Marginalize states ” to relegate an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group”. Steinbeck portrays the theme of marginalization because it foments racism, sexism, and social exclusion. It is important throughout the book because it sets the tone, and develops the attitudes of each character and the way they act. In Of Mice and Men, marginalized people who are neglected by society, create a society of their own; they share their dreams and help each other out, although they are all different from each other. In this novel characters like Lennis, George, Candy, and Curleys wife are marginalized from society.
Lennie is pushed aside because he is an extremely troubled character based on his mental disability. Curry takes advantage of Lennie's lack of control and independence and starts working for him. Although Lennis suffers from exclusion he has George by his side, he suffers social injustice because of his lack of money. Lennis isn't as lonely as he is with George but he has to take “responsibility” and “care” for Lennie's actions. Even though this is a weight on George's shoulders they need each other in order to survive“Well, we ain't like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. If they other guys get in jail they can rot for all anybody cares” ( Steinbeck 8.1-2) This demonstrates the loneliness and segregation within society.
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Curley's wife is one of the only female characters in the novel. She faces a lot of discrimination from boys and isn't even putten a name. She is treated as an object throughout the Novel and is represented as an “attraction” towards Lennie. Curley's attitude towards other people makes everybody avoid her which leads her to want more social interaction. She is on the margins of society because she is a woman in a male environment, the ranch, and is very lonely. “Think I don’t like to talk to someone every once in a while.” ( Steinbeck 8. 13-14) This demonstrates that Curley's wife is so unhappy because she doesn't have anybody and wishes to have a “different” life.
Crooks is a character in the Novel who takes care of horses and lives by himself because of his skin color. He is a black man in a very racist time and in the country viewed as an “outsider” to the rest of the people of the ranch. Crooks is not allowed in the bunkhouse with the white ranch hands. Steinbeck shows Crook's dignity and pride through the book when he will not 'accept charity' from anyone. He is conscious that once he is no longer useful he will be “thrown out” which makes Crooks Lonely and insecure. 'You have no right to come into my room. This here's my room. Nobody got any right in here but me.'
( Steinbeck 4.7-8)” It demonstrates the attitude Crooks has towards people based on the treatment society has given to him.
Steinbeck portrays the theme of marginalization because it foments racism, sexism, and social exclusion. Throughout the novel, we get to understand the different perspectives and interactions between them. Readers are guided into believing the decisions the characters make are the right ones based on the difficulties and challenges they have faced in their lives. Each character that is marginalized has an effect on the Novel, it shapes the entire story and teaches us about friendship and the effect society has made on these different groups.