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Essay on Human Anatomy: Types of Simulation in Radiography

4 Pages 1818 Words
Abstract In the radiologic sciences program, radiation is a major factor that causes students to practice positions in another way. The technique is called simulation. Simulation allows the student to go through an experience without it being a real event but still lets the student get an idea how it would be if it was real. There are a few...

Essay on Why Should Vaccines Be Mandatory

3 Pages 1314 Words
A few years back, I remember bringing home a newsletter, informing parents about mandatory vaccinations. You know, the ones they gave back when we were in grade 7. My parents weren’t really into the whole idea of letting some people poke some needles into my arm, but of course, they signed off because they wouldn’t want me to get suspended....
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Use of Lasers in Dentistry

3 Pages 1385 Words
Laser was put in or introduced in dentistry in 1960s. Then, a persistent range of studies were made on various applications of laser in dental practice. The two major types of lasers were came in terms of clinical implementations: hard lasers such as (CO2) carbon dioxide, neodymium–yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG), and erbium–yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) with both hard and soft...
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Dentistry's Role in Antibiotic Crisis: Reducing Impact

3 Pages 1139 Words
Antibiotic resistance might be a term far disconnected from the world of dentistry; however, it remains to be one of the biggest threats to public health in the 21st century. Data from the CDC (Centre of Diseases Control and Prevention) reports that antibiotic resistance is responsible for 25,000 deaths in the EU per year and this is set to increase...

Deformities in the World of Dentistry

2 Pages 917 Words
There are many deformities that exist in the world of dentistry ranging from the head down to the neck. Deformities are common condition that are linked to birth defects or genetics (Merriam-Webster, 2019). They can be mild abnormalities to more severe defects that can require surgical correction. Because some conditions can be severe and detrimental to the patient’s well-being, they...
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Smart Materials in Pediatric Dentistry

4 Pages 1605 Words
McCabe et al. defined smart materials as materials whose properties might be changed in a controlled manner by improvements, such as stress, temperature, moisture, pH and electric or magnetic fields. A key feature of smart behavior includes an ability to come back to the first state after the upgrade has been evacuated. These materials respond to environmental changes or external...

Nanotechnology in Interdisciplinary Dentistry

3 Pages 1219 Words
“Science means constantly walking a tightrope between blind faith and curiosity; between expertise and creativity; between bias and openness; between experience and epiphany; between ambition and passion; and between arrogance and conviction - in short, between an old today and a new tomorrow”, - Heinrich Rohrer. The concepts that gave an idea of nanotechnology were first discussed in 1959 by...

Maximizing Air Force Readiness with Preventive Dentistry

3 Pages 1325 Words
The Air Force Medical Services aims to support the mission by the implementation of full spectrum medical readiness. Air Force dentists should strive to deliver quality care and encourage healthy behaviors in order to maintain medically ready airmen. The best way to improve oral health is by focusing on low-cost prevention rather than high-cost treatment. Preventive dentistry aims to reduce...

Forensic Dentistry and Its Importance

3 Pages 1408 Words
Forensic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that collides with the legal system. It is defined as an investigational part of dentistry where professionals examine, evaluate, analyze and present dental evidence for recognition of human identity. Adding to that this field can be split into forensic odontology which is the study of prostheses, jaws, teeth, dental appliances and bite marks...

CEREC Vs Traditional Crowns: Pros and Cons in Dentistry

3 Pages 1468 Words
Crowns date back almost 4,000 years. Skeletons in Asia have revealed golden caps and gold tooth replacements on teeth. Unlike back then dentistry has become more esthetic with patients wanting tooth-colored crowns instead of gold or alloys. Patients prefer people not knowing they have received dental work. A purpose to a crown is to protect the structure of the tooth...
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Application of Technology in Dentistry

4 Pages 1922 Words
Technology in dentistry and medicine has both risks and benefits, but the benefits outweigh the risks that are carried for the patient. Diagnosing and treating in healthcare has evolved dramatically since the adoption of technology. Decades ago, visiting the dentist wasn’t something a person desired to do or had a positive experience with. Technology has had a big impact in...

Covid-19: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 863 Words
For more than a year, people from many countries have been living through the peak of the global COVID-19 pandemic around the world, which has caused serious and terrible consequences, because of this, there is now a chase for the development of the necessary vaccines. A large number of health officials are calling on their societies to get vaccinated in...

Argumentative Essay About Vaccines

3 Pages 1556 Words
Argumentative Essay Topic: Vaccinations General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: I want to argue why vaccinations should be mandatory for everybody of all ages. Thesis Statement: The Federal Government should make vaccinations mandatory for everybody because: (1) vaccines are designed to protect us and others from certain diseases; (2) vaccines are one of the easiest ways to protect our health;...

Vaccines Should not Be Mandatory Essay

2 Pages 918 Words
Vaccines: A Plague on Society, a non-profit dedicated to fighting vaccination, published the tragic story of a young child named Gabriel Barker. (Learn The Risk) Gabriel’s story is one of horror and pain, but not uncommon among the community of individuals who have firsthand seen the negative side effects of vaccines. Gabriel had been a very advanced child by...

Why You Should Get Vaccinated Persuasive Essay

4 Pages 1454 Words
Vaccination is one of human history's most significant medical achievements, offering unparalleled protection against many infectious diseases. This essay explores the multifaceted aspects of vaccination, tracing its history from early developments to its indispensable role in modern healthcare. Vaccines have been pivotal in combating infectious diseases, leading to a dramatic decline in morbidity and mortality rates globally. This journey into...

