them with our choices. McRobbie argues that keeping pets is unethical and people are taking away their freedom. Even...
Literature ReviewPets
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4 Pages 1605 Words
This article essay reviews ‘When Markers Meet Marketing: Ethnicity, Race, Hybridity, and Kinship in Genetic Genealogy Television Advertising’ (Scodari, December 2017). This review includes a summary, discussion, and critique about the article mentioned. It includes many topics including DNA analysis and its relationship with ethnicity, race, hybridity, and many more. This review manages to discuss each point and topic in...
DNALiterature Review
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2 Pages 757 Words
This article is about the impact of TV violence on children and adolescents by Barbara Frazier. The first section of this article informs about how TV violence can influence and change children’s values, behaviors, attitudes, and ways of thinking. Barbara Frazier wrote about how the regular offering of TV in today’s media is characterized by a lot of violence. Many...
ChildrenLiterature ReviewMedia Violence
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1 Page 677 Words
Reviewed double_ok
‘The Moment Before the Gun Went Off’ is a story written by Nadine Gordimer. It is a narrative of a white farmer named Marais Van der Vyver, whose gun accidentally shoots and kills his young black man farmer, Lucas. The story's plot is strongly influenced by the apartheid policy, the segregation of whites and non-whites and the white supremacy for...
Literature ReviewShort Story
like 467
4 Pages 1789 Words
By simply reading the titles of Mary Oliver’s poems you can see how she connects with nature, not only nature its self but with the characteristics of nature such as animals and seasons. Mary Oliver’s poems are titled after an animal with a characteristic of nature for instance ‘Turtle’, ‘Black Snake’, ‘The Snow Cricket’ and so on. Her main focus...
Literature ReviewPoetry
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1 Page 603 Words
The article I chose to write about is a brief insight to how ‘good’ differentiates from ‘evil’. ‘Difference Between Good and Evil’ was written by Manisha Kumar. She starts the article by explaining it from philosophers’ point of view which to sum up is that good cannot exist without bad and the same is true for the other way round....
Good and EvilLiterature Review
like 359
2 Pages 925 Words
The story ‘The Swimmer’ by John Cheever is described as the swimming journey of Neddy in the neighborhood, as an active and optimistic father and husband. “It was one of those midsummer Sundays when everyone sits around saying, ‘I drank too much last night’”. Despite joining a cocktail party, he agreed that he would swim his way home through different...
Literature ReviewShort StoryThe Swimmer
like 432
2 Pages 903 Words
The environment of an individual’s identity shapes the community’s identity due to isolation. When coming together everyone has so much to express and share as everyone has missed out on so much due to being Australian bush men or women. ‘Our Pipes’ and ‘The Drover’s Wife’ explore the culture, identity, and language on both an individual and community aspect. The...
Literature ReviewPersonal IdentityShort Story
like 432
3 Pages 1274 Words
Introduction 'The story of an Hour is a short story written by an American author, Kate Choplin. This story takes place at Mallard Residence, the home of Brently and Louise Mallard. As we read the passage of the story, we will know how Mrs. Louise Mallard mourned her husband's death -Mr. Brently Mallard. It only shows how Mrs. Mallard loves...
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4 Pages 1936 Words
Benjamin Constant was a Swiss-French philosopher, one of the firsts to be called a liberal. This essay concerns with Constant’s classical text ‘The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns’, which he had addressed to the Athenee Royal de Paris in 1819. This essay-lecture, written in the wake of the French revolution, presents in an argumentative and a suggestive...
LibertyLiterature Review
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2 Pages 1081 Words
This critical review will be analyzing the article ‘The Self in a Consumer Society’ by Zygmunt Bauman (1999). The article is concerned with consumer culture, the economic differences it produces in a postmodern era, and the confines it creates primarily for the working class. To review the article, I aim to summarize and review these points through evaluations and judgements....
ConsumerismLiterature Review
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1 Page 552 Words
In recent years, open-plan offices have been the subject of considerable controversy. This journal argues that the benefits of open-plan offices which can be defined as the interior office space without the partition of wall or door are less than the disadvantages of it and the main reason for the dissatisfaction with the open-plan offices is the lack of privacy...
Job SatisfactionLiterature Review
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2 Pages 927 Words
The main arguments of John Mearsheimer relied on the development, nature and fate of liberal hegemonic order. He is a well-known ‘offensive realist’ and his central argument relied mainly on the long-standing intention of creating the world in the American image through liberal thoughts and institutional arrangements. The concept of liberal democracy started with two fundamental assumptions about human nature,...
