Mental Health Essay Examples

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Stress and Its Impact on University Students

1 Page 537 Words
University is a drastic change for many students to handle. It is similar to being thrown into a new world and having to learn a new culture, which can be overwhelming. University students are often subjected to mass amounts of stress, impacting their mental and physical health. Stress can come from a student’s inability to: develop adequate coping skills, maintain...

Stress among University Students

3 Pages 1431 Words
“Stress can be regarded as any internal or external factor, which makes adaption to environment difficult” (Pourrajab, Rabbani & Kasmaienezhadfard, 2014). Among the most affected by high levels of stress are university students. University is one of the most important parts in a student’s life and also one of the most memorable ones. It is the final preparatory step of...

Stigma and Discrimination against People with Mental Illness in Australia

3 Pages 1439 Words
The mental health of a person decides the behavioral patterns, feelings and their relationships with others. A broad spectrum of disorders is included in mental illness (‘Mental Health’). About one-quarter of Australian people are experiencing mental health problems in their lives especially between aged 16-85. The affective disorders like depression, anxiety and substance use disorders such as alcohol use are...

Should Schools Screen Teens for Mental Illnesses? Essay

2 Pages 992 Words
Many teens have mental health problems that get noticed by someone near them while many times it goes unnoticed. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for teens (Klass), making it where teens are more likely to die from a suicide than in a traffic accident, allowing kids to be screened reduces the risk of possible future suicides that...

Psychotropic Drugs: Great Treatment Solution to Mental Illness

5 Pages 2069 Words
Mental illness has evolved over the last couple hundred years. From the theological model of the Middle Ages to today’s modern medicine, it is very clear that the understanding of mental illness has become better understood with time. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2018), “Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination...

Prevalence of Mental Illness in Entertainment Industry

3 Pages 1183 Words
Mental illnesses are health problems that involve how people thinks, behaves, feels, and intercourse with people. Besides, mental illness does not distinguish; it can affect anyone no matter of their age, gender, race, religion, background or other aspects of cultural identity. While mental illness can befall at any age, three-fourths of all mental illness starts at the age of 24...

Post-War Psychological Impact

2 Pages 886 Words
Alexander C. McFarlane’s ‘The Impact of War on Mental Health: Lest We Forget’ is an article that uses the statistics and examples driven language to describe a sense of psychological trauma of people after the war. This article mainly describes the impact of war on mental health. In war, there are countless soldiers sacrificed, countless victims die of diseases and...

Portrayal of Mental Illness in the Works of Goya and Gericault

7 Pages 3185 Words
Having died only four years apart from each other, it seems inevitable that these two extremely influential artists would have had some striking similarities in their work, from their preferred media to their actual subject matter; the large host of struggles they faced led them on a surprisingly similar path, depicting their own mental illness through painting. My practical work...

Poetry as a Cure for Teenage Mental Illness

2 Pages 988 Words
You may think poetry is useless and dull, which it can be, but it also an amazing way to be creative and show what you feel. Poetry dates back thousands of years to the earliest literate cultures, before even written texts. In these times it was used for remembering history or law. Throughout centuries it has evolved into many new...

Mentally Ill People and How We Can Help Them

2 Pages 786 Words
Mental illness is your level of psychological well-being which affects how you think, feel and act that range from not too serious to very serious. Examples of mental illnesses is depression, a mood disorder causing you to feel extremely sad or lose interest in everyday and schizophrenia, causing the person to have a decreased ability to understand reality. They are...

Mental Illness in the 19th Century

2 Pages 803 Words
Mental illness affects a big portion of the US population. The National Alliance on Mental Illness claimed that roughly one in five American citizens experience mental illness at some point during their lives, which is almost 20 percent of the total population (NAMI, 1). With such data available, it is no surprise that the approach toward mental health has changed...

Mental Illness as the Strongest Epidemic of Modern Times

2 Pages 868 Words
The strongest epidemic we face today, mental illness, is maybe not growing as fast as an infectious disease but it is harder to fix as it’s not even acknowledged in a right manner or sometimes not even at all. The issue peeks through popular music as top charts are filled with songs about depression, anxiety, isolation and alienation. These emotions...

Mental Illness and Justice System

2 Pages 940 Words
How are individuals with mental illness approached by law enforcement? Taking calls for service for individuals with serious mental health issues and drug misuse consist of a small portion of police calls, but nevertheless consistent (AMelissa et al., 2018). Dealing with people with serious mental health issues represents roughly about 6-7% of all community contacts (AMelissa et al., 2018). Providing...

Mental Health Crisis Among U.S. Students

2 Pages 1100 Words
Introduction Mental illness among students has emerged as a critical issue in American society, warranting urgent attention and intervention. As educational institutions are pivotal in shaping the future generation, the prevalence of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and stress-related conditions among students poses significant challenges. According to the American College Health Association (2019), nearly 60% of college students...

Mental Health and Illness

2 Pages 988 Words
Introduction Mental health and mental illness are often discussed interchangeably, yet they represent distinct concepts on a spectrum of psychological well-being. Mental health refers to a state of well-being in which individuals recognize their abilities, cope with normal life stresses, work productively, and contribute to their community. Conversely, mental illness encompasses a range of mental health disorders that affect mood,...

