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Why Marijuana Use Should Not be Legalized?

3 Pages 1346 Words
Marijuana has long been known as one of the most popular drug uses. While the pros and cons of utilizing marijuana as a recreational substance remain controversial, it would be more advantageous for not legalizing this drug legal under the law enforcement. To some extent, it could not be denied that legitimatizing marijuana trade is beneficial for taxation purpose. However,...

An Introduction To Music Psychotherapy

1 Page 517 Words
This essay is about providing a clear unified methods to examine the music psychotherapy and came up with a written rules for it that can make it easier to practice it, but the “Kenneth E. Bruscia” says that in term to reach that we should ask the following questions: What is psychotherapy? How is music used for psychotherapeutic purposes? What...

Proper Nutrition in Childhood

1 Page 524 Words
It is vital during adolescence to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The benefits include: more energy, improve mood and creating foundation for healthy lifestyle later in life. During adolescence the human body going through many changes and is growing at a very quick pace (Hopkins Medicine, n.d.). By consuming more fruits, vegetables, complex carbs and lean protein, a young body is...

Should Childhood Vaccinations Be Compulsory?

3 Pages 1153 Words
Currently childhood vaccinations are not compulsory in the UK. Yet, compared to countries like the united states of America the UK’s immunisation rates remain relatively high. However, in recent years concern over the safety of vaccinations has risen and as a result a decrease in vaccinations have been seen. Therefore, the question of making them compulsory rises, as even with...

Why Marijuana should be Legalized

4 Pages 1608 Words
The United States as it grows in an alarming fashion seems to always have problems that grow with it. Out of all the problems that grow in this nation, drug consumption is the largest. Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes, relieving stress, and recreation. Marijuana affects natural mind functions like learning, remembering, or coordination it does not alter other...

Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Causes and Effects

2 Pages 810 Words
Introduction Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication predominantly associated with diabetes mellitus, marked by the presence of high blood glucose levels and ketones in the body. This condition arises when the body lacks sufficient insulin to facilitate the conversion of glucose into energy, leading to the breakdown of fat as an alternative energy source. Consequently, this process results in...

Nutrition Education in Preventing Childhood Obesity in Low-Income Families

5 Pages 2157 Words
Childhood obesity has steadily become a problem in the United States. Data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show an increase of prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents. In addition, a decrease in level of education shows an increase of prevalence of obesity. A study by Rogers et al. (2015), stated childhood obesity is associated with...

The Relation between Fast Food Restaurants and Obesity

4 Pages 1810 Words
ABSTRACT This research proposal focuses on the effect of fast-food restaurants leading to obesity and other health issues in Ireland based on the data of other countries such as America. Those with market-liberal welfare systems continue to have the most significant prevalence of obesity among rich countries. It is often cited in clarification to the effect of inexpensive, affordable, high-energy...

The Relation Between Nutrition And Mental Health In Don Quixote

1 Page 472 Words
One aspect that plays a big role in Don Quixote’s diagnosis is the environment in which he grows up in. His diet may have had a huge effect on his mental stability, which would explain some of his questionable actions. There could be a direct relationship between nutrition and Don Quixote’s mental health. Don Quixote’s relationship with food makes an...

The Moral Justification for Mandatory Immunization

3 Pages 1265 Words
The issue of individual rights versus social responsibilities as a citizen has long been a hotly contested issue in American philosophical and political life. The average American citizen is brought up in an environment imbued with Libertarian and Kantian notions of natural born individual rights. These natural rights often come into harsh contact with what others say are the burdens...

Legalization of Marijuana: Issue and Solution

2 Pages 868 Words
The great Robert Nesta Marley (n.d.) stated that “Herb is the healing of a nation; alcohol is the destruction of mankind”. In February 2015, the Jamaican government and lawmakers passed an act to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana. The terms decriminalization and legalization are often confused. The Oxford dictionary defines decriminalization as the removal of criminal penalties, whereas legalization is...

Legalization of Marijuana in Jamaica

2 Pages 716 Words
According to Dr. Andre Haughton (2019), the Cannabis Consumers Coalition report created in 2017 stated that more than 50% of consumers support policies of legalizing the use of marijuana (Jamaica Gleaner, 2019). With the legalization of marijuana in the works, many Jamaicans have argued about the potential negative health effects. The legalization will prevent law enforcement from penalizing the public...

The Features of Eating Disorders

4 Pages 1804 Words
There are a lot of illnesses, diseases, and addictions in America today. The one we hear the most about is cancer. Cancer has so many variations and forms. Some are curable and some are fatal. The one disease and addiction we don’t hear and know about is eating disorders. “Eating disorders are a very serious problem”, according to Kathleen Merikangas,...

Marijuana: Should it be Legalized?

2 Pages 852 Words
Many people say that marijuana is harmful in many ways, including damage to the reproductive system, brain damage, and weakening of the immune system. I believe that research to support anything can be found if one is looking hard enough, but that the fallacy is due to others research seeking facts to support an assumed conclusion. Based on my research...

A Logical Stance on the Legalization of Marijuana

3 Pages 1392 Words
The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the United States for many years, regardless of the other surrounding countries who have legalized it. As of today, all states, except 17 of them, have legalized marijuana in at least one way, medical or recreational. Marijuana should be legalized because it would benefit us and provide solutions to many...

What Are The Benefits Of Music Therapy?

2 Pages 973 Words
Music Therapy is a modern healing discipline that has gained a lot of popularity in the last few decades. It is quite a broad topic because, despite its recent origins (around the 1950s), it involves many different branches, methods, and approaches. Music Therapy can have a wide variety of aims, according to a patient's need. It can work on both...

Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Canadian Economy

4 Pages 1808 Words
Abstract Before 2018, cannabis is illegal in Canada and was used for medical purpose only. On 17th October Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau legalize marijuana for recreational purposes. It is the naturally grown plant which contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). It is the hot topic to debate in Canada whether it is good for economy and people or...

Economic Impact of Cannabis Legalization in the United States

4 Pages 1817 Words
In April of this year, a poll was conducted by CBS News concerning cannabis legalization at the federal level; results stated that sixty-five percent of Americans favor nationwide legalization of cannabis (De Pinto). For the last century, the United States Federal Government has prohibited the use and possession of cannabis for any purpose, as stated by the Controlled Substances Act...

Social Stigmas and Disordered Eating

2 Pages 989 Words
We live in a time of reckoning when it comes to body image and particularly female body image. From marketing campaigns to hashtag campaigns on Twitter that admonish fat-shaming, to international fashion brands incorporating women with healthy body weight into their print and television advertising, it seems like society, as a whole, has only recently begun to accept that there...

The Healing Symphony: Music Therapy's Role in Hospital Recovery

2 Pages 852 Words
Introduction Music therapy is increasingly recognized as a valuable adjunct to conventional medical treatments, particularly within hospital settings. Its integration into patient care strategies is not merely anecdotal but is supported by a mounting body of empirical evidence. Music therapy, which involves the clinical use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals, offers a non-invasive, holistic approach to recovery that...

The Laws for Marijuana Legalization

2 Pages 972 Words
Much Debate has been conducted on Marjuana legalization, with an unusual amount of contradicting research. There is constant dispute on whether it should be legalized or not, and if legalized, how would the government make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account everyday. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter from...

Marijuana: to Ban or to Legalize?

2 Pages 764 Words
There is no denying that there are many debates globally about marijuana. By now, you should already have some knowledge about this common plant that people are always talking about. There is arguably no industry that is growing at a faster and more consistent pace than legal marijuana in the U.S. In the Marijuana Business Daily's latest report, 'Marijuana Business...

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