DemocracyLiberalismLiterature Review
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4 Pages 1802 Words
In ‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ Brecht undertakes a redefinition of motherhood. The true mother is no longer she who has borne the child, but she who is most useful to it: “What there is shall go to those who are good for it, / Children to the motherly, that they prosper”. Brecht’s notes to the play, which speak of ‘motherly...
Literature ReviewMotherhood
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2 Pages 924 Words
Introduction Margaret Atwood's seminal work, The Handmaid's Tale, published in 1985, remains a pivotal piece of dystopian literature that continues to resonate with contemporary audiences. Set in the fictional Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian regime that supplants the United States, the narrative explores themes of power, control, and gender oppression. Through the protagonist, Offred, Atwood crafts a chilling portrayal of...
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2 Pages 1046 Words
Commencing Margret Atwood’s revealing work of dystopian literature in ‘The Handmaid's Tale’, Passage 1 acts as an introduction to Gilead’s oppressive state, as well as offering an inside look into Offred’s contemplations on rebellion; a sentiment that carries across the rest of the following passages. Sleeping in “what used to be a gymnasium”, a sense of longing and clinging to...
Literature ReviewThe Handmaid’s Tale
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5 Pages 2229 Words
1. Introduction Pollution is when a harmful substance is introduced to the environment causing damage to living beings. Pollution can be found in many aspects of life such as marine, air, and soil pollution; with air pollution posing a great health risk to humans (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Air pollution has numerous causes and effects. According to Kampa and Castanas...
2 Pages 844 Words
The genre of science fiction often explores how technology hinders people’s ability to perceive the world around them. Technology has improved several aspects of peoples lives, for example, phones have given people the ability to communicate with people all over the world and provides instant entertainment. However, through extreme technological advancement, people are unaware of the negative effects before it...
2 Pages 725 Words
In most cases, feelings, emotions, and passions don’t seem to have a proper role in the truth that logic aims to achieve. Various logical fallacies stem from them, making such human experiences a nuisance to the pursuit of objective truths. We lose sight of the actual argument and topic because of argumentum ad hominem, and misericordiam, baculum and appeal to...
Literature ReviewThe Giver
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1 Page 457 Words
“This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona.” By using background stories and third-person narratives, it introduces readers to tense relationships and seeks self-identity from the perspective of Native Americans. Alexei showed the audience the personal conflict and broken relationship between loved ones leading to the guidance, understanding, and guidance of the internal struggle. The author encourages others to...
Literature ReviewShort Story
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1 Page 547 Words
Within the closing remarks of his outstanding work Mans Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl set the stage for which meaning-orientated therapy (Logotherapy) was to be born. For Frankl, human beings were meaning-seeking creatures; compasses tilted towards meaning; towards carrying out the appropriate activities that could help to contextualise a purposeful future, despite the inherent trials of life, or external tragedies...
Literature ReviewMeaning of LifePersonal Life
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2 Pages 984 Words
Introduction In an era where literature serves as a mirror to society, contemporary works have evolved to encapsulate a distinctive set of ethics that reflect current values and dilemmas. The dynamic nature of modern societal issues such as climate change, identity politics, and technological advancements has necessitated a reevaluation of ethical standards within literature. Contemporary literature not only explores these...
CharacterEthicsLiterature Review
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2 Pages 749 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Today we are discussing how modern texts like 10 Things I Hate about You has borrowed an older text like The Taming Of the Shrew by comparing and contrasting different elements of both stories. Characters are a significant part of both the Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate about You as they drive the story as a...
Literature ReviewTaming of the Shrew
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2 Pages 1122 Words
It is in our blood as humans to have the need for meaning in our life, but did we ever consider the questions; what is that meaning we constantly search in need, will we ever find it, and how? American philosopher Susan Wolf asks lots of questions but many of them concern what we should do with our lives also,...
Literature ReviewMeaning of LifePersonal Life
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6 Pages 2624 Words
Sandel, M. J. (2015). Justice: What’s the right thing to do? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Introduction: Harvard professor Michael J. Sandel’s “Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” second half follows the same formula as the first half.After exposing readers to three philosophies regarding the term justice, Sandel moves from introducing readers to the contemporary philosophies of Bentham,...
JusticeLiterature ReviewSociety
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2 Pages 1095 Words
Chronic Sleep Deprivation Chronic sleep deprivation (CSD), sleep less than 6 hrs a day over a long period of time, is a prevalent condition exiting among many adults and teenagers worldwide, which leads to various lasting effects on brain and health. This essay explores natures of a review article regarding CSD as well as the journal the article is published-in,...
Literature ReviewSleepSleep Deprivation
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