Impact of Lack of Sleep on University Students' Academic Performance

2 Pages 1093 Words
As human beings we all have basic needs that have to be met, understanding those needs will help us understand the factors that contribute to the drive to achieve certain goals. Students are preoccupied with many things: classes, work, home life, grades, and health, etc. When students are concerned about certain needs, their behaviors are easily centered on meeting those...

Job with the Highest Depression Rate

2 Pages 988 Words
This paper is talk about the deprecation and how can it effect the worker in their jobs. There are many jobs that can make you depression in some jobs the depression rate is higher than other jobs. Like personal care, food service, social workers, and healthcare. So, what makes those have the higher rate? the reasons that make those jobs...

Job Stress: Causes, Effects and Preventions

6 Pages 2759 Words
Depending on the field, stress can be defined in many ways. This essay will focus on the physiological and psychological effects of stress on humans, more specifically employees in a work setting and its effect on employee well-being, job satisfaction and the organization. In the past few decades, increased work intensification has increased both the amount of job stress experienced...
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It's My Life and My Mental Illness

1 Page 656 Words
Imagine if our society blamed people for being raped and claimed that it was their own life choices that had led them to such a horrific experience. Now, envision putting that shame, on someone who is fighting for their life, someone who is experiencing depression or anxiety. This happens every day, not just to rape victims, but also to the...

Is Mental Illness a Social Construct? Essay

1 Page 546 Words
Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. It can be argued that mental illness is a social construction. Social constructionism states that something only exists because society built it, created it or needed it for its own development or interest (Boghossian, 2001). It will be argued through literatures whether...

From Stress to Peace of Mind

2 Pages 935 Words
Many may describe peace of mind as the state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress, the mind is free of any overcoming issues and is in a positive, up lifted mindset. Achieving peace of mind may feel impossible to many due to the amount of stress and negative factors that play a role in straying...

Chocolate's Impact on Adolescent Depression's Neurological System

4 Pages 1910 Words
The main objective of this paper is to determine, the increase of depression in adolescents aged 16-19 years, in Mexico City, from 2014 to 2018, according to the 'Morbidity Yearbook' of the General Directorate of Epidemiology, to understand the importance of focusing our attention on This type of suffering, given that there is currently an increase in this type of...

Depression Limits Young People's Abilities to Reach Their Goals

3 Pages 1402 Words
Everyone wishes to be somewhere. We all want to succeed in life and live the future we dream of. And for us to achieve that setting goals is one factor which have to be done first before you can proceed which is not always easy as we have to strive hard to get there. This is because challenges will always...

Depression among University Students

3 Pages 1372 Words
Depression is a mental illness that affects 11.3% of adults in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016). Although seemingly a low percentage, depression affects people of all ages at different parts of their life. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 50% of the Canadian population will have, or have had, a mental illness by age 40 (Public...

Alcohol Consumption and Stress within University Students

2 Pages 1116 Words
Alcohol consumption is one of the most significant health concerns around the world. It varies from country to country, but Europe is the heaviest drinking continent in the world with high level of alcohol consumption within United Kingdom and Ireland. One uniquely endangered group is university students mostly young adults aged between 18 and 29 years of age that drink...

To the Bone': Movie Critique and Analysis

3 Pages 1175 Words
‘To the Bone’ focuses on a twenty-year-old college dropout named Ellen (or Eli) who is struggling with anorexia nervosa (AN). Her stepmom is out of treatment options until Ellen meets an unconventional doctor who accepts her into his program, which consists of staying in a group home for six weeks and recovering from eating disorders. The drama is centered around...

Sleep Deprivation Among Nurses in Florida and How to Prevent It

3 Pages 1207 Words
Sleep is an essential physiological need. It is a natural process that helps in human well-being, and it facilitates better physical, mental, and overall health (Filip, Tidman, Saheba, Bennett, Wick, Rouse, & Radfar, 2017). Unfortunately, many Americans do not realize that they are sleep deprived, often feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and drowsy throughout the day (Filip et al., 2017). Sleep...

Causes of Homelessness Essay

5 Pages 2272 Words
Homelessness is a very individualized experience for anyone suffering from it, so finding an exact method for solving it is difficult. It’s similar to how the medicine affects people in different ways or surgical procedures cause different reactions in the body. With more attention, understanding, and support for the problem, there can be significant progress made. Causes of Homelessness There...

Causes of Stress Essay

4 Pages 2070 Words
Introduction to Teen Stress in Today's World Today’s growing youth faces many challenges. Teenagers face the constant struggles of schooling, after-school activities, workloads, and social pressure. With today's society and the growth of technology, teenagers deal with even more stress and pressure than they would’ve twenty-five years ago. Stress is the response to pressure or threat. Stress can make us...

Does Hamlet Kill Himself

2 Pages 849 Words
Should I live or die? He asks if it is nobler to suffer the things that happen to you or to oppose and fight back against them. You could end the trouble or end up killing yourself in the process. To die is to sleep as when you sleep, you are able to end heartaches and shocks. But if everyone...

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