Parental Right to Decide to Not Vaccinate Their Children

2 Pages 791 Words
The controversy of whether parents should have the right to abstain from vaccinating their children, has become a prominent debate in the media. As it stands, parents legally have the choice to not vaccinate their children. The controversial arguments surrounding this topic have been heightened particularly by the recent reappearance of illnesses which have not been diagnosed for years, as...

The Positive and Negative Consequences of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

5 Pages 2079 Words
Abstract COVID-19 is an ailment triggered by a new coronavirus; this illness is known as 2019-nCoV and linked to the same family of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. This disease has started in China on 31 December 2019 and then permeated globally. This paper is going to look at four aspects resulting from COVID-19 pandemic. The first one is the economic...

COVID-19 Influences to Dentistry and Possible Salivary Analysis

3 Pages 1411 Words
Summary A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is associated with human-to-human transmission. The COVID-19 was recently identified in saliva of infected patients. In this point-of-view article, we discuss the potential of transmission via the saliva of this virus. The COVID-19 transmission via contact with droplets and aerosols generated during dental clinical procedures is expected. There is a need to increase investigations to...

Origin, Evolution and Development of Vaccine of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

2 Pages 700 Words
On the 31st of December 2019 in Wuhan city Hubei province of china there were multiple cases of patients presenting pneumonia due to an unknown virus. Chinese authorities had then confirmed they had identified the virus by utilising next-generation sequencing. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is the name that had been given to the viral pathogen. Currently there are cases...

Vaccine Mandates Are A Must: For Or Against?

3 Pages 1174 Words
Every year millions die from vaccine-preventable diseases, the majority of which are children. Vaccinations have been around for centuries and as society ages, vaccines improve. There have been increases in the development of new vaccinations and the number of modifications being made on older vaccines. There are seventeen highly recommended vaccines from the CDC, who is in charge of creating...

Impact Of PCV Vaccination On S. Pneumoniae

6 Pages 2438 Words
Pneumonia remains the second biggest killer of children under five years of age and is responsible for one-sixth of child deaths in the African region [2], and disproportionately affects children from poor and disadvantaged households [3]. One important strategy to help reduce under-five mortality to 25 per 1,000 live births by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 3) is the reduction in...

Drug Formulation: A Science Or Not A Science?

7 Pages 3242 Words
What is drug formulation? The definition of the drug (pharmaceutical) formulation states that it is the process in which different chemical substances and/or biochemical substances, such as active chemical substances will be combined together to produce a final medical compound i.e., medical drug . The term ‘formulation’ can however mean not only the inputs and process of manufacturing the drug,...

The Anti-vaccine Movement Infecting Modern Medicine

3 Pages 1182 Words
Vaccines save lives; fear endangers lives. While opposition to vaccines is as old as the vaccines themselves, vaccines work. They have kept children healthy and most importantly, alive. Most vaccines given in childhood years are around 90-99% effective in preventing disease. So why would you keep such an advantage away from your child? The anti-vaccination movement has become a global...

Vaccination: Save And Grace Or Death And Mourn

4 Pages 2047 Words
Six pounds, seven ounces, nineteen and a half inches. Brown eyes and a full head of blonde hair. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. You spring out of bed to hear your newborn has awaken. She is your new pride and joy. Every morning when you lift her from her wooden crib, you feel your heart grow warmer. Each look...

A Nation With Vaccination Hesitation

6 Pages 2565 Words
The health of an individual is important for a variety reasons such as well-being and longer lifespans but will all the aliments in the world there some that are worse than others such as measles. The recent measles resurgence has involved the past decade, but the year of 2019 has shown outbreaks increasing at a significant rate including six that...

The Causes And Effects Of Vaccine Hesitancy

3 Pages 1340 Words
Every year, the World Health Organization lists their top ten threats to world health. In 2019, the WHO yearly list included air pollution and climate change, noncommunicable diseases, influenza, antimicrobial resistance, and vaccine hesitancy (Ten health issues WHO will tackle this year).Vaccine hesitancy is defined as “a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services” (The...

The Necessity of Mandatory Vaccination Policies

2 Pages 854 Words
Introduction Vaccination has been heralded as a pivotal advancement in public health, significantly reducing the prevalence of infectious diseases and saving millions of lives. However, the debate about whether vaccination should be mandated by governments remains contentious. Proponents argue that mandatory vaccination is essential for achieving herd immunity and safeguarding public health, while opponents raise concerns about individual autonomy and...

Japanese Vaccination Methods to Boost US Child Vaccine Efficacy

4 Pages 1907 Words
Executive Summary Unfortunately, the United States has a mediocre child vaccination rate, especially when compared to Japan, a country which has one of the highest rates of child vaccination in the world. An analysis is required to understand the reasons behind high child vaccination rates in Japan. Once an analysis is done, key methods utilized by the Japanese government in...

The Solutions Of Anti-vaccination Issues

4 Pages 1613 Words
Usually, in the issue of vaccination, we usually talk about the immunisations which are given to the children and with the consent of their parents. The parents are the main aspect in the life of a child and all that is related to their child’s life even the child’s inoculation. To resolve the issue of anti-vaccination or vaccine hesitancy among